полная версияSimple Truths of Life

Евгений Сергеевич Мешков
Simple Truths of Life

Полная версия

It is possible that my sincere desire to learn from my own experience about Auras, telekinesis and other spiritual things also helped to “open” for some time the “door” of Universal Law so that Thiaooubians could help me when I needed help the most.

Another telepathic message came to me from Thao after I woke up. She said: “There are other joys in life”. It was referring to sex, the absence of which I was so worried about at that time. I realized that this message was from Thao, since she used the words “other joys” when she told Michel that Arki’s death was really sad, but they should not be selfish, as other adventures and other joys probably awaited him in subsequent lives.

Both telepathic messages were in the form of a voice in the head, and they sounded very clear and “loud”, completely different from how we “talk” to ourselves in our head (for example, when reading a book to ourselves, or when “voicing” what we daydream about).

This experience with telepathy showed that there are at least two types of telepathic communication: a stream of thoughts and a voice in the head. An example of a possible third type of telepathy would be how Latoli, not knowing French, telepathically “dipped” into Michel Desmarquet’s mind when he was delivering his speech, and in doing so she could understand the meaning of Michel's thoughts.

This was the last telepathic message I received.

It is interesting to note that the word “joy” was used to describe sex, and yet some religious texts mistakenly forbid people to have this natural joy [with a person of the opposite sex with whom there is love and spiritual affinity].

I was often confused by Thao using the word “probably” when she spoke to Michel about the possible fate of Arki. Could Arki never have happiness? Over the years and with new life experiences, I realized that it all had to do with the good old saying “never say never”. We do not know the future and therefore it would be a mistake to say that something will happen – even if it is about justice and happiness. My father also often used to say “не загадывать” (not to make plans).

I do not know if I should write it here or not… but after reading the book for the first time, for some reason I thought that I could have been Arki in my past life. Michel Desmarquet was taken by Thiaooubians on June 26, 1987, while I was born on July 30, 1988 – exactly 400 days later. But now, as I am writing this book, I have thrown all those thoughts away. There are many reasons for this, which you may understand later in this book.

I often thought that Natasha could be found using my new knowledge and abilities.

Then I often mentally and aloud addressed my Higher Self, Thao, Biastra and Latoli, asking them to help me at least somehow.

Help came in the form of a dream where I was in a room with another man. He said that Natasha was expelled from the institute and they lost contact with her. I began to hate myself in my dream, saying that I should have helped her and then none of this would have happened. Then I said that perhaps this information would be enough to find her, but then, when I was leaving, I stopped and said that perhaps there might be something else that I could find out since I was already there… I think that a number was written on a piece of paper, possibly a telephone number. Then, when I put on my outer clothes, a note was written saying that Natasha had to work as a prostitute. The man saw the note, and, I think, mentioned the place where she was, and that was the information I was looking for. When I woke up, I could not remember the important to me details of that dream. I was angry with myself for not being able to clear my mind the previous day and for allowing myself to fall asleep in a tense state of being which led to not remembering the number and other details.

Of course, it is not at all a fact that the dream was prophetic or true.

Then I had a dream about Natasha working in an office and wearing something like a light straight dress. While walking on the street, I saw two women wearing the same clothes. Interestingly, both of them entered different banks in my area. I proceeded to those banks, asking the employees some trivial questions in order to better look around and examine the girl, but then I realized that what I was doing was nonsense and I needed to finish that.

I also remembered the Remote Viewing which I tried to learn by following the instructions of the author.[6] I can only say that during my short study of the Remote Viewing I was looking at one of the links, the contents of which I did not know, and I had a clear sensation of warmth appear in the area of my solar plexus. Following the link after my Remote Viewing session, I saw a photograph of the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan. Unfortunately, due to the noise from the air conditioners that did not allow me to completely relax my mind, I had to postpone the Remote Viewing lessons for a long time.

This is where I stopped my attempts to find Natasha…

Even before I could go to the place where I saw Natasha for the last time, a new pigeon began to fly to my window sill. That new pigeon had a huge growth on his leg, and after a couple of years he did not have both legs at all. I also fed him all this time. Often, he knew that another pigeon was the first to eat the pearl barley, but sometimes fights happened anyway. Sometimes I managed to calm their feelings, and they pecked together… until I turned away.

I had 3 parrots as a child. Unfortunately, they did not live for many years, and because of the problems that started at school, I did not properly care for the last bird. Seeing those two pigeons, I liked that they could remain free and did not live in captivity. But at the same time, they pleased me with their presence every day.

As for the noise situation, in desperation, my mother and I decided to put two-chamber plastic windows in the room and in the kitchen. They cost a lot of money, but we hoped it would reduce noise with the windows closed. Windows did actually reduce the noise by a lot, but not from air conditioners! How could this be?

Up to this point, my mother often wrote complaints that did not help, since bank employees often simply did not turn on their air conditioners at full capacity when people came to measure the noise. Although once their device did show the noise level to be at, as I recall, 66 decibels with the windows closed. In addition, these measurements and subsequent analyzes usually took place after a long time.

Being in a desperate position, I decided to deal with air conditioners personally, and do this not through intermediaries, but directly with the director of that bank’s branch. I called the bank and a young polite woman answered. She just recently started working as a director there. I told her about the terrible situation at our home because of their appliances and asked her to call in the technicians so that they could check what was happening. She agreed that air conditioners should not make so much noise and promised that she would call specialists.

In the following months, I had to call her morу times to report that the air conditioners were not turned off for the night. The bank was supposed to fine people who left them turned on for the night.

Meanwhile, the masters did not come, but I was getting worse and worse. The noise, hum, and vibration did their job, and then came the day when, upon waking up, I had a clear thought that this would be my last day, since I was dying. My brain barely worked, and my body barely moved…

Thanks to my knowledge of Thiaoouba and the Universe, I am not at all surprised that it was on that very day and after my awareness of the inevitability of my death that the bank director called me and said about the arrival of the masters whom she had called after all.

One of the people entered our apartment and still being in the hallway noticed how loud the noise was. Another technician was on the street near the air conditioners. They turned the air conditioners off and on to make sure that it was the bank that disturbed peace. The man on the street did something and… the noise was no more!

Do you know what was the cause of the noise that could not be detected and removed by representatives of official organizations of the country aimed to help people, and which was removed in a second? Around the air conditioners, the bank for some reason put a massive iron grate that was bolted to the brick wall of our house. The air conditioners themselves stood on a stand which, of course, was also bolted to the wall of the house. It so happens that those stands with great force pushed against the iron grates. As a result, the vibration from the air conditioner was transmitted by a chain to the stand, the iron grate, and then to the wall of the house, after which the vibration was transmitted to the air in the room, creating noise in it. Sensible vibration from the floor was generated for the same reason.

Unfortunately, the hum problem still remained. I tried to solve it, but we completely got rid of the hum only when the bank branch was closed.

Before the bank got closed, several important and enlightening events took place.

Firstly, after some time, the headmistress called me to write an official message saying that I had no complaints about her, or something like that. I must say I was a little surprised that her bosses doubted her actions – after all, she did actually help people! I wrote one line about this, and that there are no complaints against her, not knowing what else can be written there and for what reason. After some time, she no longer worked as a director. Whether she was fired or left herself, I do not know.

What I know is that the second event was that the new director was a woman who was not fully competent in her work. I will explain. Once, for the sake of experiment, I decided to transfer my money earned by programming not to my bank card, as I always did, but to the deposit account. They came and after a few days I needed to transfer them to my bank card. I transferred a thousand rubles and… they took a commission from me which was almost the same thousand rubles!


Having studied the bank’s rules, I realized that an error had occurred and there should not have been any commission. The point was that there really was a commission for transferring money to another person, if that money came from abroad less than a month ago. But there was nothing said about transferring money to yourself.

With this information I went to the bank, thinking that they would quickly return the money to me. But no. One of the workers kept telling me that I just did not see some sign saying that the commission would be charged. As a programmer and just a person who usually carefully reads everything that is written on the payment page, I can say that there was no sign for sure. Then she sent me to the future new director who also told me that there was no mistake, and she tried to get rid of me. To this I brought her a bank booklet with all the rules (it was laying nearby by their window) and pointed my finger at the very rule which clearly showed that I was right. She did not even want to look there! In the end, she said that they would not be able to give me the money anyway, since this is not done by them, and so I needed to write an official letter explaining all the details. I do not know why it was impossible to tell me immediately about this, but as a result my letter reached competent people, and the money was returned to me. Justice triumphed, and at the same time I found out that you should trust your own knowledge, logic, and common sense, even when several people try to prove to you your “wrongness”.

Thirdly, there was a time when for some reason the bank decided to replace one of their four air conditioners with a “new” one. I put the word “new” in quotation marks because when I was talking with employees who were installing that air conditioner, it turned out that the unit was already in use, and that the bank always saved money on the equipment this way. Alas, after this the workers gathered to put on a huge metal grate on top of the “new” air conditioner. I write “to dress” because the air conditioner literally inflated the grate with its “body”. Upon their contact, a clear loud noise immediately appeared. I told them about this and that replacing the air conditioner for the sake of eliminating noise does not make sense if they create noise again by hanging the grate on it. To this they said that the lattice, where you can easily squeeze your finger, should somehow protect the bank… Fortunately, one of the women, who was the manager and had influence on the workers who set the air conditioners, gave me her phone so I could call her if necessary. I explained her the absurdity of the situation, and the metal grate was immediately removed and no longer bothered me and my mother. This was yet another person in my life who had common sense and helped other people.

Thiaoouba Prophecy spoke about the danger of noise to our Astral body. In fact, the Astral body can be damaged by two things: hallucinogenic drugs and vibrations occasioned by certain kinds of noise. Thaora said that music at discotheques typically played three times too loudly. I found out that in nightclubs the volume of music reaches about 120 decibels. It is scientifically known that a decrease in sound level by 10 dB is perceived by people by ear as a two-fold decrease in volume. The perception of a threefold decrease in sound volume is approximately 15.85 dB. That is, about 104 dB is the threshold if we take 120 dB for noise which is three times louder than the safe level. Personally, I try to keep away from anything over 80 dB.

In the “Thiaoouba Truth” audio interview with Michael Meanwell,[7] Michel Desmarquet says the word “damage” is not entirely accurate. He used the words “disturbing, deforming”. Therefore, the Astral body can recover from the bad effects of noise, but, of course, you should avoid it and look for ways to eliminate the causes of such noise.

When Thaora said that if people could see the Astral body they would run out of the disco as if there was a fire, I breathed a sigh of relief that I never actually decided to go to nightclubs. I thought about it when I was about nineteen years old, but due to financial reasons I decided not to go anywhere…

On January 13, 2014 I made a post in the Thiaoouba Prophecy XP group about two unnamed bodies of human beings. A dispute arose in the comments regarding what the Spirit was made of. I have realized many different interesting things about the Superior Intelligence and the Universe since then, and I will discuss this topic in detail at the end of the last chapter of this book. Now I want to tell about a series of dreams, the first dream of which I had on the night when the bank's air conditioners were still very noisy and vibrated.

The scene of the dream took place in what could be called a theater with a red theater curtain. Only one detail was completely different from a theater, namely a long and narrow catwalk-like ledge protruding into the theatre hall several meters from the middle of the stage. I had long seen a similar catwalk to the public when a Kylie Minogue’s concert was shown on the music news. The theatre hall was very dark. Approximately in the middle of the catwalk stood a tall, slender, and beautiful young woman who had her back turned to me. She was a blonde with a short haircut to the shoulders. The girl was silently thinking about something, as if waiting for someone. There was no one else in that building. Suddenly the picture changed to a point of view from her eyes. At that moment I could feel and know what it was like to be her! While staring down, she was immersed in herself, but she was not thinking about anything specific. Suddenly, a man came up behind her and slit her, and mine, throat with a knife.

I immediately woke up. The air conditioners were on all night, and I barely slept. At that time my health was already starting deteriorating because of the noise, I could feel the tension in my brain, and I decided to call the bank to simply ask them to turn off the air conditioners for a while, because in any case they pumped cold air from the street all night long, and my mother and I could be in silence at least for a while in order to come to our senses. The woman who answered the phone had the audacity to try to prove to me that she turned off the air conditioners for the night! This was definitely not the case, and during our brief conversation I suddenly could not stand her impudence and, as if out of the blue, I told her that I would go down and slit her throat. She hung up. This was the first moment in my life when I said something that I not only did not want to say, but I do not think that I had such a thought in my head at all. I realized that the idea was given by the dream that I saw that night. And since because of the strong noise and vibration spreading from the floor to my whole body, including my brain, I could hardly think at that moment, it is not at all surprising that I for the first time experienced the “heat-of-passion”. I tried to remember this incident so that I would think twice before committing to any action should similar situations occur. Needless to say, that I did not go anywhere and to anyone during that day.

I had another dream a little bit later. A man stepped out of a blue car similar to the Plymouth Barracuda. He was of normal physique. His short-cut hair was dark in color, and all of it was on its place. He had in his hand either beer or other alcohol. As in the previous dream, I “became” that man. His mood was “thoughtless” – without any worries and goals in life. He just lived one day at a time, so to speak. I got the impression that “I” was in the USA, as they stopped in front of a typical American one-story building which could be a motel or a bar. Such buildings can often be seen in Hollywood movies. He did not go inside the bar with the others, but went right, to the edge of the nearest forest, when suddenly someone slit his throat from behind.

The third dream that I had the other night took place on a Russian Square, as one could judge by the architecture of the low-rise stone buildings in front of me. It was a long building, and we could call it historical. If the other two dreams began with showing “me” from a third person before “inserting” me into the main characters of those dreams, there was no need for a third person in this third dream since I was in my current physical body. I knew this because in that dream I was in my usual at that time state of being lost in imagination. I heard how several people behind me said something about me. I knew that they were evil, and that this was the end. One of them came up behind me and slit my throat.

Thinking about my first dream, I immediately remembered that blonde prostitute with short hair who ran into the room on my second visit to Natasha. The fact that I saw her then had an impact on my decision not to tell Natasha about the real purpose of my visit, since at that time I was going by appearances. It was also interesting that the young woman from my dream stood on the stage which could be a musical stage because of the protrusion into the theatre hall where there could be a crowd of people. I have loved listening to foreign music ever since I was in the last years of high school. I especially like the music from the 80s and 90s. I also loved movies.

As for the second dream, I had experience with alcohol, but I cannot say that I have ever had a real craving for alcohol.

Regarding the third dream, for some time I thought that it could portend my fate. But the next dream showed that you should not take dreams literally.

In the dream, I was a boy of about seven years. He was very inspired to walk along the street of the business center of one of the American cities. There was a skyscraper ahead of him. He went into the elevator of that building along with several other people. After moving some distance, the elevator began to fall. I knew that this was the end and something that I needed to learn. The scene darkened and then another appeared out of the blackness. The camera was flying over the road of a typical American suburban street with two-story houses, heading for the house in front of the “T” shaped intersection. I was a little boy lying in bed. I told my young parents about Thao, whom I somehow remembered in that life, and that my previous body died both for physical and psychological reasons.

Reflecting on this dream, it was clear that the “previous physical body” meant my current body. At the time of the dream, I really was in terrible physical and psychological state. I also thought that the boy in bed could be the boy from the elevator; that he survived and now had to be in bed because of the received injuries.

So, I had two conflicting dreams that showed and named the different possible causes of death of my current physical body. I must say that now I am no longer in that nervous state of mind in which I was in my dream on the square, and if I have learned my lesson, I will not be in it. Of course, you shouldn't take all dreams literally, but at that time they again prompted me to start thinking about my life, and about where it could lead me if I continued to move in the same direction…

I continued to educate myself in my search for answers to new questions about the Universe, and soon I came across Nassim Haramein with his 64 tetrahedron grid. After watching his lecture on YouTube, I decided to recreate his grid in a 3D program so that I could better understand on my own experience what he was talking about.

Having created the first tetrahedron, I began to copy it and move the copies so as to form a larger tetrahedron from the small ones. Then I copied the large tetrahedron and flipped it horizontally around the center. Next, I closed the formed holes with tetrahedrons and got a finished shape consisting of 64 tetrahedrons. Soon it became clear to me that I was seeing a simple cube in front of me, standing on one of its corners. If we draw a straight line from such a vertex to the opposite vertex of this cube and slightly extend it further, then when you install on that line a camera looking directly at the vertex from which the line comes out, then in orthographic view when only lines are shown, we can see the grid, in the middle of which is a hexagon, and the Star of David can be distinguished in it. There are six more such hexagons around it, in each of which is the Star of David.


In the course of my studies, I realized that the exact same mesh can be generated with octahedra. Later, I found an article on the structure of the Universe which puts forth a theory that there is a magnetic “filament network” that is similar in shape to a network of octahedra connecting to each other at their vertices.[8] As evidence of this, they provide data showing how superclusters of galaxies accumulate along the “lines” of the octahedral network.

Having recreated that octahedra grid in 3D, I saw that in the orthographic view they form a clean grid of hexagons, inside of which is the Star of David. I say “clean,” since there are no other lines in such a grid, as is the case with a tetrahedron grid.

Next, I noticed something else. The central hexagon is surrounded by a level of six other such hexagons. All subsequent levels have six more hexagons than the previous one. Thus, we can obtain a formula in order to calculate how many total hexagons are in a particular row, and how many total hexagons in the entire grid of a set number of rows.

I found that some key numbers coincided with those mentioned by Jesus Christ in his sayings.

Before moving on, I must say that by that time I already knew that Jesus was a messenger from the planet Thiaoouba. Being a human being from a planet of the ninth category, he accumulated a huge amount of spiritual knowledge over his lives. And since Jesus (who was crucified on the cross) was not born by usual means as an ordinary child, his Astral body did not pass through the River of Oblivion, and thus he retained all the material knowledge that he received while living for a significant time on the planet Thiaoouba. Thanks to that material knowledge, Jesus was able to raise the dead, heal the blind, and do all the other things that some people still call “miracles”. Therefore, if Jesus mentioned the numbers in his parables, then this means that they somehow relate to the Universe and life.

I made calculations for a grid of hexagons with the Star of David, consisting of twenty levels. The tenth level had 60 hexagons, and the twentieth 120.

In 9th Saying in the Gospel of Thomas, which was not distorted, unlike the Bible, there is a mention of the numbers 60 and 120.

And then there is a mention of the number 1260 in Revelations 11:3 and 12:6.

1260 is the sum of all hexagons with the Star of David in a grid of 20 rows, not counting the central hexagon.

After I began to study the 64 tetrahedron grid, I had a dream showing the Universe. It had the shape of a spiral galaxy that was inside some kind of translucent field in the shape of a torus. The image of the visible part of the Universe – what I saw earlier in the news about space – was shown in a small preview window, coming from a small point in the middle of the Universe’s radius. At this time, a female voice so familiar to me said that the planets are moving in the aether.

I think that it is worth mentioning how I once looked at a monotonous red color in order to repeat my experiment with the hand expander, and soon I began to have a vision of the torus grid on the red background of the screen – I was as if inside it. I have never experienced anything like this again. I do not know what was the reason for it, and why when looking at the red color I was able to distinguish this geometric shape on the laptop screen.

Returning to my dream, it reinforced my thoughts that the shape of the Universe is the same as that of galaxies, since according to Universal Law 9 planets should revolve around the sun; nine such suns should revolve around the central sun, and so on, until the center is the center of the Universe, where the Superior Intelligence is located.

From the above Law of the Universe it follows that the “adult” Universe will have nine huge structures consisting of galaxies and planets, and rotating around the center of the Universe on one plane. So, we can say that planetary systems are a miniature version of the formed Universe.

In the book Thiaoouba Prophecy, Thao told Michel Desmarquet that the planets are moving in a spiral which gets tighter and tighter. Because small planets have less inertia than larger ones, they approach the center of their revolution faster than large planets. The moon, for example, according to Thao, will collide with the Earth in about 195 000 years. Returning to my thoughts about the Universe, this also means that sooner or later all created matter will be in the center of the Universe.

It is worth noting that Nassim Haramein mentioned that galaxies are surrounded by a field that has the shape of a torus. This did not surprise me at all, since if we take into account that galaxies are mini versions of the Universe, it is logical to assume that they have similar fields around them.

I started writing in the early summer, June 6, 2014, about my find and my realizations. I had a dream about help from Thiaooubians, but, unfortunately, I was doing nothing almost the whole summer and started working only in August, finishing writing on August 26. Not sure if I was getting any help then. But, nevertheless, I wrote a detailed document about what I had realized, which can be found in the group dedicated to Thiaoouba.[9]

Since I mentioned the Bible, it would be nice to give it a few paragraphs as well.

Thao said that Jesus was sent to Earth to preach love and spirituality. Since he had to deal with people who were not highly evolved, he spoke with them in parables.

Thao also mentioned that each time that people read in the Bible: “And the Lord God said this or that’ – you should read ‘and the inhabitants of Thiaoouba said…”.10

Thao also said that the text of the Bible was deliberately distorted for very specific reasons by the Roman Church during the councils of Nicaea in AD 325, Constantinople in AD 381, Ephesus in AD 431 and of Chalcedon in AD 451. There were others, but not so significant. The Bible, as Thao said, is a document of ancient history, heavily modified and full of embellishments, added by writers different from the original scribes.

We can find some obvious distortions and additions in the text of the Bible (I read the Bible in an English translation).

Some of the obvious additions are Jesus clarifying his own parables. If people of that time could understand the true meaning of his words, then Jesus would not have spoken in parables in the first place. Naturally, the meaning of such added text has nothing to do with the true meaning of Jesus’ parables. As you read earlier in my book, some of Jesus' parables most likely relate to the structure of the Universe. In the nonsensical “explanations” added by the priests, you will not find anything of that nature.

Further, I simply cannot imagine that Thiaooubians, the inhabitants of the planet of the ninth spiritual category, would ask anyone to sacrifice a human being! Even if such a wild “order” was canceled. They would not live on a planet of the last spiritual category if they were making such ridiculous mistakes for which they would have to pay very seriously by suffering, in accordance with Universal Law.

I also have questions regarding the turning the other cheek piece, and about the choice to give your cloak when someone sues you to take your tunic from you. For example, Thao, who, in a sense, could be called an angel (since people who were messengers from Thiaoouba began to be called angels in the Bible), was forced to liberate several creatures that threatened her and Michel in the Parallel Universe of Earth by freeing their Astral bodies from their physical ones, so that they could continue their life cycle. She did not “turn her other cheek”, or was preparing to take off and give her super-technological suit – of course not – it would not be logical and would not make any common sense. Of course, even without such an example, it should be clear that you have the right for self-defense in the event of a real and imminent danger – in fact, you would have made a mistake otherwise, since, in the case of the example with the cheek, you would have guaranteed to receive even more damage to your body and would suffer even more for your masochism. And in the case of the tunic and cloak, your suffering would come in the form of being naked on the street because of your unreasonableness, and it would take some time before you could buy yourself new clothes. I think you should understand now that the malevolent people who distorted the Bible in those distant times simply wanted to receive more power over people in this way, as well as more offerings from those people who had meager reserves of material and spiritual knowledge.

10Desmarquet, Abduction to the 9th Planet, 205.
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