полная версияThe family in historical and psychological aspects

Андрей Тихомиров
The family in historical and psychological aspects

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The term "extended family" is also common, especially in the United States. This term has two different meanings:

1. It serves as a synonym for "blood family" (consanguineous means "of one blood").

2. In societies dominated by the married family, this refers to "kindred" (an egocentric network of relatives beyond the home group) who do not belong to the married family.

These types refer to ideal or normative structures found in certain societies. In any society, there will be some differences in the actual composition and concept of families.

Historically, extended families have been the main family unit in Catholic culture and countries (such as Southern Europe and Latin America), as well as in Asian, Middle Eastern and Eastern Orthodox countries.

The term "mixed family" or "foster family" describes families with mixed parents: one or both parents remarried, as a result of which children from the former family ended up in a new family. Also in sociology, in particular in the works of social psychologist Michael Lamb, a traditional family refers to a middle-class family with a father who earns a living and a stay-at-home mother who are married to each other and raise their biological children, and an unconventional family refers to exceptions to this rule. Most U.S. households are currently non-traditional according to this definition. Critics of the term "traditional family" point out that in most cultures and in most cases, the extended family model was the most common, rather than the nuclear family, although in England it had a longer tradition than in other parts of Europe and Asia, which contributed to the influx of large numbers of immigrants to America. The nuclear family became the most common form in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s.

As for communication patterns in families, there is a certain set of beliefs in the family that reflect how its members should communicate. These family communication patterns stem from two basic sets of beliefs. Firstly, it is a communication orientation (the degree to which the importance of communication is appreciated) and secondly, a conformity orientation (the degree to which families should emphasize similarities or differences in attitudes, beliefs and values).

Mixed families are complex families, ranging from foster families to cohabiting families (a person living with guardians who are not married to half-siblings). Although this is not too different from foster families, cohabiting families have a strong psychological impact on young people. Some teenagers are prone to "delinquent actions" and experience problems at school, ranging from declining academic performance to increased problematic behavior. This coincides with other studies on the development trajectories of foster families, where some had family ties and others lacked connections. Emotional detachment from foster family members exacerbates this uncertainty, heightening the tensions that can arise in these families. The transition from an old family to a new one, which falls under the category of mixed families, can also become problematic, since actions that were once performed in the old family can be poorly transmitted to teenagers in the new family.

A monogamous family is based on legal or social monogamy. In this case, the individual has only one (official) partner during his lifetime or at any given time (i.e. serial monogamy). This means that a person cannot have several different legal spouses at the same time, as this is usually prohibited by bigamy laws (the act of marrying one person while still legally married to another) in jurisdictions that require monogamous marriages.

Polygamy is a marriage involving more than two partners. When a man is married to more than one wife at the same time, such a relationship is called polygyny; and when a woman is married to more than one husband at the same time, it is called polyandry. If several husbands and wives are involved in a marriage, it can be called polyamory, group or joint marriage.

Polygyny is a form of polygamy in which a man is allowed to have more than one wife. In modern countries that allow polygamy, polygyny is usually the only permitted form. Polygyny originates in the steppes, deserts, where it is necessary to constantly roam in search of food and water, leaving wives and children for a long time was dangerous, as they could be attacked by wild animals or armed people. Polygamy is practiced mainly (but not only) in some parts of the Middle East and Africa; and it is often associated with Islam, but in Islam there are certain conditions that must be met in order to commit polygamy.

Polyandry is a form of marriage in which a woman takes two or more husbands at the same time. Fraternal polyandry, when two or more brothers are married to the same wife, is a common form of polyandry. Polyandry has traditionally been practiced in areas of the Himalayan Mountains, among Tibetans in Nepal, in parts of China, and in parts of northern India and Bhutan. Polyandry is most common in societies marked by high male mortality, or where men are often separated from the rest of the family for a significant period of time, since they need to leave for a long time to find food for the family, and it is extremely inconvenient to move through mountainous areas with the family, so the wife stays in some secluded place the place where she and her children are guarded by her remaining husbands, usually brothers.

Psychological problems of family formation

Another famous Soviet teacher A. S. Makarenko (1888-1939) wrote that if, growing up, a child does not learn to love his parents, brothers and sisters, his school, his Homeland, if the beginnings of deep selfishness are brought up in his character, it is very difficult to expect that he is able to deeply love the woman he has chosen, and the other The famous Soviet teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky (1918-1970) rightly argued that there is no special "science of love" – there is a science of humanity.

According to some psychologists, a necessary condition for a happy marriage is a focus on another person, assuming the ability and desire to understand people around them, take into account their interests, tastes and habits. This orientation is the basis of the collectivistic orientation of the individual and is naturally formed during the education of collectivism. These qualities can be recognized as peculiar cornerstones of a family man's personality. However, the list of psychological characteristics necessary to achieve preparedness for family life turns out, understandably, to be much broader. These include: willingness to assume a new system of responsibilities towards one's marital partner and future children and responsibility for their behavior; respect for the rights and dignity of other members of the family union, recognition of the principle of equality in human relations; readiness for interpersonal communication and cooperation, coordination of interactions, which in turn implies a high moral culture the ability to adapt to the habits and character traits of another person and an understanding of his spiritual movements and states.

These requirements are implemented in different families to varying degrees. Researchers have introduced the concept of the ability to marry, assuming several terms. This is the ability to take care of another person, selflessly serve him, actively do good. The ability to sympathize, empathize, have compassion, that is, to "enter" into the emotional world of another partner, to understand his joys and sorrows, experiences and failures, defeats and victories, to find spiritual unity with another person. The ability to cooperate, interpersonal communication, the availability of skills and abilities in the implementation of many types of work, the organization of household consumption and distribution. A high ethical culture, involving the ability to be tolerant and condescending, generous and kind, to accept another person with all his oddities and shortcomings, to suppress his own selfishness. All these abilities are indicators of a person's ability to quickly change their behavior in accordance with changing circumstances, to show tolerance, stability and predictability of their behavior, and the ability to compromise.

It is necessary for people to realize the social essence of the family, that is, that, being essentially a social phenomenon, it fully obeys the laws of public life. The fact is that the starting point of a person's readiness for marriage and family is an active understanding of the social significance of their actions, certain obligations to each other, responsibility for family and children, voluntary acceptance of the inevitable troubles in family life and restriction of personal freedom. Unfortunately, understanding this is not always typical of modern boys and girls, which is why the transition from informal, based solely on emotions, relationships of love and pre-marital courtship to formalized, fairly regulated and, most importantly, mandatory relationships of spouses as marital and family partners is often associated with significant, primarily purely psychological difficulties – a painful awareness of the novelty and complexity of the situation, a painful restructuring of one's own and someone else's behavior, as well as an unpleasant feeling of predestination and assignment.

The family is a historically specific system of relationships between spouses, parents and children; a small group whose members are interconnected by marriage or kinship, community of life and mutual moral responsibility, the social necessity of which is determined by the need of society for the physical and spiritual reproduction of the population and labor resources. And to understand that the historical specificity of the family lies in the fact that it changes over time, adapting to changing social relations (although it is at the same time one of the most stable public institutions); that the system of relationships is mentioned insofar as there are quite a lot of them in the family; that a small family group can be called in connection with that it completely falls under the definition of this initial element of society for any society, differing, however, in the nature of the association (very personal); and, finally, perhaps the most important thing is that the social need for the family is really there, because if it disappears, the very existence of humanity will be threatened.
