полная версияSimple Truths of Life

Евгений Сергеевич Мешков
Simple Truths of Life

The same applies to my experience when I was lying in bed and heard the word “Look!” close to my right ear. This was the first and only such case in my life.

Another important detail is that until then I had never had anything like it – no visions at all! (I do not consider the bright entity at the gate to be a vision, as two senses were involved, and the gate actually opened against gravity.) Additionally, the visions largely stopped after my 25th birthday, when I, by and large, received all the knowledge and evidence I needed (I hate to use this word, since I am not keen to greedily seek evidence, but at the same time I do not I believe in everything – I try to maintain a balance) from Thiaooubians, but because of my then present stubbornness (in this case, this word means that a person has knowledge for a healthy life, but at the same time he continues to make old mistakes), I began to change my life only three years later. And it is not that I used to have a lot of these visions – maybe several in one year.

The same applies to my experience with telepathy, when I accidentally emitted into space thoughts of unknown content, and then, a few days later, received a clear answer from Thiaooubians. These two cases were the only similar events in my life (when I experienced one of the types of telepathy; namely, the transmission of thoughts at a distance by sending a thought stream), and they both are absolutely logical. Speaking about the “thought-streamed” telepathic message that I sent myself, it is logical for the reason that at that moment I was concentrating on different parts of my brain, activating them, and accidentally was able to send a stream of thoughts into space (the content of which most likely had nothing but rubbish – for the same reason of accidentally activating the region of the brain responsible for this kind of telepathy). And when I received a “thought-streamed” telepathic message, I realized that only Thiaooubians could have been behind the pronoun “we”, since it was after reading Michel's book that I became very inspired and began to actively try to learn to see Auras – which was originally my goal; the book gave very important hints as to what you needed to pay attention to in order to learn to see the Aura.

Namely, the pineal gland, and possibly the first Chakra, located between our eyes, one and a half centimeters above the nose. Thao compared it to the “brain” of the fluid body, of which the Chakras are a part. I want to write here that it may well be that not all the data that we receive is interpreted by our physical brain in order to send mental pictures to our consciousness. After all, when we separate our soul from the physical body and travel astrally (astral projection), we can “see” and “hear” our environment (those sensations are somewhat different from how we feel them in the physical body). At the same time, our physical body is in a motionless state (lying in bed, for example) and its organs cannot physically see, hear, etc., everything that the soul sees in its travels. Here it is the “organs” of another human body that receive data from the material world, and it is already another “brain” that interprets them for our consciousness. When we die, we can also see, and when 3 days have passed after the death of our physical body, and we are with the Higher Self, we also continue to see. So, there is a possibility that Auras, etheric force field, telepathy, hallucinations and visions, and so on, are interpreted for our consciousness not by the brain of the physical body, but by the “brain” of another human body; and it may well be that they can work together in some cases (I will remind you that a person consists of 9 bodies, and animals of 3).

Speaking about the two telepathic messages that I received in the form of a “voice in the head”, that voice was completely unlike the “voice” that we have when reading to ourselves, or voicing our fantasies. Before finding Thiaoouba, I had never experienced anything like this, and since my 25th birthday, I have not received any more messages either.

The fact that I have not experienced such things before, and that I was an ordinary and normal, as they say, person is important, since all these experiences are not the result of some kind of disease, as some might assume.

Then all the telepathic messages had a specific meaning. I cannot convey feelings in words, but behind those telepathic messages I felt the mind – a highly evolved mind.

I will also touch on the comments of several people who wrote their assumptions that my Higher Self could have been responsible for those visions, and even telepathy. I also had experience with my Higher Self, which gives me the opportunity to see the distinctive traits. But the main thing is this. I definitely saw Thao who looked the same as in the drawings made by the artist “OR-RAR-DAN” under the strict supervision of Michel Desmarquet (of course, in my visions Thao looked like a real person, not like a drawing). For this reason, people's assumptions that my Higher Self is responsible for almost all of my spiritual (as I call it) experience would mean that my Higher Self passed itself off as Thao – and that would be a very serious error! In fact, that would be a lie! How could I trust my own Higher Self after that? I hope that I do not need to explain that the Higher Selves cannot make mistakes at all, since they have the Knowledge? No, my Higher Self is definitely not related to my spiritual experience [with Thiaooubians]. By the way, there is an opinion that the Higher Self can manifest itself in the material world. For example, I assume that in this video it was the baby's Higher Self who called for help: | (Jennifer Groesbeck was killed on impact when her car crashed into the Spanish Fork River. Her child was rescued 14 hours after the accident). Naturally, if my assumptions are correct, the Higher Self in this case did not make a mistake, since it did not pretend to be someone specific.

Returning to E, unfortunately, I decided to mention to her that knowledge and faith are, by and large, the same in our souls. This was a mistake, since E did not know anything about the electrons of the Astral body, material and spiritual knowledge, and other important things, and, accordingly, she did not understand everything at all. It was also a mistake that I again decided to talk about Auras in order to give her an example of knowledge, forgetting that she was not interested in this topic.

I think these two moments in the last seconds of our walk are the main reason E said that she had no time or desire for dating.

This refusal was somewhat unexpected for me at that moment. But my excessive self-esteem immediately turned on, and I did not ask E about the exact reasons. I quickly said goodbye, turned around and walked away.

I walked and thought that E was clearly not perfect herself, but still refused to date me. I also had a quick idea that if it was not for my problems with appearance, I would probably not feel the slight sadness because of the current situation, but I would just calmly continue to look for another girl who would be… better…

It reminded me of reincarnation and my thoughts that at first we live in pretty physical bodies, collect mistakes due to our spiritual ignorance, and then we pay for our wrong decisions in future lives, when we have to experience on our own skin that which experienced many people whom we caused in one way or another harm in our previous lives… (naturally, some mistakes are paid for in the current life of the person: immediately, or some time after the wrong decision). Of course, we also have a chance to acquire new knowledge about life with each new incarnation.

I think I was already in VDNKh when my feelings subsided, opening up the opportunity to calmly assess the situation.

Then I remembered about a young girl Liza, with whom I talked for no more than a minute in Gorky Park, since she left under the pretext that she had to leave. I did not ask her for her phone number, as I understood that she did not want to talk with me and just decided to politely leave… But then, what if I was mistaken, and she really had to leave, but she herself was embarrassed to ask for a phone number? I decided then that I would try to ask a girl for a phone number in such ambiguous situations.

Then I remembered about Katya, whose phone number I deleted so as not to write her some nonsense – which I regretted in the following years. Yes, Katya did not treat me very respectfully when she did not write anything to me, but then I could look at the situation from her point of view. I could calm my excessive self-esteem, realizing that I myself was not perfect, and just tell Katya about my life so that she could better understand my situation. I did not do this, and it was 2 years before another girl agreed to get to know me… and she stopped dating me when it became clear to her that it would not be possible to get money out of me…

I realized that it could take a very long time before someone wants to talk to me again.

Thus, I decided to return to the dog shelter to briefly explain the situation to E and try to exchange phone numbers.

She was among a crowd of people, and I did not dare to approach her, as I was still making the good old mistake of thinking about what other people might think of me.

I sat down on a bench at the entrance to the oak grove, thinking to wait for E to pass by. I was tormented by doubts. After all, E has already refused me. But on the other side of the scale, there was the memory of Katya and all the other moments when I could have been more persistent, more alpha-oriented.

While I was sitting on the bench, my phone rang. The screen showed the number of the girl with the child from the park. I did not want to answer her, as I initially gave her my number for texting, not for calls – yes, perhaps it was a little rude of me, and now I realize that I should have answered the phone. The girl was not my type, and her mental problems did not allow normal communication to occur. Then she called again for the last time. I canceled the call…


I could see at that moment how my lack of desire to communicate with the girl with the child was a reflection of how E saw me. I could also see in this one of those explicit spiritual experiences, since it could not be a “simple coincidence” that I had to cancel the call of the girl to whom I did not have affection and desire to speak, while a few minutes ago E rejected me for, most likely, approximately the same reasons.

After sitting on the bench for a little more, I decided that it was time to go to VDNKh…

I approached different girls, but many were already married, and others did not want to get acquainted.

Back at home, I started watching a YouTube video from “penguinz0”. It was about a young woman who “only has sex with ghosts”. I will say that from what I know about ghosts, the girl is most likely mistaken in her conclusions… But my point is about a different thing. Even with my own experience and knowledge, I could not help but feel the breeze of “weirdness” about that girl – even though I tried to think of her with respect and understanding. At that moment, it dawned on me that E most likely saw me the same way – strange.

Then an evil and edifying joke came to light; it has to do with the fact that I had in my subconscious the idea of going to VDNKh which blocked the idea that I could walk and communicate with E all day long while she was walking the dogs. This is what I needed to tell her when we were at the gates of the dog shelter. Perhaps I could then tell her more details of my huge life story, and she would have drawn the right conclusions about me…

Speaking of conclusions, after E asked me if D might have just wanted to get rid of me when she said about her work, I could very well see that she came to this idea due to her ignorance of some important details that paint a different picture. It was a warning shot, and I did not need to make a second similar mistake after a few minutes of our conversation, when I started talking to her about knowledge and faith, while she had no understanding of the electrons of the Astral body and the knowledge stored in them. No wonder she drew the wrong conclusions about me. But this is a cautionary tale for me, as I should think carefully about writing the necessary details in my book so that people can clearly see the chain of cause and effect of my life and draw the right conclusions.

The other side of the coin was that all the time that I was at home I felt that I could already have a girlfriend if not for some moments that ruined everything. I thought too much about different things and hardly learned anything about E, although I tried to do it… but I could have done more. I had to ask E more about her life, find out what interests her, what plans she has for life, etc. I was talking about myself, still thinking that it is necessary to tell the girl as soon as possible about Auras and other everyday things in my life story…

I thought to give the whole situation a second chance and go to Ostankino again next Saturday to try to explain everything to E better, and also to get to know her better – in the event that I would not find a girlfriend during that week.

I did not find, and so I went on Saturday, July 25, to Ostankino.

There were many volunteers who walked the dogs, but I did not see E. I started asking people if they knew her.

Asking a bunch of people if they knew a girl named E was not the most fun thing to do, and I could see it as a punishment for not daring to walk up and talk to E in the midst of the crowd of people a week ago.

One girl agreed to help me in my search. I knew the name of the dog E was walking with last Sunday and gave this information to her. After a while, she said that E was on a three-week vacation – another girl with whom E had made friends informed her about this. Now I had to languish for at least another three weeks… the time during which E could easily find a boyfriend… another punishment for mistakes.

I decided to give the girl my contact information so that E could write to me. Perhaps I could tell her everything via texting?

My reflections led me to the conclusion that August 22 was the date when E was had to return from vacation for sure.

I continued my search for a girlfriend, often going to a walk in Gorky Park.

I began to ask the girls who refused to get acquainted if they could advise when it is best to tell the girl about Auras and other such things – immediately upon meeting, or after several meetings, when we get to know each other better. Some were for the first option, and some for the second.

In the meantime, my 32nd birthday came on July 30, 2020. Only in five and a half months it would be 4 years since I began to actively change the course of my life. And I could see how slowly these years had passed. Compared to the period of my life from 14 to 18 years, when I spent them almost completely in fantasies, these last 4 years could feel like all 12 years – so much has happened to me during this time, and I have learned so much.

On Friday, July 31st, a pretty girl named Olya agreed to talk to me, although she was busy reading a book.

I decided to immediately tell her that my life is not the most standard one, and it would be best if I told her everything about myself right away so that she could decide whether I would suit her or not.

Just before my story, I briefly told her that I was writing a book about my life and what I learned in it. Seeing Olya's skepticism, I mentioned that I had proven to myself the existence of many things – such as Auras, telekinesis, and the Higher Self – and other people can do the same; they could follow my example, for instance, and at the same time avoid making my and other people’s mistakes that were done out of ignorance. I mentioned that I can prove the existence of telekinesis. I further said that proving the existence of the Higher Self should be the easiest thing to do for people; I briefly told her how my Higher Self awakened me at the exact time that I asked for. Olya said that she also wakes up on her own at the appointed time and refused to accept the truth I proposed.

Olya asked me something else that might be a useful reminder to the readers of my book. The girl asked if I actually could have learned a lot during my 32 years of life. It is more about the existence of that which I was able to learn about during my thirty-two years – as I have already written, I know little about the principles of work of Aura and other things, about the real existence of which I could learn from my personal experience.

I could give a simple example of a five-year-old child who says that he knows about the existence of space rockets – he can really know about them at his age if he saw in person a launch of one such rocket, for example. But if a five-year-old child says that he knows all the details of the structure of a space rocket and knows all the principles of operation of each component of that rocket, then your skepticism will be more than appropriate – naturally, even in this case, there is a very small chance that the child can actually have the knowledge that only a few engineers have… in the age of the Internet anything is possible….

I started by telling her about my story with stuttering. After several questions from Olya, I started talking about my early sexual experience, which, unfortunately, led me to masturbation. At that moment the girl asked why “unfortunately” – after all, according to her, masturbation is a normal thing. This “normal” thing led to negative consequences, and that is why I said “unfortunately”.

Then I began to tell about my experience with the bright entity at the age of five, emphasizing that two senses were involved – first hearing and then sight – and that the gate at that time could not open by itself due to the inclination of the fence; gravity kept it closed. The girl started looking again for alternative interpretations of the simple truth, and she said something about how we forget details over time. As I mentioned earlier, I had cases when I focused on reality, relaxed, and I would recall even insignificant moments of my life so clearly that I had a feeling that they happened only yesterday. And my experience with the bright entity in the village was imprinted very, very strongly; therefore, I have absolutely no doubt about what I heard and saw on that distant day.

Let me remind you that both material and spiritual knowledge is “recorded” in our Astral body, and material knowledge can be erased only in the River of Oblivion, when a person, without a physical body, agrees or rejects to live the life offered to him by their Higher Self. Until then all material knowledge can be obtained – this is how people under hypnosis can remember all the details of any moment in their lives, including what they did not pay attention to. By the way, I would not be surprised if Thao “dictated” to Michel the details of his trip to Thiaoouba in exactly this way – by bringing the previously recorded data to the surface from Michel's soul.

Here Olya could not stand it any longer and said that she needed to study for post-graduate course, and I came and “dumped” it all on her. I asked if we could meet another time when she would not be so busy, but she flatly refused. Everything was clear to me, but I decided to give her the coordinates of my YouTube channel – Evgeny Meshkov Thiaoouba – realizing that she would write down the information to get rid of me. And so she did.

I apologized for all the inconveniences and went off for a walk.

She never wrote to me, and I would not be surprised if she just threw out the leaflet with my channel.

Just like with E, Olya was a smart girl – the ones I like, since I am interested in a lot of things myself, and I love to learn something new. But you need to remember about the extremes and the balance between them. For example, Olya mentioned something about the scientific method; I will partially repeat my previous thoughts when I say that I do not need a “scientific method” to say that, for example, I saw a black cat on such a road on such a day – this is a fact and I am talking about the existence of something, and not about how that thing works and interacts with the rest of the world – I do not even try to make theories about this, since I have never studied, for example, Auras with artificial devices, only with a natural device in my brain which gave me the opportunity to see them at one time.

Of course, in the case of Olya, I made the same mistake as with E. I had to strive to learn more about her, ask what she reads, and learn what she was majoring in, and not to strive to tell her absolutely everything about myself at once.

Well, I got an answer to my question regarding when I should tell a girl about my life – not at the first meeting for sure (not until Auras and other little-known things become commonplace – which I hope will happen during my lifetime).

But it is easy for me to write about all this now, when almost three months have passed since the events described above. On that same day, no matter how I tried to remain positive, sadness knocked me down, and the desire to work on the book almost faded away… For whom? I spend so much time and energy on it, and people just reject everything in a split second…

I am ready to go forward and prove telekinesis and other things – what is in my strengths to prove. But people do not want to meet me halfway and just reject me, not giving me a chance to speak out, not listening to me – just like it was a long time ago with two adult women (Yulia's mother and the supervisor in the store), but now this is already new a generation that does not want to listen and see simple truths. They think they know something better than others – even better than those who say they have personal experience. And they always find something that “confirms” their point of view, again refusing to listen to the interlocutor.

On the same day, July 31st, I wrote my first message in the TPXP group regarding my life problems and the inability to find a girlfriend due to my life experiences. But I did not give up and ended the message with my desire to prove the existence of telekinesis and, if possible, other little-known things, the real existence of which I know from my own experience. The more people know about them, the more chances I will have of finding someone.


Here I want to talk about another thing that Olya mentioned. I told her about how there is nothing supernatural and paranormal in life. Such things as ghosts, for example, are little-known things, but they are absolutely natural and normal, and they function according to completely exact Laws of the Universe – laws that are still little known to many people.

Olya retorted my statement by saying that the words “paranormal” and “supernatural” contain the meaning of little-knowingness, that they say about what lies outside the generally accepted norms (these are not entirely accurate words of the girl, but the meaning is the same).

Since I have no problem admitting my mistake and learning from it, just in case I decided to look at the descriptions of those two words in the dictionary (Wiktionary. I translated the Russian description inro English). Supernatural – “mystical, not explainable by natural reasons, in a rational way”. Paranormal – “without a scientific explanation”.

Ghosts, Auras, telekinesis, and other currently little-known things can be explained in a rational way, and they can have a scientific explanation.

Science is “a sphere of human activity aimed at collecting, accumulating, classifying, analyzing, generalizing, transferring and using facts, building theories that allow adequately describing natural or social (humanities) processes and predicting their development”. Rational – “based on reason, logic”.

It appears I was right.

Thinking about those two words, it became clear to me that psychology also plays a big role here. The words paranormal and supernatural not only evoke feelings of uneasiness, if not mild fear (partially “thanks” to horror movies and games, as well as some documentaries, which for some reason also use audio and video sequences that are negatively affecting the psyche), but they also evoke the idea that a person having experiences with such “paranormal/supernatural” things is strange. For these reasons, I believe that “little-known” things should be said instead; firstly, it does not cause fear of the unknown, because the very word “little-known” hints to us that as we study such things we will accumulate more and more knowledge about them, which in turn will remove the fear of the unknown; secondly, the fact that a person has to deal with a “little-known” thing does not make him strange in any way – of course, a person can lie about his experience for his own selfish purposes, for example, to capitalize on ignorance of people, which again shows the mistake of individuals using money within the country (See Manifesto chapter).

So, I continued to approach women. It was August 1st. After dinner I went to Gorky Park. I tried to approach girls, but no one wanted to get acquainted. Usually I first walk at the Krymskaya Naberezhnaya, then I go to Gorky Park itself, and only after that I go home. I did not want to leave that evening. So, I walked again along the Krymskaya Naberezhnaya, not finding anyone. It was already dusk when I had thoughts of going home. But it felt as if I was drawn to the park by something, and I decided to walk through it again – in any case, I had long wanted to walk around it under artificial lighting.

I saw a girl walking alone at the fountain. She was walking leisurely to the far part of the park. I decided to approach her.

She agreed to get acquainted and said that her name was Yana. I immediately suggested that she switch to an informal “ты” (you).

As I already wrote, it is very difficult not to talk about Auras, telekinesis, etc., when you have been writing a book about this for almost six months for several hours of each day. This time was no exception, and in a few seconds I tried to quickly tell Yana the basics of the book and then move the conversation somewhere else. But to my surprise and inspiration, the girl herself began to ask about telekinesis, and it was clear from her tone that she was really interested. She asked me to show it, and I had to say that for now I can only move the tip of the suspended long light thread. We agreed that I would record on video my telekinesis session and show it to her.

Yana also mentioned how she used to be interested in meditation. She herself was still studying at an Institute, and as it became clear later, she is 13 years younger than me.

We walked with her in the evening park under the illumination of lanterns, and talked about various topics. Only occasionally there was a short silence among us.

She agreed to give me her profile on social networks, which she wrote down on my phone. She did not give me the phone number itself, since she did not answer calls because of her phobia. By the way, at the time of writing these lines, Yana no longer has that phobia, since she had to overcome it because of her work – which is great news!

When we were heading to the metro across the Krymsky Bridge, Yana herself asked me to tell her about reincarnation, but it was a very long topic which I postponed and told her a few days later in VK.

We have not met again, but we correspond in VK sometimes.

Me getting acquainted with her, which happened literally the next day after my despair, helped me to become inspired again. There were people with similar interests who did care, and who were ready to listen.

Then, thanks to Yana, I finally decided to record my telekinesis session. I recorded myself with just my camera. Only the thread and part of my head were visible, but that was better than nothing. In that video, you can clearly see how the tip of the thread is unusually (not like in a draft/wind) moving from side to side – sometimes these movements are very sharp. I wanted to record another session where I would also film myself using my phone’s camera, but I have not yet had the time and opportunity to do it.

In the course of my telekinesis practices in the summer, I realized that telekinesis works, apparently, at will, and not by thought or imagination. I will explain. I often had the feeling that in order to telekinetically move the tip of the thread, you need to treat it like a part of your own body – as if it was your limb. For example, this is similar to the movement of a hand – we do not imagine how it moves, and we do not think about its movement when we want it to move. All we do is project our will and the hand moves. The process is similar to how we move things telekinetically. I want to mention that Thiaooubians often said that they can do this or that “at will”. I will say again that serious scientific research is required here.

Considering that even Thiaooubians cannot travel by levitation faster than 7 kilometers per hour, it becomes clear that Thao was not joking when she said that the Spirit has an “exceptional spiritual force”.22 It seems to me this is exactly what is required to set the entire Universe in motion!

In the meantime, it was clear that Yana did not want to be my girlfriend, and therefore I decided to take a ride to Ostankino on the weekend – either on 22nd or 23rd of August.

There was no E. The girl to whom I left my contacts said that she gave them to E a few weeks ago. But E never wrote me. Of course, it was very clear that I did not interest her, but then it could have been so because she had the wrong information about me.

After waiting for a few hours, while asking a few people if they had seen E that day, I never met her. I wanted to come there again on next weekend as I did not want to give up after going all this way.

22Desmarquet, Abduction to the 9th Planet, 84.
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