полная версияSimple Truths of Life

Евгений Сергеевич Мешков
Simple Truths of Life

Then there was a dream where I was told that my father was already born in a new body.

And then I had a dream where I was in his apartment and saw a woman and a man there. I knew that he was my former father in a new body. In the dream, I told him about it, but he did not recognize me. I knew that they drank, but not much, and my father did not spend weeks in bed being drunk. The man had a full head of dark hair, and the woman, as I knew, was his wife. In real life, father offered mother to get married, but she refused because there was an example of a failed marriage in front of her eyes, and she was afraid that the same thing could happen to her.

It reminded me of another unexpected thing that my father told me in my childhood. He suddenly told me about a young woman to whom he went to confess his love, and then it turned out that she was not worth it. Perhaps in his next life everything will be different…

Also dad told me once, when I already had problems with the desire to live, that “Water does not flow under a lying stone”. The saying was, of course, on point, but due to the fact that I was offended at heart at the incident with my mother, I did not want to follow his advice, since he would be right.

This is strange, but such things happen. There is one streamer who told on her stream that she married once just to hurt her ex-boyfriend, or something like that. Needless to say, she divorced and realized her mistake.

I also remembered how my father pulled me out of the snow in a ditch in front of a neighboring house in the village. I was then little and, while walking in the snow, fell into a hole formed at a large concrete pipe in the ditch. I tried to get out, but the snow only buried me more. I did not even have time to panic, as my father was already pulling me out of the snow prison, which in theory could become fatal. As it turned out, he was keeping an eye on me all the time.

Then there was a dream where I was in the village, and there was my father too. I knew that it was the next summer, and we were repairing the well. This was impossible, since dad was not alive.

That dream was a reference to my old dream with a mirror image telling me “I will never let you get out of yourself”. I often thought of that dream as of prophetic, but rather, it only warned me about what would happen if I continued to fantasize. In fact, I myself did not allow myself to get out from my mind – exactly like in the dream.

Of course, as you know, I had many dreams the events of which very strongly reflected what would be happening to me after some time.

The same applies to the dream I had a few years earlier. In it I was in the village, walking down the road to the spring. A woman with a dog was going in my direction. I was so afraid of the dog… that I did not see the big bear that, unlike the dog, posed the real danger.

That day after the dream I was walking by the lake and saw a girl with a big dog walking towards me in the distance. Next to her were two guys, one of whom was jumping in front of her. Ever since I was bitten twice by a friend’s long-haired dachshund in childhood, I tried to keep my distance from dogs, and this time was no exception. When I was walking close to the girl, she left two guys with the words “Oh Lord!” It became clear that they harassed her and did not allow her to pass. At the same time, they clearly believed that they were not doing anything wrong, not seeing how they appeared in the eyes of others. Then I saw how the father of my childhood friend walked nearby in my direction. We greeted each other, and those two guys saw this, as well as the expression on my twisted face – but I still did not understand that I had problems with facial expressions, as I forgot many things. I went further down the path and one of the guys started asking me about my long hair and about where he and his friend had wandered to. Another guy left to speak with the friend's father, pointing at me. After a couple of seconds, he started running fast towards me and with all his might he was going to hit me with his fist in the face, but at the last moment he changed the trajectory.

I politely said goodbye and calmly went on long the lake, and not quite adequate guys continued to pester other people who calmly and without disturbing anyone sunbathed in the sun.

I was able to guess what was said then by my friend’s father only a couple of years later, after meeting Marina.

Marina told me that she had a female friend who used to be single, and she only recently had found a boyfriend. I did not know who she was talking about. But there was one girl who I also often saw walking with her dog at my house, and I was thinking about coming up to her and getting to know her. In fact, I remembered how she stood and looked at me a few years earlier when I was waiting for my mother at the entrance to my house to help her withdraw money from an ATM. In any case, due to the lack of experience and certain knowledge, I was then not able to just make up my mind and approach a girl for a conversation.

I think this happened in the winter of 2017-2018. I walked home from a walk and decided to go not on the asphalt, but in the snow under the trees. I saw a large company of people with dogs. Among them was the same girl whom I was interested in, and the father of my friend. I greeted him and he answered mutually. At that moment, the girl asked him: “Who’s that?” – and his answer just struck me: “Дурачок” – (the word “idiot” would probably be the closest translation here).

It is so good that there was a lot of people there, and I continued to go home…

I had a lot of thoughts regarding that moment, and one of the most significant is that this person could have told me that I had some strange changes back when I was fourteen. Or any other time. But no. When meeting with me, no one said anything to my face, but when a young girl took an interest in me, it was necessary to say that very word, instead of just saying that my name was Zhenya, and I was a longtime friend of his son.

In fact, this applies to many of my friends. All of them could have told me that I had changed, that there was something wrong with the facial expressions of my face, and I needed to change the course of my thoughts. Then I remembered that the class teacher in the ninth grade was telling me exactly that, and a classmate immediately confirmed her words. Then there were other people who allowed themselves to talk unflatteringly about me. But I did not listen to them, because, firstly, I was offended by rudeness, not having the spiritual understanding that I have now, and secondly, I did not have the necessary material knowledge to change the course of my life.

This was the answer to why no one told me about my changes – they did not know that which I know now. They did not know about the Superior Intelligence and about the reasons for the creation of the Universe. They did not know about the duality of life, and that a person can be focused either on the present or on his inner world. They did not know that madness is a simple loss of control that can be restored by choosing to return one’s focus to the present moment of life; and meditation and concentration can assist the process. They did not know about the Law of the Universe that absolutely all errors must be repaid by suffering. They did not know about the existence of Michel Desmarquet’s book “Thiaoouba Prophecy”, nor about its veracity. And they did not know many other things.

Based on these understandings, it becomes clear that those people who already had certain spiritual knowledge could not help me because of the lack of necessary material knowledge, and those who did not have that spiritual knowledge were not afraid of the consequences of their bad, erroneous actions.

This understanding is the main reason why I subsequently decided to write this book – to convey to people my knowledge.

After the first reading of Thiaoouba Prophecy, I thought that I would not find a girl of similar spiritual affinity, since I did not think that they exist in the modern society of this planet. But I myself was not a very spiritual person, as it turned out. Again, the question arose about what I did in order to help people improve their material knowledge about the Universe, which as a result would help increase the level of spiritual knowledge in many people?

Of course, there were those who tried to somehow help me. So, one village friend told me: “Hold on. We are with you!” – after I stopped studying at the institute. But then I could not reconcile with how my life was going, as this would mean reconciling with the suffering, which, as it turned out later, was the result of my mistake. Had I reconciled, then most likely I would not have discovered the truth about many things. Then I also remember the status of the long-time friend in VK with, he said something like that someone complains about life and someone is looking for possibilities. I could also arm myself with this phrase.

As for the girl with the dog, some time after the death of my father, I decided to go up to her so as not to think about her much more. When during our conversation I asked her if she remembered that moment with the friend’s father, the girl walked away with a wry smile and without saying goodbye.

Then I also remembered how my uncle Vitya told me in childhood: “I don’t understand, are you an idiot!?” – I did not know then why he suddenly uttered that phrase that was not perceived as very offensive. I already had problems with my speech at that time, and I think that the imagination, which I remember was always a part of my life, played a role – I was often in my mind, and people saw it but did not understand the true reason for my “strange” look. If uncle Vitya knew what I knew, he would have most likely told me to be more relaxed and focused on reality.



I again began to watch streams of the streamer whom I had not watched for many months because of Alyona. Soon I saw a video, which someone shared in his group in VK, where he kissed Alyona. Then it became clear that they really were together for some time. But this news no longer hurt me in my soul. Due to the large number of dating attempts and other life understandings that I discovered in recent months, I was calm about the fact that someone had romantic relationships, but I did not. Moreover, I knew that they broke up, and the guy suffered for some time because of this. I remembered again that life has many shades of a wide variety of colors.

In conclusion of my one-sided story with Alyona, it is interesting to note that of the more than a hundred girls whom I approached to try to meet after Marina, none had dyed red hair.

After all the pain that I had to endure because of love, I thought for many months that I could never fall in love again. But then one day I was buying groceries in a store, and I saw a young woman with dark hair. At the first glance at her I felt that same feeling of inexplicable craving for her, a sense of love. She noticed me and hurried to leave. I do not know exactly what was the reason for her worry, but I have a couple of assumptions. My feeling of falling in love quickly faded away, but I learned that I can still feel love no matter what.

Closer to winter, my mother and I returned home after cleaning our father’s apartment. We got into a trolley bus where a teenage guy from the southern regions looked at me, wryly laughing. He told his friends something about the fact that this person is probably a homosexual (I do not include his swear words so that the book does not receive a large age rating). Of course, I knew that this was about me because, apparently, even the slightest loss in myself was still highlighted on my face.

This was an important moment for me, because for the first time I was able to not have any bad feelings, thoughts, and fantasies about an ignorant person, remembering everything that I realized over the years. I just realized once again the fact that I need to be in reality at 100%, and not at 99%, since people will see even the 1%. As for the guy himself, sooner or later life will punish him for his actions. I do not need to become an executioner, as this will be a mistake for which I will have to pay with suffering. Moreover, thanks to such people, others can understand that something is wrong with them and make appropriate adjustments in their lives in order to live happily, or even much happier – is this not the best punishment for the offender? Naturally, sooner or later the hour will come when the current ignoramuses themselves will begin to suffer for their mistakes, and then other ignorant people will help them in their spiritual growth. And then the story of life will be repeated again and again, and the cycle will continue until the Universe ceases to exist…

I was growing up spiritually, becoming able to calmly look at all the events of my life – both good and bad.

Another time, my mother and I returned home, and conductors entered the bus. I always placed the Troika card on the validator and therefore I was surprised when I was told that I did not pay the fare. I said that I placed the card, and the validator turned green, but did not squeak. An attractive conductor girl, laughing and looking askance at me, went to check the availability of money on the card. They were on the card. I asked to give me my card so that I could lean it against another validator and pay for the ride twice – we had already passed our stop, and I wanted to go out, as we were carrying heavy bags. I was refused, and my card was not returned to me. I was not allowed to buy a ticket either. A male conductor held me and did not let me go out of the bus. They wanted to write a fine of a thousand rubles. I refused to give my passport, and they said to go to the police station to establish my identity. Due to the presence of my mother and heavy bags, I gave them my passport after all and asked where I need to appeal the absolutely unlawful fine.

The address was written on the penalty receipt, and I had to go by the MCC to the Baltiyskaya station.

My path lay to Kosmonavta Volkova Street, and I was not at all surprised that I was destined to go past old familiar places where I used to go to visit my aunt.

I could not help but notice the peculiarity of Stalin's houses which pleased the eye with their architecture even in cloudy weather. This cannot be said about the Khrushchev houses and even about some modern houses.

In the building I needed, I was not the only one who wrote a statement to appeal the fine. There was a young couple next to me, and from their conversation it was clear that the controller simply did not let the girl, who just entered the transport, to approach the validator and wrote her a fine for no reason.

A few days later I received a message that my fine was canceled. Justice triumphed, and thanks to this unexpected experience, I learned something new about life and people. I do not know about the fate of inadequate conductors, but I am satisfied with the fact that sooner or later the Universal Law will make itself felt to them too.

I tried to remember that you should not give your card out of hand to anyone and you always need to keep your passport in your hands.

In January, I had my third time when I woke up in the middle of the night and had a clear realization in my head. Before going to bed that day, I was waiting for a stream of “The Witcher 3” video game from one girl, but she put a “host” on her friend, whom she was visiting. That friend calmly talked about all types of sex and talked about how she finally wanted to have already forgotten sex with an unfamiliar guy at the weekend. So, the thought in my head that night said that all beings (people) want and think about sex. I am not alone.

In confirmation of this, we can talk about the case when I woke up at night in an aroused state, could not help but think about sex, and could only fall asleep after masturbation. I went on the Internet to search for similar cases and found a story almost identical to my case in the English forum. At the end of the story, it became clear that the author of the post was a girl. So, all people want sex the same way. The gender does not matter.

On January 6, 2019, I had a dream about a parrot that I held tightly in my hands. The short version of the dream is that I walked with him in the village where my aunt once lived. I lovingly spoke with the parrot and showed him the surroundings, not seeing that the bird was looking around because it wanted to break out. I kissed his head and soon realized that I was squeezing the bird too much and loosened my grip. It was still light when the parrot spun in my hands, and I turned and walked back. When I came to the aunt's house, there was already total darkness. Holding the bird in one hand, I opened the gate with the other and realized that the bird was exhausted and became 1-3 centimeters long. In the house I exclaimed: “Why is there no cage!?” – as if it should have been there. I was looking for it, but could not find it. Blue light shone from the northwest side of the house, emanating from unknown source. I could not find where to put the parrot, and I could not just let him go, being afraid that he would fly away or get hurt. I thought to put him in a bowl for food, but was afraid to kill the bird by punching holes for air in the lid. I decided to cover the bird with some long plastic jar and attached it with tape to the table. In the end, I realized that the plastic cut the parrot into two parts in the process. He was still alive, and I did not know what to do… What remained of the parrot fell into the trash.

Thinking about the dream, I remembered about Thao's teachings that animals also have free will. Therefore, keeping animals in captivity is most likely a mistake in most cases.

At the beginning of February 2019, seeing that I was able to travel far and I felt good in general, both physically and psychologically, I agreed to translate Michel Desmarquet's book Thiaoouba Prophecy. In my free time, I began to translate the first two chapters to send the translation along with the synopsis and detailed plan of the book to book publishers.

Toward the end of February 2019, I helped my mom to digitize from VHS cassette the old village video made by my cousin when I was less than ten years old. It was already a late dark evening when I went outside from the photo studio. After walking only a few meters I was caught up by a person who began to ask me various everyday questions. We walked together, and I talked about my experience with programming. The person was clearly intrigued and asked me more details about my experience. Soon something happened that I could not have expected, although I was not surprised that I was destined to learn such truths that even I did not particularly believe in before. The person spoke about hacking activity and briefly mentioned reading thoughts, as well as participating in helping the American president win the presidential election. The person told me about the website where it would be possible to leave a request to work with them, if I wanted to, but I did not remember the address. In any case, all this was not for me and not for my morality and spirituality.

On 23 February, I was able to rent out my father’s apartment for twenty-five thousand rubles. The price was five thousand less than the average due to the condition of the apartment. Although my mother and I were able to significantly clean it, and I repaired various things, but it was far from perfect. After a couple of months, I was able to pay all my father's old housing and communal services debts, and after that I began to give my own debt back to my mother.

Sometimes I felt not at my best when renting the apartment, feeling like the typical capitalist who does nothing to produce food and actually necessary goods, but simply receives money from other working people. But then capitalism is what people themselves choose to have every day of their life. Plus, the people who rented the apartment persuaded, one might say, me to rent it to them – they themselves wanted to rent the living space, and no one forced anyone to do anything. My moral was also raised by the fact that I was engaged in the translation of the book, the knowledge of which can greatly help people. If it was not for the renting of the apartment, then I would not be able to translate it, since there simply would not be time for this, as it would be necessary for me to earn money.

On February 28, 2019, I had a dream where there was Thao and, if I am not mistaken, my village friend who lived in the neighborhood’s house during our childhood. We were on the field near the spring. From what I remembered and wrote down, I asked Thao different questions about the Universe and the Superior Intelligence. Then I said that I was projecting Michel’s experience on this situation (many other things were revealed to Michel, which he was not allowed to tell anyone about). Then I asked Thao if she ever lived on Earth, and she said that (I could be very mistaken) she lived in 1945-1951. I asked her again many times, as I could not hear her because of the rustle of grass through which we ran. She said something about highly spiritual people who are born on a planet of a lower category and they live very little.

When I woke up, I remembered that Jesus, implanted in Maria, lived till 95 years. Moses also lived for a long time, 120 years.

Now, when I write this book, I understand that the words of Thao in my dream can be viewed from a different angle.

We know from the Bible that Adam (Robanan) lived for 930 years. The descendants of Robanan, Levia, and Dina lived less and less with each new birth. Thao told Michel that because of atavism, they felt themselves superior and did not mix with other races. I think she meant their longevity. People would say how Michel told them that the original ancestors of the Jews were from a third category planet. This is how it became clear to me that the higher the category of the planet, the more years people can live on it without aging, and on the ninth category people are even able to regenerate the cells of their bodies and never age or die. I made rough calculations and saw that perhaps people live on average about 400-500 years longer with each category, which gives a different perspective to Thao’s words in my dream.

At the same time, it becomes logical and fair that people live the least on the planet of the first category. I also know this from my own experience, since I could hardly come to terms with the thought that I would have to live with the damaged lip and baldness for the rest of my life. These sufferings make it possible to learn a lesson and no longer make the previous mistake on a planet where one would have to live with scars not tens of years, but hundreds of years.


In the process of acquiring new spiritual knowledge, we, like a balloon filled with helium that moves from high pressure to low, strive to live in such a way when the least pressure from our environment is exerted on us.

In the spring I finished translating the first two chapters of the book and went to local bookstores to write out publicists in the genre I needed. Since there was no “Spirituality”, I had to look in “Esotericism”. Returning back home, I sent all the necessary files to the e-mails of book publishers. Soon I received one letter telling me that they were considering publishing the book and would inform me of the decision.

In the spring, my mother and I went to the village to plant seeds and do other household chores. I was still not one hundred percent healthy, but I tried to distract myself by reading on my phone while we rode a couple of hours in the train. In the village, I helped my mother cut down old trees, repaired a television antenna for her, and helped with other minor things.

On May 22, 2019 I had my fourth lucid dream. I was in my father’s apartment when I realized that it was a dream, and I gained control of my body. Again, I felt a little uneasy from the thought who could be in my father’s apartment in that dream, and I went out of the front door to the landing and went down. The dream ended.

Before I gained control of myself, I saw that the apartment had old wallpapers, not new ones. The doors to the large and small rooms were closed, and I did not know what was behind them. It seemed that the weather was cloudy outside, as it was a bit dark in the hallway by the mirror where I stood and where in real life I felt the cold touch.

I noted for myself in the diary the need to remember that this is a dream, and in reality nothing and no one threatens me. If I have a lucid dream again – do not allow fears and discomforts influence my decisions.

In summer, I was able to get to Gorky Park. This was remarkable in its own way, since almost ten years ago I went for a walk to the same place by metro, but I had to go back because my heart started to hurt. Had I then removed my two main bad habits, I could have a completely different life. But, as Thao correctly told me in her telepathic message, then I would not have had experience with them and would not have known all that I know. Naturally, keeping the habits was a mistake, and I was very lucky to have such experience with Thiaooubians.

I did not feel very well and did not approach anyone. I just walked. A dark rain cloud was forming, and I decided to go home because I did not take an umbrella with me. On the way to the Andreevsky bridge, I saw a young pretty girl who was walking alone. I was thinking about approaching her when a guy approached her from behind. It seemed to me that he had just met her, and she did not refuse him, as they soon sat on a bench, and the guy began to quickly write something down on the phone. I understand that they may have already known each other, but at that time this incident pretty much knocked me down. I had the feeling that if I was not hesitating, then everything could have been different.

In general, I really liked the park, and I realized that it was the place in which I needed to get acquainted with the girls, since there are a lot of people there, unlike in many other parks. Additionally, this park holds the first place in the list of Moscow places where people are advised to go for dating. Remembering the Pareto principle, having the opportunity, it is wiser to spend 20% of the effort to get 80% of the results than vice versa.

By the way, the Pareto principle reminded me at one time about 19% of the electrons that are not part of the Astral body and belong to the Universe, and about the remaining 81% of which the Astral body consists. Then Thao mentioned to Michel during the flight to Thiaoouba that their intergalactic base monitored their space ship, and if they had problems for technical or human reasons, in 81% of cases the base could control their spaceship’s safe return to the port. I suppose that Pareto was only slightly mistaken by one in his judgment.

In the spring, after I finished translating the first two chapters of the book, I decided to finally start making videos for YouTube. I thought to tell in them about my spiritual experience and about what I was able to learn in this life. Naturally, I wanted to talk about Thiaoouba and the creation of the Universe. An interesting question came up with these videos which I knew many people would start asking – how can you know that this book is true, to talk about it as such on the whole Internet? For this reason, I had to write in the script for the video about my experience with Thao and other people from Thiaoouba. But then another obvious point arose that I would not only have to write my real name, and not a pseudonym, but also show myself on camera – earlier I talked about my experience only to friends and in the group on Facebook. Before that, I was thinking about creating a separate channel where I would anonymously upload videos, because I was still afraid of a possible negative reaction from the public.

My newly acquired understanding and knowledge helped me to overcome most of the psychological barriers, and I uploaded the video where I talked about the Universe and my personal experience. I no longer need a pseudonym’s protection.

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