Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus

Дамир Хаматулин
Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus

Par le duct eur du limier & leurier…

But he was noticed by Nostradamus, the pit – “ fossa ”, apparently in the Latin manner, ending in “ a ”, – too. The author decided to tie it for a reason, too. The word " estache '" is present only four times in the Centuries, so its second presence in quatrain 3-91 could not go unnoticed, and the Magister took advantage of this fact. "– Foss -" in the Centuries is the same rarity. This letter combination was noted five times. Yes, the chapter – " Chef " – where without it, is also here.

With a clerk in this area – complete emptiness. No clues were found, which can not be said about " cro + sse ". Author This definitely was noted .

3-90 …Vn chef de cla sse istra de Carmanie,

Qui prendra terre au Tyrren Phocean.

3-91 L'arbre qu'estoit par long temps mort seche`,

Dans vne nuict viendra a` reuerdir:

Cro n.roy malade, prince pied estache'…

However, the story of the clerk has its development elsewhere in the Centuries. The whole picture is formed on it, described in the third line of quatrain 8-95.

5-13 … Fureur grin sse ant chassera gent lybique

Despuis Pannons iusques Hercules la hare.

5-14 Saturne & Mars en leo Espaigne captiue,

Par chef lybique au conflict attrape',

Proche de Malthe, Heredde prinse viue,

Et Romain sceptre sera par coq frappe'.

5-15 En nauigant captif prins grand pontife,

Grans apretz faillir les clerc z tumultuez:

Second esleu absent son bien debife,

Son fauory bastard a` mort tue'.

5-16 A son hault pris plus la lerme sabee,

D'humaine chair par mort en cendre mettre,

A l'isle Pharos par cro isars perturbee…

Already in the future events of the Centuries, Nostradamus again sets in motion this whole swirling topic. He says goodbye to the seducer in quatrain 10-46, reminding him that he is still in the pit: FOSSE.

10-46 Vie soit mort de L' O R vilaine indigne,

S era de Saxe non nouueau electeur:

De Brunsuic mandra d'amour signe,

F aux le rendant au peuple seducteur .

10-47 De Bourze ville a la dame Guyrlande,

L'on mettra sus par la trahison faicte

Le grand prelat de Leon par Formande,

Faux pellerins & rauisseurs defaicte.

10-48 Du plus profond de l' E spaigne enseigne…

I have noticed many times how the Author unanimously and tightly collects in the right place all the necessary capital letters, with the exception of one. What is this? The fear that his cryptography would become too comprehensible without this? Maybe yes. There is no other explanation, at least for me.

The most difficult part of the task is to find the source for the last, fourth line of quatrain 8-95. In this case, I will not claim that I discovered the true place: " Py + can + te ", " dr + oi + te ", " con + te + ns ". Due to the rather small fragmentation of words, it is difficult to draw an unambiguous conclusion.

2-74 … Pour passer outre vers les monts Py renees:

La gent sortir de la Marque d'An con ne,

Par te rre & mer le suiura a` gra ns trainees.

2-75 La voix ouye de l'insolit oyseau,

Sur le can on du respiral estaige,

Si hault vien dr a du froment le b oi sseau,

Que l'homme d'homme sera Antropophage.

-76 Foudre en Bourgongne fera cas por te n te ux…


The only time in the Centuries the Author mentions the Synagogue. And in the quatrain itself, he speaks openly about this. She is sterile and has not produced any fruit. AND For what Then He All This started ?

8-96 La synagogue sterile sans nul fruit,

Sera receu entre les infideles: De Babylon la fille du porsuit, Misere & triste luy trenchera les aisles.

The synagogue is sterile, without a single fruit,

Will be accepted among the infidels:

From Babylon the daughter of the persecuted,

Poverty and sadness will clip her wings.

The word " infideles " turned out to be a very important clue. It only appears once more in the Centuries in quatrain 9-83, but in the singular, revealing the secret of the synagogue: " sin + ag + ogue ". It is indeed accepted among the infidels.

9-83 … Lors l' infidelle _ Dieu & sainctz v ogue ra .

9-84 Roy expose' parfaira L'hecatombe,

Apres auoir trouue' son origine: Torrent ouurir de marbre & plomb la tombe, D'vn grand Romain d'enseigne Medu sin e.

9-85 Passer Guienne, Languedoc & le Rosne,

D' Ag en tenens de Marmande & la Roole…

There were even two Babylonian daughters of the persecuted, and they also turned out to be infertile: “ fi + lle ”, “ por + su + it ”.

10-86 …Et iront contre le roy de Babylon .

10-87 Grand roy viendra prendre por t pres de Nisse,

Le grand empire de la mort si enfera, Aux Antipolles, posera son genisse, Par mer la Pille tout e su anoira.

10-88 Piedz & Cheual a` la seconde vei lle ,

Feront entree vastient tout par la mer: Dedans le poil entrera de Marsei lle ,

Pleurs, crys, & sang, onc nul temps si amer.

10-89 De brique en mabre seront les murs redu it s,

Sept & cinquante annees paci fi ques:

Ioye aux humains, renoue' Laqueduict, Sante', grandz fruict , ioye & temps meli fi que.

It's amazing how well Nostradamus navigated his notes. I'll give you an example. In the process of searching for all variants of the “Babylonian daughter”, I studied not only places near obvious “Babylons”, but also, due to the rarity of “– by -”, places of possible “Babylons” hidden from prying eyes. One of these places especially attracted me, but after comparing the two options, I decided that the “fruit” from quatrain 10-89 clearly defines the right area, and. most likely, the "fragmented" Babylon arose spontaneously. No, there is nothing random about the Centuries! I am writing this with all responsibility. Now And That the place " worked ". Below – "Ba + by + ll + on", "fil + le", "infi + de + les", "mi + se + re", "tr + en + che + ra" and "triste " .

4-4 L'impotent prince fache', plainctz & querel les ,

De rapts & pilles par coqz & par li by ques:

Grand est par terre, par mer infi nies voi ll es,

Seure Italie sera chassant Celtiques.

4-5 Croix, paix, soubs vn accomply diuin verbe,

L'Hespaigne & Gau le ser on t vnis en semble:

Grand clade pro che , & com ba t tr esacerbe,

Coeur si hardy ne se ra qui ne tremble.

4-6 D'habits nouueaux apres faicte la treuue,

Malice tramme & machination: Pre mier mourra qui en fera la preuue,

Couleur veni se insidiation.

4-7 Le mineur fil z du grand & hay prince,

De le pre aura a vingt ans grande tache:

De dueil sa me re mourra bien triste & mi nce,

Et il mourra la ou tombe chet lache.

The only thing missing is the wings. They are slightly lower, in quatrain 4-10: " ais + les ".

-10 …Sceptre ap ais er: puis guerir escroue les .


Oh chen "smart" quatrain 8-97. Only some moments are completely incomprehensible. Mysterious pompotans, VAR limits, what is it about? And where to look for it?

8-97 Aux fins du var changer les pompotans,

Pres du riuage les trois beaux enfans naistre: Ruyne au peuple par aage competans, Regne au pays changer plus voir croistre.

Within VARA, pompotans change,

Near the shore three beautiful children are born:

Devastation to the people due to the proper age,

The reign of the country is changing, growth is obvious.

With regard to the first line of this quatrain, I have an ambiguous situation. The simplest situation is right in front of your nose, with the participation of this quatrain. It contains capital letters (of course, in addition to VAR ) A and R . In the next quatrain – V. Another VAR has formed , and immediately after that, the necessary components of the pompotan are found: " po + mpo + tan ".

8-99 Par la puissance des trois rois te mpo relz,

En autre lieu sera mis le saint siege: Ou la subs tan ce de l'esprit cor po rel…

Another denouement is seen at the very end of the tenth Centuria. This is the area where the last time the three capital letters V , A and R are in close contact.

10-94 De Nismes, d'Arles, & Vienne contemner,

N'obey tout a l'edict Hespericque: A ux labouriez pour le grand condamner,

Six eschappez en habit seraphicque.

10-95 Dans les Espaignes viendra R oy trespuissant…

Well, in the end, in the very last quatrain 10-100 is " pempotam ". In both cases, the limits – the ends of the VAR led to the appearance of pompotans – pempotams.

Due to the fact that the word “ riuage ( riuaige )” is a rather rare event for the Centuries, there was also a site on which three beautiful children were located near this “shore” – “ be + aux ” – “ en + fa + nt ”.

9-94 Foibles galleres sero nt vnies en semble,

En nemis faux le plus fort en rampart:

Fa ible assaillies Vratislaue tremble,

Lu be cq & Mysne tiendro nt barbare part.


9-95 Le nouueau fa ict conduyra l'exercice,

Proche apame' iusques au pres du riuage :

Tenda nt secour de Milannoile eslite…

The situation related to the third line of quatrain 8-97 is probably not the most brilliant in this topic, but it also has its place. This prophetic line calls again to the tenth Centurion.

10-39… Sans zeros enfans deux Isles en discord :

Auant dixhuict in competant age

Incompetent age – " in competant eage ", is replaced by a slight movement of the hand to a competent one, also with the support of "children" – " enfans ". And in quatrain 10-34 – ruins – " ru + yne " with the support of the word " beau ".

10-34 …Par son beau frere mineur sera trahy:

Pour cheual ru de voltigeant tra yne ra…

The most stretched word in this section is " peu + ple " – "people". But some beauty is still there. This is the connecting element between quatrains 10-34 and 10-39. The initial part of the word is at 10-38: “ peu r ”, the ending is at 10-35: “ temple ”.

The fourth line of quatrain 8-97, of course, has its own place for revealing its mysteries. The word " pays ", seen eleven times in the Centuries, helps to find it .

10-45 L'omb re du regne de Nauarre non vray,

Fera la vie de sort illegitime:

La veu promis incertain de Cambray,

Des sept puis l'omb re a` Roy est re nnes & lemures.

10-46 Vie soit mort de L'OR vilaine indi gne ,

Sera de Saxe non nouueau electeur:

De Brunsuic mandra d'amour si gne ,

Faux le rendant au peuple seducteur.

10-47 De Bourze ville a` la dame Guyrlande,

L'on mettra sus par la trahison faicte,

Le grand p re lat de Leon par Formande,

Faux pellerins & rauisseurs defaicte.

10-48 Du plus profond de l'Espai gne ensei gne ,

Sortant du bout & des fins de l'Europe,

Troubles passant aup re s du pont de Lai gne ,

Sera deffaicte par bande sa grand troppe.

10-49 Iardin du monde au pre s de cite' neufue,

Dans le chemin des montai gne s cauees:

Sera saisi & plonge' dans la Cuue,

Beuuant par force eaux soulfre enuenimees.

10-50 La Meuse au iour ter re de Luxembourg,

Descouurira Saturne & trois en lurne:

Montai gne & pleine, ville, cite' & bourg,

Lorrain deluge trahison par grand hurne.

10-51 Des lieux plus bas du pays de Lorraine

Seront des basses Allemai gne s vnis:

Par ceux du siege Picards, Normans, du Maisne,

Et aux cantons se seront re unis.

This is impossible to convey, even showing the whole detailed picture of what is happening on this rather large section of the tenth Centuria. It is also necessary to contemplate what has been created around. Yes, it is clear that the beginning of the word " regne " – "– re -", will always be with a high rating, but its ending is not so common. In more detail, then, starting from quatrain 10-33 up to quatrain 10-40 – the complete absence of even the ending “– gne -”, then in quatrains 10-40 and 10-42 two full-fledged “ regne ” at once, again emptiness, and here is such an explosion, starting from quatrain 10-45 to 10-51. Eight possibilities for composing “ re + gne ” at once, plus one full-fledged word in this section. The growth that the Author claimed is obvious.


Yes , I can imagine how difficult all such searches for answers to the tasks of the Creator – an intellectual, would be without electronic assistants. I suppose, in their absence, you can spend your whole life on this, and maybe more than one. So the computer V help , next subject .

8-99 Par la puissance des trois rois temporelz,

En autre lieu sera mis le saint siege: Ou la substance de l'esprit corporel, Sera remys & receu pour vray siege.

Through the might of the three temporal kings,

The holy throne will be placed in another place:

Where is the substance of the bodily spirit,

Will be filed and accepted for the right place.

Attention should be paid to the modern form of the word " rois ". Only twice in the Centuries it is in this guise. Everything is not easy for Nostradamus, therefore – this is one of the clues in this case.

The first temporary kings are found in quatrain 1-50. Their power is confirmed, as is their temporality: " temp + or + el ". Along with this, the holy throne is also revealed: “ sainct SIEGE ". A very impressive start.

1-50 … Son bruit, loz, regne, sa puissance c rois tra,

Par terre & mer aux Oriens tempeste.

1-51 Chef d'Aries, Iupiter & Saturne,

Dieu etern el quelles mutations ?

Puis par long siecle son maling temp s retourne,

G aule, & I taille quelles esmoutions ?

1-52 Les deux malins de Scorpion conioinct,

Le grand seigneur meurtry dedans sa salle: Peste a `l'eglise par le nouueau roy ioinct,

L' Europe basse & Septentrionale .

1-53 Las qu'on verra grand peuple tourmente,

E t la Loy sainct e en totale ruine…

The second and third temporary kings are found already in future events in the distant tenth Centuria. Their power is also confirmed here – " Puis + sance " and their temporality – " te + mp + or + eil ".

10-68 … Puis partira sans faire longue alee:

Citoyens grande proye en terre prendra,

Retourner classe reprendre grand emblee.

10-69 Le fait luysant de neuf vieux esleue',

Seront si grand par midi aquilon:

De sa seur propre grande alles leue',

Fuyant murdry au buysson d'ambellon.

10-70 L'o eil par obiect fera te lle exc roissance ,

Tant & ardante que tumbera la neige:

Cha mp arrouse' viendra en desc rois sance,

Que le primat succumbera a` Rege.

10-71 La terre & l'air gelleront si grand eau,

L or s qu'on viendra pour ieudy venerer…

In quatrain 10-64 – the last word " siege " in the Centuries, and in 10-63 its holiness is confirmed. The theme is then taken up by the "substance" of 10-65. From the capital letters of the lower part of this section (10-66 – 10-68) the word ESPRIT is collected , and in the upper (10-63 – 10-65) – CORPOReL , or it will develop perfectly from all capital letters one quatrain longer, borrowing the missing E at the word ESPRIT .

10-63 C ydron, Raguse, la cite' au sainct Hieron,

Re uerdira le medicant secours:

Mort fils de R oy par mort de deux heron,

L' Arabe, O ngrie feront vn mesme cours.

10-64 P leure Milan, pleure Luques, Florance,

Que ton grand Duc sur le char montera, Changer le siege pres de Venise s'aduance,

Lors que Colomne a Rome changera.

10-65 O vaste Romme ta ruyne s'approche,

Non de tes murs de ton sang & substance

L'aspre par lettres fera si horrible coche, Fer poinctu mis a` tous iusques au manche.

10-66 Le chef de Londres par regne l'Americh,

L'isle d' E scosse tempiera par gellee:

R oy Reb auront vn si faux antechrist,

Que les mettra trustous dans la meslee.

10-67 Le tremblement si fort au mois de May,

S turne Caper, I upiter, Mercure au beuf:

Venus aussi Cancer, Mars, en Nonnay, T ombera gresle lors plus grosse qu'vn euf.

10-68 L'armee de mer deuant cite' tiendra,

P uis partira sans faire longue alee…


The last quatrain of the eighth Centurion is, so to speak, an extraordinary event. This limit must be overcome. "Debriefing" is supposed to be quite detailed

8-100 Pour l'abondance de larme respandue,

Du hault en bas par le bas au plus hault:

Trop grande foy par ieu vie perdue,

De soif mourir par habondant deffault.

Because of the abundance of tears shed,

Top to bottom from bottom to top:

Too much faith, because of the game life is lost,

Dying of thirst due to a plentiful shortage.

I got stuck in the process of searching for correspondences on the word " larme " – a tear. So much time wasted. This word is quite rare for the Centuries, so luck was supposed to be very fast, but, no matter how I tried, using all the methods familiar to me, to reach for the clues, nothing came of it. The music of the words performed by the Author was not heard. Echoing the lines of one of the quatrains, the lady sitting above the orchestra exuded nothing. Intuition and reason said that it was impossible to move away from tears, they are the main thematic object in this case, the leading element in this game. Nostradamus is constant in this. Brings keywords to your action arena clearly and consistently. What is the matter this time? Why is the connection not being picked up? Here is already a real one, my tear, it's time to well up))). I have to shelve such a wonderful quatrain.

Yet another miracle happened, and glory to the Great God that the described prophetic events, once again, were found not in the actual history of mankind, but in the world created by Michel Nostradamus. It would probably be good if, with each revealed and exposed horror of the Centurian, from our world in which we all live, one after another, real disasters and even someone’s tears, inspired, quite possibly, by the global faith in the words of the Prophet Nostradamus, and therefore always having fertile, prepared soil for their germination. In that case, my motto is: more secret horror stories of the "Prophecies" revealed – less disasters for mankind. I tried before, and I promise to work on this in depth in the future. Is this really how it is? If I see positive results, at the end of my work, I will be endlessly happy about it.

Yes, if I were a Frenchman, this riddle would come to me much easier. Pay attention to the word " lamentable " – "deplorable", this is – an abundance of tears.

It was this that left my attention with all the aggravating circumstances in the form of a temporary dead end. Moreover, I don’t even remember exactly what prompted me to cling to this word. If I say that this is fate, will anyone believe?

One way or another, the word " lamentables " "starred" in quatrain 10-17. Well, and around – just a bunch of all the outrages, and not only them, described in quatrain 8-100. First of all, flights from a height down and back (10-18), then “faith” – “ foy ”, “life” – “ vie ” – at 10-16, thirst – “ soif ”, and “game”, in the composition of the word – in 10-15( v ieu x ). Everything here is very vague. The word " per + du ( e ?)" – at 10-15, " ab + on + dan + ce " – at 10-17 – 10-18, " deffault " – at 10-18, death – " mort " – everywhere.

10-15 Per e du cv ieu x d'ans & de soif charge',

Au iour extreme filz desniant les guiere:

Dedans le puis vif mort viendra plonge'.

Senat au fil la mort longue & legiere.

10-16 Heureux au regne de France, heureux de vie ,

Ignorant sang mort fureur & rapine:

Par non flateurs seras mys en enuie,

Roy desrobe', trop de foy en cuisine.

10-17 La royne Ergaste voiant sa fille blesme,

Par vn regret dan s l'estomach encloz:

Crys lamentables ser on t lors d'Angolesme,

Et au germain mariage fort clos.

10-18 Le ranc Lorrain fera pla ce a` Vendosme,

Le hault mys bas & le bas mys en hault,

Le filz de Hamon sera esleu dans Rome,

Et les deux grands seront mys en deffault .

A little further, in quatrain 10-21, the word “ res + pa + nd + ue ” is perfectly collected.

10-21 Pa r le despit du Roy soustenant moi nd re,

Sera meurdry luy pre res entant les bag ue s…

Well, the consideration of the last quatrain of the eighth Centuria has been completed. Another stage has been passed in the ability to comprehend the Nostradamus cryptography. I think that the full depth of his cunning, wit and thought cannot be achieved in principle, but you can get closer and partly touch it without putting a bold dot at the end, because later it will still turn into a great ellipsis.



In support of their reasoning on this endless topic – further reading. Describing the events of the eighth century, I paid very little attention to the numerical components of the "divine verbs" – words. I think one could get the impression that at this stage Nostradamus moved away from these procedures.

Of course not. It was I who began to search more for other keys, but I also tried to follow the ranks of words, and as we approach the end of the Centuries, they become higher and higher.

So – some numerical patterns that remained earlier behind the lines of description of the quatrains of the eighth Centuria. First case from _ quatrain 8-25.

8-25 Coeur(11) de l'amant(2) ouuert d'amour(3) fertiue(1)

Dans le ruysseau fera rauyr la Dame(17),

Le demy mal contrefera lassiue,

Le pere a` deux priuera corps( 10) de l'ame(7).

A lover's heart is opened by secret love

In the stream will delight the lady,

Half of the grief will be faked by the lustful,

The father of both will separate the body from the soul.

Here I have given the current numerical values of individual significant words of this quatrain. I draw your attention: the sum of the ranks of the words of the first line is 17, like that of the “lady” from the second, i.e., “lover” reaches her, to her rank only with the help of “heart” and “secret love”. Daddy, having learned about this, will cut everyone into two parts: into a body – with a rank of 10, and a soul – with a rank of 7. This is such a terrible story.

The second possible numerical regularity. In quatrain 8-70 there is this line:

8-70 … Tous amys(9) fait d'adulterine(1) d'ame(8)…

… Produced by all friends from the adultery of the soul …

Here is the same situation, 8+1=9.

The numbers are small, then there will be more. Quatrain 8-87. Race of death and blood.

8-87 Mort(83) conspiree viendra en plein effect,

Charge donnee & voiage de mort(84), Esleu, cree' receu par siens deffait. Sang(83) d'innocence deuant foy par remort.

Death conceived will come in all completeness ,

The commission is given and – the journey of death,

Chosen, created, accepted, defeated by his own.

The blood of the innocent before faith is a reproach.

“Death” came to this quatrain in the value of 83, traveled to the value of 84. “Blood” (83) is nervously watching all this. Such secret events take place, hidden from prying eyes.


Each theme, of course, is strictly individual, and therefore the brightness of ideas is different for all of them. The next one, in my opinion, is blindingly bright.

9-2 Du hault du mont Authentic voix ouye ,

Vuydez vuydez de tous les deux costez :

Du sang des Rouges sera l' ire _ assomye ,

D' arimin _ Prato , Columna debotez .

From the top of Mount Aventine a voice is heard,

Run, run from all two shores:

The blood of the Reds will be saturated with rage,

Expelled from Arimina Prato, Columna.

Of course, the Aventian Hill, so rare in the Centuries, should not manifest itself clearly. At this stage, already in the ninth century, it would be frivolous and impermissible. Therefore, Nostradamus took and broke it into two arrays. I placed the beginning of the word in quatrain 9-54, as part of the word “ R auen ne ”, and the ending – in quatrain 9-62, as part of the word “ Per tin ax ”, thereby setting the conditional boundaries of this rather long section.

The main part of the words is in the review of quatrains 9-58-9-62, and I post it here.

Two coasts – " coste ", mentioned only six times in the Centuries – the beauty of this topic, it is clear that the goal is chosen correctly. Reds – " rouge ", of course – too. The word Columna is also collected in the form " col + um + na " (9-58, 9-59) and so: COLVMNA (9-59 – 9-62). Fury – " ire " – twice here, without a mountain, of course, it could not have done either – " mont ".


9-58 Au coste 'gauche a` l'endroit de Vitry,

Seront guettez les trois rouges de France:

Tous asso um ez rouge , noir non murdry,

Par les Bretons remis en asseurance.

9-59 A la Ferte' prendra la Vidame ,

N i col tenu rouge qu'auoit produit la vie:

La grand Loyse na istra que fera clame,

Donnant Bourgongne a Bretons par enuie.

9-60 Conflict Barbar en la Cornere no ire ,

Sang espandu trembler la d'Almatie:

Grand Ismael mettra son pro mont o ire ,

Ranes trembler secours Lusitanie.

9-61 La pille faite a` la coste marine,

In cita noua & parenz amenez. Plusieurs de Malte par le fait de Messine, Estroit serrez seront mal guerdonnez.

9-62 Au grand de C heramon agora,

Seront croisez par ranc tous attachez, L e pertinax O ppi, & M andragora,

Raugon d'Octobre le tiers seront laschez.

It is impossible not to show the location « Ari + min Pr + a to " and " hault ". They are slightly higher than the upper conditional boundary of the observable area. And don't be embarrassed "– a to -”, such cases of a gap in a sentence have already been recorded, all the more it must be taken into account that a continuous combination of these three letters in all Centuries is only in ten moments. This place is inextricably linked to the theme. The words " rouge ", " sang " and the rarest third coast – " coste '" – are excellent confirmation of this.

9-50 Mandosus tost viendra a son hault regne,

Mettant arriere vn peu de Norl ari s:

Le rouge blaisme, le masle a l'interregne,

Le ieune crainte & frayeur Barb ari s.

9-51 Contre les rouges sectes se banderont,

Feu, eau, fer, corde par paix se min era:

Au point mourir ceux qui machineront,

Fors vn que monde sur tout ruynera.

9-52 La paix s'ap pr oche d'vn coste ', & la guerre,

Oncques ne feut la poursuitte si grande:

Plaindre homme, femme sang innocent par terre,

Et ce sera de France a` to ute bande.

This topic can be considered quite disassembled. I didn’t touch, perhaps, only two points: what about the word “ assomye ”, and where is that voice – “ voix ”, which is heard from Mount Aventine. Regarding the first case: this word was begging to become a reality, I pay attention to “ asso umez ” from 9-58, but, due to the lack of an ending somewhere nearby, it was not created.

With the second case, everything, it seems to me, is different, much more interesting. In the Centuries, Mount Aventine from quatrain 9-2 is not the only one. There are two more: in quatrains 3-17 and 5-57. You need to see them right now, and at the foot of these mountains. Here is the first one, if there is anything on this site from the "voice" – then these are its first two initial letters nearby. Obviously, an unthinkable luck would be the presence of the rarest duet for the Centuries I and X , from capital letters, at least on the second unexplored site with this hill – mountain.

3-16 … V ouldra poursuiure sa fortune prospere,

Des deux duelles l'vn percera le fiel:

Hay de luy, bien ayme de sa mere.

3-17 Mont Auentine brusler nuict sera veu,

Le ciel obscur tout a` vn coup en Flandres,

Quand le monarque chassera son nepueu:

Leurs gens d'Eglise commettront les esclandres.

3-18 Apres la pluie laict asses longuete,

En plusieurs lieux de Reims le ciel touche

O quel conflict de sang pres d'eux s'apreste…

The Prophecies is a book of miracles. Any desires, correctly conceived, are fulfilled in it. All that is needed is to believe in this fact, and then expect their fulfillment.

5-57 I stra du mont Gaulfier & Auentin ,

Qui par le trou aduertira l'armee

Entre deux rocz sera prins le butin, De SE X T, mansol faillir la renommee.

It happened: the wish came true. Indeed, a voice was heard from Mount Aventine – VO + IX . Along with this event, one more precious bead can be safely put into the treasury of the secret writing methods of the Prophet Nostradamus. She has every right to be there from now on. The new discovery was taken into account by me, and from now on – "face – control" for the presence of such beads is inevitable.


In the last topic, the city of Ravenna helped in composing the word “ Auentin ”, literally in the next topic – he himself is already present as a task for new searches.

9-3 La magna vaqua a` Rauenne grand trouble,

Conduictz par quinze enserrez a` Fornase

A Rome naistre deux monstres a` teste double

Sang, feu, deluge, les plus grands a` l'espase.

Magnavacca, there is great confusion in Ravenna,

Carried out by fifteen prisoners at Fornazzo

Two monsters with double heads will be born in Rome

Blood, fire, flood, are very large in space.

Magnavacca, now Porto Garibaldi – a settlement near Ravenna, named so, apparently, from the Latin combination Magno Vacuum – Great Void. To find a place where the phrases of this quatrain will be confirmed, a combination of Rome, fifteen, more precisely, parts of it – “ quin -” and the word “ conduitz ” will help. Already on the site found, other necessary information is collected: “ Rau + enne ” (9-42, 9-43), “ For + na + se ” (9-40), “ en + ser + res ” (9-40), " Mon + st + res " (9-42, 9-43), " de + lu + ge ", " deux ". Despite the presence of the word "two", "heads" – " tes + te " – there are already two here, both in quatrain 9-43. The most masterpiece here is, of course, the huge MAGNA VAQVA collected from this site.

9-38 L'entree de Blaye par Rochelle & l' A nglois,

Passera outre le grand A emathien,

N on loing d'Agen attendra le Gaulois,

Secours Narbonne deceu par entretien.

9-39 En A rbissel a` V eront & Carcari,

De nuict conduitz pour Sauonne atraper,

Le vif z Gascon Turbi, & la Scerry

Derrier mur vieux & neuf palais gripper.

9-40 Pres de Quin tin dans la for est bourlis,

Dans l'abbaye ser ont Flam en s ranches,

Les deux puis na is de coups my estourdis

Suitte opp resse e & garde tous aches.

9-41 Le grand Chyren soy saisir d' A uignon,

De Romme let res en miel plein d'amertume

Letre ambassa de partir de Chanignon,

Carpentras pris par duc noir rou ge p lu me.

9-42 De Barcellonne, de Genne s & Venise De la Secille pe st e Mon et vnis,


Barbare classe prendront la vise,

Barbar, poulse bien loing iusqu'a` Thunis.

9-43 Proche a` descendre l'armee Crucigere,

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46 