полная версияSimple Truths of Life

Евгений Сергеевич Мешков
Simple Truths of Life

Полная версия

On the one hand, I proved I was right about my concerns, but on the other hand, I regretted a little that I did not dare to run out onto the sunny street in my lucid dream and see what was there. I tried to set in my mind that should I have another lucid dream, I would try not to give in to fears and better explore the surroundings.


I watched various news channels in English for a long time. Often, politicians and journalists were saying smart things with which I agreed. This went so far that at some point I began to believe that they all really act in the interests of society and the people. I refused to watch channels and people who stated the opposite.

But then, after the beginning of the process of me opening to the real sides of life, I thought, what would I lose if I look at a different opinion? It was a video investigation about one very prominent politician who was once president. Next, I decided to look at other channels to find out the opinion of the other side.

Soon, I found for myself something that clearly showed me that I was mistaken when I began to believe what usually flowed from the news channels I watched. Real actions and motives were completely different. I was naive, but later I was able to learn from my mistakes.

Then I found the news that the investigator of the aforementioned investigation could be working together with all the other corrupt officials – as they say, “if you cannot defeat the crowd – lead it”. I do not know whether this is so, but it confirmed one of my thoughts that it is all not important, since people have power almost always – even in slavery. Therefore, to change the situation with the organization of society, it is only necessary to bring to the minds of people the obvious truth about life. If they understand it, they can simply vote in an open public voting for a new way of organizing society and how products reach each person. I am talking now about the complete freedom of people and the complete absence of any money within the country.

I realized that people always have power when I was watching a documentary about Spartacus. People were able to break out of slavery when they realized that they are strong only when they act with each other, and not against each other.

It dawned on me that everything that happens in any country depends almost entirely on the decisions of each individual living in it.

If people only think how to enrich themselves, then one should not be surprised that there is corruption in the country, right? After all, those corrupt people, like everyone else, want to enrich themselves, and they do exactly what society allows them to do.

I will try to talk in more detail about all this in the chapter “Manifesto” of this book.

The same applies to air pollution from gasoline engines in automobiles. If people wanted clean cars, they could simply not buy gasoline. Companies would have no choice but to create either electric cars or hydrogen powered cars. How to go to work while there is no clean cheap transport? There are bicycles and there is public transport that runs on electricity. Therefore, in fact, people driving such “dirty” cars pollute the environment, not companies. Companies only produce what people want – and it does not matter if companies could have something to do with the appearance of that desire in people.

The same goes for viruses like HIV. All that is required to completely eliminate this virus is honesty and responsibility on the part of each person. Honesty has to do with you honestly telling your new lover that you had unprotected sex with someone less than six months ago. The responsibility lies in that that you do an HIV test six months after you have unprotected sex and use a condom all the time if you decide to have sex with the new person. Do not like the low sensitivity? More reason to spend a little more time searching, but find the one and only person for life. In any case, you can achieve the relaxation of Palantius only with a person of the opposite [from birth] sex, with whom you have mutual love and spiritual affinity.

Then I learned about the tactics of depressing statements from candidates for leadership positions. Its purpose is to encourage a person to vote for a long-time leader so that life does not become even worse than it already is. Given that people perform actions that they consider, according to their knowledge, will benefit them or not harm them, this tactic becomes absolutely logical…

Although I learned about the immortality of the soul through my experience of partial astral projection, I still felt fear at the thought of starting to openly tell people my knowledge about Thiaoouba and life. I thought to help people, but the example of Jesus, Gandhi, and Luther King made me feel uneasy for a very long time.

I did not do anything useful and I sometimes felt like my existence was wasting food and resources in vain.

There was another unexpected insight. This will seem strange to historians, but after reading Thiaoouba Prophecy, I thought that people did not know that you can live without money. At one time I decided to look for an answer to a question that had been in my head for a very long time, and finally it made itself clearly felt – is there a difference between socialism and communism?

So, I found the channel “ВЫХОД ЕСТЬ!” on YouTube, where the guy in an easy-to-follow manner told everything. At first, I was slightly surprised that people in the past not only aspired to a free life without money and politicians, but also that this happened a hundred years ago in the country in which I lived.

And so I wondered – But how then does it happen that I live in capitalism, and freedom is becoming less and less tangible? What is the reason?

I came to the following simple conclusion – money. People in the USSR did not get rid of money and continued to use it to obtain the necessary products. We live in the present moment, and not in the future, and we perform actions that will benefit us in the present tense, and not after 50 years when we will not be alive. Since the money was left, many people began to think what seems obvious on the one hand – “if I had more money, I could buy myself more food or other things”. This seems logical until you begin to understand the monetary system and realize that only a small percentage of people can have a lot of money… at the expense of the rest of the people who will give them their money in the game called “capitalism”.

Another important reason was the political system. In the Manifesto of this book I will talk regarding the right way to choose a country's leader and why this is the only correct method.

In fairness, in 1917+ people did not know anything about Thiaoouba and spirituality. Therefore, they could hardly have come to the system that people used on the continent of Mu. By the way, in Mu people did not use money, but simply took what they needed. No one wanted to deceive others, and the country flourished. Thiaooubians call it the most organized civilization to have ever existed on Earth. Naturally, the people of Mu had their own history and knowledge that allowed them to be highly self-organized people.


Meanwhile, I corresponded with a girl on a sex dating site, and she wanted to meet. Because I had to go to the dentist, I could not write to her, and I had a simple phone without the Internet. I remember that because of the long absence of my reply, she wrote me a message saying that she did not want to meet with me anymore. After I explained everything to her, she again agreed to meet. She wrote other messages in which she seemed very emotional and capricious.

I wanted to meet in Sokolniki, but in the end we agreed to meet in Tsaritsyno. She did not give me her photograph, but only said what she would be wearing. Even though it was May 27th, it was about ten degrees outside. It was very cold. I rode without a cap as I had given the girl, Maria, my photograph where I was without a headdress – in fact, I was wearing only my underwear in that photograph. And, anyway, I had just recently cut my hair with an old hair clipper, because I decided it was time to start learning to be confident in my body no matter how it looked.

It had been 4 years since I took the subway or went very far from home. This was a new test. I once again had to change to a green subway line in the familiar passage to Teatralnaya. I felt tension in my heart, and anxiety did not let go of me. All the way I tried to concentrate on the sounds around me. Then there I was, driving through the familiar Avtozavodskaya, where almost ten years ago I made one of my most serious mistakes, when I had to do what I was doing on the present day – to get to know people in real life, which gives new knowledge and develops conversation skills.

I want to clarify right away that dating for sex is also a mistake, but it is not such a error as having sex for money, or not searching for your second half at all. Here, you can at least learn real communication with people who are not talking to you because you need to do something with the client during the break for the second time. The third and most correct decision when I was 18 years old would be to go to a park and start approaching girls in order to get to know them, and do this until I could find someone I loved and who would love me the way I was in the present moment.

Finally, I arrived in Tsaritsyno. I did not have to wait long for the girl. Honestly, for some reason I expected to see a long blonde. But instead I was met by a somewhat dark-skinned girl with dark wavy hair. We went to the exit.

On the escalator, I turned around to tell her something, and then a shock appeared on her face, which she could quickly remove, regaining control of herself. I knew what was the reason.


When we walked in the underground passage, Maria lit a cigarette, and I clearly remember how the nasty smell of tobacco fumes killed the whole first impression of her. I could not help it.

But we continued to walk on until we reached the park. I only remember how she said that she did not like to be among the crowd of people. And I told my story with Natasha.

I took a camera with me to take pictures of nature, since, for once, I decided to get outside my area, and the girl decided to take pictures of me. She herself did not like to be photographed. I think she was also not very enthusiastic about her appearance. Then we went to the forest where we sat on a bench by the path. Maria said that she needed to go into the forest for a minute.

Honestly, for some reason I had no doubt that this was an excuse to quietly leave the park. This thought did not really upset me, given that there was a clear discord between us. But as I was thinking if it was time for me to leave, the girl sat next to me on the bench.

She asked me about various things. During the conversation, she said that she just went to the Moscow sex dating site just because, and she contacted me since I honestly wrote in my post about my health problems due to masturbation, which I could not get rid of and therefore tried to replace it with sex.

By the way, in psychology you cannot just remove a bad habit and leave a void. A bad habit can only be replaced by something – preferably by something positive. Having a sex drive, I tried to do what I thought was the best choice at that moment in time with the knowledge that I had.

We went to the exit because it was cold, and if I remember correctly, I had to go to the dentist.

From the course of her words, it was clear that she was not interested in any relationship with me, since she tried to give me some tips on how to get acquainted with girls. She mentioned that some guys rudely told her to eff off when she approached them herself. I was somewhat surprised at this, since while she was not of a completely standard appearance, she still looked normal. She asked me who else wrote me from the sex dating site, and when she heard that it was mostly prostitutes, between the words she asked how much money they were asking. I worried if she wanted to do some stupid thing in her life, but did not say anything.

From the negative during our walking together, it was only that she asked, “if I thought about putting an end to all this”. Understanding how I looked in her eyes with my life story, I decided to briefly talk about my knowledge regarding reincarnation and the wrongness of suicide. She said nothing.

Maria also mentioned that if we were dating, then she would have to entertain me, and not vice versa. I have my own point of view on this statement. Firstly, I really needed to work on myself and on what I talked about and how I said it – but at the same time, a person should not become a clown. Secondly, I believe that in a relationship both partners should look for ways to entertain each other, it should be a mutual action; as they say, it takes two to tango.

I asked her at the metro if she might want to meet again sometime. She replied, “Maybe”. But when I got home, I read her message where she again wrote not to give up and continue to look for a girl, and so on. I was pleased that she wished me well, but it was also clear that she did not want the relationship – otherwise she would not write me to continue searching for the girl. In addition, I still could not get rid of the memory of that cigarette smell which influenced how I felt for her. Something similar happened with Marina, when her dog went to the toilet next to her, and the pungent smell was connected by my brain to Marina herself, although I understood what was the matter. But over time, it all went away.

Maria and I talked for a couple of days, until there was nothing to talk about.

I was also stunned to see my photographs taken by Maria. There was a feeling that I was looking at another person whom I did not like at all. It seemed strange, because in the mirror I looked more or less normal and familiar. In the following years, I needed to take a photo for verification, and once again I could barely recognize myself…

In the summer, I learned about Bitcoin. In fact, I knew about it for a long time, but what I did not know was that it was possible to trade it. I saw how high it went up in price. Some people became millionaires by buying Bitcoins for several hundred dollars many years ago. I watched various videos on how to trade, and found the “Quickfingers Luc” channel, where a man talked about his method of trading that rarely let him down. Seeing how high Bitcoin continued to grow, I decided to open a credit card in order to quickly make “easy” money.

In fact, I read about trading on exchanges before, but they were associated with oil and familiar money, and therefore I decided not to contribute to the pollution of the Earth’s atmosphere and the march of the financial system. Plus, the lack of money did not allow me to trade on regular exchanges in any case.

Having received a card with a 63 000 ruble limit, I bought Bitcoin for all the amount.

I could not think that after all my spiritual experience with Auras, telekinesis, telepathy from Thiaooubians, and other things, I would become so worried about money! Of course, the fact that I needed to give back credit bothered me. But I was worried too much. But most importantly, I forgot everything that Luc taught on his channel. I made all the mistakes of newcomers: I bought when the price was going up, often at the very top of the peak because of my fear of losing profits; I was selling in a panic when the price was going down, fearing that it might go even lower, but in fact it was often not so. Simply put, I “pulled the trigger” guided by emotions, and not by logic and knowledge. Because of this, I lost almost everything.

I re-watched the video of Luc and other people, and I did the work on errors. I still had fears of losing money, but I was able to take my mind under control and began to make more money than I was losing to mistakes. I also stopped associating Bitcoin with real money. The only time Bitcoin turned itself into money was the time of rubles transferring to the bank card. This awareness additionally helped me to stop being afraid of losing money that I actually did not have.

I would never have thought that trading not only money, but physically non-existent money, can help a person to develop spiritually, given that money is one of the evils of our planet. I say to develop “spiritually”, because first of all, cryptocurrency trading helped me find self-control, emotional comfort, which I needed so much. This meant that my Higher Self had less bad feelings emanating from me to filter out.

If you understand trading, and life, then you can ask, what about those who lost money by buying from me at the top of the peak, or by selling to me at the bottom of the trough? Have I made a mistake for which I will have to suffer? Being a more or less spiritual person, I often thought about this, but then I remembered that the first thing traders are taught is to trade only what they can afford to lose. I made this mistake when I borrowed money that I fed then to many people as a result of my inexperience. Then people are clearly told that the vast majority of traders are losing money. All in all, they knew what they were doing, and I do not feel that I made a mistake… at least a big one.

Slowly, I began to return money to the bank card, but the percentage that had to be returned was too huge even for Bitcoin. I just did not have time to make a sufficient amount of money so that those 5-10 percent that I sometimes did in one day become a really large amount of Bitcoins (and rubles when transferring to the bank card). I had to persuade my mother to pay my debt to the bank, so that I could calmly accumulate a large amount which I would give to her after a while. It was difficult, but she agreed to give me about 60 000 rubles. The debt was paid off, and soon I closed the card.

I continued to make money trading Bitcoin. Alas, I sometimes had to exchange some amount into rubles to make purchases. Everything was going well. I was getting more than I was losing. But the time had come when Bitcoin crashed, and price movements became very insignificant. This is bad, as Luc’s trading method yields results when large panic price drops occur. I could no longer find the price movements I needed and soon stopped trading. Thus, my experience as a cryptocurrency trader ended, and I remained owing to my mother.

In the middle of summer, I also had to buy a budget Samsung A5 2016 phone. I used it so that I could go outside and trade cryptocurrency if necessary. Then, in any case I needed to have a modern phone for a long time, which I would not break since I got control over my emotions.

Probably on the first day of using the phone, I learned about the suicide of Chester Bennington, vocalist of Linkin Park. In school, I often listened to their music. Many years earlier, the same thing happened with Robin Williams. It was sad that they decided to do this, although to some extent I could understand them. But it helped me to be stronger and continue to live, as I saw again that I was not the only one who suffered in this life. Something similar happened after the death of Paul Walker, when I tried to remove my habits, seeing how fragile and valuable this life is…

Later in the summer, I remembered that in August of 2017 it would have been 10 years since the man was killed in the apartment with prostitutes. This was the last chance to try to find out information about Natasha.

I remembered her because of a dream in which she came to my apartment. On either side of her stood two twin boys. Their skin was somewhat dark, and their curly blond hair was exactly like the one I had in the photo which is still present on my profile picture in many social networks. There was a feeling that those boys were about 10 years old. And Natasha herself was very happy.

When I woke up, I began to think that if she could get pregnant from me? Yes, a condom was used of course, but then I was able to remember one moment when she could actually get pregnant, although the chances of it are very, very small…

I found on the Internet that murder data is stored in the police archive for 10 years. I had to get to the police station and ask about the details of the case. Now or never.

I was not feeling well because I had to masturbate from time to time. Therefore, it was not easy to travel for me, even though I was driving along the MCC in the comfortable Lastochka.

Using the map on my phone, I reached the police station. I was no longer afraid of the issue of the army, since the draft age ended at 27 years. At the information post they told me that they could not give or tell me anything as I was not a relative of Natasha.

I called one of the police officers who had said earlier that day to come for information. But he was no longer in the station.

I arrived the next day to meet him. He went out into the street with a woman whom I told the reason for my visit the previous day. She never looked at me on the second day and was silent all the time. The policeman himself said that all data is deleted from the archive after 5 years. I think that I mentioned the information regarding ten years, but I did not argue, because it was clear that even if I had been deceived in order to get rid of, no one could say anything to me anyway because of the existing laws. Nevertheless, that policeman was trying to somehow help me, and I am grateful to him for that.

Although very late, but I did everything I could. If I made mistakes, then I will just have to pay for them in the future – in this or in one of the next lives.


Once I went to my father to buy him products. At his apartment, he asked me to give him money so that he himself could buy the necessary products and things. I gave him two thousand rubles. A few days later he was already drunk. When my mother and I came to him, the money turned into several bottles of vodka, one of which, still full, he did not let go, acting like a little child. Drunk father then mentioned that I was born when he was 29 years old – my age of that time. He tried in this way to say that I should go to work. When I told him about the incident when I was five years old, because of which I essentially did not work, because that event caused all the other problems that I had, he could hardly remember it – unlike me.

I think that I already had a new phone capable of recording video. Remembering how many years ago I was sobered up by the video of myself that I made after the second prostitute, I thought for a long time that if I recorded how my father behaved when he was drunk, and then I would show him sober the recording, then perhaps he would get horrified and would always remember what his drinking habit led to. Too bad I forgot to do it back then…


All summer I tried to look for girls to get to know each other. I was still scared to start talking to them. So, for example, I sat next to one for a long time, until I finally squeezed out the question about the book that the girl was reading. If I remember correctly, it was a book by Stephen King. Alas, the girl said that she had a boyfriend.

I remember one wise phrase regarding the fear of approaching and getting to know girls from a girl on YouTube – “What is the worst thing that could happen? She will not speak with you? Well, it’s not like she’s talking to you now!” She has a point.

I asked other girls to get acquainted, but everyone said that they were already taken… It was not easy not to blame myself for the fact that I had to delay for so long the search for my second half.

Then, when at the end of August I was sitting on the same bench where the girl had previously read King, another girl sat not far from me. She started to write something. I got up to approach her, and walked past her, feeling insecure. But I immediately turned around and asked her if she wanted to meet. She said she did not meet on the street. This was the first girl who was single. I decided to sit down with her just to talk. She was a philologist or philosopher. What she was writing in her notebook was related to “freewriting” – when you write down all the thoughts that appear in your head. I just watched a video about a similar technique a couple of days ago, which I told her about. Then I started asking her why she did not want to meet on the street. She wanted to get acquainted only with people of her profession. After I tried to find out her name, the girl, smiling, hinted that she would not want to replace the heated place on the bench. I politely said goodbye and left.

I did not go home, but went slowly to roam the streets. There was a sunset behind me, and I felt very sad… almost to tears. I was sure at that moment that she refused to get acquainted because of my appearance, forgetting what she told me. But there was a positive moment in all of this – after all, not all girls already had boyfriends or husbands. I still had a chance to find someone.

I tried to approach about nine women that year. Only one was single. Very often there were days when I could approach many other girls, but I did not dare. It was obvious that I needed to work on my self-confidence. I also saw how I stopped get upset because of Marina. Even though I did not find anyone, and I had many unresolved problems, I began to try to concentrate my attention on self-development in the present, and not on what happened in the past.

One of the reasons for the fears was the thought what others would think of me. For example, there was a moment when I asked a girl with headphones in her ears, who sat down on the grass by the pond, if she would like to meet. She did not answer anything. There was a bunch of people nearby. I as if felt like everyone was looking at me. I just needed to apologize, calmly get up, and move on, but I could not do it because then people would realize the absurdity of my situation, and I pretended to have sat down to just sit there, not seeing how unnatural and much worse it all looked. Then the girl began to slowly laugh, trying to suppress her laughter. I stood up and only a couple passing by was looking at me, and before that I was also noticed by a man whom I often saw with his dogs. All the rest went about their own business.

Because of these moments, I recalled other bad things when people laughed at me or refused to say hello. I felt bad at heart. I started to become depressed. It was not easy to realize that many of these people who hurt me had pleasant sex and simply joyfully enjoyed life, and I felt deprived. And I would ask – where is justice?

I dug the answer to that question in my head when I was descending the stairs near the Cherkizovsky pond. I finally understood one of the simple truths of the Universe – everyone who has ever made a mistake will sooner or later suffer for it! For all errors without exception, since this is the Universal Law! And if they live this life in happiness, raising themselves in their eyes and the eyes of others at the expense of people with problems, then they will find their punishment in another life – just as I paid for my mistakes of the past, when at five years of age I started to have speech problems due to a situation that I could not avoid, and some time later I had my first sexual experience, which also had great negative consequences on my life. But there was one more experience, the experience with the bright entity near my house, which in the end helped me in my life – it is completely clear to me that my this-time correct decisions in past lives, which I definitely had, contributed to this – now it was not a question anymore, it was common sense.

This may seem strange, but, while I knew perfectly well about these truths of life, for many years I could not connect them with myself – even though after reading Michel Desmarquet’s book I immediately understood that I had already lived before, and the childhood events were connected precisely with the wrong decisions of past lives. But because of the life situation with the noise in the apartment, with a lot of fears, with the uncertainty of my life, and the lack of love and sex that I wanted from early childhood, they forced me to escape into my imagination to ease the torment. Another consequence of this departure was the forgetfulness of already learned and understood lessons. Because of this, I made old mistakes again, again, and again.

I sometimes thought about people who were so stubborn that they had to live 15 000 on the planet of the first category. Soon, the realization came to me that I myself could be that person who lives a lot of lives on the Planet of Sorrows, refusing to learn from the lessons of the Universe. After all, this is stubbornness.

Simply put, every action has an absolutely precise consequence. An erroneous action leads to suffering, the strength of which directly depends on the seriousness of the error, and the right action leads to happiness – the opposite of suffering.

The question then arises – how to know what is a mistake and what is not? My current opinion, based on my material and spiritual knowledge that I have now, is that a mistake is an action that in any way causes suffering to an infinitesimal part of the Superior Intelligence, or the sensations experienced during such an action are filtered out by the Higher Selves, since they are not needed by the Spirit.

Here are a few examples: a man raped a girl, causing her suffering; a man got drunk so that he was vomiting for several days – here he himself is the suffering particle of the Spirit; people thoughtlessly polluted and destroyed the environment and animals, and the result was a virus that caused the death and suffering of many people.[16]

I also think that we can mention the animal cruelty as well. In the book Thiaoouba Prophecy there is no clear information on whether the animals have a piece of the Superior Intelligence in them. Naturally, if there is no part of the Spirit in animals, this means that they are robots. But having many years of experience observing the pigeon that was feeding on my windowsill, I can say that they do not look like robots at all. I often noticed the individuality of “my” pigeon, and I could identify him from the crowd of other pigeons purely by his behavior and expression of his face. Once I went to the toilet, and when I was returning into the room, I saw the pigeon pacing on my table and he was already next to a bag of cereal. Seeing me, he quickly darted back to the windowsill, while he muttered in his pigeon voice what was a clear annoyance. This moment alone showed me that animals and birds have a soul.

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