полная версияSimple Truths of Life

Евгений Сергеевич Мешков
Simple Truths of Life

Полная версия

There is a video where that person is engaged in so-called anal “sex” with a man. And in another video, he said that he got disappointed in sex… this is not surprising, given that anal “sex” is not sex. Sex can only be between people who have from birth, by nature, female and male genitals. This shows several things.

First, such people do not know what sex is and unknowingly make serious mistakes, confusing real sex with everything that is not sex.

Secondly, if you read Thiaoouba Prophecy, you will find out that homosexuals are neurotics and should seek a solution to their problem.

Thirdly, since Palantius can only be relaxed between partners of opposite sexes, transsexuals who have sex with a person of their natural sex will not be able to achieve its relaxation. This is one of the reasons why transsexuals, and indeed transgender people, should tell the truth about their birth sex. It is not normal to try to impersonate the other sex, as some heterosexual people are looking for a partner and unknowingly may spend their energy and time courting a person of the same gender.

Then, reading articles about transgender and transsexual people while writing these lines, I came across thoughts about the reluctance of some children to play with dolls, cars and other toys that have become synonymous with girls or boys. These desires have nothing to do with sexual orientation! I, too, have never been drawn to watch football and boxing, as well as playing with toys, but at the same time I am drawn to women.

This whole topic can be summarized as follows. If a person, man or woman, wears clothes that are still synonymous with people of the opposite sex, and he does this because such clothes give him practical benefits, well, or he just likes it, and this person is sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex – then everything is in order with him in terms of psychology, and the person does not make mistakes.

But if a person puts on clothes of the opposite sex in order to be that sex, to feel that gender, then the person has psychological problems. He is making a mistake and he should look for solutions to his problems.

It is also worth writing a clarification that we are not talking about clothes that were clearly made for females: bras; underwear; T-shirts where women's breasts are clearly emphasized, etc. We are talking about ordinary clothes, which are considered “female”, but which could also be physically worn by men, and at the same time the whole garment would have a practical meaning. The same goes for women.

Again, the same balance is visible, which is sometimes difficult to keep and not jump off to the side.

The sooner people understand these simple truths, the better for them. After all, if they make a bunch of mistakes, then psychologically it will be even harder for them to admit that they are wrong, that they just took and crippled their healthy physical bodies.

All these understandings reminded me of “заикание” (stuttering), a “disease” that does not exist, and the cause of speech stuttering is very, very simple – and the solution, therefore, is also very simple. The same is the case with the question of self-identification; people, having no knowledge about reincarnation and the duality of life, have created a problem where it mostly does not exist.

I was excited to realize the above truths. But one thought did not leave me.

In my notes, I wrote to myself to check my conclusions about the lucid dream, where I was in the body of the young woman. I wrote my brief thoughts about homosexuality, and why some people are sexually attracted to members of the same gender. Seeing how simple the reason for transgender people is, which in turn reminded me of the simplicity of stuttering, I wondered – could the reason for homosexuality also be very simple? So simple that it is just hard for us, people who have complicated everything by taking many things to the extremes, to see them? As you may remember my brief reference to the streamer who understood the real reason for stuttering, but, by and large, rejected his thoughts.

Underestimating yourself, or overestimating yourself, are also two erroneous extremes. In the first case, we can understand the simplicity of the true working principle of something, but we will think that: “It's so simple! Surely people would have already known about this… No, the reason must be in something else…”. And the simple truth does not reach society. In the second case, we can simply never ask the question: “Am I really right?”. I asked myself this question.

Thao, an inhabitant of the ninth category planet, would not be living on it if she did not know the truths of life. And when she said that homosexuals are neurotics (when it is not a matter of hormones) – I knew that it was so.

I myself had symptoms of neurosis which, for the most part, I was able to remove on my own from my life through learning and subsequent personal choice to try to live in a different, correct way. And sometimes I thought about what relation a neurosis, a neuropsychiatric disorder (in which people can feel: irritated, angry, sad, guilty, worried, hostile, self-consciousness, vulnerable) can have with the desire of some people to have sex with people of their own gender? Where is the connection? This has been a mystery to me for a long time.

It is important for me to let you understand right away that in Michel Desmarquet's book, in addition to Thao's words that homosexuals are neurotics, there is also a note in parentheses that reads the following: “when it is not a matter of hormones”.23 I asked about this people who communicated with Michel during his lifetime, and I was told that, according to Michel's explanations, homosexuals fit into two groups: those who were born homosexuals due to hormones, and those who were born heterosexual, but in the course of their life “chose” to become homosexual. So, my following reflections only touch on the neurotic side of homosexuality, when people, out of their ignorance, made a choice to become homosexual. As for the hormonal side of homosexuality, I will remain neutral for now.[27] But if the hormonal side of homosexuality is true, I am wondering if the knowledge in the 19% of electrons that were part of one person, and then became part of another person, animal, or plant, has any effect on the body that they form (provided that some part of the memory [or data] in the 19% of electrons is retained and not erased when a new body is created)?

Thus, I decided to search in Google “neurosis homosexuality”. After some time, I clicked on the link leading to the book on Amazon. It is called “Homosexual Neurosis, The” by William Stekel. In the description of the book, I saw lines that immediately resonated with my understandings of the duality of life with erroneous extremes, and with the right golden mean between those extremes.

In my own words, it has been found that a person represses his homosexuality or heterosexuality, as he cannot maintain his bisexuality.

The word “bisexuality” opened my eyes to what is the very golden mean in human relations, and the word “represses”, in turn, shed a light on why some people choose to be homosexual and others heterosexual.

I will say right away that I did not buy that book and, accordingly, did not read it. I only point it out, since it was the description of that book that shed light on the important question of homosexuality. I understand that one of the reasons for overestimating oneself lies in the unwillingness to learn something new, but I have little doubt about my main conclusions, which in any way are based on my personal life experience, as well as on many articles and videos about homosexuality that I read and watched on the Internet for free.

In the above lines from the description of William Stekel’s book, one can see not only the duality of life, but also my conclusions that all people, being part of the single Superior Intelligence, think and feel like people, and not like representatives of any gender.

Why is it important? Because we often go to extremes in what feelings we have for people of our own and opposite sex. Why are we doing this? It is all about the psyche, and how we see the world around us. No wonder Thaora said that on Earth our greatest problems exist in the area of the psyche.

Jesus came to Earth to teach people not only spirituality, but also love. I love the lines in Thiaoouba Prophecy on page 115: “As Jesus said, when we sent him to you almost 2000 years ago: 'Love each other' – but of course…”.24 Of course, I understand that we can only speculate about what Thao would have said if Michel Desmarquet had not interrupted her, but I always suspected she would have said about how people have perverted the concept of love.

Love is not sex. Love someone, feel warm feelings for someone does not mean the need to have sex with that person. Love and sex are completely different concepts. Love, in my own words and briefly, is how you emotionally treat a person. And sex means physical action.

So, if people do not want to make a mistake, they should love each other regardless of gender, but have sex only with a person of the opposite sex, with whom they have love and spiritual affinity (if there is no love or spiritual affinity, then people can separate; and if during their relationship a child was born, then he will experience certain suffering because of life in an incomplete family. And, of course, the parents themselves will sooner or later suffer for their mistake to have sex without thinking about the consequences in the form of children).


This is where the reason for homosexuality lies! Not all people understand these simple truths! Lacking important knowledge, a person who has warm feelings for another person of the same gender may get frightened of these feelings because in society at the present time there is a false notion that this means that such person is a homosexual. I will give a few examples from my personal experience and personal observations.

I have already written about the man in my house entrance who called me a swear word used in statements about gay guys due to the fact (as I assume) that I was in a purple long sleeve T-shirt – the color of “women's” clothes, which I had difficulty finding in Moscow, having searched a bunch of shops and shopping centers. And yes, I have psychological problems, since I simply could not buy “women's” clothes of the right color and wear them.

In childhood, some of my female friends hugged each other and said that they were “bi”, but at the same time, by and large, no one paid attention to them, and they did not seem strange in our eyes. If men began to hug each other seriously, then there would be noise and gossip, as well as strange looks. Porn is also full of videos with homosexual women, which has become a usual and commonplace thing in our minds. But male homosexual videos “live” on their own tab. Someone will say that this is because homosexual girls are more tender than homosexual men… considering what videos I have seen over the years of my life, I would not say so… No, it is about what knowledge we receive from our childhood, when we are unconsciously and unknowingly taught from all sides to discriminate against people in many areas.

Also, in childhood, those who lovingly and warmly treated all people, including members of the same gender, were called homosexuals (to put it mildly). These statements were engraved in the minds of people, since few individuals want to be negatively referred to (here you need certain material and spiritual knowledge in order to calmly live with the negativity coming towards you).

Then on the forums, I often saw messages from guys who watched porn videos where there were only homosexual men, and the guys who asked the question worried that they might also be gay. They would not be worried if society did not condemn them, or if they were able not to have worries about what other people think of them. As I, for example, now understand that we ourselves choose to be offended by bad words addressed to us – we can also choose not to feel offended and simply learn spiritually, if we really made a mistake that led to the negative statement.

Psychology is very, very important, and I know of this from my own experience. There was a time when I myself was worried about what one stranger said in a multi-billion society. A long time ago I laughed at myself when I first started trying to meditate… I laughed at myself, because in my head, due to different situations and opinions of people, a distorted mental picture was formed in regards to meditation. As you know, meditation helped me a lot, and I was even able to experience a sudden health recovery done by my Higher Self, because through meditation I realized some important things about life – all because I was able to overcome that psychological barrier and did meditate on that distant day.

So, people should be in the golden mean and love each other regardless of gender, skin color, etc. – after all, we can be reborn in any human body on this planet, which makes racism an absurd thing in my eyes.

As was mentioned before, loving people of your gender does not in any way mean having sex with people of your gender. People who do not know or do not understand these truths can experience psychological stress about their feelings for people of the same gender. Here, unknowingly, some of those people can go to one of the extremes, blocking their feelings for people of one of the two genders.

One extreme will lead a person to the fact that he will like people of the opposite sex, but the person will be, at best, neutral towards people of the same sex. Of course, from the very childhood, many people are mistakenly brought up so that psychologically and emotionally they treat people of different genders in completely different ways – for example, they like people of opposite sex, and they treat people of the same sex with coolness.

I remember Thao saying “my dear” to Michel 6 times in his book. This is a sign of friendliness and love, and nothing more.

I myself have always felt myself more at ease in the company of girls – as strange as it may be, given my life’s story – but it is so. Sometimes I feel some discomfort with guys, and having the choice to ask a guy or a girl something, I will choose to ask the girl. And I understand that in this regard, I am deviated from the golden mean, when you treat people of both sexes equally. I have something to work on in my life.

Many years ago, I addressed my Higher Self as a feminine being, since it was more comfortable for me to think of my Higher Self as of “her” and not as of “him”. Now I speak about my Higher Self as of “it”; I am talking about the Higher Self in the neuter, as it is correct. The Higher Selves have no gender – naturally.

It is for this reason that I have often written in this book that I like girls – meaning that I saw guys in neutral light. I was closer to the extreme than to the golden mean, and I see it only now! A little more correct (but, most likely, one could formulate the words even better) would be to remove all the words “like” and just say “I meet girls, because in the end I would like to find myself a partner for the rest of my life.” By the way, this summer one girl told me that she had a partner… I was not used to hearing the word “partner”, perhaps it even sounded a bit off. But now, having my new knowledge, I myself use it, since it would not be entirely correct to write “to find love”, given that we should try to treat all people with love, and therefore, love will be from the beginning between me and the woman…

But what about my experience with “love at first sight”? And what about those three female streamers? Thinking about the psychological state I was in at that time, the words “craze, obsession, infatuation” are more appropriate here. In those moments there was no love – I do not even know the name of the blonde girl from school. I think this is the same situation as with anal “sex” which is not sex; those expressions contain the word “love”, but at the same time there is no love in those life situations that those expressions describe – it can be carefully assumed that when those expressions appeared in our language, people did not know the difference between love and infatuation, obsession, etc. And it is important to note that I almost do not experience such obsessions over someone after I began to actively work on my life, and I also began to actively get acquainted with girls. I realized that it is not okay to “fall in love” with the girls on the other side of the screen.

As for the other extreme, it leads to the fact that a person decides to have sex with people of the same gender. This is a mistake, since the Spirit does not need the sensations arising from same-sex sexual relations (except for hermaphrodites on planets of the ninth category, for example, where it is natural).

Right there we can see why having sex with people of the opposite sex is the right thing – it is definitely not a mistake if there is love and spiritual affinity between two people of different sexes (and of course they know each other well enough that they want to live together for the rest of their lives). The Spirit wanted to experience such sensations, and therefore they will be able to pass through all 9 filters of the Higher Selves and reach the etheric ‘ocean’ that surrounds the Spirit.

Let's say people began to align themselves with nature and began to try to be in the golden mean, without going too far into the extremes of life (this means that, if I am correct in my reasoning, people are [no longer] neurotic). Why would a person, who does not have psychological problems and loves people of his own sex and people of the opposite sex equally, want to have sex only with people of the opposite gender? Perhaps you already understand perfectly well that it is all about knowledge – knowledge of what is natural and right, and will bring benefit and happiness, and what is a mistake and will bring suffering. Let us not forget about Palantius too.

For example, even though there are a lot of videos of anal “sex” on adult websites, I am, by and large, not interested in trying to do it. Why? I know that this is a mistake that can harm both the girl and myself (you can read on the Internet yourself about the possible consequences of such “sex”, if you are interested). It can also be added that the penetration of the girl into that place means that the girl may also want to shove something inside of her man in that very place – after all, both sexes have it and it plays the identical role, and therefore guys who want to shove their body parts in there should not resist when their girlfriends want to shove something into their rear places; and if they do not want to be poked in the rear, then they themselves should not ask a girl to let them have anal “sex” with her. Further, the sensations from such actions will never reach the Spirit, and for this reason, the Spirit created a system that shows people their wrong actions so that they can correct in their lives and do what the Spirit originally inserted them into the human physical body for. One of the reasons why it works this way is that free will of beings is one of the main foundations of a just Universe (for this reason homosexuals have the right to engage in their erroneous activities if it does not harm other people in any way. Of course, in return, they should also respect the free will of heterosexual people. Whether homosexuals want to use the knowledge gained to restore their sex orientation or not is also their free choice, and no one has the right to force them to do anything).

The topic of incest could also be mentioned as an example. Knowledgeable people will not have sex with the members of their blood family – no matter how attractive they are – because they know from other people's history what such actions can lead to. It could be said that such people choose not to have sex with their blood family’s members, and they choose not to have any sexual desires for their blood family’s members – no matter how “hot” they are.

Then I remembered how as a child, when I was still in elementary school, I sometimes began to daydream about what kind of [erroneous] sexual activity we could do with my friend when we saw each other again. But then, over time, I began to have sexual fantasies about girls – only about girls. I never thought about it, but now, as I am writing these lines, I understand that knowledge was the key. Over the course of my life, I realized that it was a mistake to have fantasies and sexual experience with a person of the same gender (to some extent I already understood this when I kept refusing to try oral sex for a long time).

I sometimes wondered in the past: “how during my next lives in a woman’s body I can be attracted to guys, if in this life I clearly like women?” And I sometimes I would realize that it would be logical to have a sexual desire for guys in a woman's body, since I would not have my current material knowledge. But in those days I could not connect that realization with psychology and with the cause of homosexuality. Now I understand another simplicity of life…

But there is someone else – a hermaphrodite (with fully functional genitals)… I would never have thought that I would have to talk about one of my wild, as well as rare, former fantasies… What can I say, nothing stays hidden for long… Here is the interesting thing here. In such fantasies, I imagined a person with the psychology of a female, and I often thought that if the hermaphrodite looked and behaved more like a male than a female (and therefore he would be perceived as a guy and not a woman), then I would not be attracted to “him” emotionally. But if that hermaphrodite looks and behaves like a female, and it is perceived as a female, then I have no problem imagining having sex with “her”. It turns out that we can either like or dislike sexually an absolutely identical person just because of the way he is perceived and seen by us in our minds. Psychology is very important, and psychological data also influence what decisions we make… By the way, if that imaginary hermaphrodite behaved in a balanced manner, having in his behavior the features of a woman and a man, then I think I would not mind being with “her”.


Here I can see a possible connection with my lucid dream, where I was in the girl's body, and I remember exactly that she liked guys (in fact – “me”, but I think it is better to write about that segment of the lucid sleep in the third person). This was due to psychology and the way she saw the world around her; and I have never experienced that psychological sensation during my entire life in my current male physical body (which I am, pretty much, happy about). But how are hormones related to the fact that I could really feel “what women want” in that lucid dream then? I will not repeat my reflections, which I already wrote about right after that dream; but we humans still have a lot to learn… I also understand that the psychological vision of that girl's world could be a consequence of her bisexuality, but due to the fact that I encountered the above feelings for the first time, I went to the extreme – that is, if this assumption is correct, then that girl liked both guys and girls, and not just guys, as I wrote earlier (after all, she happily began kissing with her female friend). To some extent, this experience confirms the above conclusions regarding the probable reasons for homosexuality caused by neurosis.

I will say again that you do not need to build psychological barriers and run away from your feelings. Here I also know from my own experience what I am talking about. I deliberately set myself at least two psychological blocks – and regretted it. Then, when I had certain urges for handsome guys, I did not run away from that, but I realized what was happening and I realized my mistake; I began to live in the present and accept things for what they are, and not for what they seemed to me. As a result, I am quite a full-fledged heterosexual.

Here we could remember about anonymous alcoholic clubs where all people in turn get up and say: “Hello, my name is [name], and I'm an alcoholic”. Those words are very important, since it is impossible to eliminate the problem if you refuse to recognize its existence – after all, knowledge plays a primary role in what decisions we make, and if you do not have knowledge, or you block it in your memory, then your decisions will not be able to solve a problem that does not exist in your head. Unfortunately, this topic is also close to me, since my father often refused to admit his problem of alcoholism, and every time my mother and I tried to talk to him about it, he quickly tried to change the topic. The reason lay in the psyche. A person without psychological problems can speak about absolutely any topic and not experience any discomfort during that. I myself have experience with psychological issues, and now I can, by and large, speak calmly about them, since I was able to remove many psychological problems from my life, and I try to work on eliminating the rest.

Here it is worth remembering that even though the phrase “mental illness” contains the word “illness”, as I happened to learn from my life experience, mental illnesses are not illnesses (if the reason does not lie outside the psyche – for example, in the physical or physiological body). People have psychological problems due to lack of certain knowledge, as a result of which those people make erroneous decisions in their lives. Such people should educate themselves, and then self-discipline, striving to live a correct, error-free life. Meditation and concentration can help a person gain control of his body and mind.

Note that there have already been many cases where unnecessary words in established phrases have led some people to wrong decisions. Recently, I came across an interesting video ( which said how in ancient times there was no word “blue”; and then in that video it was said how the people of the Himba people in Namibia, not having a separate word for “blue”, cannot distinguish a blue circle among green ones as quickly as people who have a word for blue do. Words can have a big impact on how we psychologically perceive the world around us, and therefore we should better choose the words we use.

Personally, I have no doubts about the correctness of the main conclusions that I made for myself about homosexuals and transgender people. But I understand that other people can, and most likely will, have their own opinions on these two topics, since the truth is very simple…

Perhaps I myself would not have believed in the truth about stuttering if I did not have a personal experience by stuttering in my childhood. And perhaps I myself would not have believed in the probably causes of homosexuality (in case of neurotics) if I did not have a personal homosexual experience.

Also, I will mention just in case that you should strive to have one partner. Cheating is a mistake. And polygamy is usually wrong too, as other people can be left without a pair for the rest of their life.

In general, all these realizations made me admire again the genius and simplicity of the Universe.


In the fall, I decided that I should stop going outside, as the chance of contracting the coronavirus became very large with a new wave of infections, which exceeded thousands per day. I wanted to finish my book in order to close this important period of my life.

But that meant being alone for a while, since I certainly did not have a chance to meet a girl while sitting at home… but that was my best judgment.

If we pay for all our own mistakes with suffering, then the right actions bring good things into our lives. So, one elderly woman named Svetlana, who lives in our apartment building and sometimes asks me for various help, introduced me in November 2020 to a girl named Olya.

First, Svetlana took my phone number in order to give it to the girl. But she did not call – as it turned out because of work and repairs in her apartment. I doubted if I should find out her number myself and call her. I decided that I would not be passive, and just ask Svetlana if Olga got my phone number – there is no crime in this.

I did so, and Svetlana gave me the girl's phone number.

I called Olya on November 7th and we sometimes correspond.

We thought to meet and take a walk in our neighborhood. Many of Olya's acquaintances were sick with COVID-19, experiencing, in addition to fever, symptoms such as loss of smell and heavy breathing, and therefore Olya did not want to visit crowded places.

Coincidentally, she is also very busy with work, as well as with renovating her apartment, and we were never able to find free time and meet.

I myself almost never visit social networks and turn off the Internet on my phone in order to be distracted from my book as little as possible. As a result, we do not correspond much, but we still learned something about each other.

As always, even though I tried to avoid some topics, Olya herself led the conversation to them. I told her that this was not a topic for short correspondence – but I do not know if we will ever be able to meet in person. I like that Olya loves self-discipline, sometimes meditates, and, it seems, she is somewhat interested in various spiritual things.

But there is also a negative side which is that she, like many other people, sometimes strives to equalize people to one template, presenting her assumptions as reality – there were two cases that clearly showed this. What I can say here is that if you do not know something 100%, it is better to just ask the person a question instead of making hasty wrong conclusions from your old experience with other people who seem to you the same as your new interlocutor. Because of spiritual knowledge we can be very different people, even if on the outside we can seem “the same”.

23Desmarquet, Abduction to the 9th Planet, 247.
24Desmarquet, Abduction to the 9th Planet, 177.
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