полная версияHow did I quit smoking

Julius Chance
How did I quit smoking

Полная версия

But after ten days, I still snapped. A month later, I tried again. And failed again. Then another attempt. And another failure. And another try. And more. And again. And again. Quitting smoking turned into a regularly renewing attempt, which continued until at one point, somewhere in the twentieth session, I passed the mark of a month. Then I joyfully felt in my guts that the goal was already achievable, that since now I was able to push on to the end. This realization gave me new strength, hope and even confidence. When a month and a half passed and the craving for smoking almost completely disappeared, I suddenly, for no apparent reason, felt a so strong urge to smoke as I had never felt before, even when I was a smoker. I couldn’t stand it and went out to the stall to buy a pack of cigarettes. Having come to the stall, I pointed to the pack of my favorite cigarettes ‘Kazbek’, pulled out my wallet and suddenly … I felt that I did not want to smoke at all! I pondered over the strangeness of situation like in a slow-motion movie and still bought a pack ‘in autopilot’. Then I looked at it as something that was already alien to me and happily returned it to the surprised seller with the words: "Keep it for yourself, in case of shortage…". Soon it seemed bizarre to me that I used to smoke.

I, your devoted author, do not say that you can quit smoking only as I described – abruptly, squeezing the will into a fist for two months. Many people do quit in different ways also. My story is written for those who so far could not give up otherwise. For those, who achieved it neither gradually, nor with the help of psychologists, nor with the help of doctors. The story is written because it has really worked for me. I sincerely believe that for real men, it is the most quick and practical way. Here is what St. Philaret of Moscow wrote on this occasion: "Give up your smoky habit! It will not be easy for you, but do not rely on yourself: call on God to help and for God at once – certainly immediately – cut off the evil!"

Religious people can replace my ‘mantra’ with a suitable prayer. Below in the Appendix are three of the strongest such prayers – one Christian prayer, another – Muslim prayer and the third – Buddhist (Tibetan) mantra. Good luck!
