The Sand-Hills of Jutland

Ганс Христиан Андерсен
The Sand-Hills of Jutland

Полная версия

Andersen H. C. Hans Christian. The Sand-Hills of Jutland The Sand-hills of Jutland The Mud-king's Daughter The Quickest Runners The Bell's Hollow Soup made of a Sausage-stick I II. WHAT THE FIRST LITTLE MOUSE HAD SEEN AND LEARNT ON HER JOURNEY III. WHAT THE SECOND MOUSE HAD TO RELATE IV. WHAT THE FOURTH MOUSE – WHO SPOKE BEFORE THE THIRD ONE HAD SPOKEN – HAD TO RELATE V. HOW THE SOUP WAS MADE The Neck of a Bottle The Old Bachelor's Nightcap Something The Old Oak Tree's Last Dream The Wind relates the Story of Waldemar Daae and his Daughters The Girl who Trod upon Bread Olé, the Watchman of the Tower THE FIRST VISIT THE SECOND VISIT Anne Lisbeth; or, The Apparition of the Beach Children's Prattle A Row of Pearls I II The Pen and the Inkstand The Child in the Grave Charming
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