There are few who have not felt the charms of music, and acknowledged its expressions to he intelligible to the heart. It is a language of delightful sensations, that is far more eloquent than words: it breathes to the ear the clearest intimations; but how it was learned, to what origin we owe it, or what is the meaning of some of its most affecting strains, we know not.
We feel plainly that music touches and gently agitates the agreeable and sublime passions; that it wraps us in melancholy, and elevates us to joy; that it dissolves and inflames; that it melts us into tenderness, and rouses into rage: but its strokes are so fine and delicate, that, like a tragedy, even the passions that are wounded please; its sorrows are charming, and its rage heroic and delightful. As people feel the particular passions with different degrees of force, their taste of harmony must proportionably vary. Music, then, is a language directed to the passions; but the rudest passions put on a new nature, and become pleasing in harmony: let me add, also, that it awakens some passions which we perceive not in ordinary life. Particularly the most elevated sensation of music arises from a confused perception of ideal or visionary beauty and rapture, which is sufficiently perceivable to fire the imagination, but not clear enough to become an object of knowledge. This shadowy beauty the mind attempts, with a languishing curiosity, to collect into a distinct object of view and comprehension; but it sinks and escapes, like the dissolving ideas of a delightful dream, that are neither within the reach of the memory, nor yet totally fled. The noblest charm of music, then, though real and affecting, seems too confused and fluid to be collected into a distinct idea.
Harmony is always understood by the crowd, and almost always mistaken by musicians. The present Italian taste for music is exactly correspondent to the taste for tragi-comedy, that about a century ago gained ground upon the stage. The musicians of the present day are charmed at the union they form between the grave and the fantastic, and at the surprising transitions they make between extremes, while every hearer who has the least remainder of the taste of nature left, is shocked at the strange jargon. If the same taste should prevail in painting, we must soon expect to see the woman's head, a horse's body, and a fish's tail, united by soft gradations, greatly admired at our public exhibitions. Musical gentlemen should take particular care to preserve in its full vigour and sensibility their original natural taste, which alone feels and discovers the true beauty of music.
If Milton, Shakspeare, or Dryden had been born with the same genius and inspiration for music as for poetry, and had passed through the practical part without corrupting the natural taste, or blending with it any prepossession in favour of sleights and dexterities of hand, then would their notes be tuned to passions and to sentiments as natural and expressive as the tones and modulations of the voice in discourse. The music and the thought would not make different expressions; the hearers would only think impetuously; and the effect of the music would be to give the ideas a tumultuous violence and divine impulse upon the mind. Any person conversant with the classic poets, sees instantly that the passionate power of music I speak of, was perfectly understood and practised by the ancients—that the Muses of the Greeks always sung, and their song was the echo of the subject, which swelled their poetry into enthusiasm and rapture. An inquiry into the nature and merits of the ancient music, and a comparison thereof with modern composition, by a person of poetic genius and an admirer of harmony, who is free from the shackles of practice, and the prejudices of the mode, aided by the countenance of a few men of rank, of elevated and true taste, would probably lay the present half-Gothic mode of music in ruins, like those towers of whose little laboured ornaments it is an exact picture, and restore the Grecian taste of passionate harmony once more to the delight and wonder of mankind. But as from the disposition of things, and the force of fashion, we cannot hope in our time to rescue the sacred lyre, and see it put into the hands of men of genius, I can only recall you to your own natural feeling of harmony and observe to you, that its emotions are not found in the laboured, fantastic, and surprising compositions that form the modern style of music: but you meet them in some few pieces that are the growth of wild unvitiated taste; you discover them in the swelling sounds that wrap us in imaginary grandeur; in those plaintive notes that make us in love with woe; in the tones that utter the lover's sighs, and fluctuate the breast with gentle pain; in the noble strokes that coil up the courage and fury of the soul, or that lull it in confused visions of joy; in short, in those affecting strains that find their way to the inmost recesses of the heart,
Untwisting all the chains that tie
The hidden soul of harmony.
Say ye—oppress'd by some fantastic woes,
Some jarring nerve that baffles your repose,
Who press the downy couch while slaves advance
With timid eye to read the distant glance;
Who with sad pray'rs the weary doctor tease,
To name the nameless, ever new disease;
Who with mock patience dire complaint endure,
Which real pain, and that alone, can cure:
How would ye bear in real pain to lie,
Despised, neglected, left alone to die?
How would ye bear to draw your latest breath,
Where all that's wretched paves the way for death?
Such is that room which one rude beam divides,
And naked rafters form the sloping sides;
Where the vile bands that bind the thatch are seen,
And lath and mud are all that lie between,
Save one dull pane that coarsely patch'd gives way
To the rude tempest, yet excludes the day:
There, on a matted flock with dust o'erspread,
The drooping wretch reclines his languid head!
For him no hand the cordial cup supplies,
Nor wipes the tear which stagnates in his eyes;
No friends, with soft discourse, his pangs beguile.
Nor promise hope till sickness wears a smile.
Thou, who didst put to flight
Primeval silence, when the morning stars,
Exulting, shouted o'er the rising ball:
O Thou! whose word from solid darkness struck
That spark, the sun, strike wisdom from my soul;
My soul which flies to thee, her trust her treasure,
As misers to their gold, while others rest:
Through this opaque of nature and of soul,
This double night, transmit one pitying ray,
To lighten and to cheer. Oh, lead my mind,
(A mind that fain would wander from its woe,)
Lead it through various scenes of life and death,
And from each scene the noblest truths inspire.
Nor less inspire my conduct, than my song;
Teach my best reason, reason; my best will
Teach rectitude; and fix my firm resolve
Wisdom to wed, and pay her long arrear;
Nor let the phial of thy vengeance, pour'd
On this devoted head, be pour'd in vain.
The bell strikes One. We take no note of time
But from its loss; to give it then a tongue
Is wise in man. As if an angel spoke,
I feel the solemn sound. If heard aright,
It is the knell of my departed hours.
Where are they? with the years beyond the flood!
It is the signal that demands dispatch:
How much is to be done! My hopes and fears
Start up alarm'd, and o'er life's narrow verge
Look down—on what? A fathomless abyss!
A dread eternity! How surely mine!
And can eternity belong to me,
Poor pensioner on the bounties of an hour?
How poor, how rich, how abject, how august,
How complicate, how wonderful is man!
How passing wonder He who made him such!
Who center'd in our make such strange extremes—
From different natures, marvellously mix'd:
Connexion exquisite! of distant worlds
Distinguish'd link in being's endless chain!
Midway from nothing to the Deity;
A beam ethereal—sullied and absorpt!
Though sullied and dishonour'd, still divine!
Dim miniature of greatness absolute!
An heir of glory! a frail child of dust!
Helpless immortal! insect infinite!
A worm! a god! I tremble at myself,
And in myself am lost. At home a stranger.
Thought wanders up and down, surprised, aghast,
And wondering at her own. How reason reels!
Oh, what a miracle to man is man!
Triumphantly distress'd! what joy! what dread
Alternately transported and alarm'd!
What can preserve my life, or what destroy?
An angel's arm can't snatch me from the grave;
Legions of angels can't confine me there.
'Tis past conjecture; all things rise in proof.
While o'er my limbs sleep's soft dominion spread,
What though my soul fantastic measures trod
O'er fairy fields, or mourn'd along the gloom
Of pathless woods, or down the craggy steep
Hurl'd headlong, swam with pain the mantled pool,
Or scaled the cliff, or danced on hollow winds
With antic shapes, wild natives of the brain!
Her ceaseless flight, though devious, speaks her nature
Of subtler essence than the trodden clod:
Active, aerial, towering, unconfined,
Unfetter'd with her gross companion's fall.
Even silent night proclaims my soul immortal:
Even silent night proclaims eternal day!
For human weal Heaven husbands all events;
Dull sleep instructs, nor sport vain dreams in vain.
Nay, shrink not from that word "Farewell!"
As if 'twere friendship's final knell—
Such fears may prove but vain:
So changeful is life's fleeting day,
Whene'er we sever, Hope may say,
We part to meet again!
E'en the last parting earth can know,
Brings not unutterable woe
To souls that heav'nward soar:
For humble Faith, with steadfast eye,
Points to a brighter world on high,
Where hearts, that here at parting sigh,
May meet—to part no more!
[We have considered that it would be useful to the young reader to have a ready means of reference, in the READING BOOK itself, to all unusual words of one syllable, and all the words of two syllables and above, that occur in the various lessons. In the following pages will be found, properly accentuated, all the more difficult polysyllables, with their meanings, derived from Johnson, Walker, and other competent authorities.]
ABA'NDON, v.a. give up; resign, or quit; forsake; leave
ABI'LITY, s. capacity; qualification; power
A'BJECT, a. mean; being of no hope or regard; destitute
ABLU'TION, s. the act of cleansing or washing clean; water used in washing
ABO'LISH, v.a. make void; put an end to; destroy
ABO'UND, v.n. have in great plenty; be in great plenty
ABRE'AST, ad. side by side
ABRU'PTLY, ad. hastily; suddenly; without the due forms of preparation
A'BSOLUTE, a. positive; certain; unlimited
A'BSTRACT, s. the smaller quantity containing the virtue or power of the greater
ABSTRU'SE, a. hidden; difficult
ABU'NDANT, a. plentiful
ABU'TMENT, s. that which borders upon another
ACA'DEMY, s. (from Academus, an Athenian, who founded a public school at Athens, which after him was called Academia, Latin), place of education; an assembly or society of men, uniting for the promotion of some art
A'CCENT, s. the sound of a syllable; a modification of the voice expressive of the passions or sentiments; the marks made upon syllables to regulate their pronunciation
A'CCIDENT, s. that which happens unforeseen; chance
ACCO'MPANY, v.n. associate with; become a companion to
ACCO'MPLICE, s. an associate; partner
ACCO'MPLISHMENT, s. ornament of mind or body; acquirement
ACCO'ST, v.a. speak to; address; salute
ACCO'UNT, s. the state or result of a computation—as, the account stands thus between us; narrative; value
ACCO'UTRE, v.a. dress; equip
A'CCURACY, s. exactness; nicety
ACCU'STOM, v. to habituate; to inure
ACQUI'RE, v.a. gain; obtain; attain
A'CRID, a. having a hot biting taste; bitter
A'CRIMONY, s. sharpness; severity; bitterness of thought or language
ACRO'POLIS, s. a citadel; the highest part of a city
ACTI'VITY, s. quickness; nimbleness
ACU'TE, a. sharp, not blunt; sharp, not dull; not stupid; vigorous; powerful in operation
ADAMA'NTINE, a. made of adamant; having the qualities of adamant, viz. hardness, indissolubility
ADA'PT, v.a. admit, justify; yield; permit
ADIEU', ad. used elliptically for à Dieu je vous commende, at the parting of friends; farewell
A'DMIRABLE, a. to be admired; of power to excite wonder
ADMIRA'TION, s. wonder
ADMI'T, v.a. suffer to enter; allow
ADO'PT, v.a. take a son by choice; make him a son who is not so by birth; place any person or thing in a nearer relation than they have by nature or something else
ADRO'ITNESS, s. dexterity; readiness
ADU'LT, s. a person above the age of boyhood or girlhood
ADVA'NCE, v.a. improve; forward; propose
ADVA'NTAGE, s. superiority; opportunity
ADVE'NTURE, s. chance; hazard; an enterprise in which something must be left to hazard
ADVE'NTURER, s. he that puts himself into the hands of chance
ADVE'NTUROUS, a. bold; daring; courageous; inclined to adventures
ADVE'RSITY, s. affliction; calamity; misfortune; the public misery
ADVE'RTISEMENT, s. something advertised; the public notice of a thing
A'DVOCATE, s. he that pleads a cause
AE'OLIAN, a. an epithet applied to lyric poetry, because Sappho and Alcaeus were natives of Lesbos in Aeolia, and wrote in the Aeolic dialect
AE'RIAL, a. belonging to the air; lofty
AFFABI'LITY, s. civility; condescension; easiness of manners
AFFE'CT, v.a. act upon; produce effect in any other thing; move the passions; aim at; aspire to
AFFECTA'TION, s. an elaborate appearance; false pretence
AFFE'CTION, s. state of being affected by any cause or agent; love; kindness; good-will to some person; passionate regard
AFFE'CTIONATE, a. full of affection; fond; tender; warm; benevolent
AFFI'NITY, s. connection with
AGGRE'SSION, s. first act of injury
A'GONY, s. the pangs of death; any violent pain in body or mind
AGRE'EABLE, a. suitable to; pleasing
A'GRICULTURE, s. the science of making land productive
A'LABASTER, s. a kind of soft marble, easier to cut and less durable than the other kinds
ALA'RUM, s. notice of any approaching danger; any tumult or disturbance
A'LIEN, s. foreigner; stranger
A'LKALI, s. any substance which, when mingled with acid, produces effervescence and fermentation
ALLEGO'RY, s. a figurative discourse, in which something is contained other than is literally understood
ALLE'VIATE, v.a. make light; ease; soften
ALLO'W, v.a. permit; give leave
A'LPHABET, s. the order of the letters, or elements of speech
ALTERA'TION, s. the act of changing; the change made
A'LTITUDE, s. height of place; space measured upward
AL'TOGETHER, ad. completely; without exception
AMA'LGAMATE, v.a. to unite metals with silver
AMA'ZEMENT, s. height of admiration; astonishment
AMBI'GUOUS, a. using doubtful expressions; doubtful; having two meanings
AMBI'TION, s. the desire of preferment or honour; the desire of anything great or excellent
AMBI'TIOUS, a. fond of power; desirous of power
AME'RICAN, s. native of America
A'METHYST, s. a precious stone of a violet colour
A'MIABLE, a. kind; gentle; good natured; loving; not selfish
AMMUNI'TION, s. military stores, applied to artillery
AMPHITHE'ATRE, s. a building in a circular or oval form, having its area encompassed with rows of seats one above another
AMPU'LLA, s. (pronounced am-poo-la) a vessel of pure gold, used for containing the holy oil at coronations
AMU'SE, v.a. entertain with tranquillity; draw on from time to time
ANA'LOGY, s. resemblance between things with regard to some circumstances or effects
ANATO'MICAL, a. relating or belonging to anatomy
ANA'TOMY, s. the art of dissecting the body; the doctrine of the structure of the body
A'NCESTOR, s. one from whom a person descends
A'NCIENT, a. old; past; former
A'NECDOTE, s. something yet unpublished; biographical history; personal history
ANEMO'METER, s. an instrument to measure the force of the wind
ANGE'LIC, a. resembling angels; belonging to angels
A'NIMAL, s. a living creature
ANIMA'LCULE, s. a small animal, generally applied to those which cannot be seen without a microscope
ANIMO'SITY, s. vehemence of hatred; passionate malignity
ANNIHILATE, v.a. reduce to nothing; destroy
ANNO'Y, v.a. incommode; vex; tease; molest
A'NNUAL, a. that comes yearly
A'NTELOPE, s. a goat with curled or wreathed horns
ANTHROPO'PHAGI, s. man-eaters; cannibals
ANTI'CIPATE, v.a. take an impression of something which is not yet as if it really was
A'NTIQUARY, s. a man studious of antiquity
ANTI'QUE, a. ancient; old; odd; of old fashion
ANTI'QUITY, s. old times; remains of old times
A'NTRE, s. a cavern
ANXI'ETY, s. perplexity; lowness of spirits
ANXIOUS, a. disturbed about some uncertain event
A'PATHY, s. exemption from feeling or passion
APO'CALYPSE, s. the Book of Revelations
APO'LOGY, s. defence; excuse
APO'STLE, s. a person sent with commands, particularly applied to those whom our Saviour deputed to preach the Gospel
APOSTO'LIC, a. delivered or taught by the Apostles
APPARA'TUS, s. tools; furniture; show; instruments
APPE'AR, v.n. be visible; in sight
APPEARANCE, s. the act of coming into sight; phenomenon; apparition; presence
APPE'NDAGE, s. something added to another thing without being necessary to its essence
A'PPETITE, s. hunger; violent longing
APPLA'USE, s. approbation loudly expressed; praise
APPLICATION, s. close study; intenseness of thought; attention; the act of applying; the act of applying anything to another.
APPORTIONMENT, s. dividing into portions
APPRECIATE, v.a. set a price on anything; esteem
APPRO'ACH, v n. draw near; somewhat resemble
APPROBATION, s. the act of approving, or expressing himself pleased, or satisfied; support
APPRO'PRIATENESS, s. a fitness to be appropriated
APPROPRIATION, s. the application of something to a certain purpose
AQUA'TIC, a. that inhabits the water; that grows in the water
A'QUEDUCT, s. a conveyance, tunnel, or way made for carrying water
ARA'TOO, s. a bird of the parrot kind
AR'BALIST, s. a naturalist who make trees his study
A'RBITRABY, o. despotic; absolute; depending on no rule
ARBU'TUS, s. a strawberry tree
ARCA'DE, s. a continued arch; a walk arched over
ARCHBI'SHOP, s. a bishop of the first class, who superintends the conduct of other bishops
ARCHITE'CTURE, s. the art or science of building
A'RCTIC, a. northern; lying under the Arctos or Bear
A'RDUOUS, a. lofty; difficult
ARI'SE, v.n. mount upward; get up; proceed
ARMI'LLA, s. a bracelet, or jewel worn on the arm
A'RMY, s. collection of armed men; a great number
AROMA'TIC, a. spicy; fragrant; strong-scented
ARRI'VE, v.n. reach any place; happen
ARRA'NGE, v.a. put in the proper order for any purpose
ARRA'NGEMENT, s. the act of putting In proper order, the state of being put in order
ARRA'Y, s. order, chiefly of war; dress
A'RROGANCE, s. the act or quality of taking much upon one's self
A'RROW, s. the pointed weapon which is shot from a bow
A'RTICLE, s. a part of speech; a single clause of an account; term
ARTI'CULATE, v.a. form words; speak as a man; draw up in articles; make terms
A'RTIFICE, s. trick; fraud; stratagem; art; trade
ARTIFI'CIAL, a. made by art; not natural
ARTI'LLERY, s. weapons of war; cannon; great ordinance
A'RTISAN, s. professor of any art
ASCE'NDANCY, s. influence; power
ASPE'RSE, v.a. bespatter with censure or calumny
A'SPIC, s. the name of a small serpent
ASSA'ILANT, s. one that assails
ASSE'MBLY, s. a company met together
ASSE'RT, v.a. to declare positively; maintain; to defend either by words or actions; claim
ASSIDU'ITY, s. diligence
ASSI'MILATE, v.a. bring to a likeness; turn to its own nature by digestion
ASSISTANT, s. a helper
ASSI'ZE, s. a jury; any court of justice; the ordinance or statute
ASSO'CIATE, s. a partner; a confederate; a companion
ASSU'RE, v.a. give confidence by a firm promise
ASTO'NISHMENT, s. amazement
ASTRO'NOMY, s. the science of the motions, distances, &c. of the stars
A'THEISM, s. the disbelief of a god
ATHE'NIAN, s. a native of Athens
A'TMOSPHERE, s. the air that encompasses the solid earth on all sides
ATRO'CIOUS, a. wicked in a high degree; enormous
ATTA'CH, v.a. arrest; fix one's interest; win; lay hold on
ATTA'CK, v.a. to make an assault
ATTA'IN, v.a. gain; procure; reach
ATTAINMENT, s. an acquisition; an accomplishment
ATTE'MPT, v.a. venture upon; try; endeavour
ATTE'NDANT, s. one that attends; one that is present at anything
ATTENTION, s. the act of attending; the act of bending the mind upon it
ATTE'NTIVE, a. regardful; full of attention
ATTI'RE, s. clothing; dress; equipment
A'TTITUDE, s. position; expression
ATTRA'CT, v.a. draw to something; allure; invite
ATTRA'CTIVE, a. having the power to draw anything; inviting
ATTRIBUTE, v.a. to ascribe; to yield as due; to impute as a cause
AU'DITOR, s. a hearer
AURO'RA-BOREA'LIS, a. electrical light streaming in the night from the north; the northern lights or streamers
AUSTE'RITY, s. severity; cruelty
AUTHENTIC, a. genuine
AU'THOR, s. the first beginner or mover of anything; a writer in general
AUTHO'RITY, s. power; rule; influence; support; legal power
AU'TUMN, s. the season of the year between summer and winter
AVAILABLE, a. profitable; powerful; advantageous
AVALA'NCHE, s. immense mass of snow or ice
A'VERAGE, s. a middle proportion
AVI'DITY, s. eagerness; voracity; greediness
AVO'ID, v.a. shun; shift off; quit
AWA'KE, v.a. rouse out of sleep; put into new action
AW'KWARD, a. clumsy; inelegant; unready
A'ZURE, s. blue; faint blue
BA'CCHANALS, s. the drunken feasts of Bacchus; fabulous personages who assisted at the festivals of Bacchus
BALCO'NY, s. a frame before the window of a room
BALLO'ON, s. a large hollow ball of silk, filled with gas, which makes it rise in the air
BA'NDIT, s. a man outlawed
BA'NISH, v.a. condemn to leave one's country; drive away
BA'NISHMENT, s. the act of banishing another; the state of being banished
BARBA'RIAN, s. a savage; a man uncivilized
BA'RBAROUS, a. savage; ignorant; cruel
BA'RREN, a. unfruitful; sterile; scanty
BARRIC'ADE, v.a. stop up a passage; hinder by stoppage
BASA'LT, s. a variety of trap rock
BASA'LTIC, a. relating to basalt
BASTI'LE, s. (pronounced basteel) a jail; formerly the state prison of France
BA'TTER, v.a. beat; shatter; beat down
BA'TTLE, s. a fight; an encounter between opposite enemies
BEA'CON, s. something raised on an eminence to direct
BEA'RABLE, a. that which is capable of being borne
BEAU'TY, s. a particular grace or feature; a beautiful person
BECO'ME, v.a. befit; be suitable to the person
BEDE'CK, v.a. to deck; to adorn; to grace
BE'DSTEAD, s. the frame on which the bed is placed
BEHI'ND, ad. out of sight; not yet in view; remaining
BEHO'VE, v.n. to be fit
BELI'EVE, v.n. to have a firm persuasion of anything
BENEFA'CTOR, s. one that does good
BE'NEFIT, s. a kindness; a favour conferred; an advantage
BENE'VOLENT, a. kind; having good-will
BENI'GHT, v.a. involve in darkness; surprise with the coming on of night
BENI'GNANT, a. kind; generous; liberal
BE'NISON, s. a blessing
BENU'MB, v.a. make torpid; stupify
BESIE'GE, v.a. to beleaguer; to lay siege to
BESPRE'NT, v. def. besprinkled
BESTO'W, v.a. give; confer upon; lay up
BETWE'EN, prep. in the middle space; from one to another; noting difference of one from another
BI'LBERRY, s. the fruit of a plant so called
BO'ATMAN, s. he that manages a boat
BO'DY, s. material substance of an animal; matter; person; collective mass; main part; main army
BO'RDER, s. edge; edge of a country; a bank raised round a garden and set with flowers
BO'UNTEOUS, a. liberal; kind; generous
BOUQUE'T, s. (pronounced boo-kay) a nosegay
BOWSPRI'T, s. (a sea term) the mast that runs out at the bow of a ship
BRA'CELET, s. an ornament for the arms
BRA'CH, s. a she hound
BRA'CKISH, a. salt; somewhat salt
BRI'LLIANCY, s. brightness; lustre
BRI'LLIANT, s. a diamond of the finest cut
BRI'LLIANT, a. shining; sparkling; full of lustre
BU'BBLE, s. a small bladder of water; anything which wants solidity and firmness
BU'LKY, a. of great size or stature
BU'LWARK, s. a fortification; a security
BUO'YANCY, s. the quality of floating
BU'RDENSOME, a. grievous
BU'RIAL, s. interment; the act of putting anything under earth or water
BU'RY, v.a. inter; put in the grave; conceal
BU'TTRESS, s. a prop; a wall built to support another
CA'DENCE, s. the fall of the voice; state of sinking, decline
CALA'MITY, s. misfortune; cause of misery; distress
CA'LCULATE, v.a. reckon; adjust
CAL'CULA'TION, s. a practice or manner of reckoning; a reckoning
CA'LEDO'NIANS, s. the ancient inhabitants of Scotland
CAMPA'IGN, s. a large, open, level tract of land; the time for which any army keeps the field
CA'NADA, s. a province of the British possessions in America
CANA'L, s. any course of water made by art; a passage through which any of the juices of the body flow
CANA'RY, s. an excellent singing-bird—so called from its native place, the Canary Islands
CA'NNIBAL, s. a savage that eats his fellow-men taken in war
CA'PABLE, a. susceptible; intelligent; qualified for; able to receive; capacious; able to understand
CAPA'CIOUS, a. wide; large
CAPA'CITY, s. power; ability; state; condition; character
CAPERCA'ILZIE, s. (pronounced cap-per-kail-zeh) cock of the wood
CA'PITAL, s. the upper part of a pillar; the chief city of a nation or kingdom
CA'PITAL, a. applied to letters—large, such as are written at the beginning or heads of books
CA'PTAIN, s. a chief commander
CA'PTIVE, s. a prisoner
CAPTI'VITY, s. imprisonment; subjection by the fate of war; bondage; slavery; servitude
CA'PTURE, v.a. take prisoner; bring into a condition of servitude
CA'RAVAN, s. a conveyance; a troop or body of merchants or pilgrims, as they travel in the East
CARE'ER, s. a course; full speed; course of action
CA'RGO, s. the lading of a ship
CARNI'VOROUS, a. flesh-eating
CA'ROB, s. a plant bearing a nutritious fruit so called
CA'RRIAGE, s. the act of carrying or transporting; vehicle; conduct
CA'RRION, s. the carcase of something not proper for food
CA'RRONA'DE, s. a short iron cannon
CA'RRY, v.a. convey from a place; transport; bring forward; bear
CAR'TILAGE, s. a smooth and solid body, softer than a bone, but harder than a ligament
CARTILA'GINOUS, a. consisting of cartilages
CA'RTRIDGE, s. a case of paper or parchment filled with gunpowder, used for greater expedition in loading
CASCA'DE, s. a cataract; a waterfall
CA'STELLATED, a. that which is turretted or built in the form of a castle
CATAMARA'N, s. a rude species of boat
CA'TARACT, s. a waterfall
CATA'STROPHE, s. a final event
CATHE'DRAL, s. the head church of a diocese
CA'VALRY, s. horse soldiery
CA'VERN, s. a hollow place in the ground
CA'VIL, s. a false or frivolous objection
CA'VITY, s. a hole; a hollow place
CE'DAR, s. a kind of tree; it is evergreen, and produces flowers
CE'LEBRATE, v.a. praise; commend; mention in a set or solemn manner
CELE'BRITY, s. transaction publicly splendid
CELE'RITY, s. quickness
CELE'STIAL, a. heavenly
CE'METERY, s. a place where the dead are deposited
CE'NTRE, s. the middle
CE'NTURY, s. a hundred years
CEREMO'NIOUS, a. full of ceremony
CE'REMONY, s. form in religion; form of civility
CE'RTAIN, a. sure; unquestionable; regular; particular kind
CHAO'TIC, a. confused
CHA'PTER, s. a division of a book; the place in which assemblies of the clergy are held
CHARACTERI'SE, v.a. to give a character of the particular quality of any man
CHARACTERI'STIC, s. that which constitutes the character
CHARACTERI'STICALLY, ad. constituting the character
CHA'RITY, s. kindness; love; good-will; relief given to the poor
CHA'TEAU, s. (pronounced shat-oh) a castle
CHA'TTER, v.a. make a noise by collision of the teeth; talk idly or carelessly
CHE'RUB, s. a celestial spirit, next in order to the seraphim
CHRI'STENDOM, s. the collective body of Christianity
CHRI'STIAN, s. a professor of the religion of Christ
CHRO'NICLE, s. a register of events in order of time; a history
CHRO'NICLER, s. a writer of chronicles; a historian
CHRONO'METER, s. an instrument for the exact measuring of time
CI'PHER, s. a figure, as 1, 2
CI'RCUIT, s. a circular band
CI'RCUIT, s. ring; round; stated journey repeated at intervals
CIRCU'MFERENCE, s. the space enclosed in a circle
CIRCUMSCRI'BE, v.a. enclose in certain lines or boundaries; bound; Limit
CI'RCUMSTANCE, s. something relative to a fact; incident; event
CI'STERN, s. a receptacle of water for domestic uses; reservoir
CI'STUS, s. rock-rose
CI'TADEL, s. a fortress; a place of defence
CI'TIZEN, s. a freeman of a city; townsman
CI'TY, s. a corporate town that hath a bishop
CI'VIL, a. political; not foreign; gentle; well bred; polite
CIVI'LITY, s. politeness; complaisance
CI'VILIZA'TION, s. civilising manners
CI'VILIZE, v.a. reclaim from savageness and brutality
CLA'MOUR, s. noise; tumult; disturbance
CLA'RION, s. a trumpet
CLI'MATE, s. a region, or tract of land, differing from another by the temperature of the air
CLU'STER, s. a bunch
CO'GNIZANCE, s. trial; a badge by which one is known
COLLE'CT, v.a. gather together; bring into one place; gain from observation
COLLO'QUIAL, a. that relates to common conversation
COLO'NIAL, a. that which relates to a colony
CO'LONIST, s. one that colonises; one that dwells in a colony
COLO'SSAL, a. of enormous magnitude; large
CO'LOUR, s. the appearance of bodies to the eye only; hue; appearance
CO'LUMN, s. a round pillar; a long file or row of troops; half a page, when divided into two equal parts by a line passing down the middle
COLU'MNAR, a. formed in columns
COMBINA'TION, s. a union; a joining together
CO'MFORTABLE, a. admitting comfort; dispensing comfort
COMMA'NDER, s. a general; chief; leader
COMMEMORA'TION, s. an act of public celebration
COMME'NCE, v.a. to begin
CO'MMERCE, s. intercourse; exchange of one thing for another; trade
COMME'RCIAL, a. that which relates to commerce
CO'MMINUTE, v.a. to grind; to pulverise
COMMO'DITY, s. wares; merchandise
COMMONWE'ALTH, s. a polity; an established form of civilized life; public; republic
COMMU'NICATE, v.a. impart knowledge; reveal
COMMU'NITY, s. the commonwealth; the body politic; common possession
COMPA'NION, s. a partner; an associate
CO'MPANY, s. persons assembled together; a band; a subdivision of a regiment of foot