полная версияОмофоны в английском языке

Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Омофоны в английском языке

Полная версия

steal, steel, stele.

steep (adj.), steep (v.).

steer (direct), steer (young ox).

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still (tranquil), still (distil).

stalk (stem), stalk (v.), stork.

story, storey.

strand (shore), strand (fibre).

strain (v. and s.), strain (a breed).

strait (narrow), straight (upright).

stroke (a blow), stroke (fondle).

stoup, stoop.

shed (scatter), shed (shelter).

tart (adj.), tart (a pie).

tyre (of wheel), tire (fatigue), tire (attire), + tier (who ties).

time, thyme.

tap (to strike), tap (short pipe).

tale, tail, tail (estate in t.).

tender (adj.), tender (s., attender).

tent (pavilion), tent (plug of lint, s. and v.), tent (wine).

tare, tear (v.).

teem, team.

tear (eye), tier.

tick (bedding), tick (sheep), tick (clock), tic (spasm), tick (credit).

till (cash drawer), till (until).

tilt (v., to make aslant), tilt (tourney), tilt (of caravan).

tip (top), tip (make to slant), tip (a gift).

toe, tow (hemp), tow (draw a boat).

two, too, to.

toll (lax), toll (of bells).

taut, taught, tort.

toil (labour), toil (a snare).

top (summit), top (a toy).

truck (vehicle), truck (naut.), truck (barter).

trump (trumpet), trump (at cards).

trunk (box), trunk (of tree), trunk (of elephant).

tray, trait.

trace (track), trace (strap).

chair, chare.

chap (crack), chap (chapman), chap (cheek).

char (burn), char (fish), char (-woman).

chop (with hatchet), chop (and change).

chuck (chick), chuck (strike gently).

chase (hunt), chase (enchase), chase (printer's case), chase (groove).

vice (depravity), vice (clench), vice (deputy).

valley, valet.

van (front of army), van (fan), van (caravan).

vale, vail, veil.

vain, vein, vane.

won, one.

wake (awake), wake (watch), wake (of ship).

wain, wane.

waste, waist.

wait, weight.

wave, waive.

well (good), well (spring).

wee, we.

weak, week.

ween, wean.

war, wore.

would, wood.

II. В этих примерах слова на «wh» и «w»

ware (earthen-), ware (aware), wear, where, were.

way, weigh, whey.

weal (wealth), weal (a swelling), wheel.

weald, wield, wheeled.

while, wile.

whine, wine,

white, wight.

whether, weather.

whither, wither.

whig, wig.

whit, wit.

what, wot.

whet, wet.

whirr, were = wer'.

whin, win.

whist, wist.

which, witch, wych (elm).

III. В этой группе омофонов теряется звук R

ion, iron.

father, farther.

lava, larva.

halm, harm.

calve, carve.

talk, torque.

daw, door.

flaw, floor.

yaw, yore.

law, lore.

laud, lord.

maw, more,

gnaw, nor.

raw, roar.

shaw, shore.

IV. Название вида (животных, растений и т. д.) часто является омофоном.

bleak (fish), bleak (adj.).

dace, dais.

gull (bird), gull (s. and v.).

carp, carp (v.).

cod, cod (husk).

codling, coddling (fr. coddle).

flounder (fish), flounder (v.).

quail (bird), quail (v.).

lark (bird), lark (fun).

ling (fish), ling (heather).

mussel, muscle.

nit, knit.

awk, orc.

oriole, aureole.

pike (fish), pike (weapon).

pout (fish), pout (v.).

perch (fish), perch (alight).

plaice, place.

ray (fish), ray (of light).

rook (bird), rook (v.).

skua, skewer.

skate (fish), skate (on ice).

smelt (fish), smelt (fr. smell).

swift (bird), swift (adj.).

swallow (bird), swallow (throat).

tapir, taper.

tern, turn.

teal (fish), teil (tree).

thrush (bird), thrush (disease).

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V. Суффикс «er», добавленный к корню, часто образует омофоны.

byre, buyer (who buys).

butter (s.), butter (who butts).

better (adj.), better (who bets).

border, boarder.

dire, dyer.

founder (v.), founder (who founds).

geyser, gazer.

greater, grater (nutmeg).

canter (pace), canter (who cants).

medlar, meddler.

moulder (v.), moulder (who moulds).

pitcher (vessel), pitcher (who pitches).

pillar, piller.

platter, plaiter.

plumper (adj.), plumper (s.).

sounder (adj.), sounder (who sounds).

cellar, seller, &c.

VI. Слова, исключенные из основного списка, поскольку их омофония справедливо подвергается сомнению многими говорящими.
