полная версияStudies in the Theory of Descent, Volume II

Weismann August
Studies in the Theory of Descent, Volume II


I have lately met with another interesting notice on the reproduction of the native North American Amblystomas. Professor Spence F. Baird, of Washington, has often observed the development from the egg of various species, and especially of Amblystoma Punctatum and A. Fasciatum. His observations do not appear to be as yet published, so that I was unable to discover any account of the development of Amblystoma in existing literature.107 I am authorized to extract the following brief data from a letter addressed to Dr. v. Frantzius.

In order to deposit their eggs the Amblystomas go into the water, where the eggs are laid enclosed in a jelly-like mass, but never more than fifteen to twenty together. The spherical eggs are very large, perhaps a quarter of an inch in diameter. They soon develop into a Siredon-like larva, which remains several months in this condition. The gills then shrivel up, the creature begins to crawl, and gradually passes through the different transformations to the complete Amblystoma form.

It appears from this communication that the Amblystomas lay much larger and much fewer eggs than the Axolotl, and that their development throughout resembles that of our salamanders.

In concluding I may mention an anatomical fact which most strongly supports my view that the Mexican Axolotl is a reverted Amblystoma. I learn from Dr. Wiedersheim that the Axolotl possesses the “intermaxillary gland” which occurs in all the land Amphibia. This organ, lying in the intermaxillary cavity, appears, whenever it occurs, to produce a kind of birdlime, i. e. a very glutinous secretion, which serves to attach the prey to the rapidly protrusible tongue. Although this secretion may perhaps also have another function, from the absence of the intermaxillary gland in all exclusively aquatic Amphibia, it follows that it must be devoid of importance for, and inapplicable to feeding in the water. The intermaxillary gland is absent in all Perennibranchiata and Derotremata which Wiedersheim has hitherto investigated, viz. in Menobranchus, Proteus, Siren, Cryptobranchus, Amphiuma, and Menopoma, all of which are indeed without the cavity in which the gland is situated in the Salamandrina, i. e. the cavum intermaxillare.

Now in the Salamandrina the gland appears at an early stage. It is possessed in a well-developed state by the larvæ both of species of Triton and of Amblystoma, where indeed the glandular structure completely fills the cavum intermaxillare.

Were the Axolotl a species retarded in phyletic development, the presence of a gland which does not occur in any other Perennibranchiata, and which is only of use for life upon land, would be quite inexplicable.

The matter becomes still more enigmatical through the fact that the gland, although present, is quite rudimentary. Whilst in the Salamandrina the capacious intermaxillary cavity is entirely filled by the tubes of the gland in question, in Axolotl this cavity is almost completely filled with a closely woven connective tissue, in which there can only be found a small number of gland-tubes – in the extreme front, and at the base immediately over the intermaxillary teeth – these tubes agreeing in the details of their histological structure with the elements of the same gland in the Salamandridæ.

I give these anatomical details from Dr. Wiedersheim’s verbal communication. An amplified account will subsequently appear in another place.108

An explanation of this rudimentary intermaxillary gland in the Axolotl only appears to me possible on the supposition that the latter is an atavistic form. From this point of view it is evident that the gland already present in all Amblystoma-larvæ must have been taken over by the perennibranchiate form of the existing Axolotl, through the reversion of the hypothetical Amblystoma Mexicanum of the “diluvial period.”109 It can also be easily understood that this organ would become more and more rudimentary in the course of time, since it has no further use in the water, and the gap thus arising in the formerly present cavum intermaxillare would become filled with connective tissue.

While the German edition of this work was going through the press I obtained, through the kindness of my friend Dr. Emil Bessels of Washington, the Mexican memoir upon the new Axolotl,110 which even in Mexico regularly, or at least in many cases, becomes developed into the Amblystoma form.

The facts are briefly as follows: – The small Lake of Santa Isabel is some hours’ journey from the Mexican capital. In this lake there lives a species of Axolotl which had hitherto remained unknown, and was described by Señor Velasco as Siredon Tigrinus. This species propagates itself indeed in the Axolotl state, but in many cases it becomes transformed into Amblystoma and takes to the land. Although propagation in the Amblystoma condition was not observed, it can hardly be doubted that it also propagates in this form.

At first sight these facts appear to refute my hypothesis, that the extreme dryness of the air of the Mexican plateau precludes the existence of land Amphibia. Nevertheless I do not abandon this hypothesis for the former one, since a closer study of the data furnished by Velasco confirms rather than refutes my supposition.

Velasco expressly corroborates the statement that the Axolotl hitherto known from the great Mexican lake which never dries up (Lake of Xochimilco and Chalco), is only met with in its native habitat in the Siredon form, i. e. as Siredon Humboldtii. According to Velasco the cause of the frequent assumption of the Amblystoma form by the new Siredon Tigrinus, is to be found in the local conditions of life of this species. The Lake Santa Isabel is shallow, its greatest depth amounting to three meters, and it is liable to a periodical drying up, which is so complete that one can pass dry-shod through it in several places. The species must therefore have long since died out had it not been able to adapt itself periodically to a land life. Now it could have become transformed into a land Amphibian – as Señor Velasco observed – at various stages of growth; and indeed this author believes that “the Creator has implanted an instinct in this creature,” which enables it to always undergo metamorphosis at the right time.

This last assumption may or may not be taken as correct, but this much is established, viz. that numerous individuals of this species take to the land, and remain there during a period of many months.

But does this contain the proof that salamander-like animals are actually able to lead a land life in Mexico – that the dry air is advantageous, or at least supportable to them? It does not appear so to me, but rather that all which has been reported of this Amblystoma by Señor Velasco goes to show that the animal does not, properly speaking, live upon land like the North American Amblystomas, or like our land-salamanders, but that it only experiences a summer sleep lasting over the period of drought. These Amblystomas were observed as they left the dried-up lake at night in order to seek some moist lurking-place in the neighbourhood, where they might remain concealed. They are only known in the villages situated near the lake, and were only seen there at large just when they were wandering from the lake to their place of concealment. At other times they were mostly found in the earth, buried under walls, the pavement of the market-place, &c. When laying down a line of railway, a workman found in the earth a whole nest of twelve Amblystomas lying close together. All these are not mere lurking-holes which could be abandoned at any moment; it would rather appear that we have here places of refuge for the entire duration of the period of drought, and that these would only be forsaken when the water of the rainy season penetrated the soil. I am not myself in a favourable position for investigating these suppositions more closely, but this could be done by Señor Velasco, who lives in Mexico, and science would be much indebted to him if he would examine as precisely as possible into the habits and conditions of life of this, and of the other species of Mexican Axolotls. Unfortunately this gentleman can, it would appear, have seen only the French publications upon the transformation of the Axolotl, and could not therefore have asked himself questions arising from my conception of the facts; otherwise many of his observations would have led to more definite results. The above conclusion can however be still further supported by Señor Velasco’s data.


One might indeed insist that with us also the land-salamanders conceal themselves in moist places during dry weather, and often lie hidden, as in Mexico, in a hole, in a cluster of as many as ten together; but with us they leave their lurking-place from time to time and go in search of food. Señor Velasco mentions nothing with respect to this. What especially struck me was the statement that the Mexican Amblystomas were also to be found in the water.111 When Lake Santa Isabel is drained, the fishermen stretch large nets across the exit channels, and in these they not only find ordinary Axolotls, but also some “sin aretes,” which they also designate “mochos,” i. e. hornless Axolotls, because they have no gills, but have already reached the Amblystoma stage. Our land-salamanders live in the water only as larvæ, but they also love and require moisture. Only the female enters the water when she wants to deposit her young (eggs with mature larvæ), and then only at the margin of shallow pools or small brooks. The Mexican Amblystoma thus much more resembles in its habits our water-salamanders (Tritons), which remain in the water at least during the whole period of reproduction. These also leave the water later, and, like the land-salamander, seek concealment in the earth. They have this habit also in those districts which possess a very dry atmosphere; and especially in the Engadine, where I first conceived the idea of taking into account the dryness of the air, I found in the pools at the end of August and the beginning of September only larvæ of Tritons. The older Amphibians must therefore have been on the land, presumably in their places of winter concealment.

From what we have hitherto learnt from Señor Velasco, the mode of life of Amblystoma Tigrinum must resemble that of our Tritons, although its structure is that of a land-salamander. I would thus offer the following explanation of the facts at present known: – Owing to the periodic drying up of the lake of Santa Isabel, the Siredon Tigrinus would be again compelled to undergo metamorphosis. Whether this was formerly entirely abandoned, or whether it always occurred in solitary individuals, is almost immaterial; in any case the habit of metamorphosis must have been very rapidly acquired through natural selection, and must have again become general, if the faculty was only present in the species, although latent. Through the dryness of the air, the Amblystomas that had taken to the land would be compelled to bury themselves at once, and to remain asleep till the recurrence of the rainy season, when they would hasten back into the water and would there live as a species of Triton.

Now one might feel inclined to ask why the species of the great Mexican lake has not also taken to this mode of life. To this it may be simply replied that the water of this lake never dries up, and that the Axolotls have thus never been reduced to the alternative of undergoing metamorphosis or of perishing. If therefore the conditions of existence in water were more favourable than on land, the tendency to abandon metamorphosis would increase from generation to generation, and the deportment at present observed would finally result, i. e. propagation would take place exclusively in the Axolotl state. As has already been mentioned above, the latest observations of Velasco furnish further confirmation that the Axolotl of the great lake is never met with in the Amblystoma condition, “although it (the Axolotl) is brought daily from Mexico into the market throughout the whole year.” I should not however regard it as a refutation of my view if prolonged investigation should show that this species also (Siredon Humboldtii) occasionally developed into an Amblystoma; on the contrary, it would not at all surprise me if such cases of reversion occurred in Mexico as well as in Europe. The fact that an immense majority of the Amphibians propagate in the Axolotl state would not be thereby affected, and would still require an explanation: this I am still inclined to see in the dryness of the air of the high plains, which is so unfavourably adapted for a life passed entirely on land.



In the first of the three preceding essays it was attempted to solve the question whether the transformations of a given complex of characters in a certain systematic group could be completely explained by the sole aid of Darwinian principles. It was attempted to trace the origin of the marking and colouring of the Sphinx-caterpillars to individual variability, to the influences of the environment, and to the laws of correlation acting within the organism. These principles as applied to the origin of a certain well-defined, although narrowly restricted range of forms, were tested in order to see whether they were alone sufficient to explain the transformation of the forms.

It appeared that this was certainly the case. In all instances, or at least where the facts necessary to obtain a complete insight were available, the transformations could be traced to these known factors; there remained no inexplicable residual phenomena, and we therefore had no reason for inferring the existence of some still unknown modifying cause lying concealed in the organism. In this region of the marking and colouring of caterpillars, the assumption of a phyletic vital force had to be abandoned, as being superfluous for the explanation of the facts.

In the second essay the attempt was next made with reference to double form-relationship, as presented for observation in metamorphic insects, to draw conclusions as to the causes of the transformations. It appeared here that form- and blood-relationship do not always coincide, since the larvæ of a species, genus, or family, &c., may show quite different form-relationships to their imagines. These facts alone told very decisively against the existence of an internal developmental power, so that the latter had likewise to be set aside by the method of elimination, since the observed incongruences as well as the congruences of form-relationship, found sufficient explanation in the action of the environment on the organism.

This investigation thus also led to the denial of a phyletic vital force.

In the third essay I finally sought to prove that the only case of transformation of one species into another at present actually observed112, could not without further evidence be interpreted as the result of the action of a phyletic vital force, but that more probably we had here only an apparent case of new formation, which was in reality but a reversion to a stage formerly in existence.

If this last investigation removes the only certain observation which could have been adduced in favour of the hypothesis of a phyletic vital force, so also do the two former essays show that this hypothesis, at least in the case of insects, must be abandoned as inadequate.

The question now arises whether this conclusion, based on such a limited range of inquiry, can also be applied to the other groups of the organic world without further evidence.

The supporters of a principle of organic development will deny this in each individual case, and will demand special proof for each group of organisms; I believe this position, however, to be incorrect. Here, if anywhere, it appears to me justifiable to apply the conclusions inductively from special cases to general ones, since I cannot at all see why a power of such pre-eminent and fundamental importance as a phyletic vital force should have its activity limited to solitary groups in the organic world. If such a power exists it must be the inciting cause of organic development in general, and must be equally necessary in every part of creation, as no advancement could take place without it. In this case, however, the force would be recognizable and demonstrable at every point; the phenomena should nowhere stand in opposition to its admission, and should in no case be explicable or comprehensible without it. The same laws and forces which caused the development of one group of forms must underlie the development of the whole organic world.

I therefore believe that we are correct in applying to the whole living world the results furnished by the investigation of insects, and in thus denying the existence of an innate metaphysical developmental force.

There is, however, a quite distinct method which leads to the same results, and to the preliminary, if not to the complete and definitive rejection of such a principle; the admission of this power is directly opposed to the laws of natural science, which forbid the assumption of unknown forces as long as it is not demonstrated that known forces are insufficient for the explanation of the phenomena. Now nobody will assert that this has in any case been proved; the test of applying the known factors of transformation has only just commenced, and wherever it has been made they have proved sufficient as causal forces. Thus, even without the foregoing special investigations we should deny a phyletic vital force; the more so as its admission is fraught with the greatest consequences, since it involves a renunciation of the possibility of comprehending the organic world. We should, on this assumption, at once cut ourselves off from all possible mechanical explanation of organic nature, i. e. from all explanation conformable to law. But this signifies no less than the renunciation of all further inquiry; for what is investigation in natural science but the attempt to indicate the mechanism through which the phenomena of the world are brought about? Where this mechanism ceases science is no longer possible, and transcendental philosophy alone has a voice.


This conception represents very precisely the well-known decision of Kant: – “Since we cannot in any case know à priori to what extent the mechanism of Nature serves as a means to every final purpose in the latter, or how far the mechanical explanation possible to us reaches,” natural science must everywhere press the attempt at mechanical explanation as far as possible. This obligation of natural science will be conceded even by those who lay great stress upon the necessity for assuming a designing principle. Thus, Karl Ernst von Baer states that we have no right “to assert of the individual processes of Nature, even when these evidently lead to a definite result, that some Mind has originated them designedly. The naturalist must always commence with details, and may then afterwards ask whether the totality of details leads him to a general and final basis of intentional design.”113

But even if we are precluded on these grounds only from assuming the existence of a directive power, i. e. a phyletic vital force, for explaining detailed phenomena, and are at the same time debarred from the possibility of arriving at a physical or mechanical explanation – which amounts to no less than the abandoning of the scientific position – it certainly cannot be asserted that the development of the organic world is already conceived of as a mechanical process. We rather acquiesce in the belief that the processes both of organic and of inorganic nature depend most probably upon purely causal powers, and that the attempt to refer these to mechanical principles should not therefore be abandoned. There is no ground for renouncing the possibility of a mechanical explanation, and the naturalist must not therefore resign this possibility; for this reason he cannot be permitted to assume a phyletic power so long as it is not demonstrated that the phenomena can never be understood without such an assumption.

It cannot be raised as an objection that even for the explanation of individual life a vital power was long ago admitted, as there was not then sufficient material at hand to enable the phenomena of life to be traced to physical forces. It is now no longer questionable that this assumption was a useless error – a false method – at the time when made certainly very excusable, since the aspect of the question was then, owing to the imperfect basis of facts, very different to the present analogous question as to the causes of derivative development. Thus, although it is now easy to prove this assumption to be erroneous, it was in the former sense correct, as it was in accordance with the existing state of knowledge. At that time there was hardly one of the numerous bridges which now connect inorganic with organic nature, so that the supposition that life depended upon forces which had no existence outside living beings was sufficiently near.

In any case the philosophers of that period cannot be blamed for filling up the gaps in the existing knowledge by unknown powers, and in this manner seeking to establish a finished system. The task of philosophy is different to that of natural science; the former strives at every period to set up a completely finished representation of the universe in accordance with the existing state of knowledge. Natural science on the other hand is only concerned in collecting this knowledge; she need not therefore always finish off, and indeed can never close her account, since she will never be in a position to solve all problems.114 But science must not for this reason pronounce any question to be insoluble simply because it has not yet been completely solved; this she does, however, as soon as she renounces the possibility of a mechanical explanation by invoking the aid of a metaphysical principle.

That this is the correct mode of scientific investigation is seen by the abandoning of the (ontogenetic) vital force. The latter is no longer admitted by anybody, now that we have turned from mere speculation to the investigation of Nature’s processes; nevertheless its non-existence has not been demonstrated, nor are we yet in a position to prove that all the phenomena of life must be traced to purely physico-chemical processes, to say nothing of our being actually able to thus trace them. Von Baer also states “that the abolishment of the vital force is an important advance; it is the reduction of the phenomena of life to physico-chemical processes, although these indeed still contain many gaps.” He points out how very far we are still removed from being able to reduce to physical causes, the processes through which the fertilized yelk of an egg becomes developed into a chicken.

How comes it therefore that we all have a conviction that such a complete reduction will in time become possible, or if not this, that the development of the individual depends entirely upon the same forces which are in operation without the organism? For what reason have we rejected the “vital force”?

Simply because we see no reason for assuming that known forces are insufficient for explaining the phenomena, and because we are not justified in admitting directive forces as long as we have any hope of one day furnishing a mechanical explanation.

But if it is not only permissible, but even necessary, to explain the ontogenetic vital power by known forces, and to commence to indicate the mechanism which produces the individual life, why should it not be equally necessary to abandon that assumption of a phyletic vital force which stifles any deeper inquiry, and to attempt to point out that here also the co-operation of mechanical forces has brought about the multitudinous and wonderful phenomena of the organic world?

The renunciation of the old vital force was certainly an immediate consequence of the acquisition of new facts – of the knowledge that the same compounds which compose organic bodies can be produced without the latter. This discovery, due to Wöhler and his followers, showed that organic products could be prepared artificially.115 In brief, the decline of the vital force followed from the knowledge that at least one portion of the processes of life was governed by known forces.

But in the domain of the development of the organic world have we not quite analogous proofs of the efficacy of known forces? Is not the variability of all types of forms a fact? and must not this under the action of natural selection and heredity lead to permanent changes? Has not the problem of explaining the subserviency of all organic form to law as a result without invoking its aid as a principle been thus successfully solved? It is true that we have not directly observed the process of natural selection from beginning to end; neither has anybody directly observed the mode in which the heat of the animal body is generated by the processes of combustion going on in the blood and in the tissues; nevertheless, this is believed as a certainty, and a “vital force” is not invoked.

Now the above-mentioned Darwinian principles of transmutation are certainly not simple forces of nature like those underlying the development of the individual, i. e. chemico-physical forces, and it cannot be said à priori whether in one of these principles – perhaps in variability or in correlation – there may not lie concealed a metaphysical principle in addition to the physical forces. In fact it has lately been asserted by Edward von Hartmann116 that the theory of selection is not a mechanical explanation, since it combines forces which are only partly mechanical and in part directive.

It must therefore be next investigated whether this assertion is tenable.

107[Eng. ed. A memoir by Samuel Clarke has since been published upon the embryonic development of Amblystoma punctatum, Baird. Baltimore, 1879.]
108[Eng. ed. See this author’s work, “Das Kopfskelet der Urodelen.” Leipzig, 1877, p. 149.]
109[See preceding note 52. R.M.]
110See note , p. .
111[Prof. Semper also remarks (“Animal Life,” note 47, p. 430) with reference to the Axolotl of Lake Como in the Rocky Mountains, which he states always becomes transformed into Amblystoma Mavortium, that this metamorphosis “takes place in the water, and the Amblystomas, so long as they are little, actually live exclusively in the water, as I know by my own experience. A young Amblystoma which I kept alive for a long time, never went out of the water of its own free will, while one nearly twice as large lives entirely on land and only takes a bath now and then. It always goes into the water when the temperature of the air in the cellar, in which my aquaria stand, falls below that of the water – down to about 6° or 8 °C.” This statement appears to suggest that the effect of temperature may be a factor in some way concerned in these interesting cases of transformation, and would in any case be well worthy of experimental investigation. Some further details concerning the Siredon Lichenoides of Lake Como have been recently published by Mr. W. E. Carlin (Proc. U.S. National Museum, June, 1881). The lake, which is shallow, is fed by a constant stream of fresh water, but the water of the lake is intensely saline. The Siredon never enter the fresh water stream, but congregate in large numbers in the alkaline waters of the lake. “When about one hundred and fifty were placed in fresh water they seemed to suffer no inconvenience, but it had a remarkable effect in hastening their metamorphosis into the Amblystoma form. Of an equal number kept in fresh water and in the lake water, quite a change occurred with the former after twenty-four hours, while the latter showed no change after several days of captivity. Those that were kept well fed in jars usually began to show a slight change in from two to three weeks, and all of them completed the change into the Amblystoma inside of six weeks, while in some kept, but not specially fed, there were but three changes in three months.” (Nature, Aug. 25th, 1881, p. 388.) R.M.]
112[Some experiments on the transformation of the Crustacean Artemia Salina into A. Milhausenii by gradually increasing the saltness of the water, and conversely, the transformation of A. Milhausenii into A. Salina by diminishing the saltness of the water, have been made by Schmankewitsch (Zeitschrift f. wiss. Zool. xxv. Suppl. 103 and xxix. 429), but the changes which occur here are much less considerable than in the case of the Axolotl. R.M.]
113“Reden und kleinere Aufsätze, Th. II.: Studien aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften.” St. Petersburg, 1876, p. 81.
114This obviously does not imply that the naturalist should not investigate Nature’s processes, and not only correlate these, but also work them up into a universal conception; this is indeed both desirable and necessary if natural knowledge is to be regarded in its true value. The naturalist by this means becomes a philosopher, and the vitality of the so-called “natural philosopher” has been inspired, not by the necessity for investigation, but by philosophy proper.
115[The discovery here referred to is the synthesis of urea by Wöhler in 1828 (Pogg. Ann. xii., 253; xv. 619), by the molecular transformation of ammonium cyanate. Since that period large numbers of organic syntheses have been effected by chemists, and many of the compounds formerly supposed to be essential products of life have been built up in the laboratory from their inorganic elements. The division of chemistry into “organic” and “inorganic” is thus purely artificial, and is merely retained as a matter of convenience, the former division of the science being defined as the chemistry of the carbon compounds. R.M.]
116“Wahreit und Irrthum im Darwinismus.” Berlin, 1875.