полная версияНочные строки

Эмма Новак
Ночные строки

Полная версия

Guitar strings

Black and white keys

Flutes and violins

Deep voices

Like an ornament

Two angels are holding your hands

Their fluffy wings

You feel their touch

Gates of paradise

and the light is reflected in your big curious eyes

no more of your past long agonizing nights.

Is there better place than the earth you spent time on with us, my dear?

I hope you nod your head yes

Otherwise I don't see the point in this all

right now right here

If a girl with curly hair

That looks like she came down from the books pages

she loved so much


And a mug of milk

And cookies that you baked together.

Misted windows in the kitchen.

And the forest behind the yard

Where you walked

and sandy road

asphalt hid the traces of our children's feet.

All these years

imprinted in my memory

stuck in the chambers of my brain

like an immovable sculpture,

a monument.

and I keep it,

cherish it as a value,

as the treasure

like the dried leaves

of a long-gone autumn

I saved it in my box

underneath my bed

Those shining looks,

outstretched arms

wide smiles

Time can’t erase it

Listen to me now

I'm not a fool.

I'm not just something that exists on this earth

I feel

I live

I understand

I make wishes,

I dream and make plans

I work my fingers to the bone

I am learning everything while you sit on your throne,

while you spit poison on those

who love and protect others.

Maybe I don’t know something

But I know we are not your puppets,

I know that we are smart enough to choose.

My women are my sisters

I appreciate every inch of their bodies

Their short


colourful hair

I love women

because they are my sisters

with their scars

with their wounds

with their different skin

I love when women talk

because we have a lot to say

and we don't have to keep it inside

to be appreciated

because our dignity is our loud voices

I don't need your approval to write these lines

because there is nothing criminal about my words

there is nothing criminal in the fact that women are my sisters.

What did you feel seeing that girl with golden hair

With textbooks she held in her hands

The girl you saw the last time

last year

in the dark school hallways

The girl who came home

The girl who was writing long poetic metaphorical letters she saved in the box?

I'm driving to your house

In the midnight

In the haze

I'm carrying your things

I see your shadows


The sheets of my diary

It saved your trace

Of your fingertips

You are my inspiration

You are my Starry night

I see out of my window

When the lights

Turned off

The snow remembers my knees

I fell down on

Crying over the phone

Do you still hear me begging you to stay

I don't really know all the reasons why

But I know that the seasons change

They take my memories of you away

They said we'd never talk again

All the cinematic movies we have seen

All the breath-taking books that we both read

The city's streets are keepers of

The words you have said

I blamed the northern wind

Cursed at the enigmatic

Luminous stars

They are the witness of that time

When you held me in your embossed arms

You were there for me

Said you'll be watching my back

Is there anything new down your way?

Even after six long years

There's nothing new to say

I just should tell myself

The seasons have already changed

Twenty four times

They took all of you with them

I should stop looking for your traces

The fingertips you left on my diaries

I should stop pretending the breath of the wind if your breath

The seasons changed

And erased you away

Every single time the autumn changes to winter

And winter opens its arms to the spring setting its three-month timer

I see the way the seasons change

And the little piece of you is fading away

Into the lavish, affluent, floral colourful summer

Can't tear out a single page from this book

No matter how hard I try

All the happy moments on the pictures now

They go to waste

Every little thing reminds me of you

What kind of things will replace it?

My salvation is your midnight lie

Because it feels like coming home

After a long absence

I love the way the sunlight reflects in the windows

The sky above the trees

The nights I see you in my dreams

Is the pain that you can ease

But pain comes back with renewed vigor.

The blowing wind is you breathing slowly

My life is the line you'll never cross

You crossed your heart

Opening the door

Going out of my room

Driving away from my house

Brewing a cap of tea

Breathing in

Looking out the window

As if looking in the mirror

At the reflection you had been trying to change

My standard of living is the book you'll never want to read

The most of lines of the love we made up

Once upon a time

Late at night

In the woods

In a small hut

We made on our own

But you said it wasn't your initiative

From the very begging

From wearing the necklace

From touching the hands

From meetings on the street

and waiting impatiently till the traffic lights say go

You said you never meant to hold the pen

You said I operate your hand

The joke is not on you

I am the one to blame

I absolutely understand.
