полная версияLearn to be happy! Confidence and Success

Narsha Bulgakbaev
Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success

An idea can enliven anyone’s life if it becomes an effective force of consciousness. it can confidently lift you up: you will reach a higher standard of living, increase your strength and achieve success. This idea consists in understanding that everything in the world works for good, goodness, good. Live with this idea, this belief, and you will overcome any challenge in life. When you look at your experiences in light of this idea, you will know that you are a better person than you thought. Any life experience becomes a trait of your character.


Do you sometimes think that you are not happy enough in life? Maybe you sometimes look around and think: «Everything should have been different, everything is wrong, why did I do this?» you say Are you the kind of person who tries to live off yesterday’s achievements? Trust me, it’s a closed minded way of thinking. No one eats yesterday’s rotten potatoes, and no one can live off yesterday’s achievements. You probably know people who have done something serious in their lives, written a thick book about it, then a thin book, then a pamphlet, and finally spent the rest of their lives trying to remind people of how great it once was. When we try to live by yesterday’s victories, we die today. Think about it!

Several high-ranking military leaders once came to Napoleon to elect a young captain. Napoleon: «Why do you choose him, is there no one else?» he asked. He was told that a few days earlier he had won an important victory thanks to extraordinary courage and military prowess. Napoleon thought for a moment, then said, «That’s fine, but what will he do next time?» No one knows the answer, indeed this young captain is not mentioned anywhere in history. You see, there are two kinds of people in our world: those who rarely have inspiration and those who work hard every day and give their best to the end. In other words, there are «small butterflies» and «pahars». Trust me, your life will turn to dust if you live with the idea that one concept can provide you with enough, carefree days. Today’s rewards are for today’s work, today’s love is for today’s love. You say, «Oh, how I loved him yesterday, why doesn’t he love me the same way today?» you can’t say. If you want to love today, you must love today, tomorrow’s love is not yet, yesterday’s is gone. TODAY’S HAPPINESS IS EARNED FOR TODAY’S WORK. You cannot live a meaningful life if you rejoice in yesterday’s victories.

Yes, there were yesterday’s achievements, but don’t feed them the mind, pride, image – it’s like feeding them rotten potatoes. Take one small success today and prepare for tomorrow’s success. If you can achieve a significant success – well, great, but only feed on today’s achievements.

Live, rejoice, love, share and help today. Accept the rewards of today’s efforts, and you will live on today’s spiritual food, not on the rotten potatoes of yesterday’s achievements.


Are you careful with your choice of words? Let’s stop for a moment and think about the importance of every word we say.

You see, words have more power than simple letters and sounds. It’s a magnet! The brain is full of thoughts it wants to express, i.e. inner words. He is alive with the power of these ideas. So constantly using words that contain the idea of lie, denial, and destruction will keep the idea of lie, denial, and destruction in your mind. For situations we often want to overcome with our words, we feed our brains with associated words and store them. Remember to think before you say words out loud, and the thoughts that fill your mind become the images that fill your life.

Almost all people talk a lot. If you check the appropriateness of your words by passing through three narrow gates, you can avoid many misfortunes:

First, is this word necessary?

Second, is this statement true?

Third: Is it polite?

If you use this simple method, many words will be left unsaid. Are they necessary? Are they true? Are they polite?

Talk to others only constructively. Speak with understanding and sincerity. Be honest. Soften your friend’s heart with kind words, enlighten his mind with useful words, try to raise his spirit with motivating words.

We don’t realize how deep our words go and reach their ears. It can be difficult to constantly control your words, but with practice, you can develop thinking and speaking skills. A simple removal process can help you. Do you remember how you learned arithmetic? You already know that crossing out is a quick and easy way to solve many problems. Cross out rude comments and replace them with polite ones. Whenever you come up with negative thoughts, cross them out and replace them with positive thoughts. Repeat this several times – a thousand times a day if necessary. Saying to yourself in the evening: «Today I lived, thought and spoke as well as possible» will be a good conclusion of your day.

Your words have power. After all, your words are the clothing of your thoughts, and the quality of your thoughts determines what goes into your experience. This is because the unconscious mind plays the role of an involuntary servant. It accepts the causes of both good and bad: the unconscious does not care. Then he brings the reasons to a logical view of human life. Thought is the first logical step in the brain’s creative activity. The next step is the spoken word. We always think. When we put thoughts into words, their creative influence on our lives becomes stronger. Therefore, thoughts, words and the situation of our life are arranged one after the other in a logical sequence. Remember: thoughts, words, and then the circumstances in which you live. It’s definitely a sequence!

According to the laws of the material world, everything is constantly changing. if we speak true words of truth, positive words, constructive words, it will create a perfect situation for our life. the only reason these terms are not fully used is that we use too many contradictory words. like a saw, our words first go up and then down: first constructive, then destructive.

You must decide now to watch your words – they are important to you and your life.


Most of us take a test at one point or another. In our time, all young people and children go through this. Anyone who wants to get a job is thoroughly vetted with appropriate tests.

I once read an interesting post about a leading expert in human engineering, Dr. Stevens Institute. He was once asked if a person who passed all series of tests with negative results had at least once in his experience. He objected that there are so many tests and exams that it is impossible for anyone not to pass at least one test. But he laughed and replied, «No, we have people who fail all our tests. One in 8,000 people could not pass any of them at all.» He replied: «What are you going to do with such people?», «We will accept them to the institute.» We don’t worry about them. They are not a problem for us. Usually these are the manager or president of the future firm.

The interviewer did not understand the meaning of such an answer and continued to ask the doctor: «How can a person with no natural talent become the president of the company in the future?» He gave a very simple explanation. «Such a person is tested a lot, he gets used to long and hard work from a young age,» he says. «Long and hard work gives him great inner strength, courage and experience, this is real education, and it gives him the opportunity to succeed in the future.»

I thought, «Lord, don’t we have to learn this in our lives?» When the winds of adversity blow around us, when we feel that we cannot handle the situation, we must realize that the winds of adversity will intensify. Think about what would happen if you planted a seedling in a greenhouse, grew it, transplanted it to the top of a mountain. He would not survive even one winter. If the tree is strengthened during the first winter of its life, it will grow strong and hardy.

Same with man. we overcome challenges by facing them. Isn’t it very important for our children? if we save them from the difficulties of growth and development, if we constantly make their tasks easier, they will not miss the opportunity to learn the secret of which the doctor speaks: the secret, the secret of hard and long work. Just always learning, gaining experience instead of being spoon fed.

Personal growth is achieved only in a life open to challenges, and if nothing comes easy, you are happy. Then you become a tree that weathers the storm. Only a life ready to overcome trials and difficulties becomes a real life.


Do you understand the importance of any choice? Do you realize how much every decision you make affects you? An interesting thought: we do not know the nuances of our behavior, and our behavior determines our fate. When you make negative decisions, they develop negative thoughts that make it easier for you to make negative decisions. Making positive decisions creates a positive attitude, which makes it easier to make positive decisions in the future.

Each choice leads to a natural outcome, which leads to a further fate, similar in nature to the previous one. Luther Burbank, an experimental magician, once told a wonderful story about a young chick that illustrates the importance of our choices. A young sparrow flew with his father and listened to his stories about what wonderful birds they were. He heard that birds can fly higher and sing better than other birds. The father never tired of repeating to his son that to be gray means that he comes from a very good family, that he comes from an ancient dynasty and that he lives a great and high life. But the young sparrow listened with only one ear and the other to the ground, for there was a man on the road with a handcart and a small silver bell. He was ringing the bell. The little woodpecker could not overcome his passion, and suddenly he flew to the ground like a woodpecker: they flew up in a spiral with a song, and then quickly flew to the ground with folded wings. They appear to be falling, reminiscent of a person who climbs a high mountain with great strength, but can slide down at a moment’s notice.


The little grayling flew away with his father and listened to the stories of his glorious lineage, but he also heard the ringing of the bell. when he came down, the man offered him a worm instead of a feather. This seemed strange to the grayling, but he considered earthworms to be special food, so he asked: «How many worms will you give me for one feather?» he asked. «A couple of worms for a feather,» replied the man. Then the sparrow plucked a feather from its wing, exchanged it for two worms, and ate it with great pleasure. Then he flew back to his father without anyone noticing. And so it happened: the father did not notice anything. But day after day the little sparrow did so. It wasn’t until one morning that he realized he couldn’t trade feathers for caterpillars, spread his wings and fly. He gave so many feathers from his wings that they could no longer lift him into the sky. During the long months of growing feathers, the little sparrow had time to regret and repented of changing its feathers to a caterpillar.

The same is true of our daily choices. Either we exchange a good experience for an even better one, or we exchange feathers for worms. Every decision you make, every choice you make will lift you higher and higher, or on the contrary, it will lower you, lower and lower.


Sometimes we feel powerless to change our environment. Do you feel incapable of improving your life, your home, your city, your family, and the world even just a little bit? If so, let me tell you about an incident that changed my mind on this subject.

I went to the apiary once. It was the middle of summer, and as I walked from nest to nest, I heard a strange sound, like the rustle of sea waves lapping at the sandy shore. I asked the beekeepers what that meant, and they said «the bees are flying.» Yes, that’s right «bees are flying». There were thousands of bees in the hive, working with their wings with all their might. They were busy exhausting stale air from one side of the entrance and bringing in fresh air from the other side. The entire hive was ventilated, with the power of tens of thousands of bees. They just let the air out of the hive to preserve the honey and preserve its wonderful aroma. I wanted to know what a single fan bee could do. Working alone has no effect: what can a small bee do alone? But when his efforts are combined with those of thousands of other bees, the result is a perfectly functioning air conditioning system for the entire hive. I kept thinking, «Isn’t that what happens in human life? I can’t do anything on my own, but if there are many of us, we can solve any problem.»

You may be thinking right now, «Yes, it would be nice if the hatred, the poverty, the fear and doubt, and the wind were blown out of our stagnant world. But I am alone – what can I do?» You are not alone. A lot of people feel the same way you do. By uniting our minds, we become a formidable force that can combine their efforts like bees.

Therefore, do not think about your helplessness. Imagine how many people think like you, decide right now to join your efforts with theirs. We need to ventilate our world of fear, doubt, dislike, cowardice and all negative thoughts. Instead, we send the joy of love, light, happiness and knowledge into our world.

Each of us can add our wings to the wings of the angels who glorify the Creator, and together we are a great force that can cleanse the world and do good!


Did you know about one man’s ear that caused a war?

Strange, but true. There was a time when one ear of a man could cause a great war between nations. The ear belonged to Jenkins, an English sea captain. The Spaniards decided that Jenkins was dishonest. In fact, they considered him a pirate, and when he fell into their hands, they simply cut off his ears. Enraged by the injustice, Jenkins returns to England and complains to the monarch. At that time, the British were waiting for an excuse to go to war with the Spanish, so they used this incident to declare a big war called «Voina iz-za uha Jenkinsa». If you don’t believe me, read it online and see for yourself. Once upon a time, there really was a war between England and Spain, called the War of Jenkins.

What I want to ask is, isn’t there going to be a war for your ears today? How often have you been drawn into war by your ears? You see, the sensitive ear is a sensitive organ. Not only does it pick up on someone’s voice vibrations, but it picks up on shades of emotion: stress, anger, doubt, joy, love, and whatever lies behind the words. A sensitive ear allows you to avoid many wars.

When you go out today, ask yourself, «How sensitive are my ears?» ask. If someone meets you and interrupts the conversation: «When I’m busy with my own business, you’ve spoiled my brain, go away!» he said. Do you hear anger, resentment, hatred, complaints? Or another person is talking to you normally, but his inner soul says: «I have a hole in my soul.» I don’t know how to get it out. I don’t want to talk about it because I’m ashamed. Please help me overcome my inner turmoil.» Whether you can hear it, the soul of a person, or your ear doesn’t have that ability, maybe you like the wordplay. If they declare war on you? And you will keep silent? An undeclared war is a rare occurrence, and silence is an art, especially when you are badmouthed. Or, let’s say, someone on the street asks you, «Why don’t you get out of the way, don’t you just walk, are you a giant?» he said. You can feel him getting angry. Are you feeling angry at this moment? Or can you feel the depression or loneliness lurking deep behind those words? Do you see the wounded, abused soul behind these words? After hearing these words, are your ears ready not to declare war?

If you (in the highest sense of the word) are going to serve the Creator and other people, then you should listen carefully to the words of other people, be able to see their true meaning, understand their soul. In this way, you will bring peace and harmony to the world around you and not cause a «war for Jenkins’ ear».


Do you sometimes think that your life is hopelessly tangled, its threads are tied in tight knots, you don’t see a way out, and your situation has become so difficult, it’s time to ask the question: «is it worth continuing?» This is a very narrow view, despair. Do you hear people say things like, «I’d rather die, then you’d know my worth»? This is also a very narrow view, bullying.

When life’s difficulties and apparent contradictions confuse us, we must remember that at any given moment we only have a narrow view (of ourselves, of others) that never reflects the truth, the truth as a whole.

We cannot see the big thing as a whole, we see it in a limited way. We can only look at things from the front. We cannot see what is happening behind us with our limited narrow vision.

Let’s say you had to show pictures of camel body parts to Eskimos. the Eskimos have never seen a camel; you can show him the head, the hump, the hind legs, but he will not fully understand what a camel actually looks like, because until they see it in real life, they have a very narrow view.

Another example that shows the complexity of life situations is a carpet. if you look only at the back of the carpet, it looks like a mixture of lines and colors: there is no symmetry and logic. But since you can’t see the whole carpet, you won’t have the right idea. If you turn the carpet upside down and look at it properly, you will realize that it is a beautiful and complete carpet because you only looked at the back of the carpet.

The same is true in our lives. One day, when we grow spiritually, to leave the kindergarten, we will see that there are many threads that make up a human life: a collection of scenes, events and events that at first seem unrelated – we will discover that they are actually part of a beautiful and precise pattern of a magnificent carpet, which we always walk with our Creator. and we knit for Him.

If life seems to you like a meaningless collection of events, it means that your perspective only allows you to see a fragment of the whole. If we can step back a little, we will see much of it, but in this case, we will understand that the error of these events is necessary – to understand that it is a carpet woven into the pattern of Perfection, to grow spiritually. The Creator is never wrong. No matter what is happening in your life, know that you are moving towards Perfection on a creaturely level.


Have you ever broken a key while turning it in a lock? I once looked at the keys belonging to a sportsman friend and found that only the core of one key was left. The key is badly broken. I was like, «How did that happen?» I asked my friend. «The key was stuck in the lock, and I tried to turn it, and then I broke it,» he answered. I think most of us do that sometimes. Even if we put the wrong key in the lock, we want everything to be the way we want it to be. We want the key to turn. We act without realizing our desires and eventually we break the key. In my friend’s case, the lock that my friend was trying to open had the right key, and if he had picked that key, the door would have opened without a problem. It will be the same with us. When we interact with people, we want to turn the keys in our direction, but the doors don’t open. And if the right key is selected, it will open. In this life, imagine people’s mind as a door and their character as a lock.

Have you ever noticed how nervous we get when someone does something different from us or makes decisions that are different from ours, in other words, outdoing us?

If someone doesn’t have time, if we miss an opportunity, if we are always fighting, if we can’t understand what we need to understand, we get angry. We all learn to insert our keys into the locks of other people’s lives. Admittedly, it’s not easy to sit next to someone and see them doing a better job than you thought possible. This is especially evident when dealing with children. Children don’t know how to do everything like we do. Their fingers are not as flexible and nimble as ours, so we have a great bad habit of trying to rip off what they can do and do it ourselves. We try to put the key to our understanding in the lock of their mind, and it does not help them to be human in the future.

Everyone has to learn how to live happily, and beware of other keys, give them the lock of your mind with caution. If only the most able and qualified were allowed to speak, then it would not be possible for the rest of the people to develop their skills and abilities. Almost everyone can learn on their own, and all successful leaders are those who have learned early on that there is no point in putting a key in other people’s locks or having the wrong key broken. We should accept people as they are, help them in our way, not in our own way. We will never find another person who does exactly what we do. When we understand this, we stop getting angry over petty things, stop trying to lock the key to our lives in someone else’s lock, and allow others to develop in their own way. To open the door to happiness, a person needs not a ready-made key, but a way to search and learn it.

When you value yourself, you think your work is great. God has gifted you with generosity, so be generous to the less fortunate. These examples and more. good deeds are a ray of light for people to follow, so improve yourself today and help others improve themselves tomorrow.

Do this and you will be a better person, and you will have better friends or better children.


In the desert of Egypt, in its center, several kilometers from water and any living thing, an almond tree grows. yes, the almond tree is in the middle of the harshest and most desolate desert you can imagine. this tree is the fruit of self-discipline.

In 346, an old monk prayed in the desert with one of his disciples. he tried to teach him to understand what the fruits of self-discipline are, but the student could not understand his instructions. then the monk took a staff carved from the branch of an almond tree, and planted it in the sand, and then he turned to his youngest disciple and said: «Water this staff,» said he, «until the water bears fruit, and you will understand what I mean.»


The place was several kilometers away from the nearest well, but at night, when it was cold, the disciple went to the well, filled a pitcher with water, returned and poured water on his staff. He repeated this every night for three years, and after this period the sprouting rod began to bear fruit. Then the disciple brought the almond seed to a nearby monastery and told the monks, «Look at the fruit of self-discipline!» said.

Do you currently live in the desert? Are you facing illness, loneliness, family and business problems, financial difficulties, do you feel like you are in the middle of the wilderness? Then let me tell you that this desert will blossom like an almond tree and bear any fruit by self-discipline. By self-discipline I mean discipline and manners of your mind.

Do as the master’s disciple. Always watch your thoughts and train them to think only of the good. Let go of defeatist thoughts and any negative thoughts. Water your mind with thoughts of love, health, joy, peace and harmony, and you will reap the fruits of the flowers of self-discipline, and the desert of your former life will become a wonderful garden.


If you’re like most Americans, you find yourself rushing through the day and constantly berating yourself. I doubt that speed and fuss are necessary for the most useful work.

I remember when I was a child, my parents used to take me to a big department store. there was an escalator. I always played with it, I would run forward and the ladder would move down. I’m sure many of you have tried this as a child. this is an interesting procedure. I run at a fast speed, and other people do not run anywhere, they just stand, but in the end, both me and the people, we come to the same place. human life is like that. you should neither lag behind nor outpace the pace of life. you will still be adapted to the speed of the escalator life. There are no concepts of «early» or «late» for life, for life you exist or you don’t.

Stop for a moment, let go of the hustle and bustle, and ask yourself, «Am I running up an escalator going down?» Often, instead of moving at the pace of life of our own free will, we run as if someone is chasing us. If you find yourself running down an escalator, get off quickly and throw up like a normal person on the escalator going up.

If you want to get high fast, keep this in mind. What really lifts us up is our composure and self-confidence.

Basically, you should not play with the escalator, no matter how fun it is, you will probably injure yourself somewhere, the same with life, no matter how fun it is, because we were warned.


Here is a beautiful poem by Margaret Sangster. It is called «sin of forgetfulness».

What we didn’t do hurts us, we forgot why. At the end of our days, why does the heart ache? Forgotten gentle word, unwritten letter and book. Why do we silently yearn for flowers that have not yet opened? Does anyone have a heavy burden that we can lighten? Do you remember the advice you were given? Just hand-holding and encouraging advice. But everything is in a hurry in life, you see, time has passed. These are small gestures of care and kindness. These are immortal possibilities beyond the eternal hustle and bustle. All of them go through a bad, sad circuit in the night when they are desperate and greedy, like the loud voice of the wind, Because life is so fleeting, and sorrow is so great. Until the last call, it would be a sin not to show compassion. What is not done hurts us, the disease of forgetfulness hurts us more. At the end of our days, does the heart ache for that?

Why can’t you make someone’s life happy today, if the opportunity is lost soon, the memory of him will fall on your heart with a heavy burden? maybe the cure for this disease (forgetfulness) is the love you want to share with your parent, child or loved one, or ending a conflict that has gone too far.

Life is too short. make sure you don’t miss out on this day. do today what you say you will do tomorrow.


Are you a voice or an echo? I think that with the growth of human knowledge and the emergence of great inventions, through the Internet (smartphone, tablet, laptop, computer), this knowledge is distributed, so we are all in danger of becoming a parrot, you will just be an echo of someone else’s opinion.

Daily from the pages of newspapers (I think there are still people who read newspapers), from cinemas and television screens, from books and street advertising, from the Internet, from social networks, we hear the voices of other people, who tell us what to think, how to live and what to believe. I am one of those hypocrites. I have tried to share my ideas with you throughout this book. I think: «There is a great danger that my way of thinking will become your way of thinking.» I don’t want to turn you into a parrot. So I realized that I’m not trying to make you think what I think because I’m not the truth. For three books, I have struggled with what the truth is (I am writing the third book).

My goal is to encourage you to think for yourself. What kind of ideas do you have that you have learned from life? Please share if you have. Take the ideas I’ve given you and test their benefits in your own practice. Test ideas relentlessly.

So will you remain an echo, your voice should be important for yourself if not for humanity, the choice is yours – to be one of the many, or to be a person, (better to be human,) but better to be happy with everyone!

I hope you got enough motivation with these ideas and made some adjustments in your brain. But remember that you will forget everything you read after a few days, so keep coming back to these ideas!
