полная версияPlay for 6 people. Once two new year\'s eve…

Nikolay Lakutin
Play for 6 people. Once two new year's eve…

Полная версия




Quietly giggling in an embrace, Semyon and Kristina walk out of the entrance. They are in a great mood. They are joking and laughing loudly, but quietly, so as not to Wake the neighbors.

KRISTINA (gently, modestly, a little shy): My love, it was an unforgettable evening! You were great! My legs are still shaking…

Out of the silence and darkness comes a loud, terrifying, frightening cry of Laziness, so that the viewer jumps, preferably.

LENYA (deafeningly, as loud as possible): AAAAAAAAAAA!

Semyon and Kristina start, Crouch down in fear, and turn at the cry.

A loud, frightening scream is repeated.

LENYA (deafeningly, as loud as possible): AAAAAAAAAAA!

Semyon and Kristina shudder once again, cling to each other, stiffen in a frenzy of brutal fear.

Lenya enters the stage from the other side.

Lenya bends his back, takes a deep breath in his chest and screams again, but now it becomes clear that this terrifying scream is nothing more than another attempt to sneeze.

LENYA (trying to sneeze): AAH… Aah..AAH … yup… (restrains himself, holds his nose with his hand, making a hollow sound). fuf … it seems to have let go.

SEMYON (in a trembling, stuttering voice): Twvvvvvvvvvvzzzzii, is that you sneezing like that?

LENYA (recovering her breath after a sneeze): Oh, Yes… Lost sneeze! Do you know the term? Well, this is it.

Here Lenya unexpectedly sneezes sharply so that the audience jumps once again in the last row.

Semyon and Kristina involuntarily jump from surprise.

SEMYON (quietly, Kristine): This evening, my dear, I will not forget either. Now my legs are shaking, too.

Kristina looks at Lenya accusingly and shakes her head. He kisses Senya goodbye.

KRISTINA (in a businesslike tone): Okay, I ran. Go on, take care of yourself. In touch!

Kristina runs into the entrance.

Lenya looks at the Seeds contentedly and raises his hands in triumph. He closes his hands in a clap.

LENYA (fun): Ahhh, mate. Everything is clear! (Mimicking Christina) My love, it was an unforgettable evening! You were great! My legs are still shaking…

SEMYON (upset, with attacks): By the way, I haven't been to see her for a week. Ignored it completely in cold blood and cruelly. I thought she'd figure it out, but no… Messages are pouring in every day, I don't have time to delete them! Alina is already looking at me askance. The phone is silent all the time, and I just have time to grab it while she goes out to read and delete it. My wife comes into the room, and I have the eyes of a two – man partisan. Every day is like a volcano…

LENYA (sympathetically): So you came today, you could have explained everything and put an end to it! After all, at the end of it all, it wasn't my idea… Why did you go back?

SEMYON (upset): yeah… It's not that easy, you know… I came, I think, now I will tell everything from the threshold, I will slam the door and the question is closed. And she did not have time to open the door, as let's be happy… All on the nerves, all in frustration. She had already buried me there somewhere in her mind while I was gone. I was so worried… How could I say something like that to her? She's still one of nervous shock did not really have time to recover. And I put it right there in the other one?

Semyon waves his hand hopelessly.

Lenya nods understandingly.

SIMON (frustrated): I had to lie to put pressure on the pity… Well, the final as usual-of course everything turned out, I didn't plan…

LENYA (sympathetically): Yes, I understand. Okay. The first pancake as they say practice makes perfect. Nothing. We won't count today either. After all, I tried honestly, and so did you. The second time, we'll solve everything without a hitch, I'm sure!

SEMYON (delighted): Yes! Precisely! So it will be!

Friends shake hands and leave with their arms around each other to the music.



Nora is light this time. In the hands of just one small bag. Strolling past shop Windows, listening to music on headphones. She's in a great mood. Her winter clothes are unbuttoned, elegantly repeating the contours of her body, fluttering in the air as she moves.

Alina enters the same trading floor. She is talking loudly and nervously on the phone with her husband.

ALINA (on her nerves): Senya, this is the fourth time I've told you! Buy two different loaves, two different loaves, you know? One, for example, is white, the other, for example, is made of rye flour. Well, or whatever you choose! But different. Two! Two rolls. One such, one other! And through the bars. This means the thirty pieces. You can have three packages of ten! Well, is it so hard to remember?

Alina puts down the phone and meets Nora's gaze, who turns at her loud, nervous conversation on the phone.

NORA (positively): hi, honey. What, you're not good at errands, either?


ALINA (on nerves): Hello, Nora. This is a terrible thing. Than to explain forty times and then still remind constantly, it is easier to run to the store itself. So it is truer and more reliable, and more economical.

NORA (positive): Sending mine to the store too is utopia. Always gets a bunch and everything is wrong. Yes, half of the expired goods will be in okontsovka.

ALINA (on her nerves): These guys don't look at expiration dates at all. They grab the first thing on the shelf. Well, the first – of course, there is always something that has already gone bad yesterday. It is useless to explain to them that they need to go deeper into the shelf, where the goods are fresh, better!

NORA (positively): Yes … explain not explain… They attack women as well as everything else. The mind is not involved in this process.

ALINA (on a nervous, tired exhalation): Don't say.

Ladies sit down on a bench for guests of the shopping center.

NORA (positively): How are you?

ALINA (calmly): nothing.

They sit in silence, looking at each other.

NORA (positively): All would nothing Yes all nothing?

ALINA (calmly): that's About it.


Alina's face changes. After a pause, he shares his sorrows with a friend.

ALINA (restrained): I've been looking at my husband for a week, After our conversation with you.

NORA (with interest): So what?

ALINA (restrained): He has someone…

NORA (calmly): So what?

ALINA (nervously): So what?

NORA (smoothing the corners): Well, in a sense, it is… Wow, that's awful. How did you know that?

ALINA (restrained): He doesn't look up from the phone. All the time something there reads, hides. He thinks I don't notice anything.

NORA (calmly): And the mobile phone always puts the screen down?

ALINA (surprised): Yes… How do you know?

NORA (calmly): Guys… They are not very inventive. They think they're the smartest, they beat their fists on their chests, but… in fact, we know who's who.

ALINA (hysterically, falling into tears): Kapets! He's cheating on me!

Alina is crying.

Nora feels guilty of causing mental suffering to Alina. Doesn't know what to do.

He pats Alina's shoulder.

NORA (sympathetically): Well, well…

Alina is crying even harder, even more demonstratively.

Nora is confused. It changes the strategy. Begins to defend Alina's husband busily.

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): Listen to me! What makes you think he has someone? Did you find him in bed with someone?

ALINA (thoughtfully, uncertainly): No…

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): did you Hear him cooing with his mistress on the phone and paying her all sorts of compliments, Recalling past meetings?

ALINA (thoughtfully, uncertainly): No…

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): does he always smell someone else's perfume?

ALINA (thoughtfully, uncertainly): No…

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): Did you find the wrong Hickey on his neck?

ALINA (thoughtfully, uncertainly): No… And I don't find my own there…

NORA (distantly): This is not the point!

They both take a breath.

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): Maybe he doesn't come home for the night sometimes?

ALINA (thoughtfully, uncertainly): No, always home on time.

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): did He call you by a false name in bed?

ALINA (thoughtfully, uncertainly): No…

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): Well, what did you worry about then? Get those thoughts out of your head! You can think of a lot of things, you know. On the phone? Who's not on the phone right now? From small to large. At least sometimes your phone breaks away from your smartphone. Puts the screen down? Well, let him put it down if he likes it that way. And mine… with the phone wakes up, with the phone goes to bed! Dines, goes to the toilet and shower with him… He has no time to put his gadget down the screen, because the phone is always in his hands!

Alina wipes away her tears and calms down.

NORA (resolutely, cheerfully): So, friend, don't get your head full of nonsense. And don't try to follow him. Your husband is a great guy. Take care of him, take care of him, and don't let it get on his head. Then everything will be fine for you!

ALINA (calming down): Thank you, Nora. Calmed. Actually, if you look at it like that, it's really all right. Why did I actually draw it like that? Okay… I'll run. Come visit with Lenya!

Alina gets up and recovers.

NORA (positive): Come in! Somehow…

Alina leaves, Nora waves to her from the bench.

