полная версияSimple Truths of Life

Евгений Сергеевич Мешков
Simple Truths of Life

Полная версия

Thanks to this simple understanding, I was finally able to stop blaming myself for my mistakes, because now I knew that I simply could not have lived my life differently.

Therefore, I could not go to the library at the age of thirteen and use the Internet, since I not only knew little about the essence of the Internet back then, but I also could not know that it contained the information about the real reason for stuttering; moreover, I had no reason not to trust certain aspects of medicine and science at that time in my life. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire knowledge in different directions which will open more ways to solve certain problems.

Based on the foregoing understanding, something else became clear. You can often hear people say that they would do/say one or the other thing in the place of another person. No! You would have made exactly the same decision if you were in the place of that person and had exactly the same knowledge that he has, since you would be that person, and he would be you! I think that Jesus spoke precisely of this in saying 108 in the Gospel of Thomas.

If you say that you would have your knowledge, this would be impossible, since knowledge is the result of the life experience of an individual person.

The same applies to our Higher Selves who will give us a solution to the problem in the morning only if this “solution” is beneficial to them. This makes sense, since in our spiritual development from this decision the Higher Selves will have to filter less of the bad sensations that we experience in our lives.

I would put the memory right after the knowledge in order of importance. Many of my mistakes were made because I either deliberately blocked access to some knowledge, or I got lost in myself so much that there was almost no room in my mind to “load” data from memory. Alas, I understand why Thao said that “men easily forget”…13

In early childhood, I could not pronounce the sound “r”. I remember lying on the bed in the village house and trying to learn how to pronounce this sound. I was persistent in my attempts and finally I was able to growl like a lion. Could I find the reason for the speech stammer if I remembered my childhood success? Given that back in school I realized how I simply could not speak with stutters when I was alone and spoke aloud to myself, anything is possible.

So, for example, I once firmly decided that I would get rid of planetophobia when I started watching a scientific broadcast about black holes on television. I focused on reality and took the visual image for what it really was. The phobia was gone, and since then I do not remember about planetophobia when reading or watching a video about space objects.

Further, when I met Marina, I realized that I could try to find a girlfriend matching my interests in Russia and emigrate to another country with her if we got married. There was a choice.

Then I remembered how in childhood I courted a village friend, seeking her liking me back. Then I firmly walked towards my goal, and I was not shy about anyone and was not afraid of anything. It felt like I was what we could call an “alpha male”. So, what happened then? I allowed negative incidents to block almost everything positive in my life – I forgot.

For myself, I divided this knowledge into active and inactive. The knowledge gained is stored in your Astral body, but whether you can remember it depends on how well you trained your memory, and on some other factors.

Memory is an interesting thing. I often had moments when I woke up in the morning and thought that I had no dreams at night. In fact, I was thinking about something else. But then I went outside and saw something that immediately reminded me of the dream that I never knew I had that night. I assume that deja vu happens in a similar way. We recall something when one of our senses discovers something related to the stored information in our Astral body. Of course, if we polluted our brain with something else, then it may not get the necessary information from the soul for us.

As far back as nineteen years old, I noticed that whenever I relaxed and focused on reality, my memory of past events was restored. Lessons learned also became very clear in the head.

Therefore, you should not block the information that seems negative to you, since you only postpone your education that leads to you making the right choices and, accordingly, to happiness.

This applies to all people and other creatures – regardless of the “savagery” of their actions. And yes, the same applies to those who commit suicide – in my difficult times I was looking for a relief, a benefit for myself in this erroneous action that will not save a person from the lessons that he must learn at school of life, but only add another mistake to the collection of that person.

Once people learn, for example, the Universal Law that people should suffer for all their mistakes, many of them will stop committing the actions that they know, or believe, are wrong.

From what Thiaooubians taught us in Thiaoouba Prophecy book, it is clear that the Superior Intelligence did not want to have bad feelings, the Spirit only wanted good sensations. Therefore, the Spirit created the 9 filters in the form of nine Higher Selves which filter all the sensations that we experience during our lives. Since we are all part of the Superior Intelligence, it is logical that each of us also wants to have only all that is good – that is, what we consider good and right for ourselves in the present situation that we are in, in accordance with our present material and spiritual knowledge.

Speaking of the Spirit and unwillingness to harm oneself, this is one of the most important reasons why the Superior Intelligence created the Universe with a clear and concrete plan. Being intelligent, the Spirit could not “play dice” when creating the world, since not knowing the result from his universe could harm him. Ignorance does not eliminate the consequences of an error. An example is a child touching a hot stove.

It follows that all of our next lives that we will live are also known.

I often had a question about the fact that after previewing their possible life with the Higher Self, people have a choice: to agree or refuse to live the life shown.

But what if, for example, a soul decided to be born in the body of a woman who was to have a baby at an early age, with whom they would live in close contact all their lives. They had to find out very early that they were sisters in the past life, and this knowledge would influence what choices both people would make, and as a result they would be able to gain some spiritual knowledge. What if the soul, which in the previous life was the second sister, refused to be born in the body of the child? This would mean that the woman would have to live a life that she did not choose, which would not be fair.

Therefore, I believe that I am right in my thoughts that all the choices we will ever make are already known – even those choices that we make with the Higher Self, agreeing or refusing to live the offered life.

My thoughts led me to the following definition of spirituality: Learning to make decisions that will benefit oneself without negative effects for other creatures that have a part of the Superior Intelligence in them.

Until now, I could not find a refutation of this theory. I can cite myself as an example. I am writing this book because I know that it would be a mistake not to share my knowledge and experience with the public. How can I hope to be born on a planet of the second category if I am not ready to say goodbye to my fears and help other people? I am writing this book to try to help others, because I know that this will help me. The knowledge and experience gained, parting with serious mistakes, all this will bring me closer to the planet of the second category, where I will have to suffer less.

Of course, when walking to the mountain, you need to overcome many associated obstacles, and in spiritual development you also need to experience a lot of things before a new spiritual height is reached.


Returning to my life, I thought that when meeting a girl, I needed to tell her about my life experience as soon as possible in order to save both my and her time. But I realized that it is also not worth dumping everything at once.

I will say that I never liked the topic of “pickup” because of the lies to girls, which leads to the fact that girls begin to beware of normal guys who want normal, human relationships. I only read their site once for widening my knowledge, and I was surprised by a girl’s comment who wrote how her boyfriend “used on her” one of the pickup phrases from that site. She already loved him and forgave him. However, perhaps they really found their ideal half this way. Who knows?

Unfortunately, even though I tried to take a walk from time to time, I could no longer find a girl who would agree to give me a chance. Moreover, I again allowed myself to withdraw into myself, which entailed a memory lock and subsequent repetition of errors. Because of this, I again had problems with tension and facial expressions.

There were girls whom I wanted to approach, but did not dare, because it was clear in what condition I was and what the answer would be when they examined me better.

Due to deteriorated well-being, I had to sit at home most of the autumn, and then the cold came. There were less people on the street. I was thinking about getting to know girls in shopping malls, but I never had time to go to them.


I thought that I would devote all my time to translating Michel’s book, so that in the warmer months of the next 2020 year I could spend as many days outside as possible, and, at the same time, search of a girlfriend.

So I did, only briefly going out for a health restoring walk.

One of the interesting events was only a vision that I saw on December 13, 2019. I woke up early in the morning and saw the shape of a face in front of me. It was barely visible. I said something like: “Thao, I have not seen you for a long time!”. After that, the face approached, but not by moving, but like in a video, when the frame is gradually replaced by another frame taken at a closer distance to the photographed object. It was definitely a woman's face, and it looked like that of a Thiaooubian. But the eyes seemed brown.

Nearing the end of the book, I began to translate the part of it where Thao told Michel that because of the pollution of the Earth’s atmosphere with carbon dioxide, we were on the verge of terrible disasters. She made it clear that it is the destruction of our entire planet that is at risk – with no second chance if the level of pollution does not stop and then begin to fall. Then I knew for sure that my translation should be free of charge in all possible online stores. Firstly, it is very important that as many people as possible are able to read this book, and secondly, I saw how skeptical people would become asking why the authors of the book charge money for reading it if the planet Earth can get destroyed? What is the use of money if you are dead? I said this to the copyright holder, and she immediately agreed with my idea.

Speaking of skepticism, sometimes I myself did not believe in the unusual stories of other people, and in some cases I even had hints of a smile on my face, but then I realized that many other people think the same thing about me when I talk about Thiaoouba. And yet I know that my story is true. So why cannot other people's experiences be true? All the hints of the smile would go away, and I became serious. Of course, I understand that there are fabrications among true stories.

During one frosty day I went for a walk. Returning from the park, I passed a bridge over the Yauza River and went into the courtyard of a corner house. A woman walked in my direction and asked me something about religion. It may well be that I had already seen her, or her comrades, before, but I always walked away when they asked me religious questions on the street. Religions are of little interest to me, given that I have knowledge. And one day I left because I was asked a question about sex and the current trend for people to often change partners. Then I could hardly calm down because I had neither a girlfriend, nor love, nor sex, and that question only opened old, not yet healed wounds.

But years have passed, and I was more relaxed about my life and what I had to experience and learn in it. Plus, I was finishing translating the book from Thiaooubians, the people who once sent Jesus Christ to Earth. So, I decided to see what I can learn for myself from this conversation.

I told her briefly about Thiaoouba and the Laws of the Universe. I also told her that I was about to finish translating the book that would be free. I gave her the title of the book.

She kept asking me for a long time about the causes of suffering and why some people do bad things and they remain unpunished, while others live honestly, but still suffer. Originally, she read that quote from her religious book on her phone; the book has already been opened on the required page.

Thiaoouba Prophecy sheds light on many things, but it does not answer all questions, since this is our lesson to seek the truth, and Thiaooubians would have made a mistake if they were giving us food on a plate. Moreover, many of the things that were mentioned in the book are mentioned in one way or another in many ancient historical documents (which are now called religious texts), the teachings of which were distorted to some extent over time. Accordingly, Thiaoouba Prophecy book helps us to separate the wheat from the chaff. The rest of the things we need to find out for ourselves – like the way I once went to look for information about the Naacal stone tablets.

I think I told her about this, and then I expressed my opinion regarding her question about justice. She refused to listen to me and read the book because it did not answer all the questions. Therefore, she decided to continue to believe in what is written in her book, the text of which was strongly distorted by evil priests several centuries after the Crucifixion Jesus… She did not care about logic and truth. Well, this is her choice. When it became clear that I had done everything I could, I said goodbye and left.

My eyes opened to the fact that many people simply would not believe Michel Desmarquet's book, and I need to be prepared for this.

In December, I finished translating the book. My mother helped me look for errors and typos. Unfortunately, she did not particularly believe in the veracity of the book, and apparently forgot how I showed her a long time ago that I had learned to move with just my thought alone light things hanging on a suspended meter-long thread.

I think you understand that I will have to check my own book for errors myself.

Soon I was punished for starting to translate the book without signing an agreement with the copyright holder, to whom Michel Desmarquet transferred the rights to all his books before his death. Of course, nothing prevented me from signing a contract in the present time, so that I would be given the right to translate Thiaoouba Prophecy and publish that translation. And we were moving in that direction, being in the process of negotiations regarding the details of the contract.

Due to my poor health, I was afraid that I might die before I publish my translation. Therefore, I asked to try to resolve all issues before the new year. The girl agreed and… a complete silence followed.

I did not know what was happening and began to worry. In order not to lose the translation, I uploaded a clean text version of it on the Internet.

After some time, I found out that the girl was hospitalized due to poisoning. Soon she got better, the contract was signed, and I uploaded the translated book for publication. The documents were accepted, and on January 23, 2020, the e-book titled “Тиауба: Золотая Планета” (Thiaoouba: The Golden Planet) was on LitRes.

Then I uploaded it to many other online bookstores.

I also ordered twenty copies of books with my own money to give them away to libraries in Moscow. This way I wanted to try to preserve Thiaooubians’ message. It took a little less than five thousand rubles.

Books came, and there were 21 of them, not 20, as I initially thought. I did not feel well, but still I went to one of the nearest libraries and gave them a copy of the book.

I was thinking that maybe I should wait with my trips to Moscow libraries until spring, because I was afraid of contracting the flu, which in theory could bring me to the grave, given my not the best health. But then I decided that I do not know the future and therefore it was better to finish the job now and live in peace afterwards.

So, I first took a tram and rode beyond Sokolniki. It was psychologically easier for me in the ground transport than in the subway. Plus, I deliberately postponed the trip to the subway for the weekend, so that there would be fewer people and, accordingly, I was less likely to get the flu.

Gaining confidence and having a successful day behind me, on the next Saturday morning I went to the area of Clean Ponds. It was a beautiful frosty day, a rarity in 2020, and I fully enjoyed the old architecture of the capital, adorned with the warm light of the morning sun.

There was a remarkable moment when it was time to come to Kolomenskoye. It was Sunday. Buses rarely drove. Finally, my bus arrived, and I rode it to my stop, but got off too early. I had to go around with the heavy bag of books around the neighborhood to find the library I needed. It turned out that I needed to drive another two stops.

After handing over the book, I went to the bus stop. The bus did not go. I was two and a half kilometers from the metro and decided to walk. It was cold and windy. I did not feel too well and I remember exactly how the thought appeared in my head that I was doing all this only because I know about the truthfulness of the book Thiaoouba Prophecy from my personal experience. If I only believed in it, I would most likely not spend the months of my life translating it, and even more so I would not spend the few money that I saved up on printing the circulation of books and subsequent difficult trips with them around the the city.

By the way, I signed and left two books in places for bookcrossing. Someone definitely took one of them. I thought of “releasing” a couple more books, but after I learned that they could be left outside in the rain, I decided to keep them in the libraries.

In the end, I only left one book for myself and sent the other to Michael Meanwell in Australia at his request. He wrote the Epilogue for the book “Thiaoouba: The Golden Planet” after the death of Michel Desmarquet.

During the book distribution, I had to ask where the library I needed was. To do this, I went up to a young pretty girl who was clearly waiting for someone. She stopped looking so pretty when I saw her yellow teeth. I could not help myself.

I understood another asymmetry of my life some time earlier, when for the most part I wanted to get acquainted only with beautiful and pretty girls, while I myself did not look the best way already. This was one of the clear reasons for some rejections.

People did not want to know me. They simply said “no” based on the appearance, not on the inner world. The same thing applied to me when I just walked past many girls who seemed not to be my type. Of course, it is natural that I approached those whom I would find attractive externally, but I decided to try to expand the circle of girls with whom I tried to talk.

If I could see Auras constantly, then everything would be simpler. And if all other people could see and read Auras, then in general people would have much less problems, and some girls would not shy away from me. Especially in our time, the ability to see and read Auras would help girls to immediately understand if a person meets them for the sake of sex and deceives them, or if he wants serious human relationships.

And there I was, thinking about that girl. Does she even know that she has yellow teeth? If I was meeting her, I could try to somehow tell her about the problem that could become even more serious with time. And if she whitened her teeth, then hear appearance would stop seem repulsive to me.

People can change. I am a proof of this for myself: both positively and negatively. Once again, I saw that you need to look for that person who is suitable by spiritual knowledge, and not to look for that person only by physical criteria.

I noted that it is very difficult to find ideal people on the planet of the first category. In fact, they simply are not here, since ideal people live on planets of the ninth category.

Therefore, one must learn to live with the shortcomings of others. But this does not mean that you need to ignore the flaws that can be corrected in a reasonable way.

We live in the present and we need to think about a person the way he is in reality, in the present moment, and not the way he was years ago. If a person has changed, then there is no reason for his old actions and appearance to influence the way we see that person here and now. We, in fact, become spiritual people, unknowingly making mistakes, and then learning a lesson from the consequences of our decisions.

But sometimes, in order for a person to change, you need to try to teach him another way of life, and not “bail” on him as soon as you see something negative in him – well, or what you consider negative, but in fact it can be completely opposite. Sometimes people cannot see their problems and think that they are not doing anything wrong.

In part, this influenced my decision that I would come to get acquainted with smokers, those sitting on the phone, etc. If they agree to get acquainted and want to change for the better – excellent, but if not, then perhaps I just should continue my search for a girlfriend.

Since it is better to be with the person with whom you have love and spiritual affinity for the reasons described in Michel Desmarquet’s book Thiaoouba Prophecy, it is better for people without a couple – both females and males – not to reject those who ask them for permission to become acquainted. Many people have different spiritual knowledge, and rejecting a person you can reject someone who would ideally suit you had you decided to get to know the person before saying “no” to him. Moreover, acquaintance means a simple learning of details about each other, it does not mean that people immediately become a couple or get married in a week. In the case of a spiritual difference, both of you can simply learn something new and just have a good time in the conversation.



The time of distributing the books to libraries in different parts of Russia’s capital diversified my life so much that it felt like time began to go very slowly. I really thought that at least a month had already passed since I began to give away the books to libraries, but when I looked at the calendar, it turned out that only two weeks had passed!

The same thing happened with the perception of time when at 28 years I decided to get acquainted with the red-haired girl and then began to engage in leveling myself up, and not a character in a video game. I cannot believe that only 3 years have passed since then! It feels like these three years are equal to at least 8 that I basically spent sitting at home by the computer…

I thought that in the warm period of the year, which was already visible on the horizon, I should go more for a walk to different parts of Moscow, so that time would not fly so fast. I, just like everyone else, did not know the future…

After some time, I found out that one of the bookstores, where my translation of the book was published, made it possible to print the circulation of books and send them to the Russian Book Chamber, which would then send each copy to different libraries in the country. In the list I found only a couple of libraries that I already gave the books to myself. I decided that I would spend some more money to give the book more chances to be preserved.

After paying six and a half thousand rubles, I was waiting for the circulation to be sent. One book was supposed to come to me.

Everything was just fine with the electronic edition of the Russian official translation of Thiaoouba Prophecy, as the free electronic version of the book was uploaded to all major online stores. The same could not be said about the printed book.

I decided to give the printed book the last chance and went to the Biblio-Globus near Lubyanka. Looking through book publishers, I found a little less than twenty more publishers that I had not seen before in other bookstores.

Arriving home, I sent a request for publication to all those publishers. In the message I wrote that the electronic version of the book was published for free of charge.

Soon I received one message in which someone asked me why they need all this torment, if the book is already in the online store? I did not know why that person spent his time typing a message that seemed pointless, given that I honestly wrote about the free e-book so that publishers knew about the risks involved…

Then a publisher wrote me; they offered publishing the book at my expense. For obvious reasons this was not an option for me.

No one else wrote me, and I thought that the period of me helping Thiaooubians came to an end.

Over the past three years, I have learned and understood a lot of things by reading various websites and forums where people sincerely and openly talked about a variety of things and problems. Their sincerity helped me very much in understanding that I was not alone in my sailing down the course of the Universe’s lessons. I began to think how I could return help to humanity.

How can I expect to find a girlfriend with similar interests if I am afraid to make efforts so that the knowledge that I have becomes available to all people?

In addition, the girls could give me a chance to get to know me better, but I understand that they think that such facial expressions mean that the person is very sick. They do not know the truth. The best thing I can do is to tell people the truth about the real state of things; that many psychological problems can go away very quickly if a person does everything necessary for this – if he learns. Perhaps then people will give more chances to others, will try to get to know them and, if necessary, will be able to try to help them, teach them the simple truths of life. In the end, we all go to the same school on this planet.

People on the Internet have helped me a lot, but I myself almost never write on forums. Firstly, because I usually like to listen, not talk. And secondly, my knowledge is closely linked to Thiaoouba and the Laws of the Universe. I understand that if I write a short answer, almost no one will understand me. And writing in each comment about my experience with Thiaooubians will take a lot of time, and some forums don’t allow too many symbols to be written anyway. Here we need a different solution…

Seeing how easy it was to publish an e-book, I had the idea of writing a book about what I learned in this life. In fact, thinking of making a video for YouTube, I recently wrote to a file everything that I learned in this life.

I thought to write a fictional story where Michel’s book would play an important role in the story of one of the characters. I did not want to write a non-fiction book about my life, because I still had psychological barriers. I was afraid to tell the truth about myself, as it was clear what many modern people would think of me. But in the course of time and reflection, I realized that it would most likely be a mistake not to write about my life experience with Thiaoouba (Thiaooubians found time in their lives to help me – the best I can do is try to help them in return) and all that I had to experience and learn in my life, since my experience can help others. In the end, what will I lose if I already have nothing and nobody? But I could remove the remaining psychological barriers from my psyche and acquire new spiritual understandings, which is very important since spiritual knowledge is never erased during our lives in the Universe. So, if I publish my book, then I will have already helped one person – myself.

My old fears about the negative consequences almost came to naught. The fact is that I know that not expressing the truth is a 100% mistake that will materialize into 100% suffering. But the telling of the truth is not a mistake if one is in the middle of the previously mentioned sinusoid when writing a book. There is no need to move to either of the two extremes, which would be mistakes in which I would either not tell important details or write too many details. Everything needs a balance.

But I really needed to write all the important details of my life that preceded my experience with Thao and Biastra, because when I wrote in my notes on social networks only about my experience with the Thiaooubians, some people were still skeptical about the small passage of my life’s story, not understanding why I had such an experience and they did not. Then I myself do not know 100% which details are important and which are not, because I can only guess about the real reasons behind the decision of Thao and Biastra to help me get out of my wild psychological state; but I think that people will still be able to learn something for themselves from my life’s experience. If we recall the sinusoid again, then a person, by and large, can: speak the truth, be mistaken in his conclusions (he thinks he is telling the truth, but his words are not true. It is worth saying that a very rare situation may arise when a person may think that he is telling a lie, but at the same time his words are true – such a change in places is inherent to the middle values), and lie; my position should be clear about the “lie”, and I will talk regarding the “be mistaken in his conclusions” part closer to the end of this chapter, where I write my opinion on knowledge and faith.

13Desmarquet, Abduction to the 9th Planet, 70.
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