полная версияThe mystery of apartment theft

Матильда Лаваль
The mystery of apartment theft

– That's cool. Can I call from you?

– of Course, call.

I dialed the number and was immediately answered:

–I'm listening."

– Uncle Lyosha, Hello.

– Hi, Anya. How are you doing?

– I'm fine.* Uncle Lesha has a case.

"All right, go ahead.*

I told him the same thing I told Tanya and asked him to set up an ambush.

– Thank you Anya, we will definitely arrange it, tell us the coordinates – he was happy.

– Krymskaya house 80 apartment 208. * * Tanya will be waiting for you at the entrance at 7 o'clock.

* – hockey-OK.

**– address other than the street is fictitious.

Chapter 6

On Friday, I came to school and saw Tanya running towards me.

– Hi, did you wait for him? I asked.

–Yes. He's already set up an ambush in our apartment.

– Hi, Anya – said Diana, who came up.


– An, I'm moving today. Can you help?

"Yes, I can. But first we'll run to Tanya's. Uncle Lesha will have to detain your father by now.


Chapter 7

After school, we stopped by Tanya's. The robber was caught at 9 o'clock. And all the loot was returned to the owners. I helped Diana move in. On Monday, uncle Lyosha came, awarded me a diploma, and as a reward gave me a bag of treats for the rats. That's how my second investigation ended.
