полная версияProphecies by Nostradamus

Svetlana Denisova
Prophecies by Nostradamus

Nud se verra en piteux desarroy.

The great army will be chased out,

In one moment it will be needed by the King:

The faith promised from afar will be broken,

He will be seen naked in pitiful disorder.

This quatrain is in tune with the previous quatrain 10.30. It is the same – about expulsion naked. As it is described in the interpretation of quatrain 6.22, the French army on September 5, 1870 was surrounded and Napoleon III surrendered. In the coming days, by the uprising of the Paris Commune, he was deposed and deprived of everything. The last few years he lived with his family in England very modestly, since he had few means abroad.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.30, 6.22, 3.14.

Decoding of the number 4.22. 400-22=378. If 1 is put at the end then by swapping we will get 1873 – the year of death.

Quatrain 6.22 Death of Napoleon III

Dedans la terre du grand temple celique,

Nepueu à Londres par paix faincte meurtry,

La barque alors deuiendra scismatique,

Liberté faincte sera au cor & cry.

Within the land of the great heavenly temple,

Nephew murdered at London through feigned peace:

The bark will then become schismatic,

Sham liberty will be proclaimed everywhere.

The 2 line. The Franco-Prussian war began in 1870. As a result of unsuccessful military actions, the emperor was captured near Sedan on September 5, 1870. The situation complicated the uprising of the Paris Commune. The crowds of the people declared the emperor deposed. After deposition Napoleon III left for England on March 19, 1871 where he died after the kidney operation.

The 4 line. The crowds people of Paris gathered on September 4, 1870 at the city hall and proclaimed the republic. Without formalities a provisional government of defence people was elected.

The 3 line. Despite the fact that a considerable part of France was occupied by enemies, a political struggle was going on between different parties and groups.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.22, 10.30.

Decoding of the number 6.22. If 1 to put in front and to consider as 1000, then 1000-622=378; by swapping these numbers we will get 873 – the year of death.

Quatrain 9.33 De Gaulle

Hercules Roy de Rome & d'Annemarc,

De Gaule trois Guion surnommé,

Trembler l'Itale & l'vnde de sainct Marc,

Premier sur tous Monarque renommé.

Hercules King of Rome and of 'Annemark,'

With the surname de Gaule triple the chief,

Italy and the one of Saint Mark to tremble,

First monarch renowned above all.

In this quatrain prophet clearly indicates the name without changing it – De Gaule. Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) was a French public figure. From childhood he loved and was proud of his homeland, saw the meaning of life in the service for France and knew that he would have such opportunity. He began his career as a military man. He took part in the First World war, studied military affairs, taught at military schools. Before the World War II he was a brigadier general.

Does not everything listed in the first line represent the past reincarnations of de Gaulle? If the prophet could know the future, then we can assume that he knew the past lives of some souls.

The 2 line. De Gaulle took power in his hands for three times. In beginning of World War II he went to London and received there the support of prime minister Churchill. Unknown general on June 18, 1940 spoke on the radio of the BBC to the French people with a call for resistance. Then having emigrated to the African colony he led the French Resistance.

After the liberation of France in 1944, de Gaulle became the head of the government. Being on this post for a year and a half he tried to return the status of a great power for France. In 1946 he was dismissed from all affairs and was in opposition to the government.

The third time he takes power in his hands 12 years later, in 1958, when the country was in a serious political and economic crisis. In 1959 he was elected a President. He gives the people the Constitution, which is still valid. He pays much attention to scientific and technical development, strengthening of the army. With him France becomes a nuclear power. He pursues a policy of decolonization, breaks alliance with NATO, establishes contacts with the USSR. In 1969 having lost popularity among the people, he leaves the post of President.

In this quatrain there are numbers 33, coinciding with the number of the military unit, in which de Gaulle served twice.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.79.

Decoding of number 9.33. If 3-1=2 and to consider as 2000, then 2000-93=1907. By swapping 0 and 7 we will get 1970 – the year of death.

Quatrain 10.79 Georges Pompidou

Les vieux chemins seront tous embellis,

L'on passera à Memphis somentrées,

Le grand Mercure d'Hercules fleur de lys

Faisant trembler terre mer, & contrées.

The old roads will all be improved,

One will passed on them to the modern Memphis:

The great Mercury (will take) of Hercules lily flower,

Doing to tremble lands, sea and country.

The 3 line. The lily flower historically served as a symbol of power in France. In quatrain 9.33 Nostradamus calls de Gaulle Hercules. After him Georges Pompidou (1911-1974) having won the presidential election in 1969 took power (the lily flower). The prophet calls the new president Mercury (the God of Trade), apparently in connection with the economic rise of the country during his reign.

The 1 line. The president paid special attention to roads and transport. With him new high-speed modern roads were built and the old ones expanded. The first high-speed railway lines appeared. A new international airport was built.

The second and last line is not characteristic of Pompidou, so other interpretations are also possible for this prophecy.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.33.

Probable decoding of number 10.79. If 0 and 9 swap then we will get 1970-1=1969 – the year of election.

Quatrain 1.8* City of Sun

Combien de fois prinse Citй solaire,

Seras, changeant les loi barbares & vaines

Ton mal s'approche, plus seras tributaire,

Le grand Hadrie recouurira tes vaines.

How often will you be captured, O city of the sun,

Changing laws that are barbaric and vain.

Bad times approach you. No longer will you be enslaved.

Great Hadrie will revive your veins.

Quatrain is correctly deciphered by several interpreters as the prediction about Paris, therefore it is marked with a symbol *. The prophecy about his native capital – the city of Sun Nostradamus placed in the first (main) ten of quatrains. No wonder there is a saying: "To see Paris and die." This is the most wonderful city in Europe.

But there is a lot of suffering and hardship in its history!

In May 1588 the people rebelled against the king. He was forced to flee, and Henry of Guise took the capital. However, his celebration was short-lived and six months later he was killed. The city was taken by the Catholic League. In 1589 Paris was besieged by Henry III and Henry of Navarre. Their victory was close, but the king was killed at that time. Only 5 years later Henry IV managed to defeat the Catholic League and enter the capital.

The long period of the reign of Louis XIV is the prosperity, power and worldwide glory of France. The Versailles becomes the object of envy and imitation for the kings of all Europe.

The Great French Revolution of 1789 changed the laws and life of the city. For ten years there has been a fierce struggle – the guillotine was worked. In 1799 the tyrant Napoleon usurped power. For 17 years the country has become a military machine.

In 1814 Paris was taken by the Allied troops of Russia and Prussia. Once again the laws were changed – the old monarchy returned. Soon, again for 100 days, the power was seized by Napoleon.

During the Franco-Prussian war Paris was besieged and then partially occupied by German troops. After the uprising of the Paris Commune in 1870, the republic was finally established in the country.

In 1940 the city was occupied by German troops, in 1944 it was liberated by the Allied forces. Because of the defeats in the World War II, the authority of France was severely undermined. Only owing to the efforts of De Gaulle, whom Nostradamus calls a famous monarch, the country regained the status of a great power.

The last 2 lines are about the future flood, and are associated with quatrain 3.23. In both quatrains the prophet speaks of the waters of the Adriatic Sea, which will cover the city. However if the level of the entire world ocean rises, then it will be waters not only of the Adriatic Sea – the whole of Europe will turn into islands and seas.

The predictions about Italy

Quatrain 5.61 Hannibal

L'enfant du grand n'estant à sa naissance,

Subiuguera les hauts monts Appennins,

Fera trembler tous ceux de la Balance,

Et des monts feux iusques à mont Cenis.

The child of the Great who was not present at his birth,

He will subjugate the high Apennine mountains:

All those in Libra will tremble,

And from the Pyrenees to Mont Cenis.

1 line. Hannibal was born in 247 BC in the family of the famous Carthaginian leader Hamilcar. Where the father was at the time of birth of his son is unknown. From the age of 9, Hamilcar took his son on military campaigns and instilled in him a hatred of the Roman republic.

2 line. Hannibal became the head of the Carthaginian troops in Spain and in 218 BC started the 2nd Punic War. His army crossed Pyrenees and Alps in the second half of October (under the sign of Libra). On the Mont-Cenis pass, he ferried not only the army, horses, but also elephants. The arrival of Hannibal's army was unexpected for the Romans. He managed to win a number of victories on the Apennine Peninsula.


Decoding of the number 5.61. If 56 to flip into 29 and rearrange the numbers – 219, then 219-1=218 BC – the beginning of the 2nd Punic War.

Quatrain 10.89* Mellifluous times

De brique en marbre serôt les murs reduicts,

Sept & cinquante années pacifique,

Ioye aux humains, renoüé l'aqueduict,

Santé, grands fruits, joye & temps melifique.

The walls will be converted from brick to marble,

Seven and fifty pacific years:

Joy to people /Joy to mortals/, the aqueduct renewed,

Health, abundance of fruits, joy and mellifluous times.

This interpretation was changed by me after reading the version of A. Penzensky, which is more believable.

This quatrain is about the reign of the first Roman emperor Octavian Augustus (23.09.63 BC-19.08.14 AD). Starting from 43 BC he held the post of consul 13 times, then was the pontiff, tribune.

From 43 BC until 14 A.D. it turns out ~ 57 years. However, not all these years have been peaceful. Octavian waged a long civil war egainst Mark Anthony and others. After the war, he concentrated all power in his hands. He managed to restore order in the country, in the army, patronized writers.

1 line. Before his death, he said that The walls of Rome converted from brick to marble. During his reign, many monumental buildings were built and the aqueduct was reconstructed.

Decoding of the number 10.89. If the numbers to rearrange – 19.08, then it will be the day and month of Augustus's death.

Quatrain 2.32* The monster of Ravenna

Laict, sang, grenouilles (d)esco(e)ndre en Dalmatie!

Conflit donne, peste preste, de baleine

Cry sera grand par toute Esclauonie,

Lors naistra monstre pres & dedans Rauenne.

Milk, frogs, blood will spilled in Dalmatia!

Conflict given, plague near Treglia:

A great cry will sound through all Slavonia,

Then a monster will be born near and within Ravenna.

There is a legend that in 1511 or 1512 a monster was born near the Italian city of Ravenna. He had a horn on his head, wings like a bat and legs (leg) of a bird. In 1512, near Ravenna, there was a great bloody battle between the French and Spanish-papal forces.

In history, quite a lot of cases of animal rains have been recorded, as well as milky and "bloody" rains. Tornadoes can lift to a great height and carry very heavy objects, which then fall to the ground.

Is it difficult to say whether this quatrain relates to the events of 1512 or does it tell the future?

Quatrain 8.7 The Italian Wars

Verceil, Milan donra intelligence,

Dedans Tycin sera faite la paye.

Courir par Seine eau, sang feu par Florence,

Vnique choir d'hault en bas faisant maye.

Vercelli, Milan will give the news,

the wound will be given at Pavia.

To run in the Seine, water, blood and fire through Florence,

the unique one falling from high to low calling for help.

The Italian Wars (1494-1559) – a struggle for the possession of the peninsula between France and Spain and other states. In 1553 Henry II attacked Florence, but was defeated. Military operations were carried out both in Italy and in France. In 1559 these wars ended in accordance with the Cato-Cambresian peace treaty. France lost almost all of its positions in Italy. Spain, by contrast, gained almost complete control of the peninsula, including Milan.

Line 4 about the wound of Henry II in the eye at a knightly tournament and about falling from a horse. The tournament was held in honor of the wedding of the French princess and the king of Spain. This wedding was part of a peace treaty.

Decoding of the number 8.7. If 1 to put in front and to consider as 1000, then 1000-78=922. Turning 22 over in 55, the reverse order we get 559 – the year of the peace treaty.

Quatrain 3.38 Agreement in Cateau-Cambrésis

La gent Gauloise & nation estrange,

Outre les monts morts, prins & profligez:

Au moys contraire & proche de vendange

Par les Seigneurs en accord redigez.

The Gallic people and a foreign nation

Across the mountains, dead, captured and killed:

In the contrary month and near vintage time,

Seniors will sign an agreement.

1.2 lines. In 1551 France declared war on Spain and invaded Lorraine. These countries share the Pyrenees mountains. At the beginning, French troops, under the command of Francois de Guise, acted successfully. But in 1557 Spain defeated the French at the Battle of Saint-Quentin. Many French nobles were captured by the Spanish.

In France, grapes are harvested in September – October. The third line may indicate 2 months: month and near vintage time is August, when there was a battle at Saint-Quentin; contrary month is April when the peace treaty was concluded. Italian wars were ended. They lasted intermittently for more than 60 years. France was defeated, and Spain gained almost complete control of the Apennine peninsula.

Communication with other quatrains: 3.43, 2.80.

Decoding of number 3.38. If 3 to consider as 300, then 300-38=262. Turn over all numbers – 595, rearrange – 559, 1 put in front and get 1559, 3 – day, April is in the 3rd line – the full date of agreement in Cateau-Cambrésis.

Quatrain 5.3 Cosimo I of the Medici

Le successeur de la Duché viendra,

Beaucoup plus outre que la mer de Toscane,

Gauloise branche la Florence tiendra,

Dans son giron d'accord nautique Rane.

The successor to the Duchy will come,

Mach more oversees than the Tuscan Sea:

A Gaulish branch will hold Florence,

In its scope of agreement nautical Rane.

The 1 line. Cosimo I of the Medici (1519-1574) was the ancestor of the most rich and noble Italian family Medici. Charles V made Cosimo the hereditary Duke of Florence in 1537. In 1569 Pope Pius V in Rome crowned him the Grand Duke of Tuscany. During his reign, the duchy flourished: its territory doubled, the fleet was built and the Uffizi gallery.

The 3 line. The Medici family gave the French two queens: Catherine, the wife of Henry II and Maria the wife of Henry IV. From the second pair began a new branch of the kings of France – the Bourbon.

Linkage with other quatrains: 5.6.

Probable decoding of number 5.3. 500-3=497, if 4 to put at the end, to flip 9 in 6, 6-1=5 then we will get 574 – the year of death.

Quatrain 5.76* Pope Sixtus V

En lieu libere tendra son pauillon,

Et ne voudra en citez prendre place:

Aix, Carpen, l'Isle volce mont Cauaillon

Par tout les lieux abolira la trasse.

In a free place will he pitch his tent,

And he will not want to lodge in the cities:

Aix, Carpentras, L'Isle, Vaucluse 'Mont,' Cavaillon,

Throughout all these places will he abolish his trace.

Perhaps this is the prediction about Pope Sixtus V (1521-1590). Somehow, meeting with the unknown young monk Felice Peretti, Nostradamus appealed to him as a Pope, which caused bewilderment. However, it was not accidental. The prophet knew the future. In 1585 after Gregory VIII, Peretti was elected Pope. He pursued a very militant policy. The places listed in the third line were either papal possessions or adjoined to them.

The 4 line. The people did not like him. After death they said: "Fra Felice has taken the devil." All his lifetime monuments were destroyed.

Decoding of the number 5.76. If 6 to consider as 600 and to flip 5 in 2, then 600-72=528, flip 2 in 5 and 5 is put at the end, 1 is put at the ahead we will get 1585 – the year of election.

Quatrain 10.18[2] The events of 1590

Le ranc Lorrain fera place a Vandosme,

Le hault mis bas, & le bas mis en hault,

Le fils d'Hamon sera esleu dans Rome,

Et les deux grands seront mis en defaut.

The house of Lorraine will make way for Vendôme,

The high put low, and the low put high:

The son of Hammon will be elected in Rome,

And the two great ones will be put at a loss.

The 1 line. The French King Henry III had no heirs. The pretenders to the throne were Henry Navarre de Vendôme and Henry, duke of Guise of Lorraine. D'Guise had the greatest popularity among the people. By order of the king, he was killed. Henry de Vendôme became the only pretender to the throne, after the killing of the king.

The 2 line. Before his death the king announced his successor de Vendôme, but neither the people nor the nobility not wanted such a king. Paris was closed to him. Five years he fought for the throne. In 1590 in the battle of Ivry la Bataille he won a decisive victory over the superior forces of the enemy. This victory helped him to gain supporters and in the future to become king Henry IV.

The 3:line. In 1590 Pope Gregory XIV was elected.

The 4 line. Presumably, the two leaders are the two main enemies of Henry of Navarre: Carl of Lorraine and his ally Spain. They were defeated.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.50, 9.45.

Decoding of the number 10.18. 1000-18=982. If to flip 2 in 5, then by swapping these numbers we will get 589+1=590 – the year of events.

Quatrain 4.73 Ferrara

Le nepueu grand par forces prouuera,

Le pache fait du c?ur pusillanime:

Ferrare & Ast le Duc esprouuera,

Par lors qu'au soir fera la pantomine,

Noble nephew will prove by force

A sin committed by a petty heart

He will test Ferrara and the Duke of Este,

When the pantomime will take place in the evening.

Ferrara was the capital of several generations of the Dukes of d'Este. Her last duke Alfonso II died 10/27/1597 leaving no heirs. He chose Caesar, the son of Alphonse I d'Este and his favorite Laura Dianti, as his successor. However, Pope Clement VIII did not recognize this inheritance as legal, since Caesar was born not in marriage, but in sin. He annexed Ferrara to the papal region. Against Caesar, he sent an army under the command of his nephew Aldobrandini. The capital of the Dukes d'Este was forced to move to Modena. Under the rule of Pope Ferrara began to decline rapidly, its population declined by a third.

Decoding of number 4.73. The numbers rearrange – 743. If 7 to consider as 700, then 700-43=657. Turn 6 over in 9, the numbers to rearrange again – 597, 1 put first and get 1597.

Quatrain 1.6 Ravenna

L'?il de Rauenne sera destitue,

Quand а ses pieds les aisles failliront,

Les deux de Bresse auront constitue,

Turin, Verseil, que Gaulois foulleront.

The eye of Ravenna will be forsaken,

when his wings will fail at his feet.

The two of Bresse will have made a constition

for Turin and Vercelli, which the French will trample underfoot.

Ravenna is a city in the north-east of Italy. From the time of the Great Roman Empire it was a thriving city, a religious and cultural center. In 1512 Ravenna suffered greatly from the French during the Cambrai War. After this the fall into decay began.

The 1 line. The city is located in the lowlands, just 10 km from the sea, the city and the surrounding fields began flooded in the 17th century. In 1636 the sea flooded Ravenna. The water flooded the central streets. Thanks to the efforts of the papacy, the city managed to drain by the network of canals. The 2 line can be understood as a symbolic expression, meaning decay.

In the 4th line Turin is mentioned – a large city in the north of Italy, in the 16th – 18th centuries was the capital of the Duchy of Savoy. In 1601 France transmited the duchy of Saluzzo Margrave to the Savoyar, located near Turin. In exchange, she received the territory between Dauphine and Burgundy, including Bress. As predicted, Henry IV at Versailles, and Carl Emanuel I in Turin made a very reasonable exchange. Each side received those lands that are closer to it.

Decoding of the number 1.6. If 16 consider as 1600 and add 1 then we will get 1601 – the year of exchange.


Quatrain 2.15 The pope Paul V

Vn peu deuant monarque trucidé,

Castor Pollux en nef, astre crinite,

L'erain public par terre & mer vuidé,

Pise, ast, Ferrare, Turin, terre interdicte.

Shortly before the monarch is assassinated,

Castor Pollux in the ship, bearded star,

The public treasury emptied by land and sea,

Pisa, Asti, Ferrara, Turin, land under interdict.

The events predicted here cover a period of 5 years from 1605 to 1610.

1 line. In 1610 king Henry IV of France was assassinated by a religious fanatic.

2 line. Paul V (17.08.1552-28.01.1621) became the Pope on 16.05.1605 – 5 years before the death of the French king. His Latin name Paulus is consonant with Pollux in quatrain. In the ship – the boat of St. Peter the Apostle was considered a symbol of the papacy. Castor translates as beaver and beaver fur. Perhaps he was used in the clothes of the pontiff? Bearded star – in 1607 Halley's comet passed near the Earth.

This Pope persecuted progressive astronomical discoveries, he forced Galileo to renounce his teachings.

4 line. lnterdicte – in 1608 Paul V imposed an interdict on the Venetian Republic, but soon canceled it. This was the last interdict of the papacy.

Castor & Pollux are also in quatrain 2.90. In ancient Greek mythology, these are twin brothers – an allegory two Christian religions: Catholicism and Protestantism.

Decoding of number 2.15. If 5+1=6 and 6 to put in front, then 621 – year, 1 – month of the death of Paul V.

Quatrain 10.32 Pope Gregory XV

Le grand empire chacun an deuoit estre,

Vn sur les autres le viendra obtenir,

Mais peu de temps sera son regne & estre,

Deux ans aux naues se pourra soustenir.

The great empire every year must to be,

One will come to obtain it over the others:

But his realm and state will be of short duration,

Two years will he be able to maintain himself on the ships.

The 4th line mentions a ship (the rook of St. Peter) symbolizing the papacy. The pope is elected by a conclave of cardinals for the rest of his life. Gregory XV (09.01.1554-08.07.1623) was pope for 2 years from 09.02.1621.This pope appointed his nepos Richelieu cardinal of France, who actually ruled the country. Gregory XV assisted in the struggle against the Ottomans and Protestants, commuted the punishment far sorcerers and witches.

Decoding of number 10.32. 10-1=9 (932). Turning 9 on 6 and rearranging 3 and 2, we get 623-year of death.

Quatrain 9.42 Plague on Sicily

De Barcelonne, de Gennes & Venise,

De la Secille peste Monet vnis,

Contre Barbare classe prendront la vise,

Barbar poulsé bien loing iusqu'à Thunis.

From Barcelona, from Genoa and Venice,

From Sicily pestilence Monaco joined:

Contact will be received from the Barbarian fleet,

Barbarian driven 'way back as far as Tunis.

A ship from Tunisia brought plague to Sicily in 1624. It brought to Palermo Christian captives and gifts for the king. Out of greed, the king let the ship in, which was not allowed in other places. A third of the city’s population died. The plague spread further. The relics of St. Rosalia, found in a cave on the mountain, saved the city. They were carried around the city on July 15. The plague ceased miraculously. This day is celebrated in Palermo as a holiday.

Decoding of the number 9.42. lf 9 to flip in 6, the numbers to rearrange – 624, 1 to put in front, then it will be 1624 – year of pestilence on Sicily.

Quatrain 5.56 Pope Alexander VII

Par le trespas du tres vieillard pontife,

Sera esleu Romain de bon aage:

Qu'il sera dit que le Siege debiffe

Et long tiendra & de picquant ouurage.

Through the death of the very old Pontiff

A Roman of good age will be elected,

Of him it will be said that he weakens his see,

But long will he sit and in biting activity.

The 1 line. Innocent X (1574-1655) – the Pope from 1644, died at the age of 81 years.

The 2 line. The next pope was elected Alexander VII (1599-1667) at the age of 56 years. For the Pope he was relatively young – 25 years younger than his predecessor. In this line there is a mismatch: Alexander was born in Tuscany, but not in Rome.

The 3 line. Alexander did not have a relationship with France. Cardinal Mazarin had a great influence at the young Louis XIV. He did not approve of the choice of the new pope, and dissuaded Louis to send a traditional embassy to Rome with congratulations. In conflict with France the Pope temporarily lost Avignon and Venicen.

The 4 line. Alexander VII for 12 years occupied the papal throne. Apparently, "in biting activity" should be understood the conflict between the pope and France, which at that time reached its greatest power. Alexander did not like to do work, he was more interested of science and art. A lot of attention he paid to architecture. For his money some churches were decorated, and a beautiful colonnade was built in Rome.

Decoding of the number 5.56. If 1 to put at the ahead and 55 to put at the end, then we will get 1655 – the year of change pope.

Quatrain 5.39 Francis I Stefan

Du vray rameau des fleurs de lys yssu,

Mis & loge heritier d'Herutrie:

Son sang antique de longue main yssu,

Fera Florence florir en l'ermoirie.

Issued from the true branch of the fleur-de-lis,

Placed and lodged as heir of Etruria:

His ancient blood woven by long hand,

He will cause the escutcheon of Florence to bloom.

Etruria is the more ancient name of Tuscany, an area in the north-west of Italy. Florence is the capital of Tuscany. For several centuries Medici clan, richest in Italy, ruled Toscana. He was succeeded by dynasty of the Habsburgs. The first of these became Francis I Stefan (1708-1765) – Duke of Lorraine from 1729. He descended from the ancient lineage of the Carolingians – the first kings in the territory of present-day France. The flower of a lily is a symbol of France, there is on its emblem. In 1737 instead of Lorraine he received the duchy Tuscany. With his young wife he came to Florence, but soon they were forced to return to Vienna.

The 4 line. In 1745, remaining the Grand Duke of Tuscany, he received the highest of titles – the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

Probable decoding of number 5.39. If flip 5 in 2 and 9 in 6 then 2000-63=1937. 9 flip in 6, 6+1=7 we will get 1737 – the year of getting the duchy Tuscany.

Quatrain 9.35 Maria Carolina of Austria

Et Ferdinand blonde sera descorte,

Quitter la fleur, suyure le Macedon,

Au grand besoing defaillira sa routte,

Et marchera contre le Myrmiden.

And fair Ferdinand will be detached,

To abandon the flower, to follow the Macedonian:

In the great pinch her course will fail,

And she will march against the Myrmidons.

Presumably, this prophecy about Maria Carolina of Austria (1752-1814) – queen of both Sicilies from 1768. She was the wife of King Ferdinand IV. There were never any particularly good relations between them. She was a leader in the family and in politics. After the execution of her sister in France, the kingdom joined all anti-French coalitions. The Queen relied on an alliance with England. The wife of the British ambassador Lady Hamilton became her closest friend.

The 2 line. Maybe Noldradamus calls Nelson a Macedonian? Like Alexander, he was a winner. In 1798, when Naples was captured by the French, the royal family fled with the Hamilton on Nelson's ship. They returned when Admiral Ushakov liberated Naples. Both ladies, Queen and Emma Hamilton, were the initiators of terror against the Republicans.

"Abandon the flower": People did not like Maria Carolina. The king, with the years, lost interest in her. In 1811, on the advice of the English ambassador, Ferdinand sent his wife home to Vienna.

Another possible version of the interpretation of this quatrain is Emma Hamilton. For 14 years, friendship has united the destinies of these 2 ladies.

Linkage with other quatrains: 7.09.

Probable decoding of number 9.35. If 9-1=8, flip 5 in 2 (832) then 800-32=768 – the year when she became of queen.

Quatrain 3.32 Italian campaign of 1796

Le grand sepulchre du peuple Aquitanique

S'approchera aupres de la Toscane:

Quand Mars sera pres du coing Germanique,

Et au terroir de la gent Mantuane.

The great tomb of the people of Aquitaine

Will approach near to Tuscany,

When Mars will be in the corner of Germany

And in the land of the Mantuan people.

The 1 line. Aquitaine is a province in the south-west of France. Perhaps in the quatrain predicted the Italian campaign of 1796 of Napoleon I. Perhaps in his army there were many Aquitans. Burial are to those, who killed during the occupation of northern Italy.

The 3 line. In the north of Italy the enemy of France was Austria. Mantua – a well fortified fortress of the Austrians was taken by Napoleon I with great difficulty.

Linkage with other quatrains: 3.37, 2.99.

Decoding of the number 3.32. If 2 to consider as 2000 then 2000-33=1967, 7 is put before 9 we will get 1796 – the year of 1 Italian campaign.

Quatrain 3.37* Capture of Milan

Auant l'assaut oraison prononcee,

Milan prins d'Aigle par embusches deceus:

Muraille antique par canons enfoncee,

Par feu & sang a mercy peu receus.

The speech delivered before the attack,
