полная версияLearn to be happy! Confidence and Success

Narsha Bulgakbaev
Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success

«A spoken word is a shot.» Many people say bad things in anger and then regret it later. So think carefully before you say anything. If you’re angry, don’t say anything. Because people often say very harsh words to each other in anger. These words may remain in the heart of your loved one even later. So continue the conversation after you’ve calmed down. Love yourself. People who generally love themselves also love those around them. A person who takes care of himself can give to others. If you love your surroundings, you do not harm them. Don’t criticize yourself, you learn to accept your own identity. However, you should not stop developing. Have everything, but still feel unhappy? Even though this is a time of abundance, many people feel unhappy. It seems that everything is there, but something is missing for happiness. Of course, this can be influenced by many factors. but we recommend 3 common reasons. Too many material attractions. Relatives are nearby, they have a home and work, but emotionally there is a negative feeling. This may be due to a large number of current material interests. Now you can buy everything with money. But even if you make another loss, you will set a new level: it should be bigger/better/more expensive for you. That’s why you feel so unhappy. Additionally, social media makes social media life «great,» which can also affect you. Quiet life. The human brain needs adrenaline. Biologically, we should feel the hormones of sadness and pleasure. You may miss new emotions. And emotions become more and more expensive. No close contact. Man is a social soul. An introvert needs relationships. If there is no contact, the person may have to substitute shoplifting or food. But this feeling of happiness is lost when you leave the mall.

You deserve happiness! All in your hands. You can bring back the feeling of happiness. To do this, check out the following tips: Don’t be upset. There will be no good or bad feelings. But you don’t have to drown in negative emotions. Otherwise, you may fall into the role of a victim. Depression can also lead to dissatisfaction and then to depressive disorder. Take care of yourself. Don’t look at yourself, even if everything around you is not what you think. Taking care of yourself is the best way to recover. Do what you love in an ambiguous situation. Give up idealism. There is no immensity, and people who want to do this can struggle with themselves all their lives. Learn to stop and enjoy the moment. A gratitude journal helps with this. In the evening, write down 30 things you want to say «thank you» to. After this experience, you may notice an improvement in your mood and other positive changes. Don’t be afraid of failure. Sometimes failures happen in life. You need to learn to accept them. The day after rain swells more, and happiness after such failures becomes more valuable. Do something you don’t have the courage to do. When we overcome ourselves, our fear, our complex, adrenaline appears in the blood. For example: skydive, go out in public, or sing a song at karaoke. The main thing is that you feel the joy of victory.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, time flies quickly, and we forget important things while busy with work and household chores. Stop and think. Have you forgotten about yourself? This is a normal phenomenon for modern life. However, you can make life easier by making a few promises to yourself. I will be my best supporter. Learn to support yourself. It’s good to have external support – a loved one, parents, friends. But internal support also plays an important role. So when you need to cheer yourself up during a difficult time, say a few kind words to yourself. This may seem useless at first. But this method can give effective results. I live without looking back. Mistakes and actions committed many years ago stop the present and this burden will not allow development in the future. So look at everything as an experience. For better or for worse, everyone goes to their own school. You must be able to draw conclusions from such an experience and move on. That’s why the next time you regret it, don’t forget what you promised yourself. I live the way I want. Give yourself permission to live the life of your dreams. Do you dream of starting your own business? Turn your dream into a goal! Find a method and start gradually moving towards it. We usually limit ourselves by saying we can’t do it or I don’t have enough money or intelligence. You can learn anything if you want. Take the first step promise yourself. I avoid people who make me unhappy. Some people come into our lives just to teach us a lesson. They can teach us to love ourselves or think about others. They may point to a character that we need to fix. According to psychologists, people are mirrors. If a person’s behavior or action makes us angry, it may be hidden within us. So you should be able to see it. Having learned his lesson, this person can leave us. It is important to be able to thank for new knowledge and let it go. I appreciate everything I have. Appreciate all the good things in your life. If you read this text, you will see that you have time to read and work on yourself, and you have a device to read it. For some people, even such simple things are inaccessible. Even if your life is not yet what you want it to be, all this is enough to appreciate it from the best side. I will not Give Up. How many people tried once or twice, didn’t even get halfway through, gave up and didn’t achieve what they wanted. Of course, there are very difficult situations. But after rainy days, one day the sun will come out. Therefore, do not rush to make a decision. You may feel anxious, afraid and doubtful. This is fine. Support yourself and don’t give up. I deserve abundance. Your value is only as great as you think you are. If you don’t think you deserve a good salary or a caring partner, you won’t get it. So, don’t try to appear inferior in front of your loved one or your boss to please or please them. Promise not to underestimate yourself. Don’t settle for less, but strive for more. Allow yourself to believe in abundance instead of focusing on limitations. I am learning and developing. You should constantly improve your knowledge and skills. Because there is always something to learn. This is one of the main success factors. Commit to never stop learning, even if it seems trivial at first. Then you will see what fruits it will bring. I protect my personal boundaries. Learning to set personal boundaries doesn’t help. This way you will learn not to hurt yourself, defend your point of view and say «no». There are every opportunity to say goodbye to a person who does not comply with any standards of behavior. I listen to myself. This is called intuition or intuition. Sometimes intuition gives good advice. Learn to listen to yourself so you know when to act with your mind and when with your heart.


Happiness refers to positive and positive emotions ranging from simple human emotional satisfaction to high mental satisfaction, especially life satisfaction, well-being, subjectivity, flourishing, and eudaimonia. The concept of happiness is also known as an ethical concept that expresses satisfaction with the joy and interest of life. The symbol of happiness is a smiley face. The basis of happiness is the formation of a feeling of gratitude for one’s existence, when a person’s life is meaningful and productive.

Happiness, like a dream, is a mystical-emotional manifestation of an ideal. If an ideal expresses a person’s faith in the future, happiness shows the level of its realization. In the field of ethics, the science that deals with the problem of happiness is called phylecytology (Greek: the science of happiness). Happiness is a multifaceted concept. its basic concepts: complete and highest satisfaction, a state of contentment, well-being, success, luck, luck, bliss, luck, fortune, joy, delight. Living happily means being happy. Events that bring joy to a person – success, encouragement of actions, fulfillment of goals, etc. The feeling of joy gives a person strength and adds effort.

However, there is a difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is the basis of a person’s entire life if joy depends on the moment.

There can be false joys in life that are immoral and unethical. In the current situation, the issue of a happy life is directly related to the values of civilization (market, democracy, human rights, etc.). T. Jefferson noted in the Declaration of Independence that the state by its nature should protect the pursuit of happiness and encourage business and the independence of individuals, which is important for happiness.

Eudaimonism (which translated from Greek means pleasure, happiness) is an ethics methodology close to hedonism.

Eudaimonism was more widely developed in the ethical theory of antiquity. This is evidenced by the works of such creative thinkers as Democritus, Socrates and Aristotle. Eudaimonism proceeds from the fact that the main criterion of human behavior is the pursuit of happiness (private, public). French materialists of the 18th century were also on the side of eudaimonism. They recognized that the ultimate goal of any society and any useful human activity is to make a person happy.

Eudaimonic ethics is higher than Christian ethics in its humanism, since it encourages a person to be happy on earth. But eudaimonism gives the concept of happiness a certain universal meaning beyond the boundaries of history. In fact, in a society with antagonistic stereotypes it is impossible to have a single general concept of human destiny. Thus, the eudaimonic argument for morality is not scientific. Currently, this term is widely studied by scientists abroad.

Hedonism is an ethical philosophy developed by the Cyrene philosophical school (IV century BC) and the Epicurean school (341 – 270 BC). [1] Hedonism belongs to one of the branches of eudaimonism and proclaims pleasure (mainly emotional) as the beginning and meaning of life. Good will lead to greater prosperity, and bad will bring sorrow. A relatively complete emblem of hedonism was formed by Socrates’ student Aristipus. In Epicureanism, the principle of hedonism is more focused on finding ways to calm the spirit (ataxial) and avoid tragedy.


The formation of ethics as a philosophical doctrine with its own status is carried out within the framework of ancient Greek philosophy. Ethics, both in its name, and in its main conceptual categories, and in its problem field, is borrowed from Aristotle. The great thinker who wrote the Nicomachean Ethics, the Eudemian Ethics and the Great Ethics brought ethics to the country. The ethical values adopted and implemented by the ancient Greeks had their own meaning. Here are some of them: the ancient Greeks wanted to directly connect morality, kindness with beauty. As a result, the ideal of «kalokagathia» was born in ancient Greek culture. The term «kalokagathia» is widely used in aesthetics, both in ethics and in accordance with its ambivalence (two-sided). The term «kalokagathia» comes from a combination of two Greek words («kalos» – beautiful and «agathos» – kind). To be precise, this term implies the fusion of good beauty, that is, the beauty of the soul and the beauty of the soul. Hedonism is a concept that comes from a Greek word meaning «search, ingenuity, curiosity.» According to hedonists, the main goal of a person when he comes into this life is to enjoy life. Eudaimonism is the main characteristic of ancient Greek ethics. Because no matter what thinker of that period you look at, what he considers the most important issue in life is human happiness.

Aesthetics is the science of the laws of aesthetic understanding of the human world, the essence and forms of creativity, in which the laws of beauty are enshrined. This area of science studies beauty, the general laws of artistic creativity, and a person’s emotional attitude to reality. Aesthetics originated 5 years ago as a science in Egypt, Babylon, India and China and was widely developed in Ancient Greece and Rome. Democrites, Aristotle, Epicureans, Lucretius Carus and others learned in their works that the objective basis of beauty lies in the fact that reality is found in physical properties, connections, relationships, and laws of life. According to Plato, beauty is only a reflection of this idea: the press, the eternal and immovable ideas, the emotions that create art. In the works of thinkers, writers, and artists of the Renaissance (F. Petrorca, L.B. Alberti, Leonardo da Vinci, A. Dürer, Bruno, Montaigne, etc.), moral-realistic directions developed. Enlightenment theorists (W. Hogarth,

Diderot, Rousseau, Winckelmann, Lessing, Herder), as well as followers of their traditions (Schiller and Goethe), established a connection between art and reality. Kant proposed the principle of absolute «disinterest» in opinion. The formation of ethics as a philosophical doctrine with its own status is carried out within the framework of ancient Greek philosophy. Ethics, both in its name, and in its main conceptual categories, and in its problem field, is borrowed from Aristotle. The great thinker who wrote the Nicomachean Ethics, the Eudemian Ethics and the Great Ethics brought ethics to the country. The ethical values adopted and implemented by the ancient Greeks had their own meaning. Here are some of them: the ancient Greeks wanted to directly connect morality, kindness with beauty. As a result, the ideal of «kalokagathia» was born in ancient Greek culture. The term «kalokagathia» is widely used in aesthetics, both in ethics and in accordance with its ambivalence (two-sided). The term «kalokagathia» comes from a combination of two Greek words («kalos» – beautiful and «agathos» – kind). To be precise, this term implies the fusion of good beauty, that is, the beauty of the soul and the beauty of the soul. Hedonism is a concept that comes from a Greek word meaning «search, ingenuity, curiosity.» According to hedonists, the main goal of a person when he comes into this life is to enjoy life. Eudaimonism is the main characteristic of ancient Greek ethics. Because no matter what thinker of that period you look at, what he considers the most important issue in life is human happiness.

Aesthetics is the science of the laws of aesthetic understanding of the human world, the essence and forms of creativity, in which the laws of beauty are enshrined. This area of science studies beauty, the general laws of artistic creativity, and a person’s emotional attitude to reality. Aesthetics originated 5 years ago as a science in Egypt, Babylon, India and China and was widely developed in Ancient Greece and Rome. Democrites, Aristotle, Epicureans, Lucretius Carus and others learned in their works that the objective basis of beauty lies in the fact that reality is found in physical properties, connections, relationships, and laws of life. According to Plato, beauty is only a reflection of this idea: the press, the eternal and immovable ideas, the emotions that create art. In the works of thinkers, writers, and artists of the Renaissance (F. Petrorca, L.B. Alberti, Leonardo da Vinci, A. Dürer, Bruno, Montaigne, etc.), moral-realistic directions developed. Enlightenment theorists (W. Hogarth,

Diderot, Rousseau, Winckelmann, Lessing, Herder), as well as followers of their traditions (Schiller and Goethe), established a connection between art and reality. Kant proposed the principle of absolute «disinterest» in opinion. As a philosophy of world science, aesthetics is aesthetics. Solving the problem of consciousness and the relationship of art to public identity and human life is at the center of his problems. Aesthetics is the nature of art and art guided by a materialistic solution to this problem. various aspects of the process: the origin of art and its connection with other forms of social consciousness, its historical patterns, features of the artistic image, the relationship between the content and form of art, the significance of artistic method and style, etc. from the point of view.

Aesthetics is a philosophical science. Thus, it does not meet the criteria of specific sciences such as ethics. The concept of «aesthetics» was introduced into scientific use in the mid-18th century by the German philosopher Alexander Baumgarten. He developed the aesthetic from the Greek word «aystiticos». From an etymological point of view, «aystiticos» is a meaning that is perceived with emotion. Etymological roots are found in the word «anesthesia» before the day of the deceased. A. Baumgarten knew that beauty can be perceived through emotions, and that art is the only area of beauty that can be reversed. Thus, the German philosopher gave aesthetics a definition of craftsmanship that explores beauty and its expression in art. According to the law of beauty, man’s desire to master the world was known even before A. Baumgarten introduced the concept of aesthetics. We also recognize that the history of art is the history of humanity. Humanity always works together with art. Unknown to us, tens of thousands of years ago, the first signs of art began to appear. In particular, at the dawn of the Stone Age, people created the first symbols of art and developed it. Art is one of the most important spheres of culture. Therefore, the formation of the word «art is a mirror of culture»… Beauty and beauty are the main pillars of the true essence of art. Beauty and beauty are qualities that make a person feel special. As a result, art expresses emotions and is directly related to them. Art begins to make a person a believer, one in soul.

The main purpose of art is to give a model of maturity, a legacy (ideal) and try to seduce a person. The above goals will be the first for the philosophy of art and aesthetics, which is an art form. Thus, the main goal of aesthetic education is to increase people’s ability to see, feel, appreciate and accept the beauty around them, to renew and change life in accordance with the laws of beauty. Aesthetics is closely related to ethics, just as art and art are related. Because art, influencing a person’s emotions, teaches him morality and humanity. We love art and the moment we see it we feel cleansed. The purity of beauty is the purity of the soul. If this is so, then aesthetic education is one of the chapters in the education of spirituality.

The history of aesthetic thought goes back at least 2 years, despite the fact that the term «aesthetics» was coined. In the first millennium BC, ancient Chinese, Indian and Greek thinkers noticed that people perceive many phenomena of real reality through emotions. During this period, he noted that there are certain types of expressions – admiration, burial, sharing of grief, anger, love, delight, self-expression, awe, excitement, excitement and others. He also learned that these kuis differ from a pure cognitive attitude towards the dead by the emotional lyogenic nature of the abscess. In search of answers to the question of why these interlocutors appear, the syllables of the ancient world developed an aesthetic idea. As a result, the first ideas of «beauty», «beauty», «ascension» and the opposite «sadness», «grids», as well as «tragedy» and «comedy» are formed. A brief excursion into the history of the development of aesthetic thinking. It began in Greece, where philosophical science spits out. Ancient aesthetics is an integral part of ancient Greek and Roman culture. One of the main features of ancient aesthetics is its cosmology.

Cosmology is a vision of cosmic harmony and beauty of the human world. According to the ancient Greeks, there is harmony in the movement and location of the cosmic body. A person tries to find this harmony in his own world, that is, in the things that he made with his small hands. The breadth of a person is born from macrospace, great spatial concern, meditation, i.e. mimesis (in Greek «mimessi» – «similarity»). Thus, many Greek thinkers associate the nature of art with mimesis.

Greek aesthetics can begin with the archaic or realistic period of Greek culture (the time of the birth of Homer’s Iliad, Odyssey). The concept of «harmony,» one of the central categories of ancient aesthetics, is given in Homer’s «Odyssey» in its original physical sense. In this case, the word «harmony» combines wooden shards made from boats with chalk and shem. And in the Iliad, «harmony» had an additional meaning, which was peace, peace and harmony between people. Thus, speech, initially borrowed directly from the middle of public life, gradually rose to the level of a philosophical, aesthetic category.

The concept of «harmony» in the aesthetic category is found among the first Pythagoreans and his school. For the Pythagorean, the number underlying reality is directly in harmony, internal compatibility, dimension. Music, in particular, is a combination of cosmic harmony, which is very important to the human soul. He also learned that this man would cleanse the soul and spirit of the sick and the unharmed. In this color, one of the following categories of ancient aesthetics is catharsis.

Catharsis (Greek «purification») is the concept of cleansing the human soul and body, spiritual renewal of the body. The concept of catharsis is derived from ancient philosophy. The ancient Greeks considered catharsis as a method of cleansing health disorders. In addition to its specific medical meaning, catharsis is a word elevated to the rank of an aesthetic concept. In anthrax, catharsis was used to show how art can affect a person. In it, catharsis especially expressed the importance of music, poetry and tragedy in the purification of the human soul and soul.

Pythagorean stalkers proposed a way to use music, which is obtained according to a certain system, to cleanse the human soul. According to them, he knew that music, because it is a ground-based resonator of cosmic harmony, not only cleanses the palace of souls, but also affects the treatment of diseases of the body. Plato associated catharsis not only with the form of art, but also with the art itself. According to him, catharsis means ridding the world of nudity and bodily desires. Aristotle also recognized catharsis as an aesthetic ally of art, especially the genre of tragedy, which, as a result of human properties of sharing fear and grief, would free the human soul from indifference and maturity.

Kalokagathia in Greek culture formed the basis of the legacy of the previous paragraphs. Therefore, in the case of raising and raising children, along with gymnastics (contributing to the formation of physical beauty), special attention was paid to rhetoric (Chechen endogenesis), grammar, history, poetry, etc. Socrates was the one who introduced the concept of «kalocagathia» into aesthetics. The idea that true beauty is kind beauty, forgiving beauty, subsequently became the central tenet of all European aesthetics.


What is ethics? This word is familiar to many from school. However, not everyone knows the true meaning of this concept. Ethics (Greek – «tendency, custom») is a philosophical subject whose subject is moral and ethical standards.

Initially, this word meant common housing and rules arising from living together, norms that unite society and help overcome individualism and aggressiveness. That is, humanity has invented certain rules and laws that help achieve harmony in society. In science, ethics is a field of knowledge, and morality and ethics refer to what it studies. The concept of «ethics» is sometimes used to designate a system of moral and ethical principles of a particular social group. The ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle proposed ethics as a set of virtues. Also, an ethical person is a person whose behavior is aimed at doing good.

Today there are many ethical rules regarding morality and ethics. They promote comfortable communication between people; in addition, in society there are various social groups (parties, associations), each of which has its own code of ethics. In simple words, ethics is a regulator of human behavior, and every person has the right to determine certain ethical standards. For example, no one would ever work for a company where corporate ethics allows employees to insult each other. Ethics in various fields: computer, medical, legal, political, business, etc. However, its main rule is based on the golden principle: «Do unto others as you would do unto yourself.» On the basis of ethics, etiquette arose – a system of signs based on moral standards that people use when interacting in society. It should be noted that there can be many differences in etiquette within the same nation or even within the same group of people.

Ethics is an opportunity for mutual respect, a culture of communication, a change in outlook on life, spiritual development and career growth. Since ancient times, ethics as a science has been one of the areas of philosophy concerning the study of the moral values of various social groups. To understand the fundamental aspects of this ethics associated with philosophical science, you need to know the basics of philosophy. The concept under consideration is often called the field of education, which includes the study of norms important for the development of society – behavior, rules, traditions, assessment of the state and actions of people in real terms. The main direction of this science is used in the study of social, political and family issues. Since childhood, we remember that we are all taught to follow the rules of ethics, not only in public places, but also at home. Etiquette is a group of rules of behavior in public places. Modern ethics, continuing the traditions of ancient philosophers and thinkers, explores the deep moral problems of humanity. Thus, the concepts of ethics and etiquette differ in different definitions, but are certainly important and similar to society. These may include: adherence to traditions and norms of behavior; criteria for assessing goodness and insanity; freedom of speech and choice; search for goals and meanings in a person’s life, for his well-being.

Personal ethics

As a rule, personal ethics is an integral part of the study of various parts of science, for example, psychology. This is due to the study of the psychological aspects of science, its presence, its interaction with the surrounding society, the processes that arise in a person’s mind and the fact that it is often the reason for his actions. Ethics also takes into account human behavior and relationships, but from the point of view of the moral foundations and traditions that have developed in society. The question is what ethics is, we can consider some of its functions, with the help of which one can correct certain aspects in the psychological and moral education of the individual and society as a whole:

encourage any useful activity;

educational function; conflict resolution and problem solving through negotiations;

orientation to important values; awareness and assessment of life priorities; formation of a certain worldview.

Professional ethics

The most important area of study of ethical standards is their expansion of human activity in the world of work. When you apply for a job, it is important to keep your professional ethics in mind. This is a system of norms and rules of behavior for a specialist, which is a feature of real production. Its preservation is often required in the workplace, the key to successful development, and perhaps even career growth.

Corporate ethics

Currently, employees of many foreign and Russian enterprises and companies know what corporate ethics is – a system of moral principles within which employees interact with each other or with external organizations. In this case, ethical standards allow for the establishment and regulation of relationships related to employees and their responsibilities or implementation of the plan. Corporate ethics may include the following principles: responsibility in the workplace; maintain a sense of duty when performing work; team collaboration and focus on common results.

Business ethics

All entrepreneurs, managers and senior officials know business ethics – a set of service standards aimed at achieving certain goals. It often includes the following components: confidential and polite communication with subordinates, managers, competitors and partners; ability to manage, make decisions and avoid conflict situations; negotiation skills; desire to work in unity and with this team. In many cases, certain business rules conflict with the employee’s character. In this case, you need to choose between requirements and a workflow standard or your own principles. In some cases, maintaining ethical business relationships can be the key to successful business development and career advancement.

Religious ethics

Church traditions are characterized by their moral values, since religion and ethics are closely related. Religious ethics is a system of moral principles that characterize human behavior and consciousness. They rely on the will of the church, but are not limited by it. In addition to relationships in society, ethics in faith establishes moral rules and norms for the relationship between man and God, the possibility of forgiveness, conversion and trust in those who are gods.

Ethics of family relations

Family ethics, along with love, are a key part of a happy marriage. At the same time, moral values are based on the following principles: mutual respect; confidence; absence of unfounded criticism; refusal to clarify relations with third parties; categorical refusal to use tight bonds and physical force; self-selection as a worthy example of raising a child; give equal attention to all children in the family and encourage someone. The ethics of relationships between spouses and relatives is important for maintaining a full and happy family and the moral education of future generations. Due to the transitional rhythm of life, many people sometimes do not even react to the words or actions of people close to them: spouses, parents, children.
