полная версияГде медведи на небе?

Alicia Ruva
Где медведи на небе?

Полная версия

“Does that mean that the little one is there too?”

“It does! The sky is so clear tonight”

The bear turned his head and noticed a tent and talking people not far from him. He was really frightened, as men were known to easily shoot a bear and then he would not be able to eat anymore raspberries, but, it appeared these people did not have any guns. Although, you could never trust them, you would never know what is hidden in their tent. Hesitating a little, Bron decided to leave very quietly and imperceptibly crept away from a lawn. The whole next day Bron spent being thoughtful about the night before. It must be a joke, bears in the sky? He had never seen them!

Puzzlement of a little bear was noticed by the grandfather bear and he asked:

“What happened, Bron?”

The little bear told everything, about a tent with people, both about their conversation and how he crept away from the lawn and that he saw no bears in the sky.

“You need to be more careful” the grandfather bear answered, “People are very dangerous beasts, they want our fur and meat. I know about those bears in the sky, come to my hill tonight when the stars appear”
