полная версияPlay for 6 people. Once two new year\'s eve…

Nikolay Lakutin
Play for 6 people. Once two new year's eve…

LENYA (draining a glass of soda and exhaling loudly): I'll tell you what, old man! Go now to your Kristina, but don't try to drive her there this Blizzard. Pull back hard and everything will fall into place. The brain will fall into place, and life will continue as usual. And next weekend, you and I will meet here again and talk about it.

Lenya throws on, partially zips up the jacket, goes to a friend and holds out his hand, saying goodbye.

LENYA (summing up the meeting): Well, Susanna's waiting for me. We have her there… The event is scheduled, so… Come on, see you again, my friend!

SEMYON (holds his friend's hand in the lock, does not let go of the handshake): Tell me, could you just drop everything like that?

LENYA (trying to free her hand): You mean leave your wife for your mistress? Of course, I can, but I don't need it. Then the mistress will become a wife, and I will look for a new mistress. This is all a completed stage. A waste of time, effort, and nerves!

SEMYON (holds his friend's hand in the lock, does not let go of the handshake): Well no… I don't mean that. I'm just asking the opposite. Could you give up all your adventures and start living exclusively with your wife?

Lenya freezes with a strange expression on his face, as if something has happened to him.

SEMYON (holding his friend's hand in the lock, not letting go of the handshake): Hey, Lazy? Why aren't you talking? Everything okay?

LENYA (recovering from shock): What kind of fool is that? Why saw the branch you're sitting on? Does you that… don't spread your bad thoughts to society! You should be ready for this… it would be safe to go to a psychiatrist with your ideas. Nifiga itself asked.

Lenya tries hard to free his hand, but Semyon holds it quite firmly.

SEMYON (holding his friend's hand in the lock, not letting go of the handshake): Just wait. Laziness really? Well, is it true that no one, no one at all, can be faithful to their wives? Are we such weaklings as all of them (indicating with a nod somewhere vaguely)? Let's start with the New year to live as expected? Honestly, decently. Only with their wives to live with and no one else!

LENYA (nervously): Listen… You got me in these diagrams do not enter and do not take it poorly. If you want to break up with kristinka, it's up to you. I do not experience any psychological problems on this basis. If I want to, I will remain faithful to my wife… Then… by the age of seventy-five. Until then, I don't want to. All while, I have no time, let go.

Semyon lets go of his friend's hand.

Lenya hastily zips up the jacket to the end, corrects everything. Helmet, glasses on his head, picks up his snowboard and hurries to the exit.

Semyon goes sadly to the bar and, pouring himself a soda, gives his weighty word to the back of his friend.

SEMYON (without looking at his friend, succinctly, reproachfully): Weakling!

Drinks his own soda.

Lenya, who has almost left the room, suddenly stops when he hears a friend's phrase.



At a small table, dressed in their ski suits, but unbuttoned to the rastopashku sit two, Semyon and Lenya. Lenya writes something, and Semyon attentively follows the text.

Lenya exhales, puts down the pen, lifts the sheet, and reads aloud, loud and clear.

LENYA (reads like a report): We, Senya and Lenya, hereby certify the date of entry into force of the dispute, to the extent that each of us undertakes not to go "left" for one year. In good faith and loyalty and to be faithful to their wives.

We provide for each other's control over the implementation of the agreement in any possible performance without any claims!

Loud Patriotic serious music is playing, appealing to masculinity.

Friends with eyes full of honor and self-denial lean back in their chairs and look somewhere in the distance, as if saying goodbye to their homeland, as if for the sake of the people go on their last journey.

The music stops.

Semyon takes a piece of paper, a pen, and signs it.

SEMYON (signing): Date, signature. I ask you, my colleague, to perform the same procedure!

Semyon passes the piece of paper to a friend, and Lenya also puts the date and her signature.

LENYA (with approval, with a catch): there you go. We'll make a couple of copies, just in case. So that each of us has a copy and one or two more in stock. We'll see… who of us is worth what in deeds, and not in words!

SIMON (quietly): I would like to note that initially, my offer was not limited to one year. In General, I was going to give up all third-party relationships and the rest of my life faithfully…

LENYA (interrupts): Yes … Yes … Yes! I remember this, and once again I want to note that this proposal was very short-sighted. Each event must have a specific time frame, otherwise it is all so… frivolous. Besides, no one knows how long your marriage or mine will last. Imagine if one of us gets divorced in a month, and the other one lives with his wife until retirement, and even longer. It would be a shame. The word will turn out that both hold, only one is having fun to the full, and the second like an idiot all in one hole!

SEMYON (after thinking it over): Well… I think I'll agree with that. Life is really a changeable thing. Anything can happen. And a man's word must remain a word, regardless of any changes!

LENYA (important): Golden words!

SEMEN (considered): But still… Why did you insist on a one-year term? Not two, not three, not five… That's really hard, isn't it? Do you really need someone on the side so badly and so important?

LEON (considered): You Understand, Semyon… I may be wrong… But it seems to me that it is much worse not to meet love in life at all than to meet it outside of marriage. Love is a beautiful thing. This is a very pure, very kind, very high "thing". Love is a necessary element of society and Yes… it happens that it is not one-sided. Love, brother. Another question is what to do for those who met her under the circumstances that they might have wanted.

Semyon heaves a sigh, fully evaluating what he has heard and trying it on for himself.

LEON (quietly): Do you love Alina?

SEMYON (surprised): of Course, very!

LENYA (calmly): And Kristina?

Semyon hesitates, delays with the answer.

LENYA (emotionally): Oh, you shifty! So you fell out of love with your mistress and started this argument with me under this bench? Well, sly! I underestimated you, you're not as simple as you seem…

SEMYON (excusing himself): no, no. I love Kristina, too. And I intend to part with it against my wishes. This is the Holy truth. Just, I say, the same… My conscience is bothering me.

LENYA (with a twist): Conscience? Or Kristinka?

SEMYON (excusing himself): No, no… Kristina is a beauty in this regard. Everything is top-notch, without headaches, hassle, unnecessary conversations and brain drain.

LENYA (admiring): Not even mine! Why did you clip your own wings, you fool? Oh, Yes… conscience. Internal conflicts and all that… Yes, Yes … I remember.

SEMYON (seriously): You shouldn't take it so lightly, Lenya. At a certain stage of life, you begin to understand that the main thing in life is not money, not social status, power or the number of sexual relationships…

LENYA (mockingly): Curious!

SEMYON (seriously): Well, we'll talk about it some other time. It's hot (fanning himself with the edges of his jacket), and there's no time…

The guys wave their jacket flaps, blowing themselves out.

LENYA (supporting): I agree. So we'll meet in… let's say a week. We report on the results and state of Affairs.

Lenya takes a piece of paper from the table, folds it, and puts it in the inside pocket of his jacket.

SEMYON (seriously): Officially-Yes, in a week…

Lenya freezes in a kind of incomprehension.

SEMYON (explaining): Well, in fact, we will certainly not once watch each other this week, and protect, so to speak, from under the floor, for compliance with the agreements!

Semyon pats the inside pocket of his jacket, where Lenya has just put the signed piece of paper.

Lenya gets up from the table, zips up, and is about to leave.

LENYA (moderately sad): Ah, Senya. You started it… Yes, and on the eve of the New year. At least I would give you a normal holiday off. Well, nothing is sacred!

SEMYON (moderated)): Norma-a-a-a-LNO. The sooner you sit down, the sooner you get out!

LENYA (moderately sad): Well, it happens!

They say goodbye by the hand. Lenya leaves first. Semyon also gets up from the table, zips up as he goes, and stealthily goes in the same direction that his friend has just left.

