pair, pear, pare.
pearl, purl (flow), purl (knitting).
pique, peak.
peal, peel.
peep (to look), peep (chirp).
piece, peace.
peach (fruit), peach (impeach).
peer (to look), peer (s.), pier.
pill (ball), pill (to pillage).
pink (a flower), pink (a colour), pink (to pierce).
pip (a seed), pip (a disease), pip (on cards).
pitch (s.), pitch (to fall, &c.).
plight (pledge), plight or plite (to plait), and 'sad plight'.
plat (of ground), plait.
plum, plumb.
plump (adj.), plump (to fall heavily).
plane (tree), plain [both various].
plot (of ground), plot (stratagem), + verbs.
pole, poll.
poach, (eggs), poach (steal game).
pore (of skin), pore (top. over), paw.
potter (v.), potter (s.).
pall (v.), pall (cloak), pawl (mechanics).
pry (inquisitive), pry (to prise open).
prise, prize.
pray, prey.
prune (fruit), prune (s.).
rye, wry.
rime, rhyme.
right, write, wright, rite.
rabbit, rabbet (carpentry).
rack [various], wrack.
racket, racquet.
rally (assemble), rally (=raillery).
rank (s.), rank (rancid).
rap, wrap.
rash (s.), rash (adj.).
ruff, rough.
rum (queer), rum (drink), rhumb (naut.).
rung (s.), and past pp. rung, wrung.
rush (s.), rush (v.).
rape (seed), rape (ravish), rape (divn. of county, obs.).
race (family), race (root), race (that is run).
rate (proportion), rate (to chide).
rut (furrow), rut (of animals).
rake (tool), rake (a prodigal), rake (of a ship).
rail (fence), rail (bird).
rain, reign, rein.
raise, raze.
reck, wreck.
rent (paymt.), rent (s., tear), rent (fr. rend).
rest (repose), rest (remainder), wrest.
reed, read.
reef (of rocks), reef (of sails).
reek, wreak.
reel (highland-), reel (cotton-).
[pg 12]
reach, retch.
reave, reeve (naut.), reeve (bailiff, obs.).
rifle (ransack), rifle (s.v., groove).
rear (raise), rear (arrière).
rig (of ship), rig (prank, riggish), rig (-s of barley).
rick (of corn), rick wrick (strain).
ring, wring.
repair (mend), repair (resort, v.).
row (oaring), row (s. of things in line), roe (of fish), roe (fem. deer).
roll [various], rôle.
rock (stone), rock (v.), roc.
rocket (plant), rocket (firework).
rue (plant), rue (v. of ruth).
rude (adj.), rood (s.), rued (fr. rue).
room, rheum.
root, route.
rout, route (military).
sign, sine (trigonom.).
site, sight, cite.
size (magnitude), size (glue).
sough, sow.
sound (noise), sound (to fathom), sound (adj.), sound (strait of sea), sound (fish bladder).
sack (bag), sack (to plunder), sack (wine).
swallow (a willow), sallow (pale colour).
sap (of trees), sap (mine).
sum, some.
sun, son + sunny, sonnie.
sage (plant), sage (adj.).
sale, sail.
sell, cell.
sense, cense.
censual, sensual.
surge, serge.
surf, serf.
scent, cent, sent (fr. send).
session, cession.
sea, see.
seed, cede.
seal (animal), ciel or ceil, seal (sign).
seam, seem.
sear, sere, cere, seer.
serial, cereal.
signet, cygnet.
cist (box), cyst (tumour, Gr.).
scar (of wound), scar (a rock).
skull, scull.
scale (shell), scale (of balance), scale (of stairs).
scald (burn), skald (poet, Norse).
scrub (of shrubs), scrub (v.).
sledge (vehicle), sledge (-hammer).
slight, sleight.
slay, sleigh (sledge).
slate (s.), slate (v., abuse).
sloe, slow.
slop (puddle), slop (loose garment).
slot (track), slot (bar).
sole (adj.), soul, sole (a fish).
sow, sew.
saw (tool), soar, sore, saw (maxim), saw (fr. see).
soil (ground), soil (defile), soil (v., of horses).
spar (beam), spar (mineral), spar (to box).
salter (who salts), psalter.
source, sauce.
spell (incantation), spell (letters), spell (turn of work).
spill (upset), spill (match).
spit (v.), spit (roasting), spit (of land).
spray (drizzle), spray (= sprig).
spruce (tree), spruce (adj.)
style, stile.
stud (nail), stud (of horses).
stake (post), steak, stake (deposit).
step, steppe.
stair, stare.
stern (adj.), stern (of ship).