полная версияAmerica under enemy rule and the world as it is

Антон Николаевич Геля
America under enemy rule and the world as it is

Полная версия

VIII. Comparative anatomy of freedom loving conservative/libertarian/teaparty camp and freedom hating totalitarians in the US.

General observations.

Freedom loving camp, conservatives, libertarians, objectivists, individualists, tea party America's concience.

In November and in the next 6 years all the freedom lovers must unite. Stop splitting hair defining the differences between different brands of freedom lovers. We're losing freedoms and prosperity, we, the people, cannot allow our enemies to divide us and to conwuer. Stick together. We have the common mortal enemy– growing as snow ball Big Government that grabs more and more power, liberties and money, and it is threatening to destroy America's moral values, economic prosperity and individual freedoms along with the only engine of progress-free market. If they succeed in destroying America as the freest country in the world, then there is no one to stand up against the forces of totalitarian evil.

Freedom-hating camp, a.k.a. totalitarians.

If you wish to analyze any entity for yourself to determine its place on the freedom vs serfdom scale, you can easily perform the screening test using the totalitarianism battery of tests. Typically just 3–4 of them is enough: if answer to any of them is "yes", then you are dealing with the totalitarians, with the enemies of the people. You can use the simplified diagnostic battery that includes respondent's attitude towards the concept of popular sovereignty, the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment and Israel.

The freedom-loving friends of the people affirm their commitment to the concept of the people as the sovereign of the country that delegates as much powers to the government as it deems minimally necessary to fulfill the duties of the hired by the people government-CEO. They respect the collective wisdom of the people and don't question the ability of each individual to make decisions for him'herself. Totalitarians with contempt will respond that the people are oysters, sheep, morons and stupid idiots, and that the enlightened elites in the government must make decisions for the sheeple, and the government is the sovereign of the nation. Freedom lovers will say that Freedom of Speech means exactly that– freedom to speak up your mind, right or wrong, like it or not, with no exceptions, because they know that one exception begets another, that you cannot be just a little bit pregnant– as soon as you started the slippery slope, the proccess of letting the government to decide, what the exceptions to the Freedom of Speech are, then the "exceptions" will multiply with the speed of the flies in the toilet, especially when it comes to critisizing the totalitarians. On other hand, totalitarians will respond that every one has a right to the Left, but there is no right to say what is right. In short, the enemies of the freedom allow freedom of only politically correct speech, everything else will be prosecuted as a hate speech.

2nd Amendment is a clear-cut case. If an entity doesn't see itself as the enemy of the people, then it doesn't mind the armed population. On the other hand, all the totalitarian enemies of the people want their enemy people to be disarmed, so then they can do to the helpless people whatever they want.

Israel is an island of freedom in the middle of the islamofascism (the worst totalitarianism ever). Israel is the only country that always votes with the US in UN, and Israel sends a strong message that freedom works: the more freedom-the more prosperity; that brave people can resist the inspired by the genocidal antihumane Sharia law jihad– the war against humanity, started by the first jihadi, first Muslim terrorist Muhammed. Islamofascists and totalitarian regimes want to start the domino reaction– first to destroy brave Israel, then the mighty America, then the helpless Euro-Zombies, and then they will take over the world unopposed, and other totalitarians ally with them accordingly to the degree of their hatred of freedom. So, the freer the country, the party, the person is– the more they support Israel as a symbol of freedom. And vice versa– the harder the totalitarianism is-the more they want to destroy the state of Israel. When Europe was a soft tyranny of statists, it was somewhat sympatizing with Israel. The faster totalitarization of Europe by the Eurosocialists and now by the islamofascists goes– the more they hate Israel. Totalitarian regimes such as USSR (now Russia) and China hate Israel even more. The worst totalitarians, the islamofascists, are ready to wipe Israel from the map as soon as they get the nukes with the US to follow the suite.

Government by definition is an enemy of the freedom because it wants the free hands itself to do with the people whatever the ruling elits wants, while the people's liberties stand on the way.

Typical features of the majority if the freedom-hating campers.

There are two main groups of them: "enlightened elite" and the sheep; the ivory towers dwellers and the street trash; guys with the souls of slave masters and ones with the souls of slaves; those "progressives" that love only poor people, thus, keeping them that way forever, and lazy losers satisfied with their parasitic life style.

Both groups share many common features:

1) They all die-hard Democratic constituency.

2) They all are out of touch with reality, their thinking is wishful thinking; they believe in free lunches as long as someone else pays for them; they live mentally in a parallel Universe, in different dimension while acting in our real world. That huge gap between them explains a lot. They are incapable of grasping the reality, of getting the wisdom of ages such as Roman "Si vis pacem, para bellum" (if you wish for peace-prepare for war) or "Homo homini lupus est" (a human to human is a wolf)– even though it is a sad reality, but it is reality and normal people deal with what we have in our Universe.

3) They base their impulses on emotions rather on reasons, they are impatient (I want it and I want it now! I don't care how much it costs, who and how will pay for it! I'm entitled to your money!)

4) Sense of entitlement. They find all kinds of excuses to convince themselves that somehow they have a "right" to other peoples money and rights, to something they didn't earn, to the fruits of others' hard labor.

5) Immaturity, infantilism, irresponsibility. Teenagers forever, never mature. Frequently single, don't have family responsibilities. Much higher chance of being sexual perverts. More likely to resort to violence, the murder rate amongst Democratic voters is 4–5 times higher than amongst conservatives (it helps understand why they want to kill 2nd Amendment– their elitist want to disarm American people to rule them while the street trash want to disarm Americans before robbing them).

6) Lack of common sense directly proportional to the degree of their education. The higher their education is the less common sense they have left.

7) Divisiveness in society. Divide et impera. Divide and conquer.They break society to as many as possible antagonistic groups fighting with each other for the re-distributed through the government money and power.

8) Total lack of respect for the Constitution and the rule of law. When they are told it is unlawful– they reply "Oh, we just will push through another law, and that's it". Majority of the leftist laws since 1913 are un-Constitutional, but leftist judicial activists in the courts "interpret" and twist Constitution to their liking.

9) They all hurt the society, economy, they worsen America's standing and authority around the world.

10) Eternal racism. Used to be anti-black racism, now anti-white racism.

11) Laziness. Whether it's crazy rich entertainment stars or lazy 3 generations on welfare– they all are equally lazy. Since they never worked hard– they don't appreciate other people's rights for the fruits of their hard labor.

12) Narcissism, desire "to look good" and "to feel good about themselves" (even if it means killing millions of people).To dress to impress. "Look how noble I am– I not only forgive my (more totalitarian) enemies but I even support them. Mayor of NYC Bloomberg, as totalitarian, supports ultimate totalitarian islamofascists that want to build on Ground Zero a Mega-Mosque to commemorate their victory on 9/11. Of course, there is never any "forgiveness" for the freedom lovers– it's a one way road: all totalitarians ally with worse totalitarians than themselves, but never with the freedom loving conservatives.

In short, they all are enemies of freedom, enemies of American people and enemies of America

Particular elitist groups and their sidekicks:

Educators: Every nation needs an education system, and the American one worked pretty well until the totalitarians managed to nationalize it virtually equalizing it with the consumer fraud (read Kessler's "College has become a consumer fraud") . Since the education became public, then in quality it came close to public toilets while more and more expensive because education is basically removed from the free competition, from the Free Market. But the worst part is that education system became just a part of the leftist "progressive" propaganda machine, although very important to our enemies part. As any government run entity, the public education institutions are protected from the feedback from Americans, so now the "educators" care more about their bureaucratic bosses in Washington, DC rather than about quality of education or parents and students satisfaction. Besides, the totalitarians pushed the centers of hostile socialist redistributive ideology such as labor unions into position of collective bargaining (which must not be allowed as the socialist unions always twist arms and get unfair redistribution from other citizens, and then use the unearned money to interfere with the government elections). On top of that, the universities and colleges, where the school teachers obtain their education, are viper nests of the anti-American leftist totalitarians. Enemies of America like Bill Aeyers decided in 60-s that they can damage America much more if they will switch from bombing Americans to brainwashing them. So, they infiltrated the education system, and now in all non-applied science main focus is not an education but rather on a leftist indoctrination. Now, as Obama puts it, Bill is "the distinguished educator", that runs education of the educators, teaching the teachers what and how to teach, and without those courses the teachers are not eligible to teach. Colleges became the assembly lines that take in young Americans and graduate them already as anti-Americans. Of course, the students performance gets worse and worse, because education is not a focus of "educators"– for the Left, universities along with MSM are important part of their brainwashing machine, of the strategy of infiltration of the power structures just read leftist radical Alinsky). Young Americans after indoctrination and brainwashing in universities will go to media, politics, judiciary, administration and other "public service" power structures to promote anti-American "progressive" ideology. That's how with only 20% of population the "progressive" fringe ideology mastered to suppress the mainstream American conservatism and to exert an unproportional to their numbers influence in the tricked by them American society.


The solution? A temporary solution is to ban collective bargaining in all taxpayors funded positions, that include the existing (yet) public education facilities and 100% of the government jobs. That can be done as a paragraph in the BALANCED BUDGET CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. That would also effectively close down the driven by the hostile to America socialist labor unions that syphon taxpayours money and use it to promote socialist political agenda in the power structures. Our money under excuse of our kids education goes to one pocket of teachers but immidiately is taken away from their another pocket by the unions, by the socialist enemies of the people. The permanent solution to ALL the problems in education, just as in any other area, is exposure to the Free Market self-regulation through privatization of the schools from elementary to the universities. It will improve the quality of education, it will reduce the costs, it will put the control in the hands of the people, of the parents, rather current control by the Washington, DC bureaucrats. Expose the schools, the education institutions to the Free Market self-regulation forces that pay only for goods and services, not for destroying America. Free Market in several years will eliminate all the enemies that are busy indoctrinating students rather than educating them. No violence is to be used against those enemies of the people in the "education" system -they still can be reformed to be useful members of society (how about garbage picking?)

How to do so? The same answer to all the problems of the world– that doesn't require a rocket science: Free Market. Privatization of education. Enemies of the people in the media managed to seed the fear of privatization in the people's hearts, but basically it boils down to putting YOU in charge of education YOUR children. It gives power to the people. Public "education" is not a free lunch– YOU pay for it, but indirectly– our enemy government collects it from you pocket, as much as it wants, then the government bureaucrats re-distribute YOUR money the way THEY want. And what they want? A better education for your kids? No! They want more power, more of your money, and most important– they want YOUR KIDS! The totalitarians want to destroy all competing with them centers of influence on the people, they want to have as a God only Almighty Government. Thus, they destroy religion, family, traditions, society fabric and the like. The "educators" indoctrinate your children that their parents are outdated, that they know nothing, that they are too conservative, that only "progressive" liberals can bring about the crap of "social justice". The "educators" undermine the authority of competing with them influence centers: family, church, public associations out of their control. Hitler was making children a ward of the government as teens but today's "progressive" totalitarians want to do is much earlier to brainwash the kids more effectively. In Norway the government demands giving away your kids to the government run kindergartens when they are ONE YEAR OLD. "Progressive" socialists and government want to brainwash as many kids as possible and as early as possible, and that's why even now, during current created by the government interference financial crisis, Obama's regime is wasting billions of taxpayors and borrowed from China money to expand the reach of the brainwashing centers, the "education" facilities. Will millions of new liberal art graduates improve America's standing in the cutting edge tech? Of course not, it's just a waste of the taxpayors money to subsidy brainwashing young Americans in the blah-blah-blology classes, but they are indoctrinated voters for the Democrats, for the "progressive" enemies of the people, and that's all that matters. So, the statists and the "progressive" socialists steal you kids using your own money via Almighty Government and nationalized education system. How can you keep your kids? Slash 99% of the government size, powers, scope and budget and privatize the education system to put it back under YOUR control. The fear of privatization is purposely created by your "progressive" enemies in MSM, who always villify Free Market and capitalism because Free Market creates everything for us while totalitarians can only hurt us in their quest for power and money. However, our enemies in the monopolized by the leftist media are the ones who form the public opinion, and they do all they can to hide "progressives"' greed for power and money and to charge the capitalism with greed. All is greed, it's in the human nature, but the productive "greed" of Free Market creates everything good around us while destructive greed of the "good wishing" of statists and socialists destroy everything they touch. Don't be afraid of privatization: it's like the difference between the government distributes you handouts or a shopping using your own money when you can choose what to buy. Believe me, it will cost the society much more if government collects your money and then wastes it the way it likes, because the government doesn't have a feedback loop, it doesn't care about efficiency and cost savings– it's not government's money, it's you money, and the government can take away more of your money when it embezzles what was taken previously. Yes, just like in the existing "public" education, YOU will foot the bill, but in case of private schools YOU are in charge, not the government bureaucrats and arrogant "progressive" educators. YOU decide to which school to send your kids, You in the school boards will decide how much to pay, what will be the curriculum in YOUR school and how to spend your money in the most efficient way to improve the quality of real education, not the socialist indoctrination and destruction of family values. It will improve quality and reduce costs, also minimizing the influence of the hostile totalitarian ideologies such as leftism and islamofascism. There is nothing that government can do better than Free Market, if it is within the scope of Free market, and Free Market encompasses virtually everything except national defense, law & order and foreign affairs. Even here Free Market can play essential role, but it cannot be the only player. Technically speaking: Close down 100% of federal educational offices, 90% of the state level (giving them only unenforcable recommendation powers) and 80% of municipal boards, giving power to the people, to the school boards.

Academia with so called "science". It is also important part of the people's enemy propaganda machine. They abuse natural respect of the public to science but replace the real science with a hoax, with a fraud, with a lie to fit their totalitarian leftist ideology ("human induced" global "warming" is just one of the examples. The real science showed that human activity plays almost no role in the climate changes because the human produced CO2 kept rising steadily– although far below historically higher levels– but the global temperatures were fluctuating– rising till 1994, hanging around till 1999 and then DROPPING since them). They basically provide other parts of the "progressive" brainwashing machine with talking points, filled with pseudo-scientific crap. This is especially prominent in the economy, sociology, psychology and ecology "science", because the totalitarian Left uses these area to discredit and destroy Free Market, to infiltrate the power structures, to increase sky-high powers of the already Almighty Government and to redistribute wealth from those who generated it to the losers Democrats created themselves. And in the process of redistribution a lot of taxpayers money will stick to their sticky hands. Money and power, power and money, especially unearned– that's all they care about. How to neutrilize them? As always– expose them to the free market forces How? Close down government departments that redistribute taxpayors money in order to keep afloat these scientific zeros but important parts of the leftist enemies propaganda machine. True scientists who generate real science will be rewarded by Free Market while all the quacks will fill the genitors positions. Read Thomas Sowell's "The "Science" Mantra" article, please.

Journalists, "progressive" MSM monopolies.

Glen Beck correctly pointed out that the monopolized by the Left so called "main stream media" are comparable to the Nazi Goebbels propaganda machine, which is not surprising at all: all totalitarians are alike, whether it's Hitlers national socialists , the Democratic socialists or the Euro-Zoo leftists and commies. The main difference is that Hitlerism was a national socialism while the Democratic socialism is international. Howard Dean, the former Democratic Party Head, said that every Democrat is pretty much a "progressive", which means a socialist: they all want a strong government to impose the redistribution of wealth from hard workers to lazy ones.

When "Media watch" conducted a study, 80% of journalist admitted they are left although, of course, they claimed "it does not affect their impartiality in presenting information". Yeah, right, we haven't born yesterday. Trick me once– shame on you, trick me twice– shame on me, but the leftist media keep tricking all the people all the time. When during the study they checked out also the donation causes then turned out that 96% of the journalists donate to the "progressive" causes of the people's enemies. Well, we, the people, should expect only lies from the dominated by the "progressives" MSM. That's why less than 25% of Americans trust media. Fox TV is staffed by 50% conservative friends of the people and 50% by the "progressive" enemies of the people, so you can find objective information on FoxTV. Unfortunately, 100% of all other TV outlets are packed with the Left of all stripes: socialists, "progressives", commies and the like, so I waste no time watching those disinformation outlets. This propaganda machine was rather effective: it is basically misleading, misinforming and disinforming media that should be held responsible for fooling American people into voting for the affirmative action President, who, as expected, turned out to be the worst enemy America ever had.


The impressions is that these eco-freaks just hate humans, especially decent human beings, and do everything they can to harm and to hurt us via hurting Free Market, which is the only source of technical progress, the only producer of all the goods and services in the world that we all enjoy. There is nothing constructive that the "progressives" or the government brought to us, they only hurt us through the impeding the creative forces of Free Market. It is as if the ecofreaks want to spare the planet but to kill 6 billions people by preventing Free Market creating enough food, cloth and shelter to them and leaving only "golden billion" that ultimately includes those "noble" "progressive" tree huggers and rats protectors. We should be thankful that the ecofreaks have not outlawed antibiotics YET, because the medicines kill innumerable amounts of bacteria and viruses that infect and kill humans. I am sure the ecofreaks are more sympathetics to the germs than to us. They do all they can to destroy economy, to hurt free market, to make goods and services more expensive to produce, to prevent prosperity, in short– to hurt us, living humans, under the pretext of "saving" "future generations" (Hitler, Stalin, Mao and all other totalitarians were doing exactly the same-hurting the living today under pretext of working for the "bright future"). Do you know how much ecofreaks efforts to destroy economy cost us? Alaska gas/oil exploration bans alone cost billions and billions: the estimated cost of (possibly) saving ONE polar owl is $17,000,000, seventeen million dollars! "Cap and trade" would cost us even more with about ZERO effect on climate (CO2 might affect only about 6% of the climate while over 90% is Sun cycles). "Progressives" in New England prohibit hunting the deer to eliminate an excess of them (triple the amount the nature can sustain) even though those deer now enter the cities, shed off ticks full of B. burgdorfi germs that cause Lime disease that eats up your heart. Lime disease used to be pretty esotheric but now there are folks who contracted it 3 times, thanks to the ecofreaks. There are no wolves to control the dear populations, and the "progressive" Democrats prohibit hunting because they love inferior forms of life and hate the human beings, especially the decent ones.


Offshore drilling moratorium will not save environment because right away Mexicans and Europeans will jump in and then they will drill and sell us the same oil that otherwise would be drilled by us and cost us much less. The chain of events went like that: BP bribed Obama (Obama is the biggest recipient of BP money during last 26 years) and BP thought "We have a White House connection now, we're special now – why should we follow the Business recommendations and advisories? We can shortcut now!" And they did, and they caused the oil spill. Obama used this as an opportunity to attack the free market, to shakedown BP for another 20 billion dollars, basically, to create a fund under his control to reward his cronies and to peddle his voting base. On top of that, Obama's regime used the spill as an excuse to hit economy more, to hurt free market and jobs (moratorium wil cost us 87,000 lost jobs plus billions of dollars paid for oil to our totalitarian enemies, socialists and islamofascists, who will use this money to undermine America's standing and the very existence). You know already that the ecofreaks have killed more people than other kinds of totalitarians: Hitler is probably to blame for 50 million death, Stalin and Mao for 90 each, but the ecofreaks initiated ban on DDT killed at least 120 million people due to spread of malaria (not mentioning even the fact that ecogreens support islamofascist greens– in Switzerland ecofreaks have filed a lawsuite to negate the referendum results when the people of Switzerland decided to ban the building of minarets as typical symbol of islamofascism supremacism, a symbol of Islam dominance). All totalitarians support each other, forming an unholy alliance against the people, against the freedom, against free market. And the DDT ban consequences are just unfolding: it also resulted in the wide spread of bedbugs in the majority of hotels which created a biological niche for inevitably emerging new germs that will fill in the niche. It's just a matter of time when a new germ will mutate enough to use these bedbugs as a vector to pass along emerging new diseases similar to thyphus. All thanks to the "noble" treehuggers, to the ecofreaks, to the totalitarians, to the Demc-rats gang.

Hollywood trash and entertainment "stars":

They are just doomed to be "progressive" totalitarians. They meet classic description of the fredom-haters, of the people's enemies: they are lazy; elitists; never worked hard, they show pretty face or round butt for an hour and then they get millions in royalties for years to come; they are immoral, infantile, irresponsible, frequently perverts; they are narcissistic, ready to blow the whole world just to get some attention, applauses and approval and to redeem their innumerable sins in the public (and in their own) eyes. They meet typical catholic description of sinners, and as sinners they seek noble quests" to redeem their sins. That's how they end up destroying Free Market using any suitable kind of pretext– idioticly reducing CO2 by reducing farting CO2 cow herdes, tying arms of the industry and business in general, "protecting" koalas in SEA, pirania in Amazon, polar owls in the oil rich Alaska's waste lands, seals in Canada and some other pets (only if they look cute!!!) somewhere far away from their home, meanwhile burning megawatts of electricuty in their luxury homes. I've enough fingers on one hand to count the exceptions from the rule (like Bruce Willis or Angelina Jolie) who have the courage to resist the trashy "peer pressure" of the profession. Remember the scandal with producer Polanski? It proved once more that those elitists impose 3 sets of laws: no responsibilities for any crime for themselves because they are so freaking talanted; light punishment for other than artists "progressives" and for the mascots, for trash other than in entertainment industry but heavy punishment for decent "regular" people, especially if they happened to be conservative, white and hard-working. That's the three "mortal sins" that the "progressive" Democrats just cannot tolerate. The only thing that they hate more is a black conservative, especially a woman, who, in their opinion, betrays the Democrats: the Democrats don't recognise the freedom of choice– if you are a black or a woman– you just must be their servant, their voter, their slave, their property, they own you.

Gun ban extremists:

Guns is one of the diagnostic tests for the totalitarian enemies of the people. When one doesn't consider the people his/her enemy, then he/she is OK with the armed people. This is true regarding individuals, groups, parties. movements, governments and anything else. On the other hand, if one is an enemy of the people, enemy of freedom, then understandably he/she wants to disarm the people. You also would like to disarm your enemy if you had a chance, so don't be surprised when the "progressive" Democrats want to disarm you. If totalitarians had enough powers, they all had their people disarmed. It held true for Stalin, Mao, Hitler and for the Euro-socialists. Ultimately, it holds true for the totalitarian "progressive" Democ-rats gang too. As people say, the 2nd Amendments assures the rest of them. When the firearms used by the criminals as a murder weapon, then according to the FBI files most commonly used weapon is 38 caliber handgun. However, the first target of the gun ban extremists, the first step on the road to serfdom are the assault weapons that are used by the criminals in less than 7%. Why? Because it's the weapon by wich the freedom-lovers can prove the wisdom of saying "If government fears the people it's liberty, if the people fear government it's tyranny". That's why the totalitarian enemies of the people first want to grab assault weapons, then register all the guns and introduce traceble ammo with individual markings on each bullet, then to grab all the firearms and render the Americans helpless victims of the evergrowing government.
