полная версияAmerica under enemy rule and the world as it is

Антон Николаевич Геля
America under enemy rule and the world as it is

Полная версия

Mr. Banana was sent to the rotating exile to the countries that inspired him so much – half year in North Korea as a personal friend of the dictator Chophead-So-ill and another half year in Sudden Barbaria as a secretary of the royal family. All 50 States seceded from Washington, DC, which was sawed off of the continent and pushed to the Atlantic ocean along with all career politicians, blood sucking lawyers and "progressive" liberals. Newly formed federal government was relocated to Alaska, it was about 0.1% of the Banana's government with the budget slightly below Wassila's budget and with equally harmless powers, and the new Snow House and De-Capitol were covered with ornament of the words of wisdom:" The good government is the one that governs as less as possible", "Government is never a solution, government always IS the problem", "Government is a necessary evil", "Power to the people, not to people's enemy government", "Better to be rich in unequal degree than equally poor", "Free, prosperous and viable society can consist of only free and prosperous people", "Emotions based policy is always a bad policy, the evidence based policy is a good one", "Road to hell is paved with good intentions", "The Right is always right, the Left is always wrong" and the like. Happy end. All the millions of dollars for the scenario I shall donate to the freedom causes.

Health care deterioration, set up by the Democ-rats.

As you know, the medical care quality in America is the best in the world, as proved by the cancer results and availability of the hightec gadgets to the public, although the health care is not the best because too many Americans choose to drink, smoke, eat unhealthy and shoot each other, which has nothing to do with the medical care quality. However, the leftist distort the truth and try to make impression that Euro-socialism is a better option despite the facts (European governments are better only in hiding the truth about their trashy medical care system and manipulating statistics like not counting stillbirth and premature babies death in children mortality). But the Left doesn't care about truth– it just wants to push through another power grab, more and more government control that kills the nation. On 8–28–2010 I heard usual totalitarian leftist narrative of the health care "reform". It was a very professionally crafted the piece of Goebbels-like propaganda, typicall for the "progressives". As you could expect, the leftist "expert" assistant professor was interviewd by the leftist NPR host that was as biased as the "health care expert", and, of course, with no alternative vews in the absense of any real experts from the real world that would expose the falsehood of the "progressive" fairy tale of the duo. Unsurprisingly, the narrative went smoothly avoiding mentioning of the true side of the story. As expected, there was an abundance of beautifully worded a state of the art demagoguery, endless emotional appeals to the "safety of the patients and the patients' best interests" and the rest of the brainwashing flow, certainly avoiding any serious discussions and the inconvenient facts of real life. Alternative opinion would spoil the pleasant imaginatory story, citing the harsh reality, wouldn't it? The Left prefers nice facades of the Potemkin villages instead. Occasionally the tongue slips were giving away the truth though, hinting on the real goals and motivation behind the facade. As you realize, the totalitarian leftist "expert" couldn't afford the truth, just blurting out "Yes, the Big Government wants to run the 100% of the show, it wants to control everything and every body, so it must destroy the natural existing hierarchy in the medicine: patient-centered team, doctors, nurses and auxillary workers. The Big Government instead wants to install a government-bureaucrats centered system, where everyone else is just a small bolt in the machine, especially hard trying to discredit doctors as natural heads of the health patient-centered care teams. The government wants control and money, and it will do anything to get that. That's why the "expert" , as all the "progressive" elitists do, was using fancy wards like "relationship coordination" in order to hide the fact that she meant only the Big Government bureaucrats with no medical education and no license to practise medicine will be bossing around, giving orders to the health care team how to do their job and how much money they can spend on the patient. In the end of the road, those bureaucrats in the death panels will have the license to kill. A chilling prospect of seeing those "James Bonds" on the board. Meantime all the medical staff will be equally reduced to the serfs status (that's the totalitarians', including governments', idea of "equality", based on the "moral relativity"– every one has an "equal" say (a doctor, a nurse, a physotherapist or a drunken genitor), which in practical terms means no one has a say, except our enemy government, usurping the authority to make medical decisions, setting up the costs, the rations and the death panels at bureaucrats' will. Not surprisingly, pro-government "progressive" health care "expert" chose the aviation industry as a model for the health care. Why? Because the airports and the airplanes are Constution-free zones, where the Bill of Rights doesn't work, where 1st and 2nd Constitutional Amendmends are nulled, where the only "laws" are the government bureaucrats' orders. The government negates American Constitution under the pretext of security, but it keeps failing us time after time both in preventing the terrorism and in punishing the Muslim terrorists. The "ball-bomber" was stopped only by the vigilant citizens, not but the government, who only made sure the citizens are disarmed and the terrorist's rights are above all. Obama's regime Mirandized the terrorist, and right away he stopped singing. Now on the expense of the American taxpayers he will be tried in a civil court system where any liberal activist judge can throw away all the charges based on the technicalities– those "progressive" don't care about Americans, all they want is to feel good about themselves, how "noble" they are, protecting all kinds of trash on our expense. When a terrorist tried to highjack an airplane in Mogadisho and pulled out his handgun, surrounding passengers pulled out a dozen of AK-47 and pointed at the highjacker. The attempt was thwarted right away, just like 90% of the crimes in America are prevented by the simple fact that 100 millions of Americans are armed and the criminals know it. Where the government as an enemy of the people decides to disarm the citizens (Washington, DC, Chicago, NYC), then the cities become the murder capitals of the nations, thanks to the government. Now Obama's regime and the totalitarian "progressives" want to turn the Health Care industry into Constituion Free-zone in their a 100 year old drive to gradually turn the whole country into the American Constution-free zone.

Following the government bureaucrats mandates during long surgeries eats up about half time from patients care, wasting it instead for papers care (to justify the bureaucrats existence and to satisfy their lust for control and power). An average case in OR wastes over 50% time for bureaucracy mandated paper work (rather than ideal 0%– any bureaucracy intervention anly makes things worse), which gets even worse now due to the computerization because the bureaucrats want to control every one every single minute. In very short cases in OR about 10% of the time actually is spent for the patient's care while 90% for the paper care to comply with snow ball of the government mandates and regulations. The bureaucracy is the enemy of the patients, wasting majority of the health care workers time for the paper work. Summing up– in the Health Care, just as in any other area, any bureaucracy intervention worsens the outcome, negatively impacts the safety and quality of care, productivity, efficiency and costs for the sake of the further Big Government power and money grab.

Again about the health care in more details, since this was a topic of the hot discussion, after which Obama's regime just shoved to the throats of Americans socialism in medicine majority of Americans didn't want to: yes, it does require a reform, but as always the totalitarian "progressives", the Democrats do exactly opposite from what needed to be done. Even after total defeat of the "progressives" I would keep a couple of them instead of the compass. Conservatives usually are correct, but they occasionally can be wrong too. By the same token, the sencitivity and specificity of the "progressive" Democrat test is full 100% : they always with 100% garantee give an absolutely wrong, exactly opposite from the correct answer. So, if you are not sure, ask the "progressive" Democrat what to do, listen carefully to the answer, and do exactly opposite from what they say. After a couple of times I'd use the lie detector though– they might try to tick you, giving a correct answer. Thus, Obamacare is not salvagable, it's a poison, it must be repealed as a whole and the reform must be started all over again with the exactly opposite measures: removing the government out of the picture, repealing the links of health insurance to the particular employers and particular states, repealing ALL government mandates and regulations, giving the patient a right to decide. Obamacare and any other government run health care, on one hand, creates the rationing to conta n the costs, which worsens the quality of the medical care, but on the other hand, it creates a "chineese buffet" system, where an employer and the employee are interested in using the allocated money, which inevitably drives the costs up. What you are most likely to do when you get "all you can eat for 10 dollars" buffet? Or on the cruise boat? Or in the "all inclusive resort"? You eat as much as you can "because it is free already, it is already paid for". Can you safe the products this way? No! On other hands, if the health insurance means just that-a catastrophic insurance while deductables are big, then you like ordering food in a expensive restaurant, and you will order much less. The open market between insurers in different states (now typically there are only 1–2 big insurers with very little competition due to the lack of the interstate portability In short, without going into too much details, the true and meaningful health care reform must include more patient's choice, full country-wide portability, more competition and true insurance (not covering "all you can eat", but only catastrophic events) with big deductible. And the most important aspect– it must include no government mandates or regulations, we must get the government out of the picture, if we want to improve the quality and reduce the cost– this task can only be done by a Free Market, by the free competition. Young healthy persons will not use mandated by the Obamacare health care "just because it is already paid for", others will order only what they really need. All this Obamacare scheme is just another power grab to control 1/5 more of American economy with worsening but more expensive medical care. (For example, you can read a "Socialized failure" article by John Goodman, "Defeating Obamacare" by Ramesh Ponnuru, and thousands others, instead of lying by definition "progressives" whose eternal goal is to get more power to impose more socialism). Only 5% of Americans wait more than 4 months for surgery, compared to 23% of Australians, 26% of New Zealanders, 27% of Canadians and 36% of Brittons. UK has only 25% of CT scanners per capita as the US, only 1/3 of MRI scanners, they receive treatment for the diabetic retinopathy ONLY WHEN LOSE THE EYEVISION ON ONE SIDE to prove that they really need it, the result of cancer care in the US are best in the world. Out of 46 million nominally uninsured in the US about 12 million are eligible for Medicaid and the S-CHIP, but they don't need and don't want to. 17 million have annual incomes over $50,000 but choose not to get insurance, more than have of them earn over $75,000, which means they just don't want the insurance, nad it's their choice, right or wrong. Besides, it's a transitory state– 75% of uninsured get insuranse back within a year and 91% within 2 years. In Sweden you cannot buy a better medicine to save your life with your own money because the government bureaucrats don't allow you– "it affects the equality of others". Twice more women in Canada never had a mammogram than in the US, and trice more never had a Pap smear than in the US. Regarding the infant mortality– the US registers ALL birth death, including severely premature, while socialist country hide the mortality, registering only full-term and born alive. Besides, if a woman chooses to drink, to smoke and to have multiple sexual partners with STDs that increase infant mortality– it's not a medical care problem. Latinos have much less prenatal care but much less mortality than Afro-Americans, so the disparity has nothing to do with a "discrimination" BS. The delusional "progressive" see any disparity as a "proof" of discrimination, which is not. If you are smart and someone is an idiot-yes, there is difference, but it is not a discrimination. After all that crap about "equality" in the UK 20 years after socialization of the medicine, the NHS study found that the access had become "MORE UNEQAL!" because the rich just get the medical treatment on other countries to avoid all this socialist crap in medicine. In Canada officially it's one tear system, but in fact there are 4 of them: one for the "sheep", one for the government, one for the sport stars and another one for the rich– they used to go to the US. Where they will go when the socialism will ruin American medicine too?


So, with the Obamacare as with any other government run program you get less for more. That's the government, that's the lack of self-regulation with the feedback loop, lack of free competition, and it's the inevitable.

European way of the Nanny State is similar to a Zoo where the attending government collects the proceeds from the EuroZoo, cleans the cages of the Euro-zombies, feeds the obedient domesticated Euro-animals, provides the veterinarian care, so the animals in captivity live longer but reproduced poorly. May be, freedom loving and proud Americans are not as educated as Europeans (which means less brainwashed in the totalitarian leftist campuses), but Americans have a human dignity, common sense and self-preservation instincts, unlike dying out Euro-zombies. Many of us realize that socialist "paradise" is just a transit station to the Muslim hell, but unholy alliance ot totalitarians (socialist governments, socialist labor unions, fascists and "antifascists" along with their islamofascist gravediggers) managed to turn Euro-Zoo dwellers into brainless sheep that follow the path to the jihadist butcherhouses.

European way of "pursuit of happiness" reminds the narcotic induced euphoria to avoid the harsh reality of the dying out (because of too-much-government) civilization. They are being drugged by their 100% distorted leftist totalitarian MSM, deprived of self-preservation instinct, horded like lemmings on the suicidal trip to islamization. Leftist MSM indoctrination and brain washing seemingly cause as much damage to the brain as heavy drugs: now majority in Europe behave like suicidal "acid heads".

European governments grab highest taxes in the world for what exactly "high quality services"? For open siding with the worst enemies of the people? For assisting in islamization of Europe and subduing freedom lovers, using their own tax money? For killing demographics and mutually assured self-destruction of the greatest in the world European civilization? For singling out EDL patriots who don't want to be transported like sheep to the slaughtering houses of Sudanization of Europe?

The peoples of Europe must realize that their deeply rooted belief that their government will protect them in exchange for high taxes is wrong. In fact, their growing more and more totalitarian governments have more and more openly allied themselves with other totalitarian enemies of the people. So, the people can trust only themselves and their own powers to save themselves despite the combined efforts of their governments, islamofascists and media. There are no lifeguards on the beach of Europe that would save the sinking ones (figuratevily speaking): if your self-preservation instincts happened to be not eradicated by the media indoctrination yet then save yourself. Expect from your governments and from media only bad things because they are your totalitarian enemies. Your govenment, your Nanny State made you an infantile state ward with virtually no decision making powers, it destroyed demographics, it killed your self-preservation instincts, it weakened your economy by reducing free market forces so you can support only 1 child and it disarmed you (literally too). As since there is no hope that insiduously hostile to the people entity such as their government would help then it seems logical that every European must learn martial arts, including learning how to use legal double-use weapon from the sticks to the axes; in order of self-defense they must organize themselves into community watch groups, prepare for civil disobedience measures if their governments will continue siding with people's enemies. Try to vote the representatives of the people into the existing governments , remove from power the ruling totalitarian elites, so you can regain your lost liberties, including unlimited free speech and the right to bear arms. Save yourselves because there is no one to save you. Your government, MSM and intellectuals are on the enemy's side. Get ready for the impending clash of civilizations now, form "THE WORLDWIDE INFIDEL UNITED" movement that unites all the good freedom-loving people and all the religions against the totalitarian forces of evil starting with the worst one: islamofascism. Remember, you are alone in this fight because your government, your media and your intellectuals are on the enemy's side. Folk heroes like Geert Wilders are rare gifts of the fate, so support them by all means. All those freedom-hating forces pave road to each other, they ally with each other against you. Reinvent self-governing, create parallel power structures in the grass roots fashion and gradually replace your authorian self-serving governing system bottom up with the one that serves the people: very limited government with miniscule and specifically defined scope. Power corrupts, so give you government minimal powers to minimize corruption. The goal is the same for all the peoples– of all the countries in the world: freedom, which first of all means freedom from your government, then free market and individual liberties, and all of these freedoms are unseparatable parts of the whole. When the government fears people– it's liberty, when people fear government– it's tyranny. Make you government fear you, keep it on the short leash of the law.

Since the totalitarians of all strips hold virtual monopoly in the information, education and enternment fields, then the freedom-lovers must develop alternative venue for all this: conservative equivalents of AP/Reuters, of the TV net, of media in general, intertainment industry (MIP is a good start) and the like. The patriots, the freedom-lovers must create a parallel universe in the real world (unlike the alternative "reality" of the delusional "progressives"). The easiest and least expensive way to start the process (actually, to expand the already existing buds) is throught the internet. Judging by valuability of the un-tainted by the political correctness objective information content, the blog of Pamela Geller alone is worth much more than all the leftist MSM combined (CNN, MSNBC, NBC, NYT and other media from the freedom-haters camp). Pamela Geller is the best American journalist ever, followed by Glen Beck (who is good in domestic issues but has gaps in his knowledge about the world), and by Rush Limbough. Bill O'Raily is somewhere about # 10 (big headed statist, caving in to islamofascism).

Life insurance does not cover someone while he/she commits crime. By the same token, those who are in the state of committing continuous crime of illegal immigration, must not have their "rights" put above rights of the law abiding Americans. They have only a right for a fair trial.

When Big Governments shackles will be removed from the freedom-will Free Market restore prosperity quickly and painlessly? Unfortunately, the answer is "no", because for a hundred years the Big Government interference has created many distortions, disproportions, inner tensions and artificial imbalances in ethics, society life and economy. Besides, the self-regulating mechanisms of Free Market work slowly but surely. However, Free Market is THE ONLY WAY to optimize both the processes and outcomes in the society and economy, and Free Market IS THE ONLY WAY TO SURVIVE for a nation. We do see from the rich experience, from the empiric evidence, and from the scientific basis of self-regulation with feedback loop, that any redistributive, totalitarian system is a dead end of civilization. Only Free Market based society will survive and prosper.

"Progressives" doomed to lie because if they reveal theit real goals they will get zero votes and zero so much desired by them the halo of "noble intentions"."Progressives" doomed to use double standards because they divide their own voters to the "enlighten elite" and "stupid sheep", to the masters and slaves whom they bestow upon benefits using stolen from the taxpayers money. "Progressives" turn people into beggars and losers just to feel good about themselves like "Oh, I have such sympathy for this trash so I must be a noble person!". No matter that the handouts they give are taken away from the hardworkers pockets using Big Government coercive power, no matter that all these entitlements programs actually create and perpetuate poverty, no matter that their "noble intentions" ruin country and kill the people they claim to represent and protect– to them the only important thing to feel good about themselves and to get more power and more money.

Obama thinks that he has a right to decide when "you made enough money", and per Husein Obama it is around $250k per family. Everything above that he wants to take away and redistribute around the world. In 2009 Obama made 6 million dollars. Did he "redistribute" $5,750,000 amongst the greedy needy ones? Nope! Double standards, as always. One set for the sheep, another for the "progressive" elite. When "progressive" Whoopie Goldberg and her artistic ilk defend a child rapist Polanski they mean that the elite is above the law. Conservatives are for the equal justice, for equal punishment for the same crimes. Totalitarians, including leftist "progressives", always use double standards. Say, when a crime takes place, the "progressives" look who commited crime. They demand no punishment for themselves, for the "enlightened elite", and an easy punishment for the trash that they create and "protect", while demanding harsh punishment for the decent people even if they are not guilty. Guilt by association for decent folks and impunity by association for trash is the "progressive" liberals idea of criminal and "social justice". If some murderer "didn't have enough toys in the childhood then it's OK to kill and to rape", the "progressives" think, and then Obama using our money without our consent builds state of the art jail in Chicago that looks better than Chicago schools. Actually, that Cook County jail can be mixed with a 5 star resort. Once again, the sympathy of the "progressives" are with the enemies of the people.


"Progressive" science wrap for leftist crap:

All the "studies" that "progressives" in government and media love to quote are flawed, distorted, biased or simply made up fraud. "Progressives" use the science mantra for their political and ideological purposes, distorting the science to their needs. In other words, "progressives" use the science wrap to sell their leftist ideological crap as a "science", to present their lies as the "facts", to give an air of legitimacy to their thousand times failed delusional redistributionist social theories. Before shoveling to the throat of American people Obamacare bill leftist MSM fed Americans with lies about how bad American medical care is and how wonderful the Eurosocialism is. They can lie and distort all the interpretations of the nation's health but the Democrats can't hide dead bodies in the socialist UK and Canada : the result of cancer treatment in the US and access to high tech medicine are the best in the world. If Obamacare is implemented and USA breast cancer mortality will be as bad as in Europe and Canada, then there will be more dead bodies: because of the breast cancer alone America will have unnecessary deaths of 1 million women every three yers. Unfortunately, all academic institutions are full ot totalitarian enemies of America. Obama's first friend, employer and patron in Chicago Bill Aeyers also hates America, freedom and free market, and he decided that he can cause much more damage to America as a "distinguished professor" rather than a "Weather underground " terrorist. He was right, he has caused more more damage to America by brainwashing many students (and later educators themselves) and eventually by giving a boost to the America's Enemy-in-Chief Husein Obama.

In August 2010 VP Joe Biden said "We are moving in a right direction". Well, it depends on what Obama's regime's goal is: if their goal is to destroy America, then yes, they are moving in a right direction. "Stimulus", as predicted, stimulated nothing but the socialists' voting base; July's sales of existing homes are 27% down; economy's is stagnant– the growth is 4 times worse than under Reagan's real stimulus (which is "get the government out of picture" !); Obama treats America's friends as enemies and America's enemies as friends (well, if Obama is an enemy of America, then it explains a lot!); demographics started dropping following the Euro-socialism trends– well, you get the picture.

When "progressives" want to discredit and to destroy the competing ideologies such as religion, then they use the science, particularly the Darwin's evolution theory, as an instrument in the war. However, when science and the facts prove that all the socialist, communist, redistributionist, "progressivist", national socialist (fascists) or any other totalitarian ideology are doomed to fail because they are against the laws of nature, then they just ignore the science and the facts. In fact, only freedom, only free market can bring prosperity because free market means self-regulation with the feed-back loop, which is the only possible way to optimize such complex system in the state of dynamic stability as our society and economy. Double standards again. From the science they cherry-pick only what fits their ideology, and if the facts don't fit– they just ignore them. "Progressives" in their struggle for political power have massively infiltrated "science" of sociology, psychology, law, majority of the economy schools and turned them into "blah-blah-blology". All their "studies" always give only "results" compatible with the leftist ideology. Ideologization of the science destroyed close to 100% of non-applied science. Except in areas such as engineering, math and the like, the "progressives" turned colleges into liberal indoctrination assambly line. They take your children and your money, then from young Americans they make anti-Americans. Of course, with this failing quality of education a lot of the graduates end up working as waiters with a "liberal art degree", but why should the totalitarian "educators" care? They accomplished their mission– to make a lot of young Americans hate America, freedom and free market, to be ashamed of America rather to be proud of this land of free, and so on. Over half of the higher education system in the US under the "guidance" of the federal Education Department is a consumer fraud, a "progressive" propaganda and recruitment centers, a part of the "progressive" brainwashing system that forms future politicians, lawyers, writers, intellectuals, journalists, and educators based on the hostile anti-American leftist ideology. Some of the kids later on start working, get married, learn responsibilities and they mature into healthy conservatives. Some never learn and stay immature infantile "progressives" forever, especially if they are single and never worked hard. That's how totalitarian leftists managed to poison the country despite their small numbers. Now they pave road to even worse totalitarian ideology– to the based on Shariah law islamofascism. The only way to fix it is to expose the education system to the free market: privatize the education system. Scared? Well, nothing is worse than the government run entities whether it's public toilets or public schools. It get only get better while the public schools fare worse and worse: after nationalization of education into public system American students perform worse and worse because there's very little feedback from parents and students. Bureaucrats make decisions, not the families. The feds removed teachers from end-users influence and bureaucrats thousand miles away make decisions instead of families. Theoretically the solution is extremely easy: kick the government out of education. It's called privatization. As always the case with free market in any field– it will drive quality up and costs down due to free competition. Close down 100% of federal education offices with 100% budget cut; reduce 90% of state level bureaucrats with a right to issue only unenforcable recommendations and advisories; close 80% of municipal boards and give basically all powers to the school boards where the parents must have 75% of the seats. Then there will be free competition between the schools, which will start recruiting better teachers and actually teaching kids rather than spending their time and getting salary. Oh, there will be differences in curriculum? Great! Consumers can choose the best schools and move kids over there! Free competition is the only way to progress, to improvement, and the parents and the students will vote with their feet and with their purse, whose curriculum is better. Besides, it will close the door to the hostile anti-American ideologies such as socialism, fascism and other totalitarian redistributive ideologies that currently creep in under the Feds cover up. The Feds take our money, redistribute our money to educators and their socialist unions, and based on that fact the Feds usurp the right to make all decisions. After privatization parents will no longer have to pay their money to brainwash their own kids, to discredit family authority and family values, to make anti-Americans out of American kids, as is the case now.
