полная версияAmerica under enemy rule and the world as it is

Антон Николаевич Геля
America under enemy rule and the world as it is

Полная версия

Whatever positive or negative happens in our lives, the universal response of the delusional "progressive" enemies of the people is always the same:"Oh, we need more government, more power grabs, more government wasting, more entitlement programs although the only thing they do is generating more losers and parasites like the manure grows more mashrooms.

Overall, majority of the corporations still on the side of free market, on the side of freedom with the 60:40 ratio, although some of them like BE or GE sided with the totalitarian enemies of America. GE sucks blood out of America for all this heavily subsidized by taxpayor's money "green crap", and they own worst leftist TV station in the country. One can just substract the "enemy" points from the "friend" points to see who is who. If one is 90% for freedom, for free market, then 90%-10%=80, they're 80% friends of America. Obama is 100% enemy of America, of course. GE 90–10=80% enemy of America, and so forth. If you want to evaluate the whole government, then you can go by the taxation level with a healthy approximation. On exctremes-zero taxes means 100% freedom, 100% taxes means 100% slavery. Slavery is the worst productive system, full freedom is the system with best productivity. If Scandinavian country levy 70% in taxes, then it's 70% slavery, 30% freedom. If you include the cast of running the government, then before Obama America had 43% freedom and 57% slavery respectively, but now it is much worse. How much worse we shall know only when Obama will be kicked out of the White House.

The government offices are the worst of all those levels of bureaucracy, of course, because they have a least degree of feedback. All they do is collecting their paychecks, benefits, protected by the socialist labor unions, demand a paper work FROM YOU, meanwhile doing nothing. If they do something– they occasionally might be responsible for their actions, but if they do nothing– they have nothing to fear. They feed on paper, it's their way to justify their exsistence (which in fact has no justification at all), so they generate thousands of papers, mandates, regulations, demanding FROM YOU to waste all you potentially work time for filling out tens of thousand papers. The required paperwork pile becomes unbearable, you have physically no time not only to do your job or fill out their papers, but even to read all their demands. That's how collapsed great empires– Egypt, ancient China, Austro-Hungary and many others. Do you know how the governors were chosen in ancient China? They a calligraphy contest, and whoever was a best bureaucrat with the best handwriting-was in charge of life and death of the province.

Federal bureaucracy: If you are a decent person-it is your plain enemy, the biggest enemy of your life. They want with ever accelerating speed to take away all your money, all your decision making powers, your right to say anything or even to think not according to their politically correct orders. It's 100% pure evil, they do no job they have right to do (according to American Constitution, the only federal crimes are money counterfeiting, piracy and treason) but put their nose in every slingle thing they have no right to! The only thing we expect from the feds is to protect our borders-and they fail at that miserably, keeping the borders open for all kinds of criminals, including islamofascists of Hizbolla. And they have nerves acting against Arizona that attempts to inforce their own federal laws!

The litmus test is: what would happen if the feds overnight just disappeared? Say, green aliens took them away and planted on the hostile planet X as a biological weapon of mass destruction to destory their enemies? What a sigh of relief! All the country (well, except form some America haters and parasites) would eventually start breathing free. 100% better! What if the state bureucrats also were taken away to another planet? Our life would be 80% better. What if the hated by the Democ-rats business community would dissappear? Oh-oh.. end of the country....time to pack baggage.

International bureaucracy: So, you think the feds are the worst possible villains, the filthiest bastards? Think twice. Let's start with European Union whose ideologists basically were trying to replicate totalitarian Soviet Union. (I would call them "grinding freedom fathers" although they had a nerve to compare themselves to American Founding Fathers that HAVE established the freest country in the world, returning to the people the sovereignity, while Eurototalitarians actually took away the freedom and decision making powers from the people, usurping the power by unelected bureaucracy). Natural course of totalitarization of the world, promoted by the people's enemies– their governments, keeps getting worse and worse. Remember how many European nations turned down during referenda totalitarian European Constitution that was basically eliminating the people's say? And the peoples of Europe voted "NO" in 2005. You think it stopped the Eurobureaucrats power grab? No, it just slowed them down. They disguised the totalitarian Euroconstitution as the Lisbon treaty and despite several defeats kept putting on a vote until socialist governments pushed it through. Then, of course, they stopped the voting since the power grab was accomlished. Those totalitarians just don't take a people's "NO" for an answer– they keep pushing until their reach the next level of totalitarization. EU bureaucrats (especially top Eurobureaucrat Jose Barroso) were blackmailing Irish voters, reminding them during the financial crisis that they owe to European Central Bank over 120 billion Euro. Armtwisting worked– next time Irish voters gave in and approved totalitarian Lisbon treaty on Oct.3, 2009. International Justice Court in Haague was another step towards eliminating nation's say, reducing individual countries sovereignty by un-elected judicial bureaucrats. As a freer society, the US refused to be subject to the more totalitarian Europe-based court, and justly so. However, the un-elected bureucrats along with people's enemies– their government keep pushing their totalitarization agends world-wide, they want to create the new world order. The next level of bureaucracy, threatening to the very existence of people's individual liberties, is the UN. The UN is dominated by totalitarian redistributionist governments and the most influential bloc is OIC, organization of islamic conference, where 57 islamofascist countries dictate their agenda of islamization of the world. As you know, based on anti-humane genocidal Shariah law contemporary Islam scientifically should be referred to as islamofascism as long as the Muslims have not purged yet the Shariah laws from Islam. Recent Campala conference regarding ICC, international criminal court, stealthily promoting the New World Order, to put everyone in the world, and first of all American people, under the jurisdiction of these unelected judicial bureaucrats. They will use the broad and vague definition of "agression" as a base of a prosecution, and their hint was that defense against non-governmental terrorists such as Al-Quaida, Hamas, and Iranian proxi Hezballa is illegal, so thousands of American soldiers protecting our security and lives oversees will be subject to the criminal prosecution by the self-appoited judicial bureaucrats in ICC. The UN bureaucrats want to kill American sovereignty and basically take over the US, and Obama's "citizen of the world" regime assists them by all means. Giving away American sovereignty to the UN was reportedly Obama's PhD thesis, which reportedly was very conveniently lost before 2008 elections, so we couldn't see for ourselves how Obama actully wants to ruin the US as a country. If totalitarian governments of the world will confirm their will to take over, then next conference in 2017 will approve the ICC, the new World's Court authority over USA. Under Campala definitions of "agression", all military activities of the US after WWII might fall into the "agression" category and, thus, can be prosecuted by ICC. Of course, the US can resist totalitarian world's majority (yes, it is the fact that majority of world's GOVERNMENTS are totalitarians, let's get over this simple fact. Moreover, America is almost alone in it's longing for freedom. On the bright side, it means America can totally disregard so called "world's piblic opinion", because it is the opinion of freedom-hating totalitarians in the governments and in their lap-top media . For example, in 2002 the Congress enacted the American Service Members' Protection Act, authorizing the President to use all means, including military force, to prevent any American from being extradited to the ICC, but the question is: will Husein Obama use his right to protect Americans overseas? I doubt it. In his soul he is not an American, he does not belong to the land of free. Husein Obama is a "world's citizen", particularly, a totalitarian third world citizen, no matter where he was born. Evidently, his "ego", his self-identification, his way of thinking have evolved abroad, in Indonesia, and that's why without 2 teleprompters even when talking to 6th-graders Obama behaves in a strikingly un-American way, not knowing how and when to salute, how to honor fallen Americans, why it is morally wrong to let the connected to terrorist organizations islamofascists to build a monument to islamofascism, the Ground Zero Mosque, in a place where islamofascists massacred Americans on 9/11, and other stuff like that, which any American kid knows by heart. If it's an American heart, an American soul, of course.

The UN also pushing through a world-wide ban on small arms (un-Constitutional in the US), which, if ratified by the US government, will erase the 2nd Amendment and disarm American people. As you know, all totalitarian governments as enemies of the people want to disarm their people in order to render them helpless before the government bureaucrats will.


The UN also wants to erase the 1st Amendment, trying to make an international law initiated by the 57 islamofascist countries a "blasphemy" ban, which factually will stiffle any critical voices against anti-humane Shariah law to make islamization of the world easier. If you are exposing the essence of islamofascism– the totalitarians will prosecute you for "a hate crime". It's OK for islamofascists not only hate, but kill "infidels", but the truth about it is a new "hate crime". If fact, hate speech is the only speech that needs a Constitutional free-speech protection (sweet talk like Oh, I love kitties!" does not need a 1st Amendment protection), not because of its nonexisting "merits", but for the sake of all other freedoms. Otherwise the "progressive" totalitarians create one tiny exception to push the society over the edge to the 1st baby step on the totalitarian slippery slope (the hate speech), then another one, and another one and so forth until there is no free speech at all. Beside creating a precedent, the first step, the "hate speech" law, just like "a hate crime" law, puts a human being in charge of deciding, what does constitute a hate speech or a hate crime, and what not (which automatically programms for errors, mistakes and abuses– to err is human, power corrupts and so forth). Justice must be color, gender and emotions blind in order to be equal and fair, the process must be fair and equal, not the outcome, which always will be different because we all are different. But the punishment for the same murder must be the same, whether it is "a hate crime" or a murder because of too much love (Hmm, what the heck is that? a euthanasia?). Of course, "progressive" judicial activists in courts will keep pushing envelop towards more and more politically incorrect truth prosecuted as a a hate speech. The only logical solution is to make ZERO exceptions– Constitutionally garanteed free speech must be exactly that– a totally free speech, including a hate speech– no exceptions! Tolerating a hate speech is much lesser evil than opening Pandorra's box of making exceptions to the 2nd Amendment which in the long run inevitably will kill all the freedoms and then the whole country (remember– when the government controls everything, just like in the Euro-zoo – it ruins demographics, economy and causes fiscal crisis with inevitable collapse of the civilization). I hate Hitler but I'd rather tolerate him talking than the government using pretext of shutting Hitler up to shut up eventually all of us as a result of unavoidable chain reaction.

The UN also wants to take over and redistribute around the world, including amongst islamofascist countries, America's wealth under pretext of "global worming" hoax. If not for the recent revelations about "androgenic warming" fraud and the fight between retarded countries to get the bigger share of America's wealth, then Obama would sign a BINDING Copenhagen treaty, allowing the un-elected World Government (as it was called in several paragraphs of the treaty) to take away earned by Americans money and give it away to the un-civilized countries with very little industrial development. Good thing, the "developing" countries started in Copenhagen fighting each other to get a bigger peace of the un-dead yet America's body, so as a result there was no legally binding treaty YET. Otherwise if the Democratic socialist in the Congress would ratify the treaty during the lame-duck session (in addition to their other crimes against American people), then Americans would have no way out of the ratified treaty unless ALL the country that signed the treaty would agree to stop robbing America and let us go free from such a treaty. Treaty for us– a free treat for them, so there'd be less than zero chance to get out of chains Obama wanted to chain us in Copenhagen.

You see, the higher the level of bureaucracy, the worse it gets for the people, the less freedom, the less self-regulation with the feedback loop– the worse totalitarianism gets. So, the first 2 enemies of American people's we must defeat are the Washington, DC and the UN. The US under next president must leave the totalitarian snake nest called UN ASAP, and people's real representatives in the next Congress must pass meaningful Constitutional Amendments reducing FOR GOOD size, scope, powers and the budget of the federal government -ideally to about 1% of today's monstrosity. Yes, I repeat, ideally we should slush about 99% of the federal government, and also in a lesser degree we need to decrease the size and powers of the lesser enemies of the people, the lower levels of the government. How close to the ideal 99% reduction in the feds powers we will get depends on the amount of true freelovers, real conservatives in the next Congress and it depends on their understanding of the gravity of the catasrophic situation, why and how we got into this mess, and how to summon our savior– the freedom, the Free Market, the original American Constitution. And we can do it only now, when Husein Obama pushed so hard with his totalitarization that rude awakening of Americans might for the 1st time in 100 years push the totalitarians back. Last 100 years since 1913 the enemy, the government kept encroaching into people's sovereign territory, nibbling away freedom after freedom, bit by bit, thus, worsening demographics, economy and moral values of America. The silent majority minded their own business, didn't want to have anything to do with the dirt of politics, and hence we ended up ruled by our inferiors. Now America woke up and it has a last chance to regain the freedom from the government, to return power to the people. It's whether November or never! If the Washington, DC will managed to keep its power under the excuse of "reiging in" itself, then America will pass the point of no return and will folow the suicidal path of Europe: accelerating process of totalitarization from Nanny State statism to socialistic "paradise" and finally to islamic hell.

So, let's sum up: the govenment stemms up from bureaucracy as its worst form. Government is an extreme and most virulent form of bureaucracy because it has the weakest feedback loop from US, THE PEOPLE, from the end-users.

Mode of government's action: Rob Peter to pay Paul.

Government is a parasite, it can create nothing. All it does is taking from the place it needed more, waste most of the money, and invest the leftover to where it needed the least. Statist and their pseudo-scientist servants Keynesians pee in their pants shouting excitedly: "For each dollar the government invests there is 1.7 dollars return!". Only delusional redistributionists with direct and vested interest in a Big Government might swallow that crap. Government has no dollars because it is a parasite. Government takes your hard earned bucks and "invests" in a worst possible way. Depending where you invest your dollars in a private market, you would get 4–5 times more, if the government wouldn't steal your money. In Michigan pompous government "job creation" program resulted in net decrease of employment. Why? Because the government doesn't have a clue and it cannot have a clue: only wonderful self-regulating mechanisms of the Free Market can determine where, when and how much of investment, technology and manpower is needed. So, when the stupid government interferes wasting our money, it distorts the balances, messes us the self-regulation, worsens utilization of resources and inevitably worsens the outcome. As more active the government is as more damage it does. Life is built out of paradoxes. When a professional politician (who loves his country for money) gets a pork barrel to his constituency using our money, you think at least he/she does them a favor? Think twice! A study showed that the pork barrel money , again, distorts the self-regulating mechanism of the local free market, hurts local business and DECREASES local employment and in the long run does more harm than good (not mentionins other regions whose money these life-long politicians like the liberal Teddy Bear Kennedy steal). That's why the government must have almost no power, almost no money, and the politicians must be paid only symbolical salary (just like during Founding Fathers old good times) during their only allowed 2 terms. The officials, both elected and non-elected, must come for 4–8 years, fulfill their constituency orders and leave for good rather than forming ruling political class, professional career politicians, elitist establishment. When there will be no money, no power, no benefits with heavy duty taksks to accomplish-then only real patriots will be willing to spend 4–8 years of their lives truly serving the people. As of today those "public servants" play public's masters, they determine themselves how much to be paid, how big their benefits are, and after serving may be just 2 years they get the payments and the benefits for the rest of their lives. May be, the Constitution should specify that an official cannot have salary more than triple average American early income. May be, then they will have more incentives to improve our incomes rather than just stealing our money.

Power corrupts, no power– no corruptions, and let the Free Market save us from the power and money greedy crooks in governments, legislatures and courts.

All forms of bureaucracy, including government, share certain similarities. I will mention just a few of them, and you can add much more yourselves. I will refer to all bureaucrats as "they", while describing those enemies of freedom, the enemies of the people "at work".

a) They ignore presumption of innocence, they treat all of us as "guilty unless proven otherwise", which gives us an opportunity to challenge 100% of bureaucracy mandates from corporations to the states and federal levels as un-Constitutional (given the courts are not completely taken over by our enemies, by the freedom-hating "progressives");

b) They trust no one, they respect no one, they try to take a decision making powers from us completely; they assume that they are superior to you while you are a sheep to be guided by the "enlightened" bureaucrats;

c) Thus, they micromanage everything more and more, pushing more and more sticks in the wheels of self-regulation until they block all the processes of development to the point of deadlock;

d) They put totallay unnecessary burden of regulations, tasks, paper work on the shoulders of 100% of us in the futile attempt to single out very few bad apples. They punish 100% of innocent us frequently letting slip away the real culprits. (For example, disparmig only law-abiding citizens instead of criminals, whom they never will be able to disarm, which inevitably worsens violent crime rate. They demand exhaustive paperwork from all health workers claiming to prevent narcotics sell, which prevents nothing but steals time from the actual patient's care. Those damn bureaucrats demand even to return empty vials from propofol, toradol and the like (medicines that have zero abuse potential) wasting our time for bureaucrats paper care instead of patient care). The best thing that can happen to quality of medical care is if 100% of those federal, state, municipal and corporate bureaucrats would just disappear and the health care workers, doctors and nurses, would help the patients make decisions rather that damn bureaucrats make decisions for patients, doctors, nurses, health insurers and hospitals.

e) They feed on the paper, they generate piles and mountains of papers themselves, but demand us to generate even more to imitate activity and to justify the bureaucracy existence. Thus, they slow down the process, they worsen productivity of the system, they diminish useful outcome, they worsen efficiency of the manpower and hence hurt the country. The country would be 90% better if 90% of the bureaucrats would be fired for good and their positions eliminated (unfortunately, we cannot eliminate 100% of them, but 90% would be great). They could pick some garbage in the parks though– it'd be at least some use of them;

f) They use as an excuse any unfortunate event (that inevitably happens from time to time due to the law of big numbers in the natural course of events), any mishaps, any real, perceived or created by the bureaucrats "crisis", "emergency", "catastrophe" and the like to justify their further power grab, to worsen the avalanch of mandates and regulations and to tighten their control over their subjects with consequent worsening of economy, society life and general wellbeing within their reach until it is overloaded and collapses;


g) They are totally blind to the unintended consequences of their actions that happen in 100% of all bureaucracy interventions; their vision is a tunnel vision, they don't understand that everything in this world is interconnected and interrelated; that any action sends reverberations like a waves when you throw a stone in the pond. Their brain functions (should I say "malfunctions") mechanically, according to the formal logics, just like a robot's "brain", they are unable to grasp the whole picture, the process in development, in dynamics.

h) They always hurt those whom they claim to protect or to represent. If their "patrons" in a particular action/law are losers, parasites and trash, then they give them "short term gain for long term pain". If their "clientelle" in a particular case are decent people then they give them "short term pain and long term pain". They never get in practice the concept of the free market development that creates "short term pain for long term gain". Why they actively neglect it? Because free market proves time after time that more that 90% of those bureaucrats are harmful to the country, not just unnecessary. Of course, they subconsciously are in a state of denial.

j) They typically act on superficial assumptions basis against common sense, ignoring the laws of nature, including humans' nature, the laws of self-regulated processes with the feed back loop, including free market;

i) They are hell-bent on controlling you and couldn't care less about end-results. They just hide under the carpet everything that contradicts their views and exposes their practices as the faulty ones;

k) They have delusional way of thinking that their mere administrative powers somehow give them magical (low level bureaucracy) or divine (the government, especially the federal level) powers that can override the laws of nature;

l) They are sure that might makes right;

m) They falsely assume that their highly specialized education (knowing everything about nothing) somehow make them smarter than others, than "end-users", just because regular folks don't possess deep knowledge of the bureaucrat's particular field. They don't realize that actually opposite is true: regular folks have common sense and the real life experiences while those "ivory tower" specialists lose they common sense and step on the same rakes time after time. Thus, they keep worsening their micromanagement until they ruin everything to the point of collapse;

n) Judging by the current balance of "risk-benefit ratio" of the Big Government where negatives outwegh positives approximately 100:1 then we, the people, need to cut down permanently current size, scope and budget of all levels of government, especially feds, by about 99%. This should possibly yeald roughly the same 99% improvement in the efficiency of the economy, quality of life and it should save our freedom from the government for many more generations to come. If the next Congress will be not enough conservative, strong and understanding to weaken our enemy government by 99% then the gains will be smaller and the squid of the government will regenerate cut off tenticles faster. Each % of weakening of our enemy government is good as it makes country freer and more prosperous, but as bigger the government cuts as better. Size matters. Even more important-to prevent the hydra of government regrowing its tenticles. Say, we, the people reduce government size, scope and budget by 50%– the improvement will be at least 50% but leaving many government offices open means they will start growing back right away. You cannot reform and make "user friendly" your enemy by definition, you can only subdue it if you reduce its power by 99% and chain it down by the Constitution chains. If govenrment chained– you are free, if government broke free– you are chained by "chains be can believe in". There is no 3rd way– it's whether we, the people win and chain the government-or the government wins and chains us. Half-measures will give only temporary relief leaving to our enemy government opportunities to regroup and to grab more powers from us, the people later on. We are bound together like Harry Potter and Voldermort except we cannot completely eliminate each other. If a government completely obliterates the people like communists tried to do in Campuchia then there are no sheep to rule. If we, the people eliminate 100% of the government then we descend into anarchy, chaos with ensuing dictatorship. So, keeping permanently only 1% of the government is a nice compromise. Besides, if we, the people learn from the experience that we actually need to keep 1.5% of today's government– hey, it's always easier to throw more food to the beast than to take it back from the feeding monster. Expect really tough fight in the Congress next year when conservative patriots in Congress will try to put the boot on the throat of Congress itself. It's an uphill battle, and it can be won only if there is enough freedom-lovers in Congress and if the reform is complete and comprehensive (including 100% elimination of the professional career politicians class by Constituional 2 term limitation to any government official, elected or not, and to all ever passed by the Congress laws). Impeaching tripple-enemy of America Obama in early 2011 and medically excluding half-brainer Biden would definitely help save America by taking away the power of veto from the hands of the enemies of the people.

o) They push our country towards fiscal catastrophe, especially if they are backed by the hostile ideology such as socialist labor unions. Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security get a lot of negative attention as an example fiscal recklessness– and justly so, because the government collect our money reportedly for the programs, but then immediately embezzles it for other reckless spending, and when it's time to pay the debts– the government robs the new generation taxpayors again to pay off the government debts. However, the majority of unfunded government liabilities come the state and municipal levels where the socialist unions twist arms and get unearned money/benefits. Total amount is estimated to over 100 trillion dollars versus "only" 14 trillion dollar Obama's deficits. Some municipalities in California have 75% of their budget as payment to those unfunded liabilities. Previously illegal collective bargaining must be returned to the status "against the law", we must let the governments of all levels go bancrupt and pay a cent per dollar of unfunded liabilities to avoid full scale financial collapse of the country. Of course, these socialist labor unions pay bribes to politicians in order to keep the opportunity to rob the country, and Obama was one of their biggest recipients.

Well, you get the idea– the bureaucrats are our enemies by definition from the corporations to the government levels, and our task (however difficult it is) is to cut them down to 1% both amount of offices and available positions and to pay them according to the end results, whenever it's feasible. A bureaucrat was supposed to process a 1,000 application a month but processed only 100? He/she gets only 10% of the paycheck. As higher the level ob bureaucracy is as worse the outcome, as more enemies they are. So, the people should be aware that so far there are virtually no tangible benefits from the federal level of the government (which means it's time to close down ALL the feds offices, leaving open only 10% of CIA, 5% of FBI and 1% of the State Department), very little from the state governments (let's be generous and keep open 20% of them), and some benefits from the municipalities (alright, will close down only 70% of their offices). Reagan wasn't a revolutionary, he realized the limitations imposed by the full of people's enemies Democratically controlled Congress and by the public insuficient understanding of the powers of freer market. Reagan just reduced a little bit choking government grasp, decreased weight of the government shackles on the market's feet and it was good enough to create additional 30 trilion $ using the same resources. Hard to imagine benefits to all of us if 99% of the government shackles on our feet would be removed– America would immediatelly stop losing its leadship position in the world in all aspects. But Obama and his socialists in the Congress want just opposite-they want to reduce America to the 3rd world country because from their view America sets a dangereous for them expample that people do much better without coercion of "their betters", of the self-appointed "enlightened" elite, with minimal government, just like it was in America 200 years ago. Freedom and and first of all free market made America great, and it will make America even greater if we,the people will restore original Constitutions with ensuing liberties. Restoring Constitution means eliminating 99% of today's government size, scope and budget along with creating extra safety features to minimize risk of another power grab by hostile ideologies and by the Big Government, the people's enemy.
