полная версияAmerica under enemy rule and the world as it is

Антон Николаевич Геля
America under enemy rule and the world as it is

Полная версия

How to improve the education and to stop the assembly lines of the anti-Americans? Exactly reverse mechanism: privatization of education, starting with closing down all federal education offices, that will remove the 92% anti-American “educators” from cover up by the feds. It will expose them to the Free Market forces that will eliminate all educational fraud and will keep in busines only real educators that will educate our kids rather than indoctrinate them.

Public servants: All these totalitarian “progressive educators” actively encourage their brainwashed zombie graduate to pursue the “public servant “ career, which means “infiltrate the power structures!!”. All these lawyers, politologists, journalists with permanent “progressive” brain damage go to the government and rule us, destroying everything that is good in America.

Special interest and “civil rights” groups: Well, you already know enough to figure it out for yourself– the totalitarians infiltrate and highjack any public or government entities that promise influence, power and position to form the false and perverted “progressive” public perception, public opinion.

Government is the bottle neck of the totalitarianism:

All kinds of the totalitarians use the coercive powers of government to impose their will on the population, to hurt the society and eventually to destroy the country. Big and strong government is the universal tool of the enemies of the people, of enemies of freedom, just like the Free Market and individual liberties are the universal tools of solving all the world's problems. Without strong government the ruling elite, the enemies of the people cannot impose their will on you. Thus, even though it is worthwhile fighting each and all totalitarian ideologies on their own "merit", exposing them for what they are, but it is by far more important and practical to minimize the powers of a government as their universal instrustrument of coercion. Those naive freedom-lovers who hope they can use the same instrument of government to protect the freedom are wrong: the government is a monster that has a mind on its own. No matter what your good intentions are– any well meaning laws is distorted by the government and eventually start serving exactly opposite from the original purpose. Besides, according to the law of unintended consequences, any law is an intervention into the self-regulating mechanisms of the society, of economics, thus, the government's "cure" is always worse than the ill it is supposed to "cure". Hence, the minimization of the size, scope, budget and powers of the government is THE ONLY WAY to preserve interrelated individual liberties, freedom (most importantly Free Market), prosperity of the country and individual succes in the pursuit of happiness. Strong government is like a dangerous weapon of mass destruction laying on the road unattended and any passing by scumbag is free to pick it up and to use against us, the people. Keep your enemy by definition, your government small and weak and on a short leash. The dragon of the government must fear us, the people – then and only then there is liberty.

Totalitarian slipery-slope:

Totalitarians always use a nice sounding and on the first glance rationally looking baits to entice the people to initial step on the totalitarian slippery slope path. The key is: does it use the government as an instrument of "fixing" true or made up problem? Does it increase government's size, powers, budget and the scope? If the answer is "YES" to ANY of those questions– then KILL THE BILL! It will never "solve" the problem, but instead it inevitably will create innumerous other unintended problems, and most important– it's a beginning of the self-destructive path to the national suicide, a totalitarian slippery slope to the dead end of the civilization. We saw it in the Euro-Zoo, and we don't want to kill America too. Paradoxically may it sound but it is always true. You want to improve economy through the government actions? It will kill the country. You want to save nature and poor darling animals via the govenment laws? It will kill the country. You want to improve the education, especially for the poor kids, using the government's run public education? It will kill the country. The list is endless. How come? Because any government action in fact (not in empty words) serves only one purpose: the further power grab. When the government action inevitably results in more problems than it "solved"– obviously, government can claim that it takes more government and more taxes "to solve" the problems that previous government actions created, and the more power government has-easier to commit another power grab. Power and money, money and power-that's all any government is about. And the chain reaction continues– the government grabs more people's power and money, as a snow ball. Meanwhile inherently totalitarian leftist media will cover up for the Big Government failures, distorting and misinterpreting truth, hiding information and the like. MSM also need Big Government to impose their delusional agendas of "social engineering, social justice" and similar mad schientist crap. The society can and should mainly be self-governed using moral code, ethics, traditions, wisdom of ages and citizens associations and societies. Government should serve only as 911 service when there is an emergent lapse, when the threat exceeds what this person (or group) can handle. Majority of crimes are already prevented when criminals know that any home can be armed. In disarmed by the government states and cities (Washington, DC, NYC, Chicago) disarmed citizens cannot prevent crimes and the criminals know it. So, in those cities factual cooperation between the criminals and the government boosts the crime rate sky high. But the government doesn't care– as an enemy of the people the government's main goal is to disarm the people.

In a similar way leftist totalitarians recruit young rebelious minds in the universities. There is a massive highjacking of all "noble " causes by the "progressive" enemies of the people. They find attractively looking baits for everyone, but joining any of the highjacked by the totalitarian "progressives" so called "noble causes" will inevitably bring them to the voting booth of the infiltrated by the totalitarians Democrats gang, of the enemies of America. Same slippery slope to the national suicide in the end of the road, even though it sounds paradoxically. One wants to be a vegetarian? Sounds funny, but majority of them will end up voting for the "progressive" enemies of the people. Want to save bunnies and kitties, so the new medicines will be tested on you and your children instead of animals? Then you help the Democ-rats to kill the Constitution and economy instead. Decided to join the special interest groups that give unfair advantages to minorities (which falsely called themselves "human right activists")? The you help ruining free market and "you get what you earned" fairness, slaying the goose of the Free Market that lays golden eggs, and as a result the whole country gets poorer. Only Free Market, slowly but surely, can balance out tendencies and optimize the outcome.

Totalitarians apparently are unable to comprehend that "simpletons, sheep, morons" Americans make better decisions regarding their own affairs than arrogant "progressive" elite despite their higher education and seemingly sharp wits. "Progressives" are in denial of the fact that each one of 300 million Americans knows about his/her affairs more than anyone in the world, that thay have direct incentives and potentially both negative and positive feedback loop, so they have the highest chance to make a right decision than any bureaucrat in Washington, DC or in the state capital. Besides, if one American screws up– he/she screws up only him/herself, while when Screwer-up-in-Chief inevitably screws up– he screws up the whole world. Whatever government does– it does it wrong, From scientific point of view it is impossible for a government to make a right move because government has no or weak feedback loop, thus, whatever it does– it distorts and hinders the only possible mechanism of optimization of the complex systems in the dynamic stability state– self-regulation with the tight feedback loop. The situation is even worse when the government is infiltrated by "progressive" totalitarians because they are blinded by their ideology; they see distorted by the lense of political correctness picture of the world; they view reality via partisan prysm and then they try to analyze already distorted "reality" picture using false psychological stereotypes in their brain. Reality never conforms to their distorted vision of the world, so they just ignore or hide reality and they attack anyone who dares to show them the truth.

The extreme dangers of "moderate" politicians.

This danger is the result of persisting myths of possibility of the "bipartisanship" and of the improperly applied sayng "the truth is somewhere in the middle ground". So, what is the middle ground between the rapist and the raped? There are things that are black and white, there are barricades that you have to choose the sides, to be on the side of the good, of freedom, of friends of America or on the side of evil, of totalitarianism, of the people's enemies. As you know, 43% of Americans identify themselves as conservative friends of America while only 20% are "progressive" liberal enemies of America. The rest are so called "moderates", which usually means potential conservative friends of the people but heavily confused by the 96% leftist MSM propaganda. When the elections come then 96% "progressive" MSM intensify their propaganda, trying to influence the selection of candidates process even in the freedom-lovers camp, amongst conservatives. MSM essencially does the same pre-selection of candidates as Iranian mullahs do. All totalitarians are the same, whether "progressive" Left or islamofascists: they never argue about the essence (where they will lose) but they always commit a character assassination, the smearing campaign, in order to eliminate ALL candidates that will likely offer a meaningful reforms, that will push the balance towards more freedom = less government in order to return power to the people. MSM singles out and denigrates all core freedom-lovers, all true conservatives, trying to eliminate them and replace with neutered "moderates" before elections, before the candidates are offered to the people to choose from. Why? Because "moderate" means half-conservative friends and half-"progressive" enemies of the people, of the freedom with the net result of zero. In politics as in in physics the vector of forces is the net result of the forces pushing in all directions. When equal 2 forces push in opposite directions, then the net result is zero. Castrated and neutered by MSM "moderate conservatives" will do nothing to restore original American Constitution, original limited government and unlimited popular sovereignty, they will try to preserve existing status quo, which is dangerous Almighty & Alintrusive Government, runaway government waste and sliding towards suicidal Euro-socialism path America. Meanwhile the leftist "progressive" Democrats will keep pushing towards more government = less freedom, as they do since 1913. 96% of MSM factually are the propaganda branches of the Democrat party. Despite fluctuations, the main trend that we witness since 1913 is continuous shift towards the Left, towards more goverment = less freedom and less prosperity. Even 10 years ago America generated a third of the world's GDP but because of the wrosening problem of too much government and not enough free market now it generates less than a quater. Political pendulum seems to fluctuate every election cycle between the right and the left, between the freedom lovers and haters, between core conservatives and extreme "progressives", but in the end of the day it keeps getting worse, it still shifts to the left, towards more government = less freedom & prosperity. So, therefore the conservative voters must listen carefully to the people's enemies in 96% of MSM and do exactly opposite. Conservatives must select the core freedom lovers, the most conservative and libertarian candidates that WILL push the balance towards more freedom, more power to the people, more prosperity, which means as less government as possible. Don't let our enemy "progressives" in MSM neuter and castrate the list of potential candidates, reducing it only to the bleating RINOs that cannot counterattack the "progressive" enemies of the people. For example, one of the few true freedom-lovers that understand the dangers of the Big Government as a universal weapon of totalitarians of all kinds is Nevada's Sharon Angles that poised to kick out Washington, D. C. freedom-hater Harry Reid. So, our enemies in MSM try to present her as an "extremist" while in fact the 20% "progressive" liberal minority are extremists while 43% conservative freedom-lovers represent the biggest group in America with many potential allies amongst confused by MSM "moderates". Conservatism IS the mainstream in America while "progressivism" is an extreme, and don't let our enemies in the leftist MSM confuse us. Half of FoxTV staff are conservative friends of the people, which was enough to defeat in competition other networks, while other networks are full of the leftist totalitarian "progressives" with amount of freedom-loving friends of the people next to zero. Fortunately, today only 22–23% of Americans trust MSM and many look for a truth in the internet at such sites as That's why Obama's regime wants to control internet too in order to deprive American people of any objective information, just like is the case in the suicidal Euro-socialism soft totalitarianism system where 100% of information is filtered to conform to the falsehood of political correctness. Even though there are only 20% of the "progressive" totalitarians in the US but they infiltrated all power structures, both formal (100% in the White House, majority in the Congress, half of the judiciary and 96% in MSM) and informal (they have highjacked majority of higher education institutions, public organizations, associations, movements and so forth). That's how the enemies wield unproportional to their number influence, that's how the "progressive" totalitarians dictate to the majority of the American people how to think and what to do. Enemies of freedom in MSM and in other branches of the Democrat gang are afraid that if and when the critical mass of true core-freedom lovers is reached in power structures then they WILL achieve the goal of less government = more ffreedom & prosperity for America. The Left hates free and prosperous people, they love poor beggars and they want to keep them that way in order to get votes, power and money.


So, if a candidateis 90% conservative and 10 % "liberal", then the net result is that he/she is 90–10=80% friend of freedom = friend of the people. When a Democratic candidate is 90% "progressive" totalitarian and 10 % conservative, then the sum is 90–10=80% enemy of the people. A "moderate" candidate means 50–50=0%: they are neither fish nor foultry, neither firends nor enemies of the people-just an empty bubble. So, they will not stand up to protect the people, the freedom to make decisions for ourselves, but those "moderates" will take away votes from the true freedom-lovers, true conservatives and libertarians, thus, making it impossible to restore original American Constitution, original limited government and original liberties.

So, don't let our enemies in MSM dictate the list of candidates eliminating all those brave ones (such as Sharron Angle of Nevada)who offer a real meaningful government cuts (at least 50% although ideal would be 99% of the government cuts in size, scope , powers and budget) and restoration of the Constitution. Select and elect only MOST CONSERVATIVE candidates at all levels of the power structures! Our goal is not to put GOP statists back in the feeding ground in Washington, DC and around the country but rather to restore original Constitution, which means to slash radically powers of the necessary evil, of our enemy government, and to chain down for good our enemy government by the chains of Constitutional Amendments. Hence, the paramount is not quantity of seats but quality of the candidates, not electability but decisiveness and un-selfishness of the legislators because RINOs ultimately will again betray us, the people; they will discredit GOP and turn away votes of the conservative freedom-lovers. So far Sarah Palin is the true leader of the nation in these matters, she is the Kingmaker of the future conservative majority in the Congress, she lays grounds to make resurrection of American Constitution possible. With the help of the waking up conservative mainstream America and its conscience– the true patriots of the Tea Party movement, Sara Palin has captured hearts of the freedom-lovers just like Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh cuptured their minds. So, the goal is not to get the maximum possible amount of seats (which automatically means sucrificing the quality of the representatives ) in the Congress (and in all other branches of the government at all levels), but to elect as many as possible true representatives of the conservative mainstream, the real freedom fighters that have guts to gut out our enemy Almighty Government. The cause of freedom needs fighters in the Congress, not seats.

Better fewer but better! And it's November or never!

The freedom-lovers' camp can afford telling the truth because it's pretty straight forward– they have nothing to hide. Conservatives say everything as as it is : you get what you deserve, what you earned. You work hard? Get rich. You work so-so? Expect the earnings to be the same way. You are a lazy parasite? Then get to work or eat shit and die. A government is an universal instrument of coercion by totalitarians but conservatives need only freedom, they don't need Almighty Nanny State, they need a small and accountable government because they rely on the objective laws of nature, on self-regulation with feedback loop, on free market magic.

By the same token, totalitarians cannot afford telling the truth even to themselves, they just must tell lies in order to survive. That's why the "progressives" developed state of the art deception, demagoguery and and self-delusion techniques and skills. Can you imagine "progressive" Democrat saying "The result of the Democrat's policy will be ruined economy, losing American leadership in the world, thus, more wars and conflicts around the world, more beggars and losers in the US, less free and prosperous folks because we want more votes for the Democrats from the losers, more money from your pocket and more power on your account. Besides, in the long run the Democrats' policy will kill the country-it will ruin demographics below survival level, then we will waste all you retirement saving, and in order to pay you back at least penny for a dollar we will rob your children and grandchildren to the point of fiscal crisis. And, by the way, we will encourage by all means the islamization of America that will wipe out all non-Muslims from the face of the Earth". Hmm…what do you think– how many votes the Democrats will secure if they tell the truth? Zero? Well, then they must lie, they must develop their deceiving skills to the state of art and the demagoguery to the point that Hitler's propaganda minister Ghoebbels would cry in envy and jealoucy. And that's exactly what the totalitarians do– just like blood sucking lawyers they can prove that wrong is right and right is wrong, and because they hold a nearly 100% monopoly in MSM, Hollywood and amongst the educators, brainwashed by the colleges "intelligentsia", lawyers and politicans then there is nearly no one to object, to tell the truth.

Crisis of 1921 was worse than crisis of 1929, but in 1921 the government did not interfere, hence, the Free Market had a chance to take care of that and the crisis was over in just 18 months. However, in 1929 our enemy government did interfere and, of course, messed everything up– the crisis lasted over a decade, "thanks" in lesser degree to statist Hoover and mainly to the "progressive" FDR. Now Obama goes exactly the same pathway– statist Bush used government "to solve" the problems and he caused lesser damage while "progressive" radical Obama inherited mild recession and he shaped it first into depression, and now Obama is trying to make a Great Depression out if current crisis in order to accomplish his ambitious goals of dismantling America and Free Market around the world. (Inherited by Obama recession according to the "Misery Index" was twice easier than the one Reagan inherited from the Democrats, but Reagan fixed the problems in several months, using magic of the Free Market, while Obama stabbornly keeps destroying economy which makes me think it is exactly Obama's purpose to destroy America.) Free Market has empirically proven time after time that it works miracles while socialism, statism or totalitarian redistributionism of any other kind have failed time after time. Whether totalitarians are delusional to ignore the reality, or, worse, they don't give a damn for ruining the country– all they want is power, our money and "feeling good about themselves" based on empty words of "caring for the unfortunate ones"). Either way we should NEVER let the Democrats govern us. All we should keep the "progressive" Democrats for is to ask them under the lie detector what we should do and to do exactly opposite. The "progressives" have amazing direction senses– they push towards exactly opposite direction from what the people needs. Actually, it's not that suprising– they are enemy of the people, after all. They what's enemies do-suggest only wrong things. Certainly, the Democratic party has a chance to purge itself from the totalitarians, and then it might become a friend of the people, but as of todays the Democrats' gang is a force of evil.

Only in the blogosphere one can find independant views, un-reported or under-reported by the leftist MSM information. MSM in 96% represent only totalitarian views of the freedom-haters, of the enemies of the people. That's why many bloggers call CNN-Crescent Net Work; NPR=National Palestinian Radio; El Reuter; AP= Associated (with terrorists) Press, and the like. Conservatives must break totalitarian "progressive" monopoly in MSM, they must create alternative News Agency, TV stations, Movie studios and enhance the existing buds (half-conservative Fox, MPI studio and the like). In instances where the information market is exposed to free competition (talk-radio) then the freedom lovers, the conservatives decisively win. Where leftist totalitarians have virtual monopoly (Hollywood, TV, newspapers, art, entertainment) then only politically correct lies are the only available dish. No one in a sound mind would trust the immoral crazy Hollywood freaks to nurture their child. However, somehow Americans were misled into voting for the darling of the same entertainment industry "stars", basically giving to the chosen by those freaks Obama to babysit the whole country.


If you are tired of the serous or even grave dangers of the "progressive" totalitarianism, hanging over the country, then let's have a laugh for a minute. Here's my scenario for a movie. It's like a parody to those beloved by the Left conspiracy theories where busy businesmen get distracted from their multibillion business and risk all the treasures of their successful lives for the sake of shooting some poor people on the streets. How probable, indeed! Majority of the street murderers in jails must be successful CEOs, right? The script is outlined here: Unholy alliance of totalitarians, including Soviet Communists and super-totalitarian Saudi Islamofascists concocted a plot. They decided that Americans in 2008 are enough brainwashed by the 100 years of the relentless "progressive" propaganda of moral relativity, "social justice" in the Left's meaning, enforced multiculturalism and blinding political correctness to vote for their enemy, for the Manchurian candidate, for the Affirmative Action President. The MSM promised to provide with the color filter: it would show red and green colors as black, so they could present the leftist Red and pro-Muslim green President as a black one. The Chosen by the totalitarians One would be hidden in a Trojan horse of totalitarianism, and he would saboteer America from within. They picked 24 years old Mr. Ahmed Banana and started the thorough and meticulous training process. On a made in 80s laser printer they printed for him an irrefutable birth right that says: "This is to certify that today, the April the Fools Day of 1961, was born a future President of the Great Satan reincarnation called THEM (not US) on its micro-territory of Micro-nesian islands, herewith witnessed by the great citizens of the world and community organizers F. Castrato and Mao Ze-dang". The Marxists have trained him in Indonesia while the Saudis have subsidized their pick in this joint venture. Then the co-conspirators have smuggled Mr. Banana into the unsuspecting US in a provided by Al-Quaida an old container innocently labelled "Biological weapon Lenin for the Russian Empire. Made in Germany, 1917". Then Arabian crown-prince of West Subduedia named Al-nudee-ad-din had him go to the Anti-American Harvest Boosting University through his aide, who before conversion to Islam was known as John Smith, but now as Dr. Halid-al-Bolid-al-Asteroid (or simply Dr. Ha !), who asked his well-connected friend Mr. Soothingtone to push Mr. Banana to the university, which he did. The paid by the prince studies culminated in Mr. Banana's PhD thesis "How to unilaterally disarm America and turn it into the UN bureaucracy protectorate territory", which unfortunaly had to be hidden as it exposed the master-plan prematurely. As a very appreciative man, since then Mr. Banana kisses hand of the king of West Subduedia every time he meets him even after sneaking into the White House. As a token of gratitude to the Marxists, Mr. Banana signed a treaty with Russia named FA (Finish America) and also surrendered America's independant financial system to the European socialist consortium where America will have only 1 vote out of 20. It was decided in the basement of the former Al Capone building that Mr. Banana will be appointed as a President of the US by the Left after gaining some experience in the mobster community organizing. 1st job was given to him by a hardened terrorist turned distinguished educator One-eyed-Bill (he lost his eye alond with a dozen of his girlfriends in a failed attempt to bomb WTC– a mission that later was accomplished by his friend Never-been-Laiden. Unlike damaged by 9/11 St. Nicholas Church, Bad Weather Underground bombing site is protected now as a historic site). Before sneaking into the White House, Mr. Banana has spent a while learning sophisticated leftist and islamofascist deception techniques, code word system where every word means exactly opposite. He also made a lot of friends in anti-American gangs subsidized by the Geofge Assos Thornos and the Congress such as "Vote Trading Ars-Korn", with black racists Jeopardy Wrong and Lousy HUrricane, who indoctrinate Him with a lot of freshly brewed "Hate America" potions. He was also befriended by many other prominent America haters around the world, who helped him buy a WH real estate. For further disguise he changed his name several times (for example, Ahmed for Steve), as later did many other jihadis in Mumbai. Now he had money backing of Assos Thornos, but fruits like banana lack brains, so another hating America brain named Evil Axisrod volunteered happily and guided Banana how to trick Americans. He organized an election campaign undet the slogan: "Yes, we can– we can trick all the people all the time!" Another slick trick of Axis Evilrod was to play on greed like in advertising "You get FREE one dollar…if you waste 10 dollar on our product", so he promised a bribe to 95% of Americans from their own pocket, if they will be stupid enough to elect him. He played the greed well, and the trick "Money for nothing, cheques for free" worked, and common sense didn't warn Americans that "The only free cheese is in the mousetrap". Banana thought of asking help from the America-hating MSM (main stream monopoly) but turned out they eagerly volunteered themselves because 96% of the journalists were also totalitarian freedom haters. Another lazy Wall-Street speculator named U. S. Sorrow spent millions dollars buying ahead ot time important for the elections positions of Secretary of States in Oi-High-Oi and Moonshine-Soda along with positions in the election committees. This investment paid back well in electing many Senators (such as Mr. Frankenstein Jr and Mr. Banana himself). Mr. U. S. Sorrow made short bets in the so hated by him stock market and made big bucks on the organized by him destruction of America, readily admitting "I'm having a very good crisis!". Of course, there were crowds of all kinds of America's enemies helping him to purchase the Whitish House and to rename it into the Red Crescent House: dictator from Biliary Javahiria named Muaze Fuaki, tyrant from Swine-Swella called Hugie People-Chewie, peacelovers from Bloody-Humus-Brotherhood and many others. After renovations with the US symbols on the carpet they kept visiting the Oval cabinet just to have pleasure of rubbing their shoes over the America's symbols on the carpet. With the help of America's enemies all around the world, Mr. Banana started his transformation program, using the US as a playdough to shape it into a "socialist paradise of Grease" first and then an "islamofascist hell" of So-malign. Transformation in to the Banana Red Crescent Republic required the destruction of all foundation of America: remapping 50 states into 57, proclaiming Founding Fathers "the right wing extremests", hiring Con-artists to call for Constitutional Convention (in short, Con-Con) to replace the "right wing extremists" America Constitution with Amerika Transformation-to-Hell Constitution, to change a flag to green with 57 red crescents and with something in Arabic (probably, Allahu Akbar). To reboot the updated version of the Constitution there was a need in the Banana Red Crescent Revolutionary Guards, and the troops were borrowed from the Lousy Hurricane. To remind about importance of the security in society, the personal Banana's army was called "The Social Security troops", or in short the SS troopers. Unfortunately for the enemies of America, started by Mr. Banana's civil war was rudely interrupted by the military, loyal to the outdated version of the Constitution and to the old spelling of America.
