полная версияStudies in the Theory of Descent, Volume I

Weismann August
Studies in the Theory of Descent, Volume I

Experiments with Phyciodes Tharos

Exp. 1. – In July, 1875, eggs of P. Tharos were obtained on Aster Nova-Angliæ in the Catskill Mountains, and the young larvæ, when hatched, taken to Coalburgh, West Virginia. On the journey the larvæ were fed on various species of Aster, which they ate readily. By the 4th of September they had ceased feeding (after having twice moulted), and slept. Two weeks later part of them were again active, and fed for a day or two, when they gathered in clusters and moulted for the third time, then becoming lethargic, each one where it moulted with the cast skin by its side. The larvæ were then placed in a cellar, where they remained till February 7th, when those that were alive were transferred to the leaves of an Aster which had been forced in a greenhouse, and some commenced to feed the same day. In due time they moulted twice more, making, in some cases, a total of five moults. On May 5th the first larva pupated, and its butterfly emerged after thirteen days. Another emerged on the 30th, after eight days pupal period, this stage being shortened as the weather became warmer. There emerged altogether 8 butterflies, 5 males and 3 females, all of the form Marcia, and all of the variety designated C, except 1 female, which was var. B.60

Exp. 2. – On May 18th the first specimens (3 male Marcia) were seen on the wing at Coalburgh; 1 female was taken on the 19th, 2 on the 23rd, and 2 on the 24th, these being all that were seen up to that date, but shortly after both sexes became common. On the 26th, 7 females were captured and tied up in separate bags on branches of Aster. The next day 6 out of the 7 had laid eggs in clusters containing from 50 to 225 eggs in each. Hundreds of caterpillars were obtained, each brood being kept separate, and the butterflies began to emerge on June 29th, the several stages being: – egg six days, larva twenty-two, chrysalis five. Some of the butterflies did not emerge till the 15th of July. Just after this date one brood was taken to the Catskills, where they pupated, and in this state were sent back to Coalburgh. There was no difference in the length of the different stages of this brood and the others which had been left at Coalburgh, and none of either lot became lethargic. The butterflies from these eggs of May were all Tharos, with the exception of 1 female Marcia, var. C. Thus the first generation of Marcia from the hibernating larvæ furnishes a second generation of Tharos.

Exp. 3. – On July 16th, at Coalburgh, eggs were obtained from several females, all Tharos, as no other form was flying. In four days the eggs hatched; the larval stage was twenty-two, and the pupal stage seven days; but, as before, many larvæ lingered. The first butterfly emerged on August 18th. All were Tharos, and none of the larvæ had been lethargic. This was the third generation from the second laying of eggs.

Exp. 4. – On August 15th, at Coalburgh, eggs were obtained from a female Tharos, and then taken directly to the Catskill Mountains, where they hatched on the 20th. This was the fourth generation from the third laying of eggs. In Virginia, and during the journey, the weather had been exceedingly warm, but on reaching the mountains it was cool, and at night decidedly cold. September was wet and cold, and the larvæ were protected in a warm room at night and much of the time by day, as they will not feed when the temperature is less than about 8° R. The first pupa was formed September 15th, twenty-six days from the hatching of the larvæ, and others at different dates up to September 26th, or thirty-seven days from the egg. Fifty-two larvæ out of 127 became lethargic after the second moult on September 16th, and on September 26th fully one half of these lethargic larvæ commenced to feed again, and moulted for the third time, after which they became again lethargic and remained in this state. The pupæ from this batch were divided into three portions: —

A. This lot was brought back to Coalburgh on October 15th, the weather during the journey having been cold with several frosty nights, so that for a period of thirty days the pupæ had at no time been exposed to warmth. The butterflies began to emerge on the day of arrival, and before the end of a week all that were living had come forth, viz., 9 males and 10 females. “Of these 9 males 4 were changed to Marcia var. C, 3 were var. D, and 2 were not changed at all. Of the 10 females 8 were changed, 5 of them to var. B, 3 to var. C. The other 2 females were not different from many Tharos of the summer brood, having large discal patches on under side of hind wing, besides the markings common to the summer brood.”

B. This lot, consisting of 10 pupæ, was sent from the Catskills to Albany, New York, where they were kept in a cool place. Between October 21st and Nov. 2nd, 6 butterflies emerged, all females, and all of the var. B. Of the remaining pupæ 1 died, and 3 were alive on December 27th. According to Mr. Edwards this species never hibernates in the pupal state in nature. The butterflies of this lot were more completely changed than were those from the pupæ of lot A.

C. On September 20th 18 of the pupæ were placed in a tin box directly on the surface of the ice, the temperature of the house being 3°-4° R. Some were placed in the box within three hours after transformation and before they had hardened; others within six hours, and others within nine hours. They were all allowed to remain on the ice for seven days, that being the longest summer period of the chrysalis. On being removed they all appeared dead, being still soft, and when they had become hard they had a shrivelled surface. On being brought to Coalburgh they showed no signs of life till October 21st, when the weather became hot (24°-25° R.), and in two days 15 butterflies emerged, “every one Marcia, not a doubtful form among them in either sex.” Of these butterflies 10 were males and 5 females; of the former 5 were var. C, 4 var. D, and 1 var. B, and of the latter 1 was var. C, and 4 var. D. The other 3 pupæ died. All the butterflies of this brood were diminutive, starved by the cold, but those from the ice were sensibly smaller than the others. All the examples of var. B were more intense in the colouring of the under surface than any ever seen by Mr. Edwards in nature, and the single male was as deeply coloured as the females, this also never occurring in nature.

Mr. Edwards next proceeds to compare the behaviour of the Coalburgh broods with those of the same species in the Catskills: —

Exp. 5. – On arriving at the Catskills, on June 18th, a few male Marcia, var. D, were seen flying, but no females. This was exactly one month later than the first males had been seen at Coalburgh. The first female was taken on June 26th, another on June 27th, and a third on the 28th, all Marcia, var. C. Thus the first female was thirty-eight days later than the first at Coalburgh. No more females were seen, and no Tharos. The three specimens captured were placed on Aster, where two immediately deposited eggs61 which were forwarded to Coalburgh, where they hatched on July 3rd. The first chrysalis was formed on the 20th, its butterfly emerging on the 29th, so that the periods were: egg six, larva seventeen, pupa nine days. Five per cent. of the larvæ became lethargic after the second moult. This was, therefore, the second generation of the butterfly from the first laying of eggs. All the butterflies which emerged were Tharos, the dark portions of the wings being intensely black as compared with the Coalburgh examples, and other differences of colour existed, but the general peculiarities of the Tharos form were retained. This second generation was just one month behind the second at Coalburgh, and since, in 1875, eggs were obtained by Mr. Mead on July 27th and following days, the larvæ from which all hibernated, this would be the second laying of eggs, and the resulting butterflies the first generation of the following season.

Thus in the Catskills the species is digoneutic, the first generation being Marcia (the winter form), and the second the summer form. A certain proportion of the larvæ from the first generation hibernate, and apparently all those from the second.

Discussion of Results.– There are four generations of this butterfly at Coalburgh, the first being Marcia and the second and third Tharos. None of the larvæ from these were found to hibernate. The fourth generation under the exceptional conditions above recorded (Exp. 4) produced some Tharos and more Marcia the same season, a large proportion of the larvæ also hibernating. Had the larvæ of this brood been kept at Coalburgh, where the temperature remained high for several weeks after they had left the egg, the resulting butterflies would have been all Tharos, and the larvæ from their eggs would have hibernated.


The altitude of the Catskills, where Mr. Edwards was, is from 1650 to 2000 feet above high water, and the altitude of Coalburgh is 600 feet. The transference of the larvæ from the Catskills to Virginia (about 48° lat.) and vice-versa, besides the difference of altitude, had no perceptible influence on the butterflies of the several broods except the last one, in which the climatic change exerted a direct influence on part of them both as to form and size. The stages of the June Catskill brood may have been accelerated to a small extent by transference to Virginia, but the butterflies reserved their peculiarities of colour. (See Exp. 5.) So also was the habit of lethargy retained.62 The May brood, on the other hand, taken from Virginia to the Catskills, suffered no retardation of development. (See Exp. 2.) It might have been expected that all the larvæ of this last brood taken to the mountains would have become lethargic, but the majority resisted this change of habit. From all these facts it may be concluded “that it takes time to naturalize a stranger, and that habits and tendencies, even in a butterfly, are not to be changed suddenly.”63

It has been shown that Tharos is digoneutic in the Catskills and polygoneutic in West Virginia, so that at a great altitude, or in a high latitude, we might expect to find the species monogoneutic and probably restricted to the winter form Marcia. These conditions are fulfilled in the Island of Anticosti, and on the opposite coast of Labrador (about lat. 50°), the summer temperature of these districts being about the same. Mr. Edwards states, on the authority of Mr. Cooper, who collected in the Island, that Tharos is a rare species there, but has a wide distribution. No specimens were seen later than July 29, after which date the weather became cold, and very few butterflies of any sort were to be seen. It seems probable that none of the butterflies of Anticosti or Labrador produce a second brood. All the specimens examined from these districts were of the winter form.

In explanation of the present case Dr. Weismann wrote to Mr. Edwards: – “Marcia is the old primary form of the species, in the glacial period the only one. Tharos is the secondary form, having arisen in the course of many generations through the gradually working influence of summer heat. In your experiments cold has caused the summer generation to revert to the primary form. The reversion which occurred was complete in the females, but not in all the males. This proves, as it appears to me, that the males are changed or affected more strongly by the heat of summer than the females. The secondary form has a stronger constitution in the males than in the females. As I read your letter, it at once occurred to me whether in the spring there would not appear some males which were not pure Marcia, but were of the summer form, or nearly resembling it; and when I reached the conclusion of the letter I found that you especially mentioned that this was so! And I was reminded that the same thing is observable in A. Levana, though in a less striking degree. If we treated the summer brood of Levana with ice, many more females than males would revert to the winter form. This sex is more conservative than the male – slower to change.”

The extreme variability of P. Tharos was alluded to more than a century ago by Drury, who stated: – “In short, Nature forms such a variety of this species that it is difficult to set bounds, or to know all that belongs to it.” Of the different named varieties, according to Mr. Edwards, “A appears to be an offset of B, in the direction most remote from the summer form, just as in Papilio Ajax, the var. Walshii is on the further side of Telamonides, remote from the summer form Marcellus.” Var. C leads from B through D directly to the summer form, whilst A is more unlike this last variety than are several distinct species of the genus, and would not be suspected to possess any close relationship were it not for the intermediate forms. The var. B is regarded as nearest to the primitive type for the following reasons: – In the first place it is the commonest form, predominating over all the other varieties in W. Virginia, and moreover appears constantly in the butterflies from pupæ submitted to refrigeration. Its distinctive peculiarity of colour occurs in the allied species P. Phaon (Gulf States) and P. Vesta (Texas), both of which are seasonally dimorphic, and both apparently restricted in their winter broods to the form corresponding to B of Tharos. In their summer generation both these species closely resemble the summer form of Tharos, and it is remarkable that these two species, which are the only ones (with the exception of the doubtful Batesii) closely allied to Tharos, should alone be seasonally dimorphic out of the large number of species in the genus.

Mr. Edwards thus explains the case under consideration: – “When Phaon, Vesta, and Tharos were as yet only varieties of one species, the sole coloration was that now common to the three. As they gradually became permanent, or in other words, as these varieties became species, Tharos was giving rise to several sub-varieties, some of them in time to become distinct and well marked, while the other two, Phaon and Vesta, remained constant. As the climate moderated and the summer became longer, each species came to have a summer generation; and in these the resemblance of blood-relationship is still manifest. As the winter generations of each species had been much alike, so the summer generations which sprung from them were much alike. And if we consider the metropolis of the species Tharos, or perhaps of its parent species, at the time when it had but one annual generation, to have been somewhere between 37° and 40° on the Atlantic slope, and within which limits all the varieties and sub-varieties of both winter and summer forms of Tharos are now found in amazing luxuriance, we can see how it is possible, as the glacial cold receded, that only part of the varieties of the winter form might spread to the northward, and but one of them at last reach the sub-boreal regions and hold possession to this day as the sole representative of the species. And at a very early period the primary form, together with Phaon and Vesta, had made its way southward, where all three are found now.”

Experiments with Grapta Interrogationis. 64
[Communicated by Mr. W. H. EDWARDS, November 15th, 1879.]

The experiments with this species were made in June, 1879, on pupæ from eggs laid by the summer form Umbrosa of the second brood of the year, and obtained by confining a female in a bag on a stem of hop. As the pupæ formed, and at intervals of from six to twenty-four hours after pupation (by which time all the older ones had fully hardened), they were placed in the ice-box. In making this experiment Mr. Edwards had three objects in view. 1st. To see whether it was essential that the exposure should take place immediately after pupation, in order to effect any change. 2ndly. To see how short a period would suffice to bring about any change. 3rdly. Whether exposing the summer pupæ would bring about a change in the form of the resulting butterfly. Inasmuch as breeding from the egg of Umbrosa, in June, in a former year,64 gave both Umbrosa (11) and Fabricii (6), the butterflies from the eggs obtained, if left to nature, might be expected to be of both forms. The last or fourth brood of the year having been found up to the present time to be Fabricii, and the 1st brood of the spring, raised from eggs of Fabricii (laid in confinement), having been found to be wholly Umbrosa, the latter is probably the summer and Fabricii the winter form. The two intervening broods, i. e. the 2nd and 3rd, have yielded both forms. This species hibernates in the imago state.

After the pupæ had been in the ice-box fourteen days they were all removed but 5, which were left in six days longer. Several were dead at the end of fourteen days. The temperature most of the time was 1°-2° R.; but for a few hours each day rose as the ice melted, and was found to be 3°-6° R.

From the fourteen-day lot 7 butterflies were obtained, 3 males and 4 females. From the twenty-day lot 4 males and 1 female; every one Umbrosa. All had changed in one striking particular. In the normal Umbrosa of both sexes,65 the fore wings have on the upper side on the costal margin next inside the hind marginal border, and separated from it by a considerable fulvous space, a dark patch which ends a little below the discoidal nervule; inside the same border at the inner angle is another dark patch lying on the submedian interspace. Between these two patches, across all the median interspaces, the ground-colour is fulvous, very slightly clouded with dark.

In all the 4 females exposed to cold for fourteen days a broad black band appeared crossing the whole wing, continuous, of uniform shade, covering the two patches, and almost confluent from end to end with the marginal border, only a streak of obscure fulvous anywhere separating the two. In the case of the females from pupæ exposed for twenty days, the band was present, but while broad, and covering the space between the patches, it was not so dark as in the other females, and included against the border a series of obscure fulvous lunules. This is just like many normal females, and this butterfly was essentially unchanged.

In all the males the patches were diffuse, that at the apex almost coalescing with the border. In the 3 from chrysalides exposed fourteen days these patches were connected by a narrow dark band (very different from the broad band of the females), occupying the same position as the clouding of the normal male, but blackened and somewhat diffused. In the 4 examples from the twenty-day pupæ, this connecting band was scarcely as deeply coloured and continuous as in the other 3. Beyond this change on the submarginal area, whereby a band is created where naturally would be only the two patches, and a slight clouding of the intervening fulvous surfaces, there was no difference of the upper surface apparent between these examples of both sexes, and a long series of natural ones placed beside them.

On the under side all the males were of one type, the colours being very intense. There was considerably more red, both dark and pale, over the whole surface, than in a series of natural examples in which shades of brown and a bluish hue predominate. No change was observed in the females on the under side.


It appears that fourteen days were as effective in producing changes as a longer period. In fact, the most decided changes were found in the females exposed the shorter period. It also appears that with this species cold will produce change if applied after the chrysalis has hardened. The same experiments were attempted in 1878 with pupæ of Grapta Comma. They were put on ice at from ten minutes to six hours after forming, and subjected to a temperature of about 0°-1° R. for eighteen to twenty days, but every pupa was killed. Chrysalides of Papilio Ajax in the same box, and partly exposed very soon after pupation, were not injured. It was for this reason that none of the Interrogationis pupæ were placed in the box till six hours had passed.

It appears further that cold may change the markings on one part of the wing only, and in cases where it does change dark or dusky markings melanises them; or it may deepen the colours of the under surface (as in the females of the present experiment). The females in the above experiment were apparently most susceptible to the cold, the most decided changes having been effected in them.

The resulting butterflies were all of one form, although both might have been expected to appear under natural circumstances.

Dr. Weismann’s remarks on the foregoing experiments.– The author of the present work has, at my request, been good enough to furnish the following remarks upon Mr. Edward’s experiments with G. Interrogationis: —

The interesting experiments of Mr. Edwards are here principally introduced because they show how many weighty questions in connexion with seasonal dimorphism still remain to be solved. The present experiments do not offer a direct but, at most, only an indirect proof of the truth of my theory, since they show that the explanation opposed to mine is also in this case inadmissible. Thus we have here, as with Papilio Ajax, two out of the four annual generations mixed, i. e., consisting of summer and winter forms, and the conclusion is inevitable that these forms were not produced by the gradual action of heat or cold. When, from pupæ of the same generation which are developed under precisely the same external conditions, both forms of the butterfly are produced, the cause of their diversity cannot lie in these conditions. It must rather depend on causes innate in the organism itself, i. e., on inherited duplicating tendencies which meet in the same generation, and to a certain extent contend with each other for precedence. The two forms must have had their origin in earlier generations, and there is nothing against the view that they have arisen through the gradual augmentation of the influences of temperature.

In another sense, however, one might perceive, in the facts discovered by Edwards, an objection to my theory.

By the action of cold the form Umbrosa, which flies in June, was produced. Now we should be inclined to regard the var. Umbrosa as the summer form, and the var. Fabricii, which emerges in the autumn, hibernates in the imago state, and lays eggs in the spring, as the winter form. It would then be incomprehensible why the var. Umbrosa (i. e., the summer form) should be produced by cold.

But it is quite as possible that the var. Umbrosa as that the var. Fabricii is the winter form. We must not forget that, in this species, not one of the four annual generations is exposed to the cold of winter in the pupal state. When, therefore, we have in such cases seasonal dimorphism, to which complete certainty can only be given by continued observations of this butterfly, which does not occur very commonly in Virginia, this must depend on the fact that the species formerly hibernated in the pupal stage. This question now arises, which of the existing generations was formerly the hibernating one – the first or the last?

Either may have done so à priori, according as the summer was formerly shorter or longer than now for this species. If the former were the case, the var. Fabricii is the older winter form; were the latter the case, the var. Umbrosa is the original winter form, as shall now be more closely established.

Should the experiments which Mr. Edwards has performed in the course of his interesting investigations be repeated in future with always the same results, I should be inclined to explain the case as follows: —

It is not the var. Fabricii, but Umbrosa, which is the winter generation. By the northward migration of the species and the relative shortening of the summer, this winter generation would be pushed forward into the summer, and would thereby lose only a portion of the winter characters which it had till that time possessed. The last of the four generations which occurs in Virginia is extremely rare, so that it must be regarded either as one of the generations now supposed to be originating, or as one now supposed to be disappearing. The latter may be admitted. Somewhat further north this generation would be entirely suppressed, and the third brood would hibernate, either in the imago state or as pupæ or caterpillars. In Virginia this third generation consists of both forms. We may expect that further north, at least, where it hibernates as pupæ, it will consist entirely, or almost entirely, of the var. Umbrosa. Still further north in the Catskill Mountains, as Edwards states from his own observations, the species has only two generations, and one might expect that the var. Umbrosa would there occur as the winter generation.

Should the foregoing be correct, then the fact that the second generation assumes the Umbrosa form by the action of cold, as was the case in Edward’s experiments, becomes explicable. The new marking peculiar to this form produced by this means must be regarded as a complete reversion to the true winter form, the characters of which are becoming partly lost as this generation is no longer exposed to the influence of winter, but has become advanced to the beginning of summer.

The foregoing explanation is, of course, purely hypothetical; it cannot at present be asserted that it is the correct one. Many investigations based on a sufficiently large number of facts are still necessary to be able to attempt to explain this complicated case with any certainty. Neither should I have ventured to offer any opinion on the present case, did I not believe that even such a premature and entirely uncertain explanation may always be of use in serving the inventive principle, i. e., in pointing out the way in which the truth must be sought.

As far as I know, no attempt has yet been made to prove from a general point of view the interpolation of new generations, or the omission of single generations from the annual cycle, with respect to causes and effects. An investigation of this kind would be of the greatest importance, not only for seasonal dimorphism, but also for the elucidation of questions of a much more general nature, and would be a most satisfactory problem for the scientific entomologist. I may here be permitted to develope in a purely theoretical manner the principles in accordance with which such an investigation should be made: —

On the change in the number of generations of the annual cycle.– A change in the number of generations which a species produces annually must be sought chiefly in changes of climate, and therefore in a lengthening or shortening of the period of warmth, or in an increase or diminution of warmth within this period; or, finally, in both changes conjointly. The last case would be of the most frequent occurrence, since a lengthening of the period of warmth is, as a rule, correlated with an elevation of the mean temperature of this period, and vice versâ. Of other complications I can here perceive the following: —

Climatic changes may be active or passive, i. e., they occur by a change of climate or by a migration and extension of the species over new districts having another climate.

By a lengthening of the summer, as I shall designate the shorter portion of the whole annual period of warmth, the last generation of the year would be advanced further in its development than before; if, for instance, it formerly hibernated in the pupal state, it would now pass the winter in the imago stage. Should a further lengthening of the summer occur, the butterflies might emerge soon enough to lay eggs in the autumn, and by a still greater lengthening the eggs also might hatch, the larvæ grow up and hibernate as pupæ. In this manner we should have a new generation interpolated, owing to the generation which formerly hibernated being made to recede step by step towards the autumn and the summer. By a lengthening of the summer there occurs therefore a retrogressive interruption of generations.

The exact opposite occurs if the summer should become shortened. In this case the last generation would no longer be so far developed as formerly; for instance, it might not reach the pupal stage, as formerly, at the beginning of winter, and would thus hibernate in a younger stage, either as egg or larvæ. Finally, by a continual shortening of the summer it would no longer appear at the end of this period but in the following spring; in other words, it would be eliminated. By a shortening of the summer accordingly the interruption of generations occurs by advancement.

The following considerations, which submit themselves with reference to seasonal dimorphism, are readily conceivable, at least, in so far as they can be arrived at by purely theoretical methods. Were the summer to become shorter the generation which formerly hibernated in the pupal stage would be advanced further into the spring. It would not thereby necessarily immediately lose the winter characters which it formerly possessed. Whether this would happen, and to what extent, would rather depend upon the intensity of the action of the summer climate on the generation in question, and on the number of generations which have been submitted to this action. Hitherto no attempts have been made to expose a monomorphic species to an elevated temperature throughout several generations, so as to obtain an approximate measure of the rapidity with which such climatic influences can bring about changes. For this reason we must for the present refrain from all hypothesis relating to this subject.

The disturbance of generations by the shortening of summer might also occur to a species in such a manner that the generation which formerly hibernated advances into the spring, the last of the summer generations at the same time reaching the beginning of winter. The latter would then hibernate in the pupal state, and would sooner or later also assume the winter form through the action of the cold of winter. We should, in this case, have two generations possessing more or less completely the winter form, the ancient winter generation now gradually losing the winter characters, and the new winter generation gradually acquiring these characters.

60The reader who wishes to acquire a detailed knowledge of the different varieties of this butterfly, of which a very large number are known, must consult the plates and descriptions in Edwards’ “Butterflies of North America,” vol. ii.
61Mr. Edwards has shown also that Argynnis Myrina can lay fertile eggs when but a few hours out of the chrysalis. Canad. Ent., September, 1876, vol. viii. No. 9.
62Mr. Edwards remarks that the habit of becoming lethargic is of great service to a digoneutic species in a mountain region where it is exposed to sharp changes of temperature. “If the fate of the species depended on the last larval brood of the year, and especially if the larvæ must reach a certain stage of growth before they were fitted to enter upon their hibernation, it might well happen that now and then an early frost or a tempestuous season would destroy all the larvæ of the district.”
63Compare this with Weismann’s remarks, pp. –, and .
64See Canad. Ent., vol. ix. p. 69.
65Figures of the different forms of this species are given in vol. i. of Edward’s “Butterflies of North America.”