полная версияThe Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication — Volume 1

Чарльз Дарвин
The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication — Volume 1

As with flowers, so with our domesticated animals, no character is more variable than colour, and probably in no animal more so than with the horse. Yet, with a little care in breeding, it appears that races of any colour might soon be formed. Hofacker gives the result of matching two hundred and sixteen mares of four different colours with like-coloured stallions, without regard to the colour of their ancestors; and of the two hundred and sixteen colts born, eleven alone failed to inherit the colour of their parents: Autenrieth and Ammon assert that, after two generations, colts of a uniform colour are produced with certainty. (12/50. Hofacker 'Ueber die Eigenschaften' etc. s. 10.)]

In a few rare cases peculiarities fail to be inherited, apparently from the force of inheritance being too strong. I have been assured by breeders of the canary-bird that to get a good jonquil-coloured bird it does not answer to pair two jonquils, as the colour then comes out too strong, or is even brown; but this statement is disputed by other breeders. So again, if two crested canaries are paired, the young birds rarely inherit this character (12/51. Bechstein 'Naturgesch. Deutschlands' b. 4 s. 462. Mr. Brent, a great breeder of canaries, informs me that he believes that these statements are correct.): for in crested birds a narrow space of bare skin is left on the back of the head, where the feathers are up-turned to form the crest, and, when both parents are thus characterised, the bareness becomes excessive, and the crest itself fails to be developed. Mr. Hewitt, speaking of Laced Sebright Bantams, says (12/52. 'The Poultry Book' by W.B. Tegetmeier 1866 page 245.) that, "why this should be so I know not, but I am confident that those that are best laced frequently produce offspring very far from perfect in their markings, whilst those exhibited by myself, which have so often proved successful, were bred from the union of heavily- laced birds with those that were scarcely sufficiently laced."

It is a singular fact that, although several deaf-mutes often occur in the same family, and though their cousins and other relations are often in the same condition, yet their parents are rarely deaf-mutes. To give a single instance: not one scholar out of 148, who were at the same time in the London Institution, was the child of parents similarly affected. So again, when a male or female deaf-mute marries a sound person, their children are most rarely affected: in Ireland, out of 203 children thus produced one alone was mute. Even when both parents have been deaf-mutes, as in the case of forty-one marriages in the United States and of six in Ireland, only two deaf and dumb children were produced. Mr. Sedgwick (12/53. 'British and Foreign Med. — Chirurg. Review' July 1861 pages 200-204. Mr. Sedgwick has given such full details on this subject, with ample references, that I need refer to no other authorities), in commenting on this remarkable and fortunate failure in the power of transmission in the direct line, remarks that it may possibly be owing to "excess having reversed the action of some natural law in development." But it is safer in the present state of our knowledge to look at the whole case as simply unintelligible.

Although many congenital monstrosities are inherited, of which examples have already been given, and to which may be added the lately recorded case of the transmission during a century of hare-lip with a cleft-palate in the writer's own family (12/54. Mr. Sproule in 'British Medical Journal' April 18, 1863.) yet other malformations are rarely or never inherited. Of these latter cases, many are probably due to injuries in the womb or egg, and would come under the head of non-inherited injuries or mutilations. With plants, a long catalogue of inherited monstrosities of the most serious and diversified nature could easily be given; and with plants, there is no reason to suppose that monstrosities are caused by direct injuries to the seed or embryo.

With respect to the inheritance of structures mutilated by injuries or altered by disease, it was until lately difficult to come to any definite conclusion. Some mutilations have been practised for a vast number of generations without any inherited result. Godron remarks (12/55. 'De l'Espece' tome 2 1859 page 299.) that different races of man have from time immemorial knocked out their upper incisors, cut off joints of their fingers, made holes of immense size through the lobes of their ears or through their nostrils, tatooed themselves, made deep gashes in various parts of their bodies, and there is no reason to suppose that these mutilations have ever been inherited. (12/56. Nevertheless Mr. Wetherell states, 'Nature' December 1870 page 168, that when he visited fifteen years ago the Sioux Indians, he was informed "by a physician, who has passed much of his time with these tribes, that some times a child was born with these marks. This was confirmed by the U.S. Government Indian Agent.") Adhesions due to inflammation and pits from the small-pox (and formerly many consecutive generations must have been thus pitted) are not inherited. With respect to Jews, I have been assured by three medical men of the Jewish faith that circumcision, which has been practised for so many ages, has produced no inherited effect. Blumenbach, however, asserts (12/57. 'Philosoph. Mag.' volume 4 1799 page 5.) that Jews are often born in Germany in a condition rendering circumcision difficult, so that a name is given them signifying "born circumcised;" and Professor Preyer informs me that this is the case in Bonn, such children being considered the special favourites of Jehovah. I have also heard from Dr. A. Newman, of Guy's Hospital, of the grandson of a circumcised Jew, the father not having been circumcised, in a similar condition. But it is possible that all these cases may be accidental coincidence, for Sir J. Paget has seen five sons of a lady and one son of her sister with adherent prepuces; and one of these boys was affected in a manner "which might be considered like that commonly produced by circumcision;" yet there was no suspicion of Jewish blood in the family of these two sisters. Circumcision is practised by Mahomedans, but at a much later age than by Jews; and Dr. Riedel, Assistant Resident in North Celebes, writes to me that the boys there go naked until from six to ten years old; and he has observed that many of them, though not all, have their prepuces much reduced in length, and this he attributes to the inherited effects of the operation. In the vegetable kingdom oaks and other trees have borne galls from primeval times, yet they do not produce inherited excrescences; and many other such facts could be adduced.

Notwithstanding the above several negative cases, we now possess conclusive evidence that the effects of operations are sometimes inherited. Dr. Brown- Sequard (12/58. 'Proc. Royal Soc.' volume 10 page 297. 'Communication to the Brit. Assoc.' 1870. 'The Lancet' January 1875 page 7. The extracts are from this last paper. It appears that Obersteiner 'Stricker's Med. Jahrbucher' 1875 No. 2 has confirmed Brown-Sequard's observations.) gives the following summary of his observations on guinea-pigs; and this summary is so important that I will quote the whole: —

["1st. Appearance of epilepsy in animals born of parents having been rendered epileptic by an injury to the spinal cord.

"2nd. Appearance of epilepsy also in animals born of parents having been rendered epileptic by the section of the sciatic nerve.

"3rd. A change in the shape of the ear in animals born of parents in which such a change was the effect of a division of the cervical sympathetic nerve.

"4th. Partial closure of the eyelids in animals born of parents in which that state of the eyelids had been caused either by the section of the cervical sympathetic nerve or the removal of the superior cervical ganglion.

"5th. Exophthalmia in animals born of parents in which an injury to the restiform body had produced that protrusion of the eyeball. This interesting fact I have witnessed a good many times, and I have seen the transmission of the morbid state of the eye continue through four generations. In these animals, modified by heredity, the two eyes generally protruded, although in the parents usually only one showed exophthalmia, the lesion having been made in most cases only on one of the corpora restiformia.

"6th. Haematoma and dry gangrene of the ears in animals born of parents in which these ear-alterations had been caused by an injury to the restiform body near the nib of the calamus.

"7th. Absence of two toes out of the three of the hind leg, and sometimes of the three, in animals whose parents had eaten up their hind-leg toes which had become anaesthetic from a section of the sciatic nerve alone, or of that nerve and also of the crural. Sometimes, instead of complete absence of the toes, only a part of one or two or three was missing in the young, although in the parent not only the toes but the whole foot was absent (partly eaten off, partly destroyed by inflammation, ulceration, or gangrene).

"8th. Appearance of various morbid states of the skin and hair of the neck and face in animals born of parents having had similar alterations in the same parts, as effects of an injury to the sciatic nerve."]

It should be especially observed that Brown-Sequard has bred during thirty years many thousand guinea-pigs from animals which had not been operated upon, and not one of these manifested the epileptic tendency. Nor has he ever seen a guinea-pig born without toes, which was not the offspring of parents which had gnawed off their own toes owing to the sciatic nerve having been divided. Of this latter fact thirteen instances were carefully recorded, and a greater number were seen; yet Brown-Sequard speaks of such cases as one of the rarer forms of inheritance. It is a still more interesting fact —


["That the sciatic nerve in the congenitally toeless animal has inherited the power of passing through all the different morbid states which have occurred in one of its parents from the time of the division till after its reunion with the peripheric end. It is not therefore simply the power of performing an action which is inherited, but the power of performing a whole series of actions, in a certain order."]

In most of the cases of inheritance recorded by Brown-Sequard only one of the two parents had been operated upon and was affected. He concludes by expressing his belief that "what is transmitted is the morbid state of the nervous system," due to the operation performed on the parents.

With the lower animals Dr. Prosper Lucas has collected a long list of inherited injuries. A few instances will suffice. A cow lost a horn from an accident with consequent suppuration, and she produced three calves which were hornless on the same side of the head. With the horse, there seems hardly a doubt that exostoses on the legs, caused by too much travelling on hard roads, are inherited. Blumenbach records the case of a man who had his little finger on the right hand almost cut off, and which in consequence grew crooked, and his sons had the same finger on the same hand similarly crooked. A soldier, fifteen years before his marriage, lost his left eye from purulent ophthalmia, and his two sons were microphthalmic on the same side. (12/59. This last case is quoted by Mr. Sedgwick in 'British and Foreign Medico-Chirurg. Review' April, 1861 page 484. For Blumenbach see above-cited paper. See also Dr. P. Lucas 'Traite de l'Hered. Nat.' tome 2 page 492. Also 'Transact. Linn. Soc.' volume 9 page 323. Some curious cases are given by Mr. Baker in the 'Veterinary' volume 13 page 723. Another curious case is given in the 'Annales des Scienc. Nat.' 1st series, tome 11 page 324.) In all cases in which a parent has had an organ injured on one side, and two or more of the offspring are born with the same organ affected on the same side, the chances against mere coincidence are almost infinitely great. Even when only a single child is born having exactly the same part of the body affected as that of his injured parent, the chances against coincidence are great; and Professor Rolleston has given me two such cases which have fallen under his own observation, — namely of two men, one of whom had his knee and the other his cheek severely cut, and both had children born with exactly the same spot marked or scarred. Many instances have been recorded of cats, dogs, and horses, which have had their tails, legs, etc., amputated or injured, producing offspring with the same parts ill-formed; but as it is not very rare for similar malformations to appear spontaneously, all such cases may be due to coincidence. It is, however, an argument on the other side that "under the old excise laws the shepherd-dog was only exempt from tax when without a tail, and for this reason it was always removed" (12/60. 'The Dog' by Stonehenge 1867 page 118.); and there still exist breeds of the shepherd-dog which are always born destitute of a tail. Finally, it must be admitted, more especially since the publication of Brown-Sequard's observations, that the effects of injuries, especially when followed by disease, or perhaps exclusively when thus followed, are occasionally inherited. (12/61. The Mot-mot habitually bites the barbs off the middle part of the two central tail-feathers, and as the barbs are congenitally somewhat reduced on the same part of these feathers, it seems extremely probable, as Mr. Salvin remarks, 'Proc. Zoolog. Soc.' 1873 page 429, that this is due to the inherited effects of long-continued mutilation.)


A large number of cases of non-inheritance are intelligible on the principle, that a strong tendency to inheritance does exist, but that it is overborne by hostile or unfavourable conditions of life. No one would expect that our improved pigs, if forced during several generations to travel about and root in the ground for their own subsistence, would transmit, as truly as they now do their short muzzles and legs, and their tendency to fatten. Dray-horses assuredly would not long transmit their great size and massive limbs, if compelled to live on a cold, damp mountainous region; we have indeed evidence of such deterioration in the horses which have run wild on the Falkland Islands. European dogs in India often fail to transmit their true character. Our sheep in tropical countries lose their wool in a few generations. There seems also to be a close relation between certain peculiar pastures and the inheritance of an enlarged tail in fat-tailed sheep, which form one of the most ancient breeds in the world. With plants, we have seen that tropical varieties of maize lose their proper character in the course of two or three generations, when cultivated in Europe; and conversely so it is with European varieties cultivated in Brazil. Our cabbages, which here come so true by seed, cannot form heads in hot countries. According to Carriere (12/62. 'Production et Fixation des Varietes' 1865 page 72.) the purple- leafed beech and barberry transmit their character by seed far less truly in certain districts than in others. Under changed circumstances, periodical habits of life soon fail to be transmitted, as the period of maturity in summer and winter wheat, barley, and vetches. So it is with animals: for instance, a person, whose statement I can trust, procured eggs of Aylesbury ducks from that town, where they are kept in houses and are reared as early as possible for the London market; the ducks bred from these eggs in a distant part of England, hatched their first brood on January 24th, whilst common ducks, kept in the same yard and treated in the same manner, did not hatch till the end of March; and this shows that the period of hatching was inherited. But the grandchildren of these Aylesbury ducks completely lost their habit of early incubation, and hatched their eggs at the same time with the common ducks of the same place.

Many cases of non-inheritance apparently result from the conditions of life continually inducing fresh variability. We have seen that when the seeds of pears, plums, apples, etc., are sown, the seedlings generally inherit some degree of family likeness. Mingled with these seedlings, a few, and sometimes many, worthless, wild-looking plants commonly appear, and their appearance may be attributed to the principle of reversion. But scarcely a single seedling will be found perfectly to resemble the parent-form; and thus may be accounted for by constantly recurring variability induced by the conditions of life. I believe in this, because it has been observed that certain fruit-trees truly propagate their kind whilst growing on their own roots; but when grafted on other stocks, and by this process their natural state is manifestly affected, they produce seedlings which vary greatly, departing from the parental type in many characters. (12/63. Downing 'Fruits of America' page 5: Sageret 'Pom. Phys.' pages 43, 72.) Metzger, as stated in the ninth chapter, found that certain kinds of wheat brought from Spain and cultivated in Germany, failed during many years to reproduce themselves truly; but at last, when accustomed to their new conditions, they ceased to be variable, — that is, they became amenable to the power of inheritance. Nearly all the plants which cannot be propagated with any approach to certainty by seed, are kinds which have been long propagated by buds, cuttings, offsets, tubers, etc., and have in consequence been frequently exposed during what may be called their individual lives to widely diversified conditions of life. Plants thus propagated become so variable, that they are subject, as we have seen in the last chapter, even to bud-variation. Our domesticated animals, on the other hand, are not commonly exposed during the life of the individual to such extremely diversified conditions, and are not liable to such extreme variability; therefore they do not lose the power of transmitting most of their characteristic features. In the foregoing remarks on non-inheritance, crossed breeds are of course excluded, as their diversity mainly depends on the unequal development of character derived from either parent or their ancestors.


It has been shown in the early part of this chapter how commonly new characters of the most diversified nature, whether normal or abnormal, injurious or beneficial, whether affecting organs of the highest or most trifling importance, are inherited. It is often sufficient for the inheritance of some peculiar character, that one parent alone should possess it, as in most cases in which the rarer anomalies have been transmitted. But the power of transmission is extremely variable. In a number of individuals descended from the same parents, and treated in the same manner, some display this power in a perfect manner, and in some it is quite deficient; and for this difference no reason can be assigned. The effects of injuries or mutilations are occasionally inherited; and we shall see in a future chapter that the long-continued use and disuse of parts produces an inherited effect. Even those characters which are considered the most fluctuating, such as colour, are with rare exceptions transmitted much more forcibly than is generally supposed. The wonder, indeed, in all cases is not that any character should be transmitted, but that the power of inheritance should ever fail. The checks to inheritance, as far as we know them, are, firstly, circumstances hostile to the particular character in question; secondly, conditions of life incessantly inducing fresh variability; and lastly, the crossing of distinct varieties during some previous generation, together with reversion or atavism-that is, the tendency in the child to resemble its grand-parents or more remote ancestors instead of its immediate parents. This latter subject will be discussed in the following chapter.

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