полная версияProphecies by Nostradamus

Svetlana Denisova
Prophecies by Nostradamus

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.49.

Decoding of the number 8.37. If 7 to consider as 700, then 700-38=662. If 1 to put in front and 6 to the end, we get 1626 – the year of coronation.

Quatrain 6.14* Battle of Naseby

Loing de sa terre Roy perdra la bataille,

Prompt eschappe poursuiuy suyuant prins,

Ignare prins soubs la doree maille,

Soubs faint habit & l'ennemy surprins.

Far from his land a King will lose the battle,

He runs fast, but he will be chased and caught,

Ignorant one taken under the golden chain mail,

Under false garb and to enemy surprise.

The battle under Naseby took place on 06/14/1645 between the troops of Parliament and King Charles I. As stated in the 1st line: the king was defeated. Despite the persecution, he was able to escape. Left without an army in 1646, he fled to Scotland. Subsequently, he was issued to the British for a fee. In 1647 the king fled, but was captured.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.36, 8.37.

Decoding of number 6.14. Nostradamus indicated the exact date: 6 – month, 14 – day of the battle! To decipher the year, rearrange the numbers – 146. If 1 to consider as 1000, then 1000-46 = 954. Turn 9 over in 6 (654). Rearranged 54 to 45 gives 645 – the year of battle.

* Forum "We and the Future",

Quatrain 3.50 The escape of Charles I

La republique de la grande Cite

A grand rigueur ne voudra consentir:

Roy sortir hors par trompette cite,

L'eschelle au mur la cite repentir.

The republic of the great city

Will not want to consent to the great severity:

King summoned by trumpet to go out,

The ladder at the wall, the city will repent.

The first line is about London, captured by troops under the leadership of Cromwell. Republican authority was proclaimed.

King Charles I was under strict surveillance. In November 1647 he escaped. However, he was soon arrested again, put on trial and executed.

The city will repent. Nostradamus considers the Great plague of 1665 and the Great fire of 1666 in London as a punishment for the execution of an innocent king.

Linkage with other quatrains: 6.14.

Decoding of number 3.50. The numbers rearrange – 053, If 1 to put in front and to consider as 1000, then 1000-53=947. 9 fliping in 6 and get 647 – the year of escape.

Quatrain 10.36* James I

Apres le Roy du soucq guerres parlant,

L'isle Harmotique le tiendra a mespris:

Quelques ans bons rongeant vn & pillant

Par tyrannie a l'isle changeant pris.

After the King of the stump the speaking wars,

The Isle Harmotique will hold him in contempt:

For several good years one gnawing and pillaging,

Through tyranny in the isle esteem changing.

The founder of the Stuart dynasty was James I – the king of children. After him, his son Charles I became king. The speaking wars – James I, like his son, had constant serious disagreements with parliament. In fact, the parliament was in opposition to the king.

3 line. The beginning of the reign of James I was quite prosperous. Then due to a lack of finances, he began to introduce new taxes on wine, timber, etc, to carry out other unpopular reforms among the people, and prices rose.

The last line, perhaps, about the seizure of power by Oliver Cromwell.

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.76, 2.53, 9.49.

Decoding of number 10.36. Rearrangement of numbers gives 1603 – the year of reign began.

Quatrain 9.11 The trial of Charles I

Le iuste à tort à mort l'on viendra mettre

Publiquement, & du milieu estaint:

Si grande peste en ce lieu viendra naistre,

Que les iugeans fouyr seront contraints.

The just man will be unjustly sentenced to death,

In public and in he the middle extinguished:

So great a plague will come to arise in this place,

That the judges will be forced to flee.

This prophecy is related in meaning to quatrain 2.53, where the great plague of 1665 was predicted, and then the fire, which became the punishment for London because of the executed king – the righteous.

4 line. Many judges and lords left London before the trial of Charles I. Most of them refused to take part in this lawlessness. Those who judged the king were themselves condemned and executed, after the restoration of the monarchy in England.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.49.

Possible decoding of number 9.11. The numbers rearrange – 191. If to flip 9 in 6, 1 to consider as 1000, then 1000-61 = 939. 3+1=4 – 949. Turn first 9 over in 6 we get 649 – the year of death Charles I.

Quatrain 9.49* Conviction of Charles I

Grand & Bruceles marcheront contre Anuers.

Senat de Londres mettront a mort leur Roy

Le sel & vin luy seront a l'enuers,

Pour eux auoir le regne en desarroy.

Ghent and Brussels will march against Antwerp,

The Senate of London will put to death their King:

Salt and wine will overthrow him,

To have them the realm turned upside down.

Charles I (1600-1649) was the king of England, Scotland and Ireland since 1625.

The 4 line: His church reforms were not popular among the people. This led to an uprising, and then to a revolution.

The 2 line: The rebels led by Cromwell won. The monarch was dethroned. He was convicted and executed on 30 January1649 in London.

The 3 line: During his reign most of the production was monopolized, including salt and wine. This generated the impoverishment and antipathy of private entrepreneurs and their workers.

This prophecy has long been deciphered, since Charles I was the only 1 king executed in England. My contribution is to get a year from the quatrain number.

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.76, 2.53, 10.36.

Decoding of the number 9.49. If 1 put in front, 9 to flip in 6, then we get 1649 – the year of Charles I execution.

Quatrain 3.80 The bastard will be half received

Du regne Anglois l'indigne dechasser,

Le conseiller, par ire mis a feu:

Ses adherants iront si bas trasser,

Que le bastard sera demy receu.

The worthy one chased out of the English realm,

The adviser through anger put to the fire:

His adherents will go so low to efface themselves

That the bastard will be half received.

The events of the English Revolution of 1643-1651 are predicted in this quatrain.

The 1st line, perhaps, is about Charles II, the son of executed Charles I. In 1650 he arrived in Scotland, recruit an army, but in 1651 was defeated in the battle against Cromwell and fled to France.

2-3 lines are about the seizure of power by Oliver Cromwell and the suppression of resistance of the monarchists. In 1650 he was elected commander of the army.

The bastard will be half received: being of low descent, he did not become king, but only Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland.

Connection with other quatrains: 3.81.

Decoding of number 3.80. If 1 to put in front and to consider as 1000, then 1000-380=620. Turn 2 over in 5 and get 650 – the year of election as commander.

Quatrain 8.56[3] Battle of Dunbar3.26

La bande foible le tertre occupera

Ceux du haut lieu feront horribles cris,

Le gros troupeau d'estre coin troublera,

Tombe pres D. nebro descouuers les escris.

The weak band will occupy the land,

those of high places will make dreadful cries.

The large herd of the outer corner troubled,

Grave near D. nebro, discovered the writings.

The Battle of Dunbar 3 September 1650 was the most important during the English Revolution.

2 line. The Scottish army, led by Leslie, was 2 times more of Cromwell's army. Moreover, the Scots took high positions in the hills. Despite these advantages, the Scots suffered a crushing defeat.

3 line. The main forces of the English infantry were concentrated in the center. Leslie made a tactical mistake: his troops descended from the heights. Cromwell took advantage of this: attacked unexpectedly at night and won with minor losses.

4th line about the burial of the dead near Dunbar. Important documents of the enemy fell into the hands of Cromwell.

Decoding of the number 8.56. If 56 to turn over to 29, 2 to consider as 2000, then 2000-98=1902. Turning back 9 and 2 into 6 and 5 (1605), rearranging the numbers, we get 1650 – the year of the battle.

Quatrain 4.62 Against his Prince

Vn coronel machine ambition,

Se saisira de la plus grande armée:

Contre son prince feinte inuentinon /invention/,

Et descouuert /decouvert/ sera sous sa ramée /rameaux/.

A colonel with ambition plots,

He will seize the greatest army,

Against his Prince false invention,

And he will be discovered under the branches.

The word "coronel" in French is not the word colonel. If you insert nv (Vn) before e, remove o, you get Cronnvel (nn looks like m) Perhaps this is how Nostradamus encrypted Cromwell's name.

3-4 lines. Charles II (Prince) son of the executed king of England Charles I, convened army, opposed the impostor. The decisive battle of Worcester 3 September 1651, and Prince lost it. Oliver's army in numbers was much more than that of the Prince. After the defeat, he had to hide in the branches of an oak tree. Then Charles fled to France.

Connection with other quatrains: 1.65 – the same events.

Decoding of the number 4.62. If 6 to flip in 9, rearrange numbers – 249 and to consider 2 as 2000, then 2000-49=1951. Fliping 9 in 6, we get 1651 – year of battle.


Quatrain 1.65 Battle of Worcester

Enfant sans mains, iamais veu si grand foudre

L'enfant Royal au ieu d'esteuf blesse:

Au puy brisez, fulgures allant moudre,

Trois sur les chaines par le milieu trousse.

A prince without hands, never so great a thunderbolt seen,

the royal heir wounded at a game.

At the well lightning strikes, joining together

three trussed up in the middle the oaks.

The decisive battle 1651 near Worcester, between the troops of Charles II and Cromwell, is predicted. Perhaps thunderbolt should be understood as a bombing of the city. Cromwell’s army, 2 times more then royal, won.

Without hands must be understood in a figurative sense – without an army. Karl hoped to gather an army in England, but the people took Cromwell's side. As a result Karl lost the battle and was left without an army. Karl fled with the adjutant and servant. They three hid for a day in the branches of an oak tree, which later was called the "royal". Karl managed to escape to France after 1.5 months.

Decoding of the number 1.65. The year is explicit. Adding 1 to the end, we get 1651 – the year of the battle.

Quatrain 8.76 Oliver Cromwell

Plus Macelin que Roy en Angleterre,

Lieu obscur nay par force aura l'empire:

Lasche sans foy sans loy seignera terre.

Son temps s'aproche si pres que ie souspire.

More of a butcher than a king in England,

born of obscure rank will gain empire through force.

Coward without faith, without law he will bleed the land;

His time approaches so close that I sigh.

Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658) was a leader of English revolution and Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland from 1653.

The 1 line – as a result of the revolution that Cromwell led, King of England was executed.

The 2 line – Cromwell was a descendant of a poor Puritan landowner. Thanks to the revolution, he managed to rise very high. After executing the king, he took his place as a Lord Protector.

The 3 line – Having surrounded himself with his people, Oliver concentrated all power in his hands. He imposed taxes on the country, especially on the defeated monarchists. The revolts in Ireland and Scotland were suppressed by the most severe methods, there was a war against Spain. Coward without faith: Cromwell lived in the constant fear for his life. He organized round-the-clock security for himself. The fearing a night attack, he often spent the night in different places.

The 4 line. Cromwell was born 33 years after the death of Nostradamus. If we consider that the prophecies extend up to the 7th millennium, then in comparison with this, Cromwell's time was close.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.49

Probable decoding of number 8.76. If we 7 consider as 700, then 700-68=632. If we flip 2 in 5, swap it with 3 and add 1 in front it will be 1653 – the year of power takeover.

Quatrain 10.40* Charles II

Le ieune nay au regne Britannique,

Qu'aura le pere mourant recommande,

Iceluy mort Lonole donra topique,

Et a son fils le regne demande.

The young heir to the British realm,

Whom his dying father will have recommended:

The latter dead 'Lonole' will dispute with him,

And from the son the realm demanded.

Charles II Stuart (1630-1685) – the king of England, Scotland, Ireland from 1660, the son of Charles I.

Lonole – Oliver Cromwell was leader of the English revolution. After Cromwell's death, his son could not to hold power. The Stuart dynasty was restored. The new king issued an Amnesty to all except for the judges of Charles I. Many of them were convicted and executed. As they say: do not judge, and you will not be judged.

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.76.

Decoding of the number 10.40. 1000-40=960. By turning 9 in 6 and placing 1 in front we get 1660 – the year of beginning of reign.

Quatrain 2.53[1] Plague in England

La grande peste de cite maritime

Ne cessera que mort ne soit vengee:

Du iuste sang par pris damne sans crime,

De la grand' dame par fainte n'outragee.

The great plague of the maritime city

Will not cease until there be avenged the death:

Of the just blood, condemned for a price without crime,

Of the great lady insulted by pretense.

The 1 line. In 1665 the great bubonic plague was in London. It killed ~25% population of capital. Merchant ships with cotton brought epidemic from Netherland. The fleas, infected from ship's rats, were carriers of the plague.

The 2 – 3 lines. Probably the prophet considered the plague in England as punishment for the execution of king Charles I. In 1666 the big fire in London became end of plague. It deleted fleas, rats and infection. The city was rebuilt already with due regard the requirements of sanitation.

The 4 line tells about the insulted noble lady. Perhaps this is the wife of Charles I, which was exile to France with children.

Decoding of the number 2.53. If 2 to consider as 2000, 2000-35=1965, 9 to flip in 6, then we get 1665 – year of the beginning of a plague.

Quatrain 2.51 Fire in London

Le sang du iuste a Londres fera faute,

Bruslez par foudres de vingt trois les six,

La dame antique cherra de place haute,

De mesme secte plusieurs seront occis.

The blood of the righteous will bring blame to London.

Burned by lightning at twenty by three and six,

The ancient lady will fall from her high place,

Several of the same sect will be killed.

Nostradamus predicted the Great Fire in London from September 2 to 5, 1666 (666 is the number of the Antichrist). The numbers 2 and 5 in the quatrain's number indicate the days of the beginning and end of the fire. The second line shows the year of the fire: 20×3=60 and 6 – 66 year. The first line is about the cause of the fire. This is a punishment for Londoners for the innocently shed blood of king Charles I.

The fourth line speaks of foreigners and Catholics killed by a crowd. Many residents believed that the cause of the fire was arson organized by the French and Dutch, with whom there was a war.

Decoding of number 2.51. If 2 to consider as 2000, 5 to turn over into 2, then 2000-21=1979. 7-1=6. Turn 9 over into 6 we get 1666 – the year of the fire.

Quatrain 2.28 Jonathan Swift?

Le penultine du surnom de prophete

Prendra Diane pour son iour & repos,

Loing vaguera par frenetique teste,

Et deliurant vn grand peuple d'imposts.

The penultimate of the surname of the Prophet

Will take Diana for his day and rest:

He will wander far because of a frantic head,

And delivering a great people from subjection.

Maybe this prophecy is about the Irish priest and writer Jonathan Swift (1667-1745). In Hebrew his name means "God-given." Several prophecies can be found in his book "Gulliver's Travels".His best known prediction is about two Mars satellites discovered after 150 years. One of the Demos's craters was named after his name. Swift also gave a rather detailed description of the flying apparatus design which almost completely coincides with the description, which E. Casey gave 200 years later. In the book "Voyage to Laputa" there are 2 statements coinciding with Nostradamus prophecies. These are predictions about of the end of the world and a fiery comet which will ignite the Earth. All this shows that Swift had a gift of foresight.

The 4th line. In his works Jonathan defended the interests of the Irish people, violated by England at that time. In pamphlets he urged the Irish to fight for the equal rights of citizens of both islands. As a result, England was forced to make economic concessions to Ireland. The common people of this country loved and honored Jonathan Swift.

Probable decoding of number 2.28. 2000-28=1972. If we flip 9 into 6 and 2 into 5, then it will be 1675+1=1676. By putting 6 at the end we will get 1667 – the year of birth.

Quatrain 4.89 Conspiracy against the King

Trente de Londres secret coniureront,

Contre leur Roy sur le pont l'entreprinse,

Luy, satalites la mort degousteront,

Vn Roy esleu blonde, natif de Frize.

Thirty of London will conspire secretly

Against their King, the enterprise on the bridge:

He and his satellites will have a distaste for death,

A fair King elected, native of Frisian.

The 1 line is probably about the conspiracy against James II. The leaders of the two main parties of England Whigs and Tory had a conspiracy. They decided to replace the undesired monarch (Catholic) with his daughter Mary (Protestant) and her husband William. The conspiracy was led by the "Immortal Seven": the Bishop of London and six his companions. They sent an invitation to stadtholder of Holland and Maria to occupy the throne of England and protect the Protestant religion.

The 3 line. When William of Orange landed with the army in England, James was not killed. He managed to escape to France and his family was sent there too.

The 4 line. Before England William was the ruler of Netherlands – native of Frisian. He has white hair on the child's portrait. In adult portraits the hair color cannot be determined due to the wigs.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.22, 10.4, 10.26, 8.58.

Decoding of the number 4.89. If 9 to consider as 9000, then 9000-84=8916. The permutation of the digits gives 1689-1=1688 – the year of conspiracy.

Quatrain 10.22 Exile of James II

Pour ne vouloir consentir au diuorce,

Qui puis apres sera cogneu indigne,

Le Roy des Isles sera chasse par force,

Mis a son lieu qui de Roy n'aura signe.

For not wishing to consent to the divorce,

Which then afterwards will be recognized as unworthy:

The King of the Islands will be driven out by force,

In his place put one who will have no mark of a king.

The 3 line. During the whole history after Nostradamus, only one king was exile from the islands of England and Ireland – James II. Under the influence of his wife, he became a supporter of Catholicism, not popular in Protestant England. Neither people, nor nobility not wanted his reign. His daughter and son-in-law were invited instead of him. James II was forced to flee to France in 1688.

The 2 line. Unworthy – can be considered that he abandoned the army after the defeat in the battle at the river Boyne.

The 4 line. The King of France Louis XIV welcomed the outcast, granted him a palace and maintenance, but this place was no longer royal.

As the saying goes, "history repeating itself." 250 years later, another king of England, Edward VIII, also came under the influence of a woman, abdicated and left England. Like James II, he settled in France. Even the date of the abdication of both coincided – December 11.

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.58, 10.26, 10.4.

Decoding of the number 10.22. If 1 and 2 to swap – 2012, then 2000-12=1988. 9 flip in 6 we get 1688 – the year of exile.

Quatrain 10.26 William III of Orange

Le successeur vengera son beau frere,

Occuper regne souz ombre de vengeance,

Occis ostacle son sang mort vitupere,

Long temps Bretagne tiendra auec la France.

The successor will avenge his brother-in-law,

To occupy the realm under the shadow of vengeance:

Obstacle slain his blood for the death blame,

For a long time will Britain hold with France.

William III of Orange (1650-1702) – the invited king of England, Scotland and Ireland from 1689. Before that he was ruler of Netherlands from 1672. James II, who ruled before him, had no children for a long time, so he was tolerated in the hope that after him crown would been been inherited by his daughter, protestant Mary. Unexpectedly, at age of 55, the king gave birth to the heir. This caused a conspiracy against the king. The son-in-law William and daughter Maria were invited to take his place. Previously, William visited England several times. The people loved him, as one of the main defenders of Protestantism of that time.

The 1 line. James II repeatedly attempted to regain the crown. William had to fight with his supporters (Jacobites). In 1689 he defeated them in Scotland, then in 1690 he – in Ireland. To this day Protestants celebrate this victory as a holiday.

The 4 line. The King of France Louis XIV was a Catholic and for a long time he did not recognize the Protestant William as the King of England. However, he created a powerful army and navy and successfully resisted the most powerful Catholic monarch. Louis resigned himself. In 1697 they signed a peace treaty.


Decoding of the number 10.26. If 2 to flip in 5, 0 and 6 to swap, then we get 1650 – the year of born.

Quatrain 8.58 James II

Regne en querelle aux freres diuisé,

Prendre les armes & le nom Britannique

Tiltre d'Anglican sera tard aduisé,

Surprins de nuict mener à l'air Gallique.

A kingdom divided by two quarrelling brothers

to take the arms and the name of Britain.

The English ruler will be warned late,

surprised by night (the other is), led to the French air.

James II (1633-1701) was the king of England, Ireland, Scotland from 1685 to 1688.

The 1 line – in 1685 Jacob suppressed the mutiny of his half-brother James Scott.

The 2 line – in 1688 his nephew and son-in-law William of Orange, the ruler of the Netherlands, at the invitation of the Whigs and Tories landed with the army in England and seized power. He began to rule under the name of William III.

The 3 and 4 lines are about James’ fleeing to France in December 1688, where his wife and son were sent earlier.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.22, 10.4, 10.26, 4.89.

Decoding of the number 8.58. If 8+1=9, flip 9 in 6, by swapping 58 in 85, we get 685 – the year of beginning reign.

Quatrain 10.4 Battle on the Boyne

Sus la minuict conducteur de l'armee

Se sauuera subit esuanouy,

Sept ans apres la fame non blasmee,

A son retour ne dira oncq ouy.

At midnight the leader of the army

Will save himself, suddenly vanished:

Seven years later his reputation unblemished,

To his return not once they will say yes.

This is a prophecy which came true about the failed attempt of deposed King James II to regain the crown of England. In 1690 James landed in Ireland, having gathered an army of untrained militia men. The battle took place on July 1, 1690 on the river Boyne and became the largest in the history of this country. A new and deposed kings personally commanded their armies. William III won. The Jacobites did not suffer any special losses and successfully retreated, but many soldiers deserted. Dublin was surrendered without a fight. The army of William of Orange triumphantly entered into it. So the Glorious revolution was finished.

The 2nd line. James II secretly left his army at night and went to France. There he lived until his death in 1701. His supporters, the Jacobites, were very disappointed by his unworthy act.The 4th line. Later he tried to regain the throne, but even Louis XIV, who adopted him, refused to support him.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.2, 8.58, 10.26, 4.89.

Decoding of the number 10.4. If 0 to put at end, 1+1=2 to consider as 2000, 2000-40=1960, 6 and 9 to swap, then we get 1690 – the year of battle.

Quatrain 10.100 The power of England

Le grand empire sera par Angleterre,

Le Pempotam des ans plus de trois cens:

Grandes copies passer par mer & terre,

Les Lusitains n'en seront pas contens.

The great empire will be for England,

The pempotam for more than three hundred years:

Great forces pass by sea and land,

The Lusitanians will not be content.

The power of the British Empire (1583-1914) was based on the colonial system, which began to be created in the 16th century. Back then Spain was the "Queen of the seas". In 1588 England became the leading naval empire after defeat of the "Spanish Armada" fleet. In the 17th century the first English settlements emerged in the West India and North America. The colonies in India were the most profitable. The American colonies were more oriented toward agriculture. Trading slaves from Africa brought a big profit. For this reason the British built several forts in the western Africa. At the end of the 17th century an independent state USA was formed which ceased to be an English colony. By that time James Cook discovered Australia and New Zealand and they became British colonies. Thus England had colonies on all inhabited continents. After World War I England annexed a significant part of the German colonies. By the beginning of the 20th century Great Britain was the largest colonial empire.

The 4 line. Lusitanians is the historical name of the nationalities living in the territory of modern Portugal and South-Western Spain. At the end of the 16th century the Spanish fleet was the most powerful. Spain received great wealth from its American colonies. Certainly the Spanish were not satisfied that England pushed them to the background and became the leading naval empire.

Linkage with other quatrains: 3.57.

Probable decoding of number 10.100. If 10 to consider as 1000, then 1000-100=900. 9 flip in 6, 1 is put at ahead we will get 1600 – the year of the formation of the British East Indian Company. It colonized India and other countries of the East.

Quatrain 3.57[1] 290 years of change Great Britain

Sept fois changer verrez gent Britannique

Taints en sang en deux cents nonante an:

France, non, point par appuy Germanique,

Ariez doubte son pole Bastarnan.

Seven times will you see the British nation change,

Stained with blood in 290 years:

France, no, at all its support Germanic.

Aries doubt his 'Bastarnian' pole.

The 1 line:

1) After the execution of Charles I in 1649, England became a republic headed by Cromwell and proclaimed an alliance with Scotland.

2) In 1660 England became a kingdom again, the Stuart dynasty was restored.

3) In 1776 the USA declared independence from Great Britain.

4) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland became a single state in 1801.

5) In 1901 the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty began to reign.

6) In 1922 the republic of Ireland proclaimed its independence and withdrew from the United Kingdom.

7) In 1947 Great Britain lost its colonies.

The changes presented here are only an assumption.

The 3 and 4 lines are about the 2nd World War since Mars is the God of War. This war was unleashed by Germany, having attacked Poland in 1939. If we subtract 290 from 1939 we will get 1649 – the year when the people of England executed their king. After the Second World War the disintegration of the colonial system began. In 1947 India and Pakistan gained independence. Having lost colonies, England lost its former power.

Decoding of the number 3.57. If 7 to consider as 700, then 700-53=647. 6 to flip in 9, 1 to put in front, then we get 1947 – year of the loss colonies.

Quatrain 6.20 New Leopard

L'vnion fainste sera peu de duree

Des vns changes reformez la pluspart:

Dans les vaisseaux sera gent enduree,

Lors aura Rome vn /un/ nouveau Liepart /Leopard/.

The holy union will not last long

Some will change, most will be reformed,

On ships, people are facing great trials,

Then Rome will have a new Leopard.

In September 1939, England declared war on Germany, who attacked Poland and sent her troops into France. But they were completely inactive despite the numerical advantage. Having conquered Poland, Hitler sent all his forces to France, and it quickly surrendered. Great Britain withdrew its troops. In September 1939 Germany began active operations at sea, sinking several of the military and transport ships of England. In 1940 the Nazis attacked Norway. The allied forces of England, Poland, France tried to help Norway, but were defeated, the union broke up. The USSR and Germany in 1939 signed the Nonaggression Pact, which was treacherously violated by Hitler. England needed an ally and it became the United States. In 1942, the USSR joined the union of England and the USA.

In the battle of Crete, the English fleet suffered heavy losses and retreated. Throughout the years of World War II there was a battle for the Atlantic between the British and Germany. Both sides lost a large amount of soda.

Leopards – the centuries-old symbol of England, are present on its coat of arms. Italy declared war on Great Britain 06/10/1940. Initially, it was conducted at sea and in

Africa. In the summer of 1943, Anglo-American troops captured Sicily, and a year later entered Rome.

Possible decoding of number 6.20. If you rearrange the numbers – 026, 2 to flip in 5 – 056, 1 to put in front and to consider as 1000, then 1000-56=944 – Anglo-American troops captured Rome.

Quatrain 10.42 Independence of USA

Le regne humain d'Angelique geniture,

Fera son regne paix vnion tenir,

Captiue guerre demy de sa closture,

Long temps la paix leur fera maintenir.

The humane realm of English offspring,

It will cause its realm to hold to peace and union:

War half-captive in its enclosure,

For long will it cause them to maintain peace.

The 1 line: In 1776 thirteen American colonies of England proclaimed their independence. George Washington, the first US president, led the war for independence (1775-1783). In 1783 England was forced to recognize the independence of the United states. Nostradamus calls US as "humane realm", because from the very beginning it was republican power and no absolutism. Their main motto is Freedom!

The 2 line: The new country was created as a Union of free states.

The 3 line: There were only two wars on the USA territory during the whole period of USA existence: the war for independence and the war of the North and South (1861-1865). Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why the US have become a world leader.
