полная версияStudies in the Theory of Descent, Volume II

Weismann August
Studies in the Theory of Descent, Volume II

In any case the Lake of Mexico offers very peculiar conditions for Amphibian life. My esteemed friend Dr. v. Frantzius has called my attention to the fact that this lake – as well as many other Mexican lakes – is slightly saline. At the time of the conquest of Mexico by Ferdinand Cortez, this circumstance led to the final surrender of the city, as the Spaniards cut off the supply of water to the besieged, and the water of the lake is undrinkable. The ancient Mexicans had laid down water-conduits from the distant mountains, and the city is still supplied with water brought through conduits.

Now this saltness cannot in itself be the cause of the degeneration to the perennibranchiate form, but it may well be so in combination with other pecularities of the lake. The narrowest part of the lake is the eastern, and it is only in this part that the Axolotl lives. Now in winter, violent easterly gales rush down from the mountains and blow continuously, driving the water before them to such an extent that it becomes heaped up in the western portion of the lake, where it frequently causes floods, whilst 2000 feet of the shallow eastern shore are often laid completely dry.90

Now if we consider these two peculiarities, viz. salineness and periodical drying up of a part of the bottom of the lake through continuous gales, we certainly have for the Axolotl, conditions of life which are only to be found in few species. One might certainly attempt to apply these facts in a quite opposite sense, and to regard them as unfavourable to my theory, since the retreat of the water from a great portion of the bottom of the lake would – so one might think – rather facilitate transition to a life upon land, and indeed compel the adoption of such a mode of existence. But we should thus forget that the exposed bottom of the lake is a sterile surface without food or place of concealment, and, above all, without vegetation; and further, that owing to the considerable salineness of the water (specific gravity = 1.0215),91 the whole of the exposed surface must be incrusted with salt, a circumstance which would render it quite impossible for the creatures to feed upon land. Sodic chloride and carbonate are dissolved in the water in such considerable quantities, that they are regularly deposited upon the shores of the lake as a crust, which is collected during the dry season of the year and sent into the market under the name of “tequisquite” (Mühlenpfordt).92

Thus the supposition is not wanting in support, that peculiar conditions make it more difficult for the creature to obtain its food upon land than in the water, and this alone may have been sufficient to have induced it to acquire the habits of a purely aquatic existence, and thus to revert to the perennibranchiate or Ichthyodeous form.

But enough of supposition. We must not complain that we are unable from afar to discover with precision the causes which compelled the Axolotl to abandon the Amblystoma stage, as long as we are not able to explain the much nearer cases of reversion in Filippi’s and Jullien’s Tritons; nevertheless, in these cases also, the causes affecting the whole colony of Tritons must be general, since – at least in the case noticed by Filippi – the greater majority of the individuals remained in the larval condition. Experiments with Triton larvæ could throw greater light upon this subject; it would have in the first place to be established whether reversion could be artificially induced, and if so, by what influences.

From the previously mentioned experiments with butterflies, as well as from the results obtained with Axolotls, we should expect that in Tritons, reversion to the Ichthyodeous form would take place if we allowed the inciting cause, viz. the bathing of the gills and of the whole body with water, to act persistently, and at the same time withheld that influence under whose action the salamander form became developed, viz. the bathing of the gills, the skin, and the surfaces of the lungs with air.

Old experiments of this kind are to be met with, but they were never carried on for a sufficient time to entirely allay the suspicion, that the specimens concerned would perhaps have undergone the ordinary metamorphosis if their existence had been prolonged.

Thus, Schreibers93 relates that “by confining tadpoles of the salamander found at large in their last stage of growth, under water by means of an arrangement (net?), and feeding them with finely chopped earthworms, he was able to keep them for several months – and indeed throughout the winter – in this condition, and in this way to forcibly defer their final change, and their transition from the tadpole stage to that of the perfected creature during this period.” It is not stated whether the animals finally underwent transformation, so that it cannot be decided whether we have here a case of reversion or simply one of retarded development. That metamorphosis may occur after a long period of time, is shown by experiments upon the tadpole of Pelobates conducted by Professor Langer in Vienna.94 The creatures were kept in deep water in such a manner that they were not able to land, and by this means three out of a large number of individuals had their metamorphosis delayed till the second summer; notwithstanding this, transformation then occurred.

It cannot be objected to my reversion hypothesis, that it opposes on the one side what on the other it postulates, viz. a per saltum change of structure. Reversion is characterized by the sudden acquisition of an older, i. e. a formerly existing phyletic stage. That reversion occurs is a fact, whilst nobody has hitherto been able to prove, or even to make probable, that a stage of the future (sit venia verbo) has been attained at once (per saltum).

Now if it is possible to find influences in the present conditions of life of the Axolotl which make it difficult or quite impossible for it to live upon land, and which therefore appear as incentives to the reversion to the Ichthyodeous form, the other portion of my hypothesis – the assumption that the Axolotl had become an Amblystoma at a former period – can also be supported by facts.

We know from Humboldt95 that the level of the Lake of Mexico at a comparatively recent period was considerably higher than at present. We know further that the Mexican plateau was covered with forest, which has now been destroyed wherever there are human, and especially Spanish settlements. Now if we suppose that at some post-glacial period the mountain forests extended to the borders of the lake, at that time deep, with precipitous sides and much less saline, not only should we thus have presented different conditions of life to those at present existing, but also such as would be most favourable for the development of a species of salamander.

On the whole, I believe that my attempt to explain the exceptional metamorphosis of the Axolotl of the Mexican lake cannot be objected to as being a too airy phantasy. In any case it is the only possible explanation which can be opposed to that which supposes that the occasional transformation of the Axolotl is not reversion, but an attempt at advancement. This last assumption must, in my judgment, be rejected on purely theoretical grounds by those who hold that a sudden transformation of a species, when connected with adaptation to new conditions of life, is inconceivable – by those who regard adaptation, not as the sudden work of a magic power, but as the end result of a long series of natural, although minute and imperceptible causes.


If my interpretation of the facts be correct, there arises certain consequences which I may here briefly mention in conclusion.

First, with regard to more obvious results. If Siredon Mexicanus, Shaw, only by occasional reversion assumes the Amblystoma form, and never, or only exceptionally, propagates as such, but only as Siredon, the more recent systematists are not justified in striking out the genus Siredon and in placing S. Mexicanus as an undeveloped form in the genus Amblystoma. So long as there exists not one only, but several species of Siredon which as such regularly propagate themselves, the genus exists; and although we would not deprive systematists of all hope of these species of Siredon being one day re-elevated to Amblystomæ, it nevertheless better accords with the actually existing state of affairs if we allow the genus Siredon to remain as before among the genera of Salamandrina, and to include therein all those species which, like the Paris Axolotl, S. Mexicanus, Shaw, and probably also S. Lichenoides, Baird, only exceptionally, or through artificial influences, assume the Amblystoma form, but without propagating regularly in this condition. On the other hand, we should correctly comprise under the genus Amblystoma all those species which propagate in this state regularly, and in which the perennibranchiate stage occurs only as a larval condition.

To arrive at a decision in single cases would chiefly concern the American naturalists, whose ever increasing activity may lead us to hope soon for a closer investigation of the reproduction of the numerous species of Amblystoma of their native country. I should rejoice if the facts and arguments which I have here offered should give an impetus to such researches.

The second consequence to which I may refer, is of a purely theoretical nature, and concerns a corollary to the “fundamental biogenetic law” first enunciated by Fritz Müller and Haeckel. This, as is well known, consists of the following law: – The ontogeny comprises the phylogeny, more or less compressed and more or less modified.

Now according to this law, each step in phyletic development when replaced by a later one, must remain preserved in the ontogeny, and must therefore appear at the present time as an ontogenetic stage in the development of each individual. But my interpretation of the transformation of the Axolotl appears to stand in contradiction to this, since the Axolotl, which at a former period was an Amblystoma, retains nothing of the latter in its ontogeny. The contradiction is, however, only apparent. As long as we are concerned with an actual advance in development, and therefore with the attainment of a new step never formerly reached, the older stages will be found in the ontogeny. But this is not the case when the new stage is not an actual novelty, but formerly represented the final stage of the individual development; or, in other words, when we are concerned with the reversion, not of single individuals, but of the species as such, to the preceding phyletic stage, i. e. with a phyletic degeneration of the species. In this case the former end-stage of the ontogeny would be simply eliminated, and we should then only be able to recognize its former existence by its occasional appearance in a reversion form. Thus, under certain conditions the Triton sinks back to the perennibranchiate stage; not in such a manner that the individual first becomes a Triton and then undergoes perennibranchiate re-modification, but simply, as I have already shown above, by its remaining at the Ichthyodeous stage and no longer attaining to the Salamander form. So also, according to my hypothesis, the salamandrine Amblystoma Mexicanum, formerly inhabiting the shores of the Lake of Mexico, has degenerated to the perennibranchiate stage, and the only trace that remains to us of its former developmental status is the tendency, more or less retained in each individual, to again ascend to the salamander stage under favourable conditions.

The third and last consequence which my interpretation of the facts entails, is the change in the part played by reversion in organic nature. Whilst atavistic forms have hitherto been known only as isolated and exceptional cases, interesting indeed in the highest degree, but devoid of significance in the course of the development of organic nature, a real importance in this last respect must now be attached to them.

I may assume that reversion can in two ways be effectual for the preservation or re-establishment of a living form. In the first place, where, as in Axolotl, the new and organically higher form becomes untenable through external influences, instead of simply perishing – since advancement in another direction does not appear to be possible – a reversion of the species to the older and more lowly organized stage occurs. In the second place, the older phyletic form may not be abandoned while a newer form is being developed therefrom, but the former may alternate with the latter, as we see in the case of seasonally dimorphic butterflies. It can hardly be objected if I regard the alternation of the summer and winter form in this case as a periodic reversion to the phyletically older (winter) form.

Although the reversion of an entire species, such as I suppose to have been the case with the Axolotl, may be of rare occurrence, this is certainly not the case with periodic or cyclical reversion; the latter plays a very important part in the development of the various forms of alternating or cyclical propagation.96


In the previous portion of this essay it was pointed out that the causes to which I attributed the reversion of the hypothetical Amblystoma Mexicanum to the existing Axolotl, did not appear to me to amount to a complete explanation of the phenomenon. In the first place these seemed to me too local, since they could only be applied with any certainty to the Axolotl of the lake of the Mexican capital, whilst the Paris Axolotls obtained from other parts of Mexico still required an explanation. On the other hand, these causes did not appear to me sufficiently cogent. Should we even learn subsequently that the Paris Axolotl is also derived from a salt lake which is exposed to similar winds to the Lake of Mexico, we still have in this peculiarity of the lakes only a cause tending to make it difficult for the larva to undergo metamorphosis, and to reach a suitable new habitat on the land. The impossibility of doing this, or the complete absence of such habitat, does not however follow as a necessary consequence.

It would obviously be a much more solid support for my hypothesis if it were possible to point to some physical conditions of the land which there precluded the possibility of the existence of Amblystomas.

For a long time I was indeed unable to discover such causes, and I therefore concluded the previous portion of this essay and went to press. Afterwards, when residing in one of the highest valleys of our Alps in the Upper Engadine, an idea accidentally occurred to me, which I do not now hesitate to regard as correct after having tested it by known facts.

It happens that in the Upper Engadine there live only such Amphibia as persistently, or at least frequently resort to the water. I found frogs up to nearly 7000 feet above the sea, and Tritons at 6000 feet (Pontresina and Upper Samaden). On the other hand, the land-living mountain salamander, S. Atra,97 was absent, although suitable stations for this species were everywhere present, and it would have wanted for food as little as do its allies the water-newts. Neither would the great elevation above the sea offer any obstacle to its occurrence, since it occasionally ascends to a height of 3000 metres (Fatiot).98

Now it is well known that the atmosphere of the Upper Engadine,99 like that of other elevated Alpine valleys enclosed by extensive glaciers, is often extraordinarily dry for a long period, a condition which appears to me to explain why the black land-salamander is there absent,100 whilst its near water-living ally occurs in large numbers. The skin of the naked Amphibia generally requires moisture, or else it dries up, and the creature is deprived of a necessary breathing apparatus, and often dies as rapidly as though some important internal organ had been removed. Decapitated frogs hop about for a long time, but a frog which escapes from a conservatory and wanders about for one night in the dry air of a room, is found the following day with dry and dusty skin half dead in some nook, and perhaps perishes in the course of another day if left without moisture.

All that we know of the biology of the Amphibia is in accordance with this. Thus, all the land-salamanders of southern Italy avoid the hot and dry air of summer by burying in the ground, where they undergo a summer sleep. This is the case with the interesting Salamandrina Perspicillata,101 and with the land-living Sardinian Triton, the remarkable Euproctus Rusconii, Gené,102 (Triton Platycephalus, Schreiber). With respect to Geotriton Fuscus I learn from Dr. Wiedersheim, who has studied the life conditions of this, the lowest European Urodelan, in its own habitat, that in Sardinia it sleeps uninterruptedly from June till the winter; whilst on the coast of Spezia and at Carrara, where it also occurs, it avoids the summer sleep in a very peculiar manner. It makes use of the numerous holes in the calcareous formation of that region, and for some months in the year becomes a cave-dweller. As soon as the great heat occurs, often in May, it withdraws into the holes, and again emerges in November during the wet weather. In these lurking holes it does not fall into a sleep, but is found quite active, and its stomach, filled chiefly with scorpions, shows that it goes successfully in search of food; the moist air of the holes makes it unnecessary for it to bury in the earth.


In the same sense it appears to me must be conceived the fact that the solitary species of frog of the Upper Engadine, Rana Temporaria,103 the brown grass frog, is there much more a frequenter of the water than in the plains. It is true that I can find no remark to this effect in the excellent work of Fatiot, already referred to above, and I am therefore obliged to resort to my own observations, which, although often repeated, have always been carried on for only a short time. I was much struck with the circumstance that the Engadine frogs were to be found in numbers in the water long after the pairing season, which, according to Fatiot, lasts at most to the end of June. In the numerous pools around Samaden I found them in July and August, whilst in the plains they only take to the water at the time of reproduction, and seek winter quarters in the mud on the first arrival of this season. (Fatiot, p. 321.) In the Engadine they have therefore in some measure adopted the mode of life of the aquatic frogs, but this of course does not prevent them from returning in damp weather to their old habits and roving through meadows and woods.

After these considerations had made it appear to me very probable that the dry air of the Upper Engadine accounted for the absence of the black land-salamander, the question at once arose whether the absence of Amblystomas from the Mexican plateau might not perhaps be due to the same cause, i. e. whether such a dryness of the atmosphere might not perhaps prevail also in that region, so that Amphibia, or at least salamander-like Amphibia, could not long exist on the land. The height above the sea is still greater (7000 to 8000 feet), and the tropical sun would more rapidly dessicate everything in a country poor in water.

As I was at the time without any books that might have enlightened me on the meteorological conditions of Mexico, I wrote to Dr. v. Frantzius, who, by many years residence in Central America was familiar with the climate of this region, and solicited his opinion. I received the reply that on the high plains of Mexico an extraordinary dryness of the atmosphere certainly prevails. “The main cause of the dryness of the high plains is to be found in the geographical position, the configuration of the land, and the physical structure. The north-eastern trade-wind drives the clouds against the mountains, on the summits of which they deposit their moisture, so that no vapour is carried over; as long as the north-east trade-wind blows, the streams feeding the rivers flowing into the Atlantic Ocean are abundantly fed with water, whilst on the western slopes, and especially on the high plains, the clouds give no precipitation. In the second half of the year also, during our summer, the so-called rainy season brings but little rain104– little in comparison with the more southern regions, where the heavy tropical thunderstorms daily deluge the earth with water. Mexico lies much too northerly, and does not reach the zone of calms, within which region these tropical rains are met with.”

Thus, in the high degree of dryness of the air lasting throughout the year, I do not doubt that we have the chief cause why no Amblystomas occur on these elevated plains; they simply cannot exist, and would become dried up if taken there, supposing them not to be able to change their mode of life and to take to the water. If therefore in former times Amblystomas inhabited Mexico, the coming on of the existing climatic conditions left them only the alternative of becoming extinct, or of again taking to the aquatic life of their Ichthyodeous ancestors. That this was not directly possible – that the Amblystoma form was not able to become aquatic without a change of structure, is shown by the fact that even in the Lake of Mexico no Amblystoma occurs. A retreat to an aqueous existence could, as it appears, only be effected by complete reversion to the Ichthyodeous form, which then also took place.

But my hypothesis of the transformation of the Axolotl not only requires the proof that Amblystomas cannot exist under present conditions in Mexico, but also the further demonstration that at a former period other conditions prevailed there, and these of such a nature as to make the existence of land-salamanders possible.

With respect to my question, whether we might not perhaps assume that at some post-glacial period the conditions of atmospheric moisture on the high plains of Mexico were essentially different from those at present prevailing, I recollected Dr. v. Frantzius and the above-quoted observation of Humboldt’s,105 who discovered in the neighbourhood of the Lake of Tezenco (Mexico) distinct evidence of a much higher former level of the water. “All such elevated plains were certainly at a former period so many extensive water-basins, which gradually became filled, and are still filling up with detritus. The evaporation from such large surfaces of water must at that time have caused a very moist atmosphere, favourable to vegetation and adapted for the life of naked Amphibia.”

From this side also my hypothesis thus receives support, and we may assume with some certainty that at the beginning of the diluvial period106 the woods surrounding the Mexican lakes were inhabited by Amblystomas, which, as the lakes subsequently became more and more dried up and the air continually lost moisture, found it more difficult to exist on the land. They would at length have completely died out, had they not again become aquatic by reversion to the Ichthyodeous form. It may perhaps be supposed that the above-mentioned physical conditions – desolate, salt-incrusted shores – co-operated in the production of the reversion, by making it difficult for the larvæ to quit the water; but we can only judge with certainty upon this point when, by means of experiment, we have discovered the causes which produce reversion in the Amphibia.

90Mühlenpfordt, “Versuch einer getreuen Schilderung der Republik Mejico,” Hanover, 1844, vol. ii. p. 252.
91[The specific gravity of sea water (Atlantic), according to the determinations of Mr. Buchanan on board the “Challenger,” at 15.56 °C. varies from 1.0278 to 1.0240. That of the water of the Dead Sea is 1.17205. – Watts’ “Dict. of Chemistry,” vol. v., table, p. 1017. R.M.]
92Loc. cit. p. 252.
93“Über die specifische Verschiedenheit des gefleckten und des schwarzen Erdsalamanders oder Molchs, und der höchst merkwürdigen, ganz eigenthümlichen Fortpflanzungsweise des Letzteren.” Isis, Jahrg. 1833, p. 527.
94The experiments referred to have not been made known; I am indebted for them to a written communication kindly furnished by an esteemed colleague.
95See Mühlenpfordt’s work already quoted, vol. i.
96In the province of botany such a case has already been made known by Fritz Müller (Botan. Zeitung, 1869, p. 226; 1870, p. 149). I may be here permitted to quote a passage from the letter in which Dr. Müller calls attention to this interesting discovery. “As a proof of the possibility that a reversion form can again become a persistent character in a species or in the allied form of a particular district, I may refer you to an Epidendrum of the island of Santa Catharina. In all Orchids (with the exception of Cypripedium) only one anther is developed; in very rare cases well-formed anthers appear as reversions among the aborted lateral anthers of the inner whorl. In the Epidendrum mentioned, these are however always present.”
97[This species is interesting as being ovoviviparous, the young passing through the branchiate stage within the body of the mother. Some experiments, which were partially successful, were made by Fräulein v. Chauvin with a view to solve the question whether the branchiate stage could be prolonged by taking the larvæ directly from the mother before birth and keeping them in water. See “Zeit. für wissen. Zoo.” vol. xxix., p. 324. R.M.]
98See Fatiot, “Les Reptiles et les Batraciens de la haute Engadine.” Geneva, 1873.
99I can remember at Upper Engadine a peculiar kind of preserved beef, prepared by simply drying in the air; also the mummification of entire human bodies by drying in the open air, as is practised at Great St. Bernard.
100“Faune des Vertébrés de la Suisse,” vol. iii. “Histoire Naturelle des Reptiles et des Batraciens.” Geneva, 1873.
101See Wiedersheim, “Versuch einer gleichenden Anatomie der Salamandrinen.” Würzburg, 1875.
102See Gené, “Memorie della Reale Acad. di Torino,” vol. i.
103Rana esculenta never reaches Alpine regions, this species not having been found higher than 1100 meters. (Fatiot, loc. cit., p. 318.)
104See also the excellent work upon Mexico by Mühlenpfordt already quoted, vol. i., pp. 69–76.
105“Essai politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne,” 1805, p. 291.
106[The expression made use of by the author, viz. “Diluvialzeit,” would perhaps be more in harmony with the views of English geologists if rendered as the “pluvial period,” thereby indicating the period of excessive rainfall which, according to Mr. Alfred Tylor, succeeded to and was a consequence of the thawing of the great glaciers which accumulated during the last glacial epoch. There is abundant evidence to show that during the latter period glacial action extended in North America at least as far south as Nicaragua. See Belt on “The Glacial Period in North America,” Trans. Nova Scotian Inst. of Nat. Sci. 1866, p. 93, and “The Naturalist in Nicaragua,” pp. 259–265. R.M.]