полная версияThe mystery of apartment theft

Матильда Лаваль
The mystery of apartment theft

So it all fits – I thought – she's a spotter. And tomorrow I'll nail her to the wall. And she can't avoid the answer.

Chapter 4

As soon as I entered the school, began to look out Latugino. And here she is. It is advisable to press it in an empty classroom, so that no one burned it. This opportunity presented itself after the last lesson. I called Masha, Varya, Nastya and Renata to help.

– Diana! I called.

–That responded to Latugino.

"Come here."


"I have a case."

"Okay, I'm coming.

As soon as she came up, we grabbed her against the wall.

– Girls, what does this mean? Diana asked, startled.

"Tell me you're a tipster," I said.

–What are you talking about?"

– Don't be silly, you know everything! And if you don't admit it, we'll give you a black eye. You have 30 seconds to think. Time's up.

"Thinking about what?" Diana asked.

– Like what, tell everything or get a black eye. By the way, Yes, time is up, so what's your choice?

"I'll tell you everything, but don't give me a black eye," Diana pleaded.

"Well, go ahead.*

After the story, it turned out that her father was a robber. He robs apartments, taking only money, jewelry and animals. He kept the money for himself, sold the jewelry, and gives the animals to their owners, getting paid for it
