полная версияНочные строки

Эмма Новак
Ночные строки

Полная версия

Эту короткую жизнь-гастроли

Я, может быть, очень плохая актриса

Как говорят одной пьесы,

Набившей оскомину роли.

И то, что в сценарии значилось драмой

переиграем как буффонаду, бурлеск.

А я обещаю после вернуться дождём или градом

Долгой дорогой в 10 парсек, как абсолютный звёздный блеск

И пусть зал будет весь поражен, очарован.

Я отыграю блестяще самый последний акт.

Прошу тебя, высеки после на камне лишь слово



Тихие звуки нежного голоса

Словно русалочье пение

Бесконечные огненно-рыжие волосы

тревожат воображение.

Энергия, страсть – она актриса театральной сцены

Вязкая печаль – все, что внутри среди отрывков воспоминаний нетленных.

Ее слова закрадываются в сознание

хочешь ты того, или нет.

Можешь не сомневаться —

она оставит особенный привкус, не заснеженный след.

Ты растворишься в одном прикосновении изящных маленьких рук.

Но, всегда существует "но", так что слушай сюда, друг.

Не смей говорить с ней о погоде, делах, сплетнях чужих людей.

Она, поверь, не стоит твоих заунывных речей.

Рассмотри тот дрожащий огонь в ней, что трепещет как пламя свечей.

Ту живую, прозрачную душу, как весенний журчащий ручей

Once I was dreaming of snow falling down on the ground

So I fell asleep I imagined I’d wake up to the sound

Of your steps as if you’re coming around

I opened up the door and met your blue-eyed glance

I’ll give you dear the fighting chance

To be my greatest wish come true

I once realized you're not a snowball's chance in hell

Keep your arms wrapped around my waist

Kiss me to the fireworks bursting sound

All our high hopes will never let us down

we don’t have to think of troubles we faced

for the first here in the background

There's no place for crime

No place for evidence

On the icy street we walk around

I'm patiently waiting for you to grab my hand to dance

Christmas lights sparkle and glisten

The necklace is on my neck

My favourite red dress on me

I can’t wait to tell you

So you’ll answer me back

You're my wish come true

When all the bubbles of champagne make our heads spin

I hope you'll make a wish as soft snow is falling on your skin

Curly hair

I let you go

Once you’ve had it all

When we were right there praying on you

I tried to smile

But I only tried

Because nothing in this world ever makes you cured

Take your time

just realize

We wait for you to come every single day and night

Maybe you can be

Someone we can’t see

Please give us any sign because I can’t stand them say

that you’re not here

I still try

To fall asleep at night

I remember when we got

that nothing helps

neither songs or prayers

I don’t know

If you’re finally home

But if the shooting star is just your tears or scars

Just let me know there’s something wrong with you

I see your curly hair

almost everywhere

So every time I hope

it’ll be just you

We count the days

Even through the years

I promise you I’ll wait for you and I still do

I just want to touch your curly hair

and know that you're okay

just let me know you're okay

Crazy winner

I found myself tearing apart

The papers we wrote down our plans

I heard you said it's going to be okay


The truth is it was the day

when I started to pray

You've got me talking in my sleep

There's no one who could hear it

when I'm screaming out you name

I'm loser in this game

of sinners

You are the crazy winner

I was growing up as a girl

Who wears armors of steel

Never knew someday in this cruel world

I'll be needing that much

someone to heal


Someone to hold onto

Someone to speak to

I’ll come back as someone else

Will you wait for me?

Would you notice me in the college yard?

Would you read my messages in the books

you take in the library

Read my words I’ve written between the lines

I promise you I'll let you know as soon as I am here

I will come back as someone else,

because I didn’t lie

Will you notice the petals of the apple tree

As they’re falling on the ground as soon as the trees choose yellow

and the evergreen trees put on white dress

They Keep Their Leaves in Winter

Go out on the lawn

behind the house

we shared for a while

And leave your footprints

Imagine you go back another year

When we were waiting for the inevitable ending

That was already coming

But we made plans

you made a snow angel

Do you remember?

Do you miss it?

Do you miss me?

I smile at you now

From above

Take a look at the sky

can you feel my brittle kiss on your cheek?

I'll come back as someone new

I'll be here as soon as you want me to

I won't haunt my little brother

I'll watch him as he falls asleep in his boyish room

I'll hug my mother

she never wanted her child to end up like this

I'll come to never sleeping dad

Giving him a kiss

And leave the cup of coffee underneath

You became cool as water in the lake

we dreamed of buying our own house nearby.

Because our concept of happiness was identical

But we were divided

never had a reason to judge or to say sorry

you erased everything with the one single touch or your warm hand

Everything that could connect you and me

it happened in an instant

as if we were in a particle accelerator.

And you could hardly see,

but I noticed

the sparkle in your eyes

It wasn’t because of laughter

but of hatred

of indifference

I couldn’t diminish it

but I loved you

and I don't care if you were wrong once

and we argued over trifles

After all

I’d rather to argue with you

than to find out what you have been thinking about for eight years in a row

Your old fashioned pictures

I watch you from a distance

As you're growing up

Learning new things

Getting better

and you may not even know about it

We were against everyone

They were against us

When we ruled our city

Looking at its lights

From the balcony,

from the rooftops,

from the hills

to be honest

I didn't tell you then

that you were brighter than all the lights

You were the brightest fire

Everyone thought it was a star

but it was you

raising your hands up

and exposing your face to the wind

blowing your jacket

I couldn't take my eyes off you and my most consuming fear was losing you.

Seeing this picture disappearing like a ghost

This is what I wanted to capture in my memory for forever

It won't disappear

It won't fade away with the changing seasons

With changing faces in the street

My mind is a red room

you were my safe place

my sedes confessionalis

and there are our moments


They say I'll find a lot of friends

Someday might find even more

What if I'm wishing to see

you standing on my backyard

knocking at my front door?

What it I can't help

running to your street

To your house?

What if I wish to see you on my street?

Just to see your face I'm always looking for.

I could pretend and say

there's nothing about in my room

But every poem is about you

every note I play is representation of your face

Every chord is conception of your glance

My glorious moments are your work of art.

The melody you play is the sounds of my slowly breaking heart

By your hand

Promise me the thunder won't tear us apart

I let you hide

You are my brand new trend

I tried to find you and there was rain

when I finally found

I hated this kind of weather before

but now it's my favourite one

Because you held out your rainbow umbrella.

You said

There is no point in locking the barn door now that the horse has been stolen


I understood the more you try to fight something you can't stop

the more it resists


The single lightning flashed

lit up the sky with electrical discharge

the thunder rolled up

and the sky like a man who was brought back to life seemed to bleed

Is there still place for my clothes in your drawer?

They said you sold your furniture to the old man's store

Set on the corner

You bought a hand-me-down pickup truck and painted your door

the colours I hate

The most

So there's no chance it might be me you wait for to come in your room

Hoops and ropes.

Arena and clowns

Everyone has fun.

The room is filled with laughter and applause,

but only one child in the circus is sad

to the core

to the bone.

Because he knows that blood is spilled outside

Bruised dead bodies drown in brown waves

They’re choked with liquid,

trying to scream at the top of their lungs

but all these sounds are drowned in laughter

The kid knows this world is divided in two

he doesn't know how to fix it

He looks up at his parents

but they put their hands over his mouth

saying he is still too small to understand

The cruelty of the world

Too young to understand anything

but he knows everything


You don't want anything

don't want to open your eyes

You don't want to close them.

You don't want to move

but don't want to lie down.

Don’t want to close the curtains

but you don't want to let in

a single ray of light

You don’t want to speak,

but you can’t keep quiet.

Don't want to meet anyone

But you are scared to be left out alone

you can't turn the pages

you can’t focus on the lines

you can’t live,

but you don't want to die.

All the sounds hurt your nerves,

but the silence cuts the veins.

All your friends say it will pass

Parents say “don't pretend”.

it's all nothing more than laziness


but my depression says

I need to stay in this safe place

So I stay

Today you rejoice

You make plans like building skyscrapers

you don't think of tomorrow,

but everything is changing


You will climb to the top of this building

At midnight

and you’ll fall

You are unstable

You are polar

And I'm sorry

That you can’t handle

all your manias
