полная версияThe mystery of apartment theft

Матильда Лаваль
The mystery of apartment theft

"Mash, what was stolen?"

–All the money that was at home, the jewelry: two pairs of identical ruby earrings, a sapphire ring, and Lucy. This is our cat. She is completely black, with different eyes, one green and the other yellow. She was wearing a purple collar.

"Yes, the theft is strange. Hey, you're someone talked about this?

–Yes, but I was told only Latugino and no one else.

– Oh…, the circle of suspects is narrowing, now we just have to wait, if someone from our class is robbed, and the person only told Zlatukhina, then we will need to pin her to the wall. So we will definitely help you.

"Who are you?" Masha was surprised.

– Like who. Me and Motya.

– I still don't understand Motya because he's a rat.

–So what. It helps me to carry out a brain attack. As Petka says from the books of Catherine Wilmont.

–I've read her books, too. Only I don't remember about the brain attack.

–This is in the series of her books "Dasha and Co»*

– Ah…, I see. I don't have these books.

–Nothing I'll give you to read I have.

– Thank you, okay I'll go I have to go. Bye!

– Bye!

* – the author and name of the series EXISTS.

Chapter 3

When I came to school in the morning, I found out that three others had been robbed: Varya Lushkevicha, Nastya Lukyanova and Renata Lukyanenko. The same thing was stolen from them, only from Varya-the dog, from Nastya-the cat, from Renata-the rabbit. And they said only Latugino.
