полная версияProphecies by Nostradamus

Svetlana Denisova
Prophecies by Nostradamus

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.82.

Decoding of the number 1.82. If 2 to flip in 5, 0 to put between 85, then will be 1805, 2 – day, 12 – month. So Nostradamus predicted the date and place of the battle!

Quatrain 8.60 The 5th coalition wars

Premier en Gaule, premier en Romanie,

Par mer & terre aux Anglois & Paris

Merueillex faits par celle grand mesnie

Violant, terax perdra le Norlaris.

First in Gaul, first in Romania,

over land and sea against the English and Paris.

Marvellous deeds by that great troop,

violent, the wild beast will lose Lorraine.

1 line. Napoleon I Bonaparte was the monarch of both France (Gaul) and Italy (Romania).

2, 3 lines about the military victories of the Napoleonic army.

4 line. Lorraine is located on the border between France, Germany and Belgium. Perhaps this territory was involved in the wars of the 5th coalition 1809. Austria and England participated in these wars against France. It ended in a few months with the victory of France.

Decoding of number 8.60. If 1 to put first, 6 to turn over 9, then a permutation of the figures gives 1809.

Quatrain 1.88* Josephine

Le diuin mal surprendra le grand Prince,

Vn peu deuant aura femme espousee:

Son puy & credit a vn coup viendra mince,

Conseil mourra pour la teste rasee.

The divine disease overtakes the great Prince,

a short while before he will marry.

Both supporters and credit will suddenly diminish.

Advice, he will die because of the shaven head.

Josephine de Beauharnais (1763-1814), Parisian aristocrat, was the first wife of Napoleon I. Their marriage was registered on 09.03.1796. She was older than him, and she had it a second marriage. In 1804 she was crowned as Empress.

1, 2 lanes. The divine disease – venereal, named after the ancient Roman goddess of carnal love Venus. Josephine led a free lifestyle and had numerous love affairs. She probably infected Napoleon with a sexually transmitted disease.

The Empress was unable to give birth to an heir, and their marriage, which lasted 14 years, broke up in 1809. Bonaparte married the daughter of the Austrian king. She bore him a long-awaited son.

3-4 lines. According to many, Josephine was the lucky star of the emperor. After a divorce from her, luck turned away from him, and after 5 years he lost everything. Perhaps this clever woman was giving wise advices to her husband. Napoleon also understood that his success depended on her. On Elba island he wrote: “I married Josephine for love … I will say more: a certain superstition … made me believe in her necessity for my political prosperity. I noticed that everything succeeds when her occult influence controls my actions."

Possible decoding of number 1.88. 188+1=189. If 18 to consider the century -1800, then 1800+9=1809 is the year of divorce.

Quatrain 6.24 Mars and the scepter

Mars & le sceptre se trouuera conioint,

Dessous Cancer calamiteuse guerre:

Vn peu apres sera nouueau Riy oingt,

Qui par long temps pacifiera la terre,

Mars and the sceptre will be found conjoined

Under Cancer calamitous war:

Shortly afterwards a new King will be anounted,

One who for a long time will pacify the earth.

In the 1 line Mars is the God of War, and the scepter is the symbol of the supreme authority of the country. This can be understood as the coming to power of the military ruler of Napoleon.

The 2 line. Napoleon attacked Russia on June 24, 1812 – under the constellation of Cancer.

The 3 line. After him Louis XVIII became a king.

In the 4th line the long peace is spoken of. After the defeat and exile of Napoleon in 1814 the next world war began in 100 years. True, local military conflicts arose constantly in one country or in another country in the world.

Probable decoding of number 6.24. If 2 consider as 2000 and flip 6 in 9 then 2000-49=1951, 9-1=8, 5 flip in 2 and swap with 1 we will get 1812 – the year of war.

Quatrain 6.12 Napoleon's wars

Dresser copies pour monter à l'Empire,

Du Vatican le sang Royal tiendra:

Flamans, Anglois, Espaigne auec Aspire,

Contre l'Italie & France contendra.

To raise forces to ascend to the empire

In the Vatican the Royal blood will hold fast:

Flemings, English, Spain with 'Aspire'

Against Italy and France will he contend.

The 1 line. Probably this is about the invasion of Napoleon's army in Russia in 1812. From June to September, the Russian army retreated to Moscow with battles. A great battle was given near Borodino, after which Moscow was surrendered. From October to December, the French army retreated, pursued by the Russian army, famine, frosts and was destroyed almost completely. Defeat in Russia was the beginning of the Napoleon's career end. More than 15 years the whole of Europe was tormented by the napoleonic wars. Russia, thanks to the patriotism of the people and wisdom of Kutuzov broke the power of Napoleon in half a year, giving only one general battle near Borodino.

The 2 line. Perhaps this line is about Lucien Bonaparte, the younger brother of Napoleon I. He wanted to become a priest and studied in the seminary. Lucien and his wife moved to Rome in 1803. Pope Pius VII gave him lands in Viteblo and proclaimed him duke of Canino. Napoleon was not satisfied with his brother's wife. He insisted on divorce, but Lucien did not agree. Then Napoleon in 1807 forbade him to stay in Rome.

The third and fourth lines, apparently, predict the war on the Iberian peninsula, which lasted from 1808 to 1814. England, Spain, Portugal united in the fight against Napoleon who was the king of France and Italy. England successfully opposed France at sea. England led military operations on land on the Iberian peninsula under the command of the Duke of Wellington. Already in exile on the island of Saint Helena, Napoleon said: "This unfortunate war in Spain has become a bleeding wound, the root cause of the misfortunes of France."

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.54, 8.57, 1.76, 10.82.

Decoding of number 6.12. If 6 to flip in 9, 9-1=8, then we get 812 – the year of campaign in Russia.

Quatrain 9.86 Capture of Paris 1814

Du bourg Lareyne paruiêdrot droit à Chartes

Et feront prés du pont Anthoni pause.

Sept pour la paix cauteleux comme Martres

Feront entrée d'armée à Paris clause.

From Bourg-la-Reine they will come straight to Chartres,

And near the pont d'Antony they will pause:

Seven crafty as Martens for peace,

Paris closed by an army they will enter.

In 1814 the allied armies of Russia and Prussia "wishing for peace," sought to end the Napoleonic wars. At the end of March 1814 they approached Paris. Napoleon was not in the capital and his brother Joseph substituted him. Significant military superiority was on the side of Russian-Prussian troops. Nevertheless, the allied forces rushed in battle on the outskirts of Paris. There were 3 times more killed Russians than the Prussians.

The 4 line. Artillery was placed at all heights around the capital and directed toward the city. Alexander I issued an ultimatum that if the city does not surrender, then it will be destroyed. To avoid this, Paris was declared an open city, and Allied troops marched into it with a triumphant march.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.08, 4.54, 8.57, 1.76.

Decoding of the number 9.86. If 1 to put in front, then 1900-86=1814 – the year of capture Paris.

Quatrain 1.32 Napoleon's exile to the Elbe

Le grand empire sera tost translate

En lieu petit, qui bien tost viendra croi[s]tre

Lieu bien infime, d'exigue comte.

Ou au milieu viemdra poser son Sceptre.

The great Empire will soon be exchanged

for a small place, which soon will begin to grow.

A small place of tiny area

in the middle of which he will come to lay down his sceptre.

After the abdication on April 6, 1814 in favor of his son, Napoleon received the possession of the island of Elba under the Fonteblo's treaty. He went there on April 20, 1814, was declared emperor of the island. In his small empire, he carried out a series of reforms.

As predicted in the 2nd line, he soon fled on March 20, 1815 and again seized power in France for 100 days.

Quatrain 10.16 Louis XVIII

Heureux au regne de France heureux de vie

Ignorant sang, mort, fureur & rapine,

Par non flateurs seras mis en enuie,

Roy desrobé trop de foy en cuisine.

Happy in the realm of France, happy in life,

Ignorant of blood, death, fury and plunder:

For a flattering name he will be envied,

A concealed King, too much faith in the kitchen.

After the abdication of Napoleon in 1814 Louis XVIII (1755-1824), the brother of the executed Louis XVI became the emperor of France.

The 1 line. Louis was the last monarch of France, who ruled for the rest of his life. The king was not a supporter of extreme measures. His rule was relatively calm, without wars and revolutions.

The 3 line – will kidnap the throne. Apparently 100 days of Napoleon's return were predicted.

The 4 line – Louis XVIII was forced to flee (hide). After the secondary exile of Napoleon, he returned.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.20.

Probable decoding of number 10.16. 100-16=84. If 1 is put between 88 then we will get 814 – the year of beginning reign.

Quatrain 8.59 Exile Napoleon I

Par deux fois haut, par deux fois mis a bas

L'orient aussi l'occident foiblira

Son aduersaire apres plusieurs combats,

Par mer chasse au besoing faillira.


Twice put up and twice cast down,

the East will also weaken the West.

Its adversary after several battles

chased by sea will fail at time of need.

The first ascension of Napoleon I was predicted in quatrain 8.57 "Napoleon's career", from 1804 to 1814 he was the Emperor of France and Italy. After the surrender of Paris, he abdicated and was exile. His second ascension is "hundred days" of government from March 30 to June 22, 1815, when he returned after escape from the island Elba. "One hundred days" ended in the defeat of Napoleon in the battle near the Belgian village of Waterloo.

"The East will weaken." In the war in the east with Russia, Napoleon lost almost the entire army. This defeat weakened him and was the beginning of the end.

The 4 line. By the sea he was sent to exile to St. Helena island, where he finished his days in 1821.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.54, 8.57, 1.76.

Decoding of the number 8.59. If 1 to put before 9 and to considered 19 as 1190, then 1900-85=1815 – the year of exile.

Quatrain 5.15 Abdication of Napoleon I

En nauigant captif prins grand pontife;

Grands apprestez saillir les clercs tumultuez:

Second esleu absent son bien debise,

Son fauory bastard à mort tué.

The great Pontiff taken captive while navigating,

The great one will fall, the clerks will in tumult:

Second one elected in his absence, estate declines,

His favorite bastard to death broken.

The first line is possibly about Pope Pius VII, who came into conflict with Napoleon I. On the night of 6.07.1809 General Etienne arrested the pontiff.

The second line is about Bonaparte's abdication in 1815 and the appointment of a young son, whom he loved very much, as his successor.

3 line. At the time of his abdication, Napoleon II had not lived in France for 2 years. He never ruled, and in 1832, apparently, was killed (4 line). Bastards were those who had only one of the parents of royal blood. Only the mother of Napoleon II came from the royal family.

After the exile of the emperor, the monarchy was restored in France by initiative of Alexander I. This entailed changes in state institutions and a change of personnel.

Linkage with other quatrains: 8.32 "Napoleon II"

Decoding of the number 5.15. If 5 to flip into 2 (215), 200-15 = 185, 1 to put before 5, then we get 1815 -year of Bonaparte's final exile.

Quatrain 3.96* Duke of Berry

Chef de Fossan aura gorge couppee,

Par le ducteur du limier & leurier:

La fait pare par ceux du mont Tarpee,

Saturne en leo treziesme Feurier.

The Chief of Fossano will have his throat cut

By the leader of the bloodhound and greyhound:

The deed executed by those of the Tarpeian Rock,

Saturn in Leo February 13.

A. Lepeletier gave the first interpretation of this prophecy. Based on the date, he assumed the assassination of the Duke of Berry, who was to inherit the throne of France. As stated in the quatrain, on 13 February 1820, the artisan Louis Louvel mortally wounded the Duke when he leaving the theater, but not to the throat, but to the chest.

Here the prophet revealed else one secret. Line 3 indicates that the criminal initiative originated in Italy. In ancient Rome convicts were throwns from the Tarpeian rock. At this time, Napoleon Bonaparte was hiding in Italy, having escaped from the island of St. Helena

Line 2 also points to the Emperor, who has always loved and kept dogs. Perhaps he wanted to break the Bourbon line, free the throne for his son. However, his plans did not come true, his son died young, at the initiative of his nephew.

Decoding of the number 3.96. If 3 to consider as 3000, 6 to turn over in 9, then 3000-99 =2901. 9-1=8. Rearrangement of numbers gives 1820 – the year of the murder.

Quatrain 5.79 Reign of Napoleon

La sacree pompe viendra baisser les aisles

Par la venue du grand Legislateur:

Humble haussera, vexera les rebelles,

Naistra sur terre aucun aemulateur.

The sacred pomp will come to lower its wings,

Through the coming of the great legislator:

He will raise the humble, he will vex the rebels,

His like will not appear on this earth.

The 1 line. Napoleon captivated the Pope, expropriated the property of the church, oppressed the priests. The second line is about his lawmaking.

The 3 line. Distribution of titles and positions to people from the bottom who managed to be useful to the emperor – “will vex the rebels”. The seizure of power in 1799 is considered the end of the revolution and the restoration of absolutism.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.54, 8.57, 1.76.

Decoding of the number 5.79. If 5 to flip in 2 and to consider 2 as 2000 then 2000-79=1921, 9-1=8, 1821 – the year of death.

Quatrain 3.27 The decoding of Egyptian hieroglyphs

Prince lybinique puissant en Occident,

François d'Arabe viendra tant enflammer:

Sçauans aux lettres sera condescendent,

La langue Arabe en François translater.

Libyan Prince powerful in the West

Francois with Arabian will come as inflame.

He will learned condescending to letters

Francois translate the Arabian language.

The translation of the quatrain has been corrected by me in accordance with the meaning of the prophecy. In the original translation the word Francois was translated as French, however, this is the name that the prophet pointed out accurately, without changing a single letter. The meaning of the first line is not clear. However, we can assume that the "mighty prince" is Napoleon because this discovery is connected with his Egyptian campaign of 1798-1801. Napoleon took with him not only military men, but also scientists. At the port of Rashid on the banks of the Nile, soldiers found the Rosetta Stone – a black basalt plate, on which the same text was knocked out in three languages. The stone was transferred to the museum.

The author of the discovery was the Frenchman Jean-François Champollion (1790-1832) an Orientalist, the founder of Egyptology. From childhood, Champollion has shown an ingenious ability to learn languages. At the age of sixteen he already knew 12 languages. François was able to realize his goal. When he first saw the Rosetta stone, he said that he would read it. The path to discovery was not easy, but he realized what was predicted.

2 line. When François realized that he could read the ancient Egyptian texts, he ran to his brother in great arousal, dropped the records on the table, saying: "Here is the discovery" and fainted from overwork. His discovery in 1822, made it possible to read ancient Egyptian texts, and Champollion had got a famous.

Decoding of the number 3.27. 300-72=228. If 1 to put at the end, then by swapping these numbers we get 1822 – the year of decoding.

Quatrain 4.26* The death of Napoleon I

Lou grand cyssame le leuera d'albelhos,

Que non sauran don, te signen venguddos,

Denech l'embousq, sou gach sous las tail hos,

Ciutat traihdo per cinq leugos non nudos.

The great swarm of bees will arise,

Such that one will not know whence they have come;

By night the ambush, the sentinel under the vines

City delivered by five babblers not naked.

Bees were on the blazon of Bonaparte. According to some reports, Napoleon I managed to escape from the island of St. Helena. He replaced himself with a double of Francois Egene Robo. The rest of his life Napoleon lived in Verona, under the name of the shopkeeper Revar. Interestingly, he had the nickname Emperor because of the similarities. At the end of August 1823 the Revar left somewhere and never returned. At the same time Napoleon’s son was seriously ill. 09/04/1823 at 11 pm in Austria an unknown person climbed over a wall in the Schönbrunn Palace, where his son lived, and was shot dead by a security guard. As stated in the quatrain, the high wall was entwined with ivy. High-ranking officials who knew Napoleon were invited to inspect the body. Bonaparte's wife ordered the stranger to be buried near the place intended for her and her son.

Perhaps the last line predicts that the killing was not accidental, but the result of betrayal.

Decoding of the number 4.26. Let's rearrange the numbers – 462. If 4 to consider as 400, then 400-62=338. 3-1=2 (328). In the reverse order, there will be 823 – year, 4 – month of the death of Napoleon I.

Quatrain 8.32 Napoleon II

Garde toy roy Gaulois de ton nepueu,

Qui fera tant que ton vnique fils

Sera meurtry a Venus faisant v?u,

Accompagne denuict que trois & six.

French king, beware of your nephew

who will do so much that your only son

will be murdered while making his vows to Venus;

accompanied at night by three and six.

The only son (legal) of Napoleon I Francois Joseph Napoleon II (1811-1832) never ruled. He died at the age of 22 from tuberculosis – according to the official version, according to the non-official one – he was sent. Nostradamus in the 1st line indicates Bonaparte's nephew Charles Louis, who was eager for power. The direct heir to the emperor was an obstacle in his career. Apparently there was poisoning, and the prophet shed light on this crime.

Charles Louis became the last emperor of France, Napoleon III, but ended badly: he was captured and he lost everything.

Decoding of the number 8.32. Not required. The year is explicit.

Quatrain 9.56 Mayotte

Camp pres de Noudam passera Goussan ville,

Et à Maiotes laissera son enseigne,

Conuertira en instant plus de mille,

Cherchant les deux remettre en chaine & legne.

The camp near Houdan will pass Goussainville,

And at Mayotte it will leave its ensign,

In an instant more than a thousand will be converted,

Looking for the two to put them back in chain and firewood.

Houdan is a French commune near to the town of Goussainville.

The Sultan of Mayotte sold the island to France on 25.03.1841 for a life annuity of 1,000 piastres a year. The admiral of the flotilla Piero Passo concluded this treaty with him, which was then ratified by king Louis Philippe on 13.06.1843. The official flag-raising ceremony took place.

The population of this island in the Madagascar archipelago adopted the Christian religion. In 1962 the people of Mayotte demanded to remain a part of France, fearing the return of Muslim power.

The last line could not be decrypted.

Decoding of the number 9.56. If 1 to put in front, 6 to flip in 9 (1959), then 1900-59=1841 is Mayotte's purchase year.

Quatrain 5.92 Last monarch

Apres le siege tenu dix sept ans,

Cinq changeront en tel reuolu terme:

Puis sera l'vn esleu de mesme temps,

Qui des Romains ne sera trop conforme.

After the see has been held seventeen years,

Five will change within the same period of time:

Then one will be elected at the same time,

One who will not be too comfortable to the Romans.

1 line. Louis Philippe (06.10.1773-26.08.1850) was the king of the French from the Orleans branch of the Bourbons, from 09.08.1830 to 24.02.1848 – 17.5 years. He had the nickname "king-bourgeois", represented the interests of the bourgeoisie. His motto is “enrich yourself,” and he himself has been very successful in this. The industry of France developed well during this period. The revolution of 1848 overthrew Louis Philippe and proclaimed the Second Republic. Charles Louis Bonaparte, the nephew of Napoleon I, became the first president of the republic.

3 line. As a result of a plebiscite on 01.12.1852, the first president became the last monarch Napoleon III. After 17.5 years of 5 September 1870 he was captured and was deposed by the revolution.

4 line. The unification of Italy took place during his reign. At the request of the Pope, France intervened in this process to protect the Catholic Church. French troops were introduced to Rome. This caused hatred of Napoleon III from the Republicans and support from the Catholics. On the one hand, he helped unification, giving Italy part of the land belonging to France, on the other hand, he interfered with the annexation of Rome. The Italians organized 3 failed assassination attempts on him. In 1870, France was forced to withdraw its troops from Rome, in connection with the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War.

Decoding of number 5.92. 9-1=8. Rearrangement of numbers gives 852 – year of proclamation emperor Napoleon III.


Quatrain 7.19 The Nice

Le fort Nicene ne sera combatu,

Vaincu sera par rutilant metal,

Son faict sera vn long temps debatu

Aux citadins estrange espouuantal.

The fort at Nice will not engage in combat,

it will be overcome by shining metal.

This deed will be debated for a long time,

strange and fearful for the citizens.

The 1 line. Nice is a fortress on the Mediterranean coast. From the 14th century it was a part of the Duchy of Savoy. In 1859 France and Sardinia fought against Austria. France managed to win a number of victories. Despite this, Napoleon III unexpectedly signed a peace treaty in Zurich.

The 2 line. Under the treaty Sardinia had to pay France a large sum to compensate the military support.

The 3 line. As payment, after the plebiscite Nice and Savoy in 1860 were annexed to France. These events were widely discussed.

Decoding of the number 7.19. 900-71=829. If 1 to put at the ahead and to flip 2 in 5, then we get 1859 – year of war.

Quatrain 4.10 Victor noir

Le ieune Prince accusé faucement,

Mettra en trouble le camp & en querelles;

Meurtry le chef pour le soustenement,

Sceptre appaiser, puis guerir escroüelles.

The young prince will blame deceitfully

Will bring confusion and discord to the camp,

The Chef of support will be killed,

The scepter is pacified, then he will heals the sick.

The young Prince it is Pierre Bonaparte, nephew of Emperor Napoleon III. He challenged journalist Pascal Grousset to a duel. Victor Noir and de Fonville were seconds to Grousset. They came to the Prince’s house on 01.10.1870. A verbal quarrel occurred between Noir and the prince. According to Pierre, Victor hit him in the face, so the prince shot him. Another second claimed that the incident had provoked Bonaparte himself, but they did not believe him. The court acquitted Bonaparte.

The last line about Napoleon III – the scandal with his nephew was settled, but seriously damaged his reputation. Noir’s funeral nearly turned into an uprising. Later, the this grave began to heal the impotence, infertility, etc. Until now, it is the most visited.

Decoding of the number 4.10. Number 10 indicates the day and month of the murder. If you rearrange the numbers – 140, 1 to consider as 1000, then 1000-40=960. 9-1=8, 6+1=7), we get 870 – the year of the murder.

Quatrain 2.92 Franco-Prussian War

Feu, couleur d'or du ciel en terre veu,

Frappe du haut n'ay, fait cas merueilleux:

Grand meurtre humain, prinse du grand neueu,

Morts d'expectacles, eschappe l'orgueilleux.

Fire colour of gold from the sky seen on earth:

The one whom the highborn hits will perform miracles.

Great human murder: the nephew of the great one taken,

Who shall escape that, he death gain.

The 2 line. Journalist Victor Noir was a second for another journalist Pascal Grusset. He came to the house of the nephew of Napoleon III Prince Pierre. There was a verbal quarrel over a duel. Noir hit the face of the prince or vice versa. In the end, Pierre shot dead Noir on January 11, 1870. This version is recognized by the court. Another version that Pierre Napoleon started a brawl was considered, but the court did not accept it. The funeral of a journalist nearly turned into an uprising. The grave of Victor Noir began to work miracles of healing from infertility, impotence, etc. Until now it is one of the most visited.

The 3, 4 lines. July 19, 1870 Napoleon III declared war on Prussia. The total losses of both sides in this war amounted to about a million killed and wounded. France suffered a complete defeat. The emperor, nephew of Napoleon I, was captured on September 1, 1870. He died in England after surgery on January 9, 1873.

Decoding of the number 2.92. If 2 to consider as 2000, then 2000-92=1908. Turning 9 over 6, 6+1=7 (1708), rearranging the numbers we get the year 1870.

Quatrain 10.30[2] Napoleon III

Nepueu & sang du sainct nouueau venu,

Par le surnom soustient arcs & couuert

Seront chassez mis à mort chassez nu,

En rouge & noir conuertiront leur vert.

Nephew and blood of the new saint come,

Through the surname he will sustain arches and roof:

They will be driven out put to death chased nude,

Red and black will they convert in their green.

Napoleon III Bonaparte (20.04.1808-09.01.1873) was a nephew of Napoleon I. He came to power through elections, having become the first president of France in 1848. From 1852 he became the last emperor of France. For some reason, Nostradamus calls Napoleon I a saint, although a definition given to in quatrain 1.60 fits him more: "rather a butcher than a prince". He is not a saint at all, given the ravage of the church and the number of people killed by his wars.

The 2 line. The name and glory of Napoleon I supported and maintained the authority of the nephew. He understood this. In everything even in clothes Napoleon III tried to imitate his uncle. His reign was the embodiment of Bonapartism ideas.

In the third line Nostradamus predicts the capture of the emperor, besides the insurgent people deprived him of all rights and privileges and he died in exile.

In the last line about changing colors there is an association with his two portraits by Winterhalter.

On one of them which was painted in 1855 he is depicted in black and red colors. A later portrait painted in 1857 he is depicted in green tones. Then the last line should be: "Red and black will change to green." Although in my opinion other interpretations of this line are also possible.

Linkage with other quatrains: 6.22, 4.22.

Decoding of the number 10.30. 1000-30=970, 9-1=8, we will get 870 – the year of captivity.

Quatrain 5.30* Capture of Paris 1870

Tout à l'entour de la grande cité,

Seront soldats logez par champs & ville,

Donner l'assaut Paris, Rome incité,

Sur le pont lors sera faite grand pille.

All around the great city

Soldiers will be lodged throughout the fields and towns:

To give the assault Paris, Rome incited,

Then upon the bridge great pillage will be carried.

During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 Napoleon III was captured. In France a new revolution began. The Prussian army blocked Paris. Famine started in the city because of a lack of supply. After bombing Paris was surrendered.

The 4th line. In May 1871 a peace treaty (bridge) was concluded according to which France had to pay 5 billion francs and give Alsace and Lorraine to Prussia.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.30

Decoding of the number 5.30. If 5 flip in 2 then 2000-30=1970. 9-1=8 then we will get 1870 – the year of capture.

Quatrain 7.34 Paris Commune

En grand regret sera la gent Gauloise,

C?ur vain, leger croira temerite:

Pain, sel, ne vin, eau, venin ne ceruoise,

Plus grand captif, faim, froid, necessite.

The French nation will be in great grief,

vain and lighthearted, they will believe rash things.

No bread, salt, wine nor water, venom nor ale,

the greater one captured, hunger, cold and want.

“The greater one captured” – the capture of Napoleon III in 1870. The king provoked the war with Prussia by his defiant behavior and lost. The war did not stop after his captivity. The Paris Commune rose and proclaimed the republic. The last two lines tell about the hardships of the people in the period of revolution, war and interregnum.

Linkage with other quatrains: 6.22, 4.22, 3.14.

Quatrain 3.14 From unhappy father

Par le rameau du vaillant personnage,

De France infime par le pere infelice:

Honneurs, richesses, trauail en son vieil aage,

Pour auoir creu le conseil d'homme nice.

The branch of the valiant personage,

From France: from feeble of the unhappy father:

Honors, riches, travail in his old age,

For having believed the advice of a simple man.

The branch of the valiant personage. This is probably a prophecy about Napoleon III (1808-1873) – the nephew of Napoleon I.

From France: from feeble of the unhappy father. He was born in France. The daughter of Josephine Hortense was his mother, and his father was Louis Bonaparte, Napoleon's brother. This marriage took place on the orders of the emperor and was unhappy. At the wedding, the bride was tearful. Together they almost did not live. Louis was practically disabled: due to severe arthritis, he had difficulty controlling his arms and legs, and was subject to severe depression. Moreover, he was of not atraditional sexual orientation.

Honors, riches, travail in his old age. Napoleon III became emperor of France. In 1870, he lost the war of Prussia, was captured, then emigrated to England. There he lived rather poorly.

Decoding of number 3.14. If the numbers to rearrange – 413, to consider 4 as 400, then 400-13=387. The numbers rearrange – 873, 1 put in front, we get 1873 – the year of death Napoleon III.

Катрен 4.22 The Naked King

La grand copie qui sera dechassee

Dans vn moment fera besoin au Roy,

La foy promise de loing sera faussee,
