полная версияProphecies by Nostradamus

Svetlana Denisova
Prophecies by Nostradamus

Milan taken by the Eagle through deceptive ambushes:

Ancient wall driven in by cannons,

Through fire and blood few given quarter.

Perhaps this is a prophecy about the capture of Milan by Napoleon I in 1796. Before the assault, a speech was delivered in which he promised the soldiers enrichment. Indeed, due to the robbery of the occupied territories, he clothed and fed the army. Eagle, presumably, an image on the flag or the coat of arms of one of the belligerents.

Linkage with other quatrains: 2.99.

The 3 line. Milan had ancient defensive fortifications. Napoleon I, of course, used artillery during the assault.

Decoding of the number 3.37. If 7 to consider as 700, then 700-33=667. 6 flip in 9, 1 and 7 are put at the ahead we will get 1796 – the year of capture.

Quatrain 2.99 Italy troubled by Gauls

Terroir Romain qu'interpretoit augure,

Par gent Gauloise par trop sera vexee

Mais nation Celtique craindra l'heure,

Boreas, classe trop loing l'auoir poussee.

Roman land as the omen interpreted

Will be vexed too much by the Gallic people:

But the Celtic nation will fear the hour,

The fleet has been pushed too far by the north wind.

The 1-2 lines. In 1796-1797 there was the Italian campaign of Napoleon I. Perhaps Nostradamus predicted it. Napoleon acted very successfully in the north of Italy.

The 4 line. Boreas is the north wind, thanks to which the French fleet ferried a huge army to Egypt in 1798. There the French won victories until the British under Nelson's command destroyed nearly all of their ships. The French army was very far from the homeland in a desperate situation.

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.92, 3.37.

Decoding of the number 2.99. If 9 to consider as 9000, then 9000-29=8971; by swapping these numbers we will get 1798-1=1797 – the year of ended Italyan campaign.

Quatrain 1.24 1799 year

A Cite neufue pensif pour condamner,

L'oysel de proye au ciel, se vient offrir

Apres victoire a captifs pardonner,

Cremone & Mantoue grand maux aura a (souffrir.

In a New City the thinker (will) condemned,

the bird of prey offers himself to the gods.

After victory he pardons his captives.

At Cremona and Mantua great hardships will be suffered.

Of all the executed scientists, Domenico Cirillo is suitable for this quatrain. He was a professor of botany and medicine at the University of Naples. As an entomologist, he studied the biology of insects in the vicinity of Naples. He did not get much fame, so the question arises: did Nostradamus predict his in this prophecy?

In 1799, Cirillo was convicted and executed in Naples for political reasons. The name of this city is translated from Ancient Greek as a new city, which corresponds to the first line of the quatrain.

The 3 and 4 lines, possibly, refer to the war of the 2nd coalition, during which extensive military operations were carried out on the territory of Italy. In many ways thanks to the talent of Ushakov and Suvorov almost all of Italy was liberated from the French. Suvorov was loyal to the prisoners. After the capture of Milan he organized a celebration, to which were invited and captured French officers. Then he forgave them and let them go. On 28.06.1799 Mantua was taken. Perhaps Cremona was in the war zone. After the departure of the Russian troops, Napoleon again seized Italy.

Linkage with other quatrains: 5.20.

Decoding of the number 1.24. 1000-24=976. If 6 flip in 9, 1 and 7 are put at the ahead then we will get 1799 – the year, when Cirillo was convicted and Mantua was captured.

Quatrain 8.9 War of 2nd coalition?

Pendant que l'Aigle & le Coq a Sauone

Seront vnis, Mer, Leuant & Ongrie.

L'armee a Naples, Palerme, Marque d'Ancone

Rome, Venise par Barbe horrible crie.

While the Eagle and the Cock will be at Savonna,

The Sea, Levant and Hungary will united.

The army at Naples, Palermo, March of Ancona,

Rome, Venice through Barbe a terrible screams.

All listed cities are located in Italy. The Eagle and the Cock it is Austria and France, which at the 17 century fought for the possession of northern Italy. Rome and Ancona belonged to the Papal states, which Bonaparte seized and exiled Pope in Savonna.

2 line. The French called Syria, Turkey, some countries of North Africa as Levant, i.e. Ottoman Empire. Perhaps this refers to the unification of the Ottoman and Russian fleets during the war of 2nd coalition. True, Hungary does not fit into this context.

In 1799 the Napoleonic army captured Naples, and his king fled to Palermo in the ship of Nelson. Ushakov freed Naples from the French, but not for long – a year later Napoleon again captured Italy.

Barbe is the patroness of artillery, miners, etc. The Napoleonic army was especially strong with its artillery. The last line probably predicted military operations between the French army and the Russian-Austrian army under the command of Suvorov in 1799.

Possible decoding of the number 8.9. If 8 to concider as 8000, then 8000-9=7991. Moving 1 forward, we get the year 1799.

Quatrain 8.99 Pope Pius VI

Par la puissance des trois Roys temporels,

En autre lieu sera mis le saint siege:

Ou la substance de l'esprit corporel,

Sera remis & receu pour vray siege.

Through the power of three temporal kings,

The sacred seat will be put in another place,

Where the substance of the body and the spirit

Will be restored and received as the true seat.

Pius VI (27.12.1717-29.08.1799) was the Pope from 15.02.1775.

Through the power of three temporal kings. In 1796, Napoleon I invaded Italy and captured the Papal region. The Pope hoped for the help of the Bourbons and Austria, but no one helped him.

Will be restored and received as the true seat. Pius VI was captured and held first in Siena, then in the fortress of Valence, where he died.

The last two lines about the death of the Pope, i.e. the movement of the spirit to a true receptacle in another world.

Linkage with other quatrains: 2.97.

Decoding of number 8.99. 8-1 = 7. 799 – the year, 8 – month of death of the Pope.

Quatrain 2.97[2] Pius VI disease

Romain Pontife garde de t'aprocher,

De la cite qui deux fleuues arrouse:

Ton sang viendras aupres de la cracher

Toy & les tiens quand fleurira la rose.

Roman Pontiff beware of approaching

The city that two rivers flow through,

Near there you will spit blood,

You and yours when the rose will flourish.

The city that two rivers flow through it is Valence, located at the confluence of Isere and the Rhone.

Roman Pontiff it is Pius VI. He did not want to give up secular power when Berthier proclaimed the Roman Republic, and was captured by order of Napoleon I. The old and sick Pope was transported several times from one city to another. In Valence vomiting blood began of him, and be died on 29 August 1799.

The last line indicates daylight saving time. The pope died in August – apparently he was sick in the summer.

Connection with other quatrains: 8.99.

Decoding of number 2.97. Let's rearrange the numbers – 729. If 7 to consider as 7000, then 7000-29=6971. Turn over 6 in 9, in the reverse order will be 1799 – the year, 29 – the day of death.

Quatrain 3.33 Rome in 1799

En la cite ou le loup entrera,

Bien pres de la les ennemis seront:

Copie estrange grand pays gastera,

Aux monts & Alpes les amis passeront.

In the city where the wolf will enter,

Very near there will the enemies be:

Foreign army will spoil a great country.

The friends will pass at the wall and Alps.

The first line probably refers to the Capitoline she-wolf – an ancient bronze sculpture stored in museums in Rome.

In 1796 Italy was captured by the French, who badly robbed its.

4th line. In 1799 the Russian army under the command of Suvorov and the fleet led by Ushakov, as part of the forces of the anti-French coalition, liberated Italy. When Russian troops entered Rome, the local population greeted them enthusiastically. They shouted: "Vivat Muscovite! These are those whom the French are afraid of." The Italians considered the Russians friends, liberators, defenders.

Decoding of number 3.33. If 3 to consider as 3000, then 3000-33=2967. 2-1=1, Turn 6 over in 9 (1997), rearranging 7 to the second position, we get 1799 – the year of the campaign of Suvorov and Ushakov.

Quatrain 5.44 The struggle for Rome

Par mer le rouge sera prins des pyrates,

La paix sera par son moyen troublee:

L'ire & l'auare commettra par sainct acte,

Au grand Pontife sera l'armee doublee.

On sea the red one will be taken by pirates,

Because of him peace will be troubled:

Anger and greed will commit a false act,

The army doubled by the great Pontiff.

Presumably, the first line about the landing in Sicily thousands of volunteers under the command of Giuseppe Garibaldi. They sailed on two ships in 1860. They were dressed in red shirts. Their purposes were to drive out the Bourbons and the Sicily to join to Piedmont. The Garibaldi fought successfully, liberating one city after another. Their number rapidly increased due to the population.

The 2 line. After the liberation of Sicily and Sardinia, Garibaldi decided to march on Rome in 1862. The prime minister of Piedmont Cavour who recognized the merits of Garibaldi became a barrier to his path. He was afraid of strengthening the revolutionary movement. The prime minister entered into a secret collusion with Napoleon III in order to prevent the invasion of the volunteer army in the central regions.


The 4 line. Pope Pius IX did not want Rome to become the capital of Italy. In 1860 the military formation of the papal zouaves was formed to protect the papal region. It consisted of volunteers of Catholics of different nationalities. The Pope also asked France not to withdraw its troops from Rome. Nevertheless, as you know, Rome became the capital.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.77.

Quatrain 4.77 Unification of Italy

Selin maonarque, l'Italie pacifique,

Regnes vnis Roy chrestien du monde:

Mourant voudra coucher en terre belsique

Apres pyrates auoir chassé de l'onde.

Selin' monarch, Italy peaceful,

The reigns united by the Christian King of the World:

Dying he will want to lie in Blois soil,

After having chased the pirates from the sea.

The 1 line. For several centuries, Italy was divided into parts, which were owned at different times by Spain, France, Austria, Prussia, etc. Only in 1861 Italy united. Its first monarch, according to the will of the people, was Victor Emmanuel II (1820-1878). Prior to unification, he was king of the Sardinian Kingdom (Piedmont) from 1849. He made great efforts to unite the country.

The 2 line. At the beginning of the XIX century, the Apennine peninsula was divided into 8 states. Thanks to successful military operations against Austria in 1860 Victor Emmanuel annexed the duchies of Modena, Tuscany, Parma to Sardinia. A significant contribution to the unification of Italy was made by the Prime minister of Sardinia, Camillo Cavour, as well as the famous freedom fighter Giuseppe Garibaldi. In 1859 he could to raise the people under his banners and free Sicily and Naples from the French. These lands also came under the authority of Victor Emmanuel. As a result of the peace treaty in 1862 France transmit Venice to Italy. Rome for 9 more years remained in the state of the pope. Only in 1871 he became the capital of a united Italy. In the history of Italy, this king entered as a great fighter for the unification of the country.

Linkage with other quatrains: 5.44, 8.31.

Probable decoding of number 4.77. If 7 consider as 700 then 700-74=626, flip 6 in 9, 9-1=8; by swapping 26 in 62 we will get 862 – the year liberation of Italy from the last invaders.

Quatrain 8.31 Accession of Venice

Premier grand fruict le Prince de Pesquiere:

Mais puis viendra bien & cruel malin,

Dedans Venise perdra sa gloire fiere,

Et mis à mal par plus ioyue Celin.

The first great fruit of the prince of Perchiera,

then will come a cruel and wicked man.

In Venice he will lose his proud glory,

and is led into evil by then younger Selin.

During the reunification of Italy, described in the interpretation of quatrain 4.77, Venice was joined in 1866. In the previous quatrain Nostradamus calls Victor Immanuel II as Selin the monarch of a united Italy. In this quatrain the prophet also calls him Selin. Venice became part of his kingdom. Prior to joining, Venice was under the rule of Austria, but was fighting it. In 1848 the Venetian Republic was created, which lasted a year.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.77.

Decoding of the number 8.31. If 8 +1=9 and to consider 9 as 900, 900-31=869, flip 9 in 6, then get 866 – the year of joining Venice.

Quatrain 6.38 The conquest of Italy

Aux profligez de paix les ennemis,

Apres auoir l'Italie supperee:

Noir sanguinaire, rouge sera commis,

Feu, sang verser, eau de sang coloree.

The enemies of peace to the profligates,

After having conquered Italy:

The bloodthirsty black one, red, will be exposed,

Fire, blood shed, water colored by blood.

Perhaps this is a prophecy about the unification of Italy. The revolutionary movement in the south of the country was headed by Giuseppe Garibaldi – the red one. He and his militiamen wore red shirts. Black is Camillo Cavour – the first prime minister of Italy. In all portraits he is dressed in a black suit. This is not the first quatrain, where Nostradamus correctly indicated the color of the clothes. Cavour was the head of the government of Sardinia and played an important political role in the unification of the peninsula. The struggle for a united Italy was accompanied by rebellions, fires, bloody battles. It ended in 1971, when Rome became the capital.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.77, 5.44, 8.31.

Decoding of the number 6.38. If 6 to flip in 9, 900-83=817, swap 17 in 71, 1 to put in front, then we get 1871 – the year, when Rome became capital of Italy.

Quatrain 5.22 Pope Gregory XVI

Auant qu'a Rome grand ait rendu l'ame,

Effrayeur grande à l'armee estrangere:

Par escadrons l'embusche pres de Parme,

Puis les deux rouges ensemble feront chere.

Before the great one has given up the ghost at Rome,

Great terror for the foreign army:

The ambush by squadrons near Parma,

Then the two red ones will celebrate together.

The 1 line, perhaps, about Pope Gregory XVI (1765-1846). He became a pope in 1831. The period of his papacy coincided with the revolutionary movement in Italy, which sought to overthrow the old order. The revolution also reached the papal region. It was clear that without external help the pope can not protect his possessions.

The third line is probably about the revolutionary unrest in the Parma region in 1846, 1848, which were suppressed by the Austrian troops. In 1847 Maria-Louise the ruler of Parma died. She was replaced by Charles II.

After the death of Gregory XVI in 1846 was elected Pope Pius IX. His liberal reforms were received with great optimism by the Italian patriots. Mazzini, also from exile, applauded the reforms of Pius IX.

The 4 line can be interpreted as celebrated together. Two reds – one can assume Garibaldi, who wore a red shirt. Perhaps, it mean the pope or the cardinals, who also wore red clothes.

Decoding of the number 5.22. 500-22 = 478, 8 is put at the ahead, 847-1=846 – the year of change pope.

Quatrain 2.16 New tyrants

Naples, Palerme, Sicile, Syracuses,

Nouueaux tyrans, fulgures, feux celestes

Forces de Londres, Gands, Bruxelles & Suses,

Grand hecatombe, trumphe, faire festes.

Naples, Palermo, Sicily, Syracuse,

New tyrants, celestial lightning fires:

Force from London, Ghent, Brussels and Susa,

Great slaughter, triumph leads to festivities.

The new tyrants are probably Mussolini and Hitler, who established a fascist dictatorship in Italy. The 1 and 2 lines about the bombing of Italian cities by the allied forces of England and the United State. Naples is a strategic port from where of the Axis troops went to Africa. Its began to bomb in 1940, in 1942 the bombing intensified. A significant part of Palermo was destroyed by bombing. The city of Syracuse was also bombed. Its inhabitants hid during raids in the ancient catacombs. Sicily was subjected to the most powerful bombing.

The third line, most likely, about the liberation of Italy by the Allied forces in 1945. The number of dead Italians during the dictatorship of Mussolini is estimated at about half a million.

The victory in World War II is the greatest holiday, not only for the victors, but for the defeated party as the mass extermination of people from both warring sides has ceased, and Peace for all has come.

Linkage with other quatrains: 3.65.

Decoding of the number 2.16. 2000-61=1939. If add 1we will get 1940 – thr year of Italy's entry into the war.

Quatrain 5.99[2] World War II in Italy

Milan, Ferrare, Turin & Aquilleye,

Capne Brundis vexez par gent Celtique,

Par le Lyon & phalange aquilee,

Quand Rome aura le chef vieux Britannique.

Milan, Ferrara, Turin and Aquileia,

Capua, Brindisi vexed by the Celtic nation:

By the Lion and his eagles's phalanx,

When Rome gets the old British chief.

In 1943, Italy suffered a series of military defeats. Mussolini was arrested.

The 2 line. To support the ally, Germany occupied northern Italy in September and liberated Mussolini.

In the third line the invasion to the Apennine peninsula in 1943 by the Allied troops of the USA and Great Britain was predicted. The lion is depicted on the coat of arms of Great Britain, and the eagle is on the coat of arms of the USA.

The 4 line. Field marshal Ruport commanded British troops. In 1943 he was 52 years old. Rome the Germans surrendered in the summer of 1944. Linkage with other quatrains: 2.16.

Decoding of the number 5.99. If first 9 to flip in 6, 5000-69=4931, rearranging the numbers, then we get 1943+1=1944 – the year of accession to Rome by the Allies.

Quatrain 10.12 Pope John XXIII

Esleu en Pape, d'esleu sera mocqué,

Subit soudain esmeu prompt & timide,

Par trop bon doux à mourir prouoqué,

Crainte estainte la nuit de sa mort guide.

Elected as Pope, when elected he will be mocked,

Suddenly unexpectedly moved prompt and timid,

Through too much goodness and kindness provoked to die,

Fear extinguished the night of his death guided.

Pope John XXIII (1881-1963) was famous for his extraordinary kindness, he even received the nickname "good father Roncalli". Probably this is a prophecy about him. He was elected in 1958, at the age of 77, but felt healthy and active. Not everyone approved of his choice of name, since this name was already at Antipope, and 550 years no one took it. He pursued a policy of socialist Christianity. He fought for peace throughout the world, tried to help the poorest Christians.

He fell ill with stomach cancer, refused surgery, died in the evening. The according to the prophecy, there were hidden death circumstances, which are still unknown.

Linkage with other quatrains: 6.26.

Decoding of the number 10.12. If 2 to flip in 5, then 1000-15=985. 1 is put at the ahead, by swapping 8 and 5 we will get 1958 – the year of election.

Quatrain 6.26 Change of Pope 1963

Quatre ans le siege quelque peu bien tiendra,

Vn suruiendra libidineux de vie:

Rauenne & Pise, Veronne soustiendront,

Por esleuer la croix du Pape enuie.

For four years the see will be held with some little good,

One libidinous in life will succeed to it:

Ravenna, Pisa and Verona will give support,

Longing to elevate the Papal cross.

The 1 line. Of all the Roman Popes, since the time of Nostradamus, to this phrase Pope John XXIII (1881-1963) is suitable, the Pope from 1958 (less than 5 years). All the rest were on the papal throne, or less than 4 years, or more than 5. He tried to make the Catholic Church a modern, appropriate developed civilization. He preached the peaceful coexistence of various social systems.

The 2 line. Pope Paul VI (1897-1978) replaced John XXIII in 1963. He often traveled and was nicknamed "Pope-pilgrim". The activities of this pope were often criticized, especially for the revision of the Trident Mass. A lot of gossip and rumors were around him.

Decoding of the number 6.26. If first 6 to flip in 9, by swapping 2 and 6 we get 962, 962+1=963 – the year of change Pope.

Quatrain 5.13 Migration to Italy

Par grand fureur le Roy Romain Belgique,

Vexer voudra par phalange barbare:

Fureur grinçant chassera gent Lybique,

Depuis Pannons iusques Hercules la hare.

With great fury the King Roman Belgian

Will want to vex the barbarian with his phalanx:

Fury gnashing, he will chase the African people

From the Pannonias to the pillars of Hercules.

The political conflict in Libya (2011-2014), and then the intervention from the countries of the European Union and the USA led to a mass flight of the population to Europe. The nearest distance from Africa through the Mediterranean is the Italian island of Sicily. The first stream of refugees directed into it. The Libyan mafia made a lot of money on the refugee pass. In 2010 the number of emigrants exceeded 4 million (4%) of the Italian population.

The massive influx of refugees from North Africa has become a humanitarian catastrophe for Italy, and has caused great discontent among the population. Issues of mass migration of the Muslim population to Europe are decided by the European Union, whose summits are held in Brussels (Belgium). The Italian government is constantly asking for help, but the issue has not been resolved for several years.


New conflicts in the Middle East seemed to have disrupted the hornet's nest. A new stream of Muslims poured into the Christian world, now through the Balkans. They settle throughout Europe, creating great problems for the host countries.

Linkage with other quatrains: 3.60.

Decoding of the number 5.13. If 5 to flip in 2 and to consider as 2000, then 2013+1=2014 – our time.
