полная версияThe Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment. Complete

George Meredith
The Shaving of Shagpat; an Arabian entertainment. Complete


Now, while Shibli Bagarag gazed on Shagpat kindled by the beams of Aklis, lo, the Genii Karavejis and Veejravoosh circling each other in swift circles like two sapphire rings toward him, and they whirled to a point above his head, and fell and prostrated themselves at his feet: so he cried, ‘O ye slaves of the Sword, my servitors! how of the whereabout of Karaz?’

They answered, ‘O Master of the Event, we found him after many circlings far off, and ‘twas by the borders of the Putrid Sea. We came not close on him, for he is stronger than we without the Sword, but it seemed he was distilling drops of an oil from certain substances, large thickened drops that dropped into a phial.’

Then Shibli Bagarag said, ‘The season of weakness with me is over, and they that confide in my strength, my cunning, my watchfulness, my wielding of the Sword, have nought to fear for themselves. Now, this is my plot, O Feshnavat,—that part of it in which thou art to have a share. ‘Tis that thou depart forthwith to the City yonder, and enter thy palace by a back entrance, and I will see that thou art joined within an hour of thy arrival there by Baba Mustapha, my uncle, the gabbler. He is there, as I guess by signs; I have had warnings of him. Discover him speedily. Thy task is then to induce him to make an attempt on the head of Shagpat in all wiliness, as he and thou think well to devise. He will fail, as I know, but what is that saying of the poet?

     “Persist, if thou wouldst truly reach thine ends,
     For failures oft are but advising friends.”

And he says:

     “Every failure is a step advanced,
     To him who will consider how it chanced.”

Wherefore, will I that this attempt be made, keeping the counsel that is mine. Thou must tell Baba Mustapha I wait without the city to reward him by my powers of reward with all that he best loveth. So, when he has failed in his attempt on Shagpat, and blows fall plenteously upon him, and he is regaled with the accustomed thwacking, as I have tasted it in this undertaking, do thou waste no further word on him, for his part is over, and as is said:

     “Waste not a word in enterprise!
     Against—or for—the minute flies.”

‘Tis then for thee, O Feshnavat, to speed to the presence of the King in his majesty, and thou wilt find means of coming to him by a disguise. Once in the Hall of Council, challenge the tongue of contradiction to affirm Shagpat other than a bald-pate bewigged. This is for thee to do.’

Quoth Feshnavat plaintively, after thought, ‘And what becometh of me, O thou Master of the Event?’

Shibli Bagarag said, ‘The clutch of the executioner will be upon thee, O Feshnavat, and a clamouring multitude around; short breathing-time given thee, O father of Noorna, ere the time of breathing is commanded to cease. Now, in that respite the thing that will occur, ‘tis for thee to see and mark; sure, never will reverse of things be more complete, and the other side of the picture more rapidly exhibited, if all go as I conceive and plot, and the trap be not premature nor too perfect for the trappers; as the poet has declared:

  “Ye that intrigue, to thy slaves proper portions adapt;
   Perfectest plots burst too often, for all are not apt.”

And I witness likewise to the excellence of his saying:

       “To master an Event,
        Study men!
        The minutes are well spent
        Only then.”

Also ‘tis he that says:

  “The man of men who knoweth men, the Man of men is he!
   His army is the human race, and every foe must flee.”

So have I apportioned to thee thy work, to Baba Mustapha his; reserving to myself the work that is mine!’

Thereat Feshnavat exclaimed, ‘O Master of the Event, may I be thy sacrifice! on my head be it! and for thee to command is for me to obey! but surely, this Sword of thine that is in thy girdle, the marvellous blade—‘tis alone equal to the project and the shave; and the matter might be consummated, the great thing done, even from this point whence we behold Shagpat visible, as ‘twere brought forward toward us by the beams! And this Sword swayed by thee, and with thy skill and strength and the hardihood of hand that is thine, wullahy! ‘twould shear him now, this moment, taking the light of Aklis for a lather.’

Shibli Bagarag knotted the brows of impatience, crying, ‘Hast thou forgotten Karaz in thy calculations? I know of a surety what this Sword will do, and I wot the oil he distilleth strengtheneth Shagpat but against common blades. Yet shall it not be spoken of me, Shibli Bagarag, that I was tripped by my own conceit; the poet counselleth:

  “When for any mighty end thou hast the aid of heaven,
   Mount until thy strength shall match those great means which are

nor that I was overthrown in despising mine enemy, forgetful of the saying of the sage:

  “Read the features of thy foe, wherever he may find thee,
   Small he is, seen face to face, but thrice his size behind thee.”

Wullahy! this Karaz is a Genie of craft and resources, one of a mighty stock, and I must close with Shagpat to be sure of him; and that I am not deceived by semblances, opposing guile with guile, and guile deeper than his, for that he awaiteth it not, thinking I have leaped in fancy beyond the Event, and am puffed by the after-breaths of adulation, I!—thinking I pluck the blossoms in my hunger for the fruit, that I eat the chick of the yet unlaid egg, O Feshnavat. As is said, and the warrior beareth witness to the wisdom of it:

     “His weapon I’ll study; my own conceal;
     So with two arms to his one shall I deal.”

The same also testifieth:

  “‘Tis folly of the hero, though resistless in the field,
   To stake the victory on his steel, and fling away the shield.”

And likewise:

     “Examine thine armour in every joint,
     For slain was the Giant, and by a pin’s point.”

Wah! ‘tis certain there will need subtlety in this undertaking, and a plot plotted, so do thou my bidding, and fail not in the part assigned to thee.’

Now, Feshnavat was persuaded by his words, and cried, ‘In diligence, discretion, and the virtues which characterize subordinates, I go, and I delay not! I will perform the thing required of me, O Master of the Event.’ And he repeated in verse:

     With danger beset, be the path crooked or narrow,
     Thou art the bow, and I the arrow.

Then embraced he his daughter, kissing her on the forehead and the eyes, and tightening the girdle of his robe, departed, with the name of Allah on his lips, in the direction of the City.

So Shibli Bagarag called to him the two Genii, and his command was, ‘Soar, ye slaves of the Sword, till the range of earth and its mountains and seas and deserts are a cluster in the orb of the eye, Shiraz conspicuous as a rose among garlands, and the ruby consorted with other gems in a setting. In Shiraz or the country adjoining ye will come upon one Baba Mustapha by name; and, if he be alone, ye may recognize him by his forlorn look and the hang of his cheeks, his vacancy as of utter abandonment; if in company, ‘twill be the only talker that’s he; seize on him, give him a taste of thin air, and deposit him without speech on the roof of a palace, where ye will see Feshnavat in yonder city: this do ere the shadows of the palm-tree by the well in the plain move up the mounds that enclose the fortified parts.’

Cried Karavejis and Veejravoosh, ‘To hear is to obey.’

Up into the sky, like two bright balls tossed by jugglers, the two Genii shot; and, watching them, Noorna bin Noorka said, ‘My life, there is a third wanting, Ravejoura; and with aid of the three, earth could have planted no obstruction to thy stroke; but thou wert tempted by the third temptation in Aklis, and left not the Hall in triumph, the Hall of the Duping Brides!’

He answered, ‘That is so, my soul; and the penalty is mine, by which I am made to employ deceits ere I strike.’

And she said, ‘‘Tis to the generosity of Gulrevaz thou owest Karavejis and Veejravoosh; and I think she was generous, seeing thee true to me in love, she that hath sorrows!’

So he said, ‘What of the sorrows of Gulrevaz? Tell me of them.’

But she said, ‘Nay, O my betrothed! wouldst thou have this tongue blistered, and a consuming spark shot against this bosom?’

Then he: ‘Make it clear to me.’

She put her mouth to his ear, saying, ‘There is a curse on whoso telleth of things in Aklis, and to tattle of the Seven and their sister forerunneth wretchedness.’

Surely, he stooped to that fair creature, and folded her to his heart, his whole soul heaving to her; and he cried again and again, ‘Shall harm hap to thee through me? by Allah, no!’

And he closed the privileged arm of the bridegroom round her waist, that had the yieldingness of the willow-branchlet, the flowingness of the summer sea-wave, and seemed as ‘twere melting honey-like at the first gentle pressure; she leaning her head shyly on his shoulder, yet confiding in his faithfulness; it was that she was shy of the great bliss in her bosom, and was made timid by the fervour of her affection; as is sung:

     Deeper than the source of blushes
     Is the power that makes them start;
     Up in floods the red stream rushes,
     At one whisper of the heart.

And it is sung in words present to the youth as he surveyed her:

     O beauty of the bride! O beauty of the bride!
     Her bashful joys like serpents sting her tenderness to  tears:
   Her hopes are sleeping eagles in the shining of the spheres;
     O beauty of the bride! O beauty of the bride!
   And she’s a lapping antelope that from her image flees;
   And she’s a dove caught in two hands, to pant as she shall please;
     O beauty of the bride! O beauty of the bride!
   Like torrents over Paradise her lengthy tresses roll:
   She moves as doth a swaying rose, and chides her hasty soul;
   The thing she will, that will she not, yet can no will  control
     O beauty, beauty, beauty of the bride!

They were thus together, Abarak leaning under one wing of Koorookh for shade up the slope of the hill, and Shibli Bagarag called to him, ‘Ho, Abarak! look if there be aught impending over the City.’

So he arose and looked, crying, ‘One with plunging legs, high up in air over the City, between two bright bodies.’ Shibli Bagarag exclaimed, ‘‘Tis well! The second chapter of the Event is opened; so call it, thou that tellest of the Shaving of Shagpat. It will be the shortest.’

Then he said, ‘The shadow of yonder palm is now a slanted spear up the looped wall of the City. Now, the time of Shagpat’s triumph, and his greatest majesty, will be when yonder walls chase the shadow of the palm up this hill; and then will Baba Mustapha be joining the chorus of creatures that shriek toward even ere they snooze. There’s not an ape in the woods, nor hyaena in the forest, nor birds on the branches, nor frogs in the marsh that will outnoise Baba Mustapha under the thong! Wullahy, ‘twill grieve his soul in aftertime when he sitteth secure in honours, courted, with a thousand ears at his bidding, that so much breath ‘scaped him without toll of the tongue! But as the poet says truly:

     “The chariot of Events lifteth many dusty heels,
     And many, high and of renown, it crusheth with its wheels.”

Wah! I have had my share of the thong, and am I, Master of the Event, to be squeamish in attaining an end by its means? Nay, by this Sword!’

Thereat, he strode once again to the summit of the hill, and in a moment the Genii fronted him like two shot arrows quivering from the flight. So he cried, ‘It is done?’

They answered, ‘In faithfulness.’

So he beckoned to Noorna, and she came forward swiftly to him, exclaiming, ‘I read the plot, and the thing required of me; so say nought, but embrace me ere I leave thee, my betrothed, my master!’

He embraced her, and led her to where the Genii stood. Then said he to the Genii, ‘Convey her to the City, O ye slaves of the Sword, and watch over her there. If ye let but an evil wind ruffle the hair of her head, lo! I sever ye with a stroke that shaketh the under worlds. Remain by her till the shrieks of Baba Mustapha greet ye, and then will follow commotion among the crowd, and cries for Shagpat to show himself to the people, cries also of death to Feshnavat; and there will be an assembly in the King’s Hall of Justice; thither lead ye my betrothed, and watch over her.’ And he said to Noorna, ‘Thou knowest my design?’

So she said, ‘When condemnation is passed on Feshnavat, that I appear in the hall as bride of Shagpat, and so rescue him that is my father.’ And she cried, ‘Oh, fair delightful time that is coming! my happiness and thy honour on earth dateth from it. Farewell, O my betrothed, beloved youth! Eyes of mine! these Genii will be by, and there’s no cause for fear or sorrow, and ‘tis for thee to look like morning that speeds the march of light. Thou, my betrothed, art thou not all that enslaveth the heart of woman?’

Cried Shibli Bagarag, ‘And thou, O Noorna, all that enraptureth the soul of man! Allah keep thee, my life!’

Lo! while they were wasting the rich love in their hearts, the Genii rose up with Noorna, and she, waving her hand to him, was soon distant and as the white breast of a bird turned to the sun. Then went he to where Abarak was leaning, and summoned Koorookh, and the twain mounted him, and rose up high over the City of Shagpat to watch the ripening of the Event, as a vulture watcheth over the desert.


Now, in the City of Shagpat, Kadza, spouse of Shagpat, she that had belaboured Shibli Bagarag, had a dream while these things were doing; and it was a dream of danger and portent to the glory of her eyes, Shagpat. So, at the hour when he was revealed to Shibli Bagarag, made luminous by the beams of Aklis, Kadza went to an inner chamber, and greased her hands and her eyelids, and drank of a phial, and commenced tugging at a brass ring fixed in the floor, and it yielded and displayed an opening, over which she stooped the upper half of her leanness, and pitching her note high, called ‘Karaz!’ After that, she rose and retreated from the hole hastily, and in the winking of an eye it was filled, as ‘twere a pillar of black smoke, by the body of the Genie, he breathing hard with mighty travel. So he cried to her between his pantings and puffings, ‘Speak! where am I wanted, and for what?’

Now, Kadza was affrighted at the terribleness of his manner, and the great smell of the Genie was an intoxication in her nostril, so that she reeled and could just falter out, ‘Danger to the Identical!’

Then he, in a voice like claps of thunder, ‘Out with it!’

She answered beseechingly, ‘‘Tis a dream I had, O Genie; a dream of danger to him.’

While she spake, the Genie clenched his fists and stamped so that the palace shook and the earth under it, exclaiming, ‘O abominable Kadza! a dream is it? another dream? Wilt thou cease dreaming awhile, thou silly woman? Know I not he that’s powerful against us is in Aklis, crowned ape, and that his spells are gone? And I was distilling drops to defy the Sword and strengthen Shagpat from assault, yet bringest thou me from my labour by the Putrid Sea with thy accursed dream!’ Thereat, he frowned and shot fire at her from his eyes, so that she singed, and the room thickened with a horrible smell of burning. She feared greatly and trembled, but he cooled himself against the air, crying presently in a diminished voice, ‘Let’s hear this dream, thou foolish Kadza! ‘Tis as well to hear it. Probably Rabesqurat hath sent thee some sign from Aklis, where she ferryeth a term. What’s that saying:

  “A woman’s at the core of every plot man plotteth,
   And like an ill-reared fruit, first at the core it rotteth.”

So, out with it, thou Kadza!’

Now, the urgency of that she had dreamed overcame fear in Kadza, and she said, ‘O great Genie and terrible, my dream was this. Lo! I saw an assemblage of the beasts of the forests and them that inhabit wild places. And there was the elephant and the rhinoceros and the hippopotamus, and the camel and the camelopard, and the serpent and the striped tiger; also the antelope, the hyena, the jackal, and above them, eminent in majesty, the lion. Surely, he sat as ‘twere on a high seat, and they like suppliants thronging the presence: this I saw, the heart on my ribs beating for Shagpat. And there appeared among the beasts a monkey all ajoint with tricks, jerking with malice, he looking as ‘twere hungry for the doing of things detestable; and the lion scorned him, and I marked him ridicule the lion: ‘twas so. And the lion began to scowl, and the other beasts marked the displeasure of the lion. Then chased they that monkey from the presence, and for awhile he was absent, and the lion sat in his place gravely, with calm, receiving homage of the other beasts; and down to his feet came the eagle that’s lord of air, and before him kneeled the great elephant, and the subtle serpent eyed him with awe. But soon did that monkey, the wretched animal! reappear, and there was no peace for the lion, he worrying till close within stretch of the lion’s paw! Wah! the lion might have crushed him, but that he’s magnanimous. And so it was that as the monkey advanced the lion roared to him, “Begone!”

‘And the monkey cried, “Who commandeth?”

‘So the lion roared, “The King of beasts and thy King!”

‘Then that monkey cried, “Homage to the King of beasts and my King! Allah keep him in his seat, and I would he were visible.”

‘So the lion roared, “He sitteth here acknowledged, thou graceless animal! and he’s before thee apparent.”

‘Then the monkey affected eagerness, and gazed about him, and peered on this beast and on that, exclaiming like one that’s injured and under slight, “What’s this I’ve done, and wherein have I offended, that he should be hidden from me when pointed out?”

‘So the lion roared, “‘Tis I where I sit, thou offensive monkey!”

‘Then that monkey in the upper pitch of amazement, “Thou! Is it for created thing to acknowledge a king without a tail? And, O beasts of the forest and the wilderness, how say ye? Am I to blame that I bow not to one that hath it not?”

‘Upon that, the lion rose, and roared in the extreme of wrath; but the word he was about to utter was checked in him, for ‘twas manifest that where he would have lashed a tail he shook a stump, wagging it as the dog doth. Lo! when the lion saw that, the majesty melted from him, and in a moment the plumpness of content and prosperity forsook him, so that his tawny skin hung flabbily and his jaw drooped, and shame deprived him of stateliness; abashed was he! Now, seeing the lion shamed in this manner, my heart beat violently for Shagpat, so that I awoke with the strength of its beating, and ‘twas hidden from me whether the monkey was punished by the lion, or exalted by the other beasts in his place, or how came it that the lion’s tail was lost, witched from him by that villain of mischief, the monkey; but, O great Genie, I knew there was a lion among men, reverenced, and with enemies; that lion, he that espoused me and my glory, Shagpat! ‘Twas enough to know that and tremble at the omen of my dream, O Genie. Wherefore I thought it well to summon thee here, that thou mightest set a guard over Shagpat, and shield him from the treacheries that beset him.’

When Kadza had ceased speaking, the Genie glowered at her awhile in silence. Then said he, ‘What creature is that, Kadza, which tormenteth like the tongue of a woman, is small as her pretensions to virtue, and which showeth how the chapters of her history should be read by the holy ones, even in its manner of movement?’

Cried Kadza, ‘The flea that hoppeth!’

So he said, ‘‘Tis well! Hast thou strength to carry one of my weight, O Kadza?’

She answered in squeamishness, ‘I, wullahy! I’m but a woman, Genie, though the wife of Shagpat: and to carry thee is for the camel and the elephant and the horse.’

Then he, ‘Tighten thy girdle, and when tightened, let a loose loop hang from it.’

She did that, and he gave her a dark powder in her hand, saying, ‘Swallow the half of this, and what remaineth mix with water, and sprinkle over thee.’

That did she, and thereupon he exclaimed, ‘Now go, and thy part is to move round Shagpat; and a wind will strike thee from one quarter, and from which quarter it striketh is the one of menace and danger to Shagpat.’

So Kadza was diligent in doing what the Genie commanded, and sought for Shagpat, and moved round him many times; but no wind struck her. She went back to the Genie, and told him of this, and the Genie cried, ‘What? no wind? not one from Aklis? Then will Shagpat of a surety triumph, and we with him.’

Now, there was joy on the features of Kadza and Karaz, till suddenly he said, ‘Halt in thy song! How if there be danger and menace above? and ‘tis the thing that may be.’

Then he seized Kadza, and slung her by him, and went into the air, and up it till the roofs of the City of Shagpat were beneath their feet, all on them visible. And under an awning, on the roof of a palace, there was the Vizier Feshnavat and Baba Mustapha, they ear to lip in consultation, and Baba Mustapha brightening with the matter revealed to him, and bobbing his head, and breaking on the speech of the Vizier. Now, when he saw them the Genie blew from his nostrils a double stream of darkness which curled in a thick body round and round him, and Kadza slung at his side was enveloped in it, as with folds of a huge serpent. Then the Genie hung still, and lo! two radiant figures swept toward the roof he watched, and between them Noorna bin Noorka, her long dark hair borne far backward, and her robe of silken stuff fluttering and straining on the pearl buttons as she flew. There was that in her beauty and the silver clearness of her temples and her eyes, and her cheeks, and her neck, and chin and ankles, that made the Genie shudder with love of her, and he was nigh dropping Kadza to the ground, forgetful of all save Noorna. When he recovered, and it was by tightening his muscles till he was all over hard knots, Noorna was seated on a cushion, and descending he heard her speak his name. Then sniffed he the air, and said to Kadza, ‘O spouse of Shagpat, a plot breweth, and the odour of it is in my nostril. Fearest thou a scorching for his sake thou adorest, the miracle of men?’


She answered, ‘On my head be it, and my eyes!’

He said, ‘I shall alight thee behind the pole of awning on yonder roof, where are the two bright figures and the dingy one, and the Vizier Feshnavat and Noorna bin Noorka. A flame will spring up severing thee from them; but thou’rt secure from it by reason of the powder I gave thee, all save the hair that’s on thee. Thou’lt have another shape than that which is thine, even that of a slave of Noorna bin Noorka, and say to her when she asketh thy business with her, “O my mistress, let the storm gather-in the storm-bird when it would surprise men.” Do this, and thy part’s done, O Kadza!’

Thereupon he swung a circle, and alighted her behind the pole of awning on the roof, and vanished, and the circle of flame rose up, and Kadza passed through it slightly scorched, and answered to the question of Noorna, ‘O my mistress, let the storm gather-in the storm-bird when it would surprise men.’ Now, when Noorna beheld her, and heard her voice, she pierced the disguise, and was ware of the wife of Shagpat, and glanced her large eyes over Kadza from head to sole till they rested on the loose loop in her girdle. Seeing that, she rose up, and stretched her arms, and spread open the palm of her hand, and slapped Kadza on the cheek and ear a hard slap, so that she heard bells; and ere she ceased to hear them, another, so that Kadza staggered back and screamed, and Feshnavat was moved to exclaim, ‘What has the girl, thy favourite, offended in, O my daughter?’

So Noorna continued slapping Kadza, and cried, ‘Is she not sluttish? and where’s the point of decency established in her, this Luloo? Shall her like appear before thee and me with loose girdle!’

Then she pointed to the girdle, and Kadza tightened the loose loop, and fell upon the ground to avoid the slaps, and Noorna knelt by her, and clutched at a portion of her dress and examined it, peering intently; and she caught up another part, and knotted it as if to crush a living creature, hunting over her, and grasping at her; and so it was that while she tore strips from the garments of Kadza, Feshnavat jumped suddenly in wrath, and pinched over his garments, crying, ‘Tis unbearable! ‘Tis I know not what other than a flea that persecuteth me:’

Upon that, Noorna ran to him, and while they searched together for the flea, Baba Mustapha fidgeted and worried in his seat, lurching to the right and to the left, muttering curses; and it was evident he too was persecuted, and there was no peace on the roof of that palace, but pinching and howling and stretching of limbs, and curses snarled in the throat and imprecations on the head of the tormenting flea. Surely, the soul of Kadza rejoiced, for she knew the flea was Karaz, whom she had brought with her in the loose loop of her girdle through the circle of flame which was a barrier against him. She glistened at the triumph of the flea, but Noorna strode to her, and took her to the side of the roof, and pitched her down it, and closed the passage to her. Then ran she to Karavejis and Veejravoosh, whispering in the ear of each, ‘No word of the Sword?’ and afterward aloud, ‘What think ye will be the term of the staying of my betrothed in Aklis, crowned ape?’

They answered, ‘O pearl of the morn, crowned ape till such time as Shagpat be shaved.’

So she beat her breast, crying, ‘Oh, utter stagnation, till Shagpat be shaved! and oh, stoppage in the tide of business, dense cloud upon the face of beauty, and frost on the river of events, till Shagpat be shaved! And oh! my betrothed, crowned ape in Aklis till Shagpat be shaved!’

Then she lifted her hands and arms, and said, ‘To him where he is, ye Genii! and away, for he needeth comfort.’

Thereat the glittering spirits dissolved and thinned, and were as taper gleams of curved light across the water in their ascent of the heavens. When they were gone Noorna, exclaimed, ‘Now for the dish of pomegrante grain, O Baba Mustapha, and let nothing delay us further.’

Quoth Baba Mustapha, ‘‘Tis ordered, O my princess and fair mistress, from the confectioner’s; and with it the sleepy drug from the seller of medicaments—accursed flea!’

Now, she laughed, and said, ‘What am I, O Baba Mustapha?’

So he said, ‘Not thou, O bright shooter of beams, but I, wullahy! I’m but a bundle of points through the pertinacity of this flea! a house of irritabilities! a mere mass of fretfulness! and I’ve no thought but for the chasing of this unlucky flea: was never flea like it in the world before this flea; and ‘tis a flea to anger the holy ones, and make the saintly Dervish swear at such a flea.’ He wriggled and curled where he sat, and Noorna cried, ‘What! shall we be defeated by a flea, we that would shave Shagpat, and release this city and the world from bondage?’ And she looked up to the sky that was then without a cloud, blazing with the sun on his mid seat, and exclaimed, ‘O star of Shagpat! wilt thou constantly be in the ascendant, and defeat us, the liberators of men, with a flea?’

Now, whenever one of the twain, Baba Mustapha and the Vizier Feshnavat, commenced speaking of the dish of pomegranate grain, the torment of the flea took all tongue from him, and was destruction to the gravity of council and deliberation. The dish of pomegranate grain was brought to them by slaves, and the drug to induce sleep, yet neither could say aught concerning it, they were as jointy grasshoppers through the action of the flea, and the torment of the flea became a madness, they shrieking, ‘‘Tis now with thee! ‘Tis now with me! Fires of the damned on this flea!’ In their extremity, they called to Allah for help, but no help came, save when they abandoned all speech concerning the dish of pomegranate grain, then were they for a moment eased of the flea. So Noorna recognized the presence of her enemy Karaz, and his malicious working; and she went and fetched a jar brimmed with water for the bath, and stirred it with her forefinger, and drew on it a flame from the rays of the sun till there rose up from the jar a white thick smoke. She rustled her raiment, making the wind of it collect round Baba Mustapha and Feshnavat, and did this till the sweat streamed from their brows and bodies, and they were sensible of peace and the absence of the flea. Then she whisked away the smoke, and they were attended by slaves with fresh robes, and were as new men, and sat together over the dish of pomegranate grain, praising the wisdom of Noorna and her power. Then Baba Mustapha revived in briskness, and cried, ‘Here the dish! and ‘tis in my hands an instrument, an instrument of vengeance! and one to endow the skilful wielder of it with glory. And ‘tis as I designed it,—sweet, seasoned, savoury,—a flattery to the eye and no deceiver to the palate. Wah! and such an instrument in the hands of the discerning and the dexterous, and the discreet and the judicious, and them gifted with determination, is’t not such as sufficeth for the overturning of empires and systems, O my mistress, fair one, sapphire of this city? And is’t not written that I shall beguile Shagpat by its means, and master the Event, and shame the King of Oolb and his Court? And I shall then sit in state among men, and surround myself with adornments and with slaves, mute, that speak not save at the signal, and are as statues round the cushions of their lord—that’s myself. And I shall surround myself with the flatteries of wealth, and walk bewildered in silks and stuffs and perfumeries; and sweet young beauties shall I have about me, antelopes of grace, as I like them, and select them, long-eyed, lazy, fond of listening, and with bashful looks that timidly admire the dignity that’s in man.’

While he was prating Noorna took the dish in her lap, and folded her silvery feet beneath her, and commenced whipping into it the drug: and she whipped it dexterously and with equal division among the grain, whipping it and the flea with it, but she feigned not to mark the flea and whipped harder. Then took she colour and coloured it saffron, and laid over it gold-leaf, so that it glittered and was an enticing sight; and the dish was of gold, crusted over with devices and patterns, and heads of golden monsters, a ravishment of skill in him that executed it, cumbrous with ornate golden workmanship; likewise there were places round the dish for sticks of perfume and cups carved for the storing of perfumed pellets, and into these Noorna put myrrh and ambergris and rich incenses, aloes, sandalwood, prepared essences, divers keen and sweet scents. Then when all was in readiness, she put the dish upon the knee of Baba Mustapha, and awoke him from his babbling reverie with a shout, and said, ‘An instrument verily, O Baba Mustapha! and art thou a cat to shave Shagpat with that tongue of thine?’
