полная версияThe Mist and the Lightning. Part 19

Ви Корс
The Mist and the Lightning. Part 19

Полная версия

And Kors whispered passionately:

“Be yourself. If you want, be with your black face, squeeze me with your spider paws. I’m not afraid, I won’t be afraid.”

“No, no, I don’t want to. I didn’t do it on purpose before, I didn’t mean to scare you. And this is not my only image, but just one of them.”

Kors pushed slightly away and then peered tenderly into his sweet face, then again, in a fit of feelings, he pressed his head to his chest.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry that I was playing with you. You were right, Nik, I enjoyed taking your freedom, taking your fellowship away. And yes, if it were my will, I would lock you in my basement. I would put a bag over your head, tie you up and lock you up. I’m a monster! I didn’t teach you properly and didn’t treat you! Peace told you the truth, I humiliated you and asserted my power. Will you forgive me for it?”

“What are you talking about? You are a good father! You didn’t come to the estate just for Karina, did you? You said that your son was not indifferent to you, you came for me too. Yes?”


“You took care of me! I didn’t have a father before, and people could beat me, but now they can’t!”

“But I myself had severely beat you with a belt for an unlearned lesson, and there were marks from my buckle on your body…”

“Well, let that be. I wanted to have the memory of my father’s love on my ass.”

“I’m ashamed!” Kors released him, covering his face with his hands. “I had punished you so unjustly!”

“You punished me because I was uncontrollable and stupid,” Nik said conciliatoryly, pulling at his hand. He clearly wanted Kors to keep holding him close and hugging him.

“No! You are obedient and smart, and grateful,” Kors immediately understood Nik’s ingenuous and persistent hint, and hugged him again. “It’s just that you don’t know how people truly care. You have nothing to compare with. It’s done not the way I did it, trust me. I took terrible care of you!”

“But you are my father. And that’s how you did it. I’m very grateful to you for this.”

“I drew my initials on your face!”

“Just because I’m only yours.”

“I made you wear a mask!”

“I’m used to wearing a mask.”

“Oh, Nik, I just liked to feel powerful.”

“Well, so be it. I myself didn’t want people to stare at me.”

“I… I had punished you so unfairly in Ore Town,” Kors sobbed, “you did the right thing in not wanting to put on those fucking glasses.”

“I remembered my father the past and reproached him for it.”

“And serve me well! How could I do that! I understood that you were my son from Inness. I figured it out during that first interrogation! But instead of getting it right, I immediately started fighting the Demon, what an idiot! I will never forgive myself for this! As soon as I remember how I put you out for fun at this festival, my heart shrinks into a ball. And yet… I also really lied to you when I said that I would introduce you to the world of true blacks. I have lied!”

Nik pulled away and Kors didn’t hold him back, just sat with his head down.

“Thank you for confessing. For honesty now,” Nik said.

“I…I wanted this! But I just didn’t understand how it could be done. You see… Nik… these piearcings on your face, they immediately make it clear to any sir that you are bottom. Understand? That you are a slave, a boy-toy, decorated in such a way as to embody the sexual addictions of the owner. You are a sex toy! But even if you pull it all out and heal the holes… I don’t know what to do with it,” Kors sadly stroked his tattooed cheekbone, and Nik allowed him to do it.

“And your hands,” Kors continued, “I don’t understand how to fix it now either.” – Kors gently took his hand, and, bending down, kissed his ring. “These black… nails… Nik, I wanted to think of something, to tell my friends from the Upper City that you were a prisoner of the unclean ones, and they had disfigured you. But I realized that all this wouldn’t help. They wouldn’t see you as a person equal to themselves. And after this spring holiday, nothing matters anymore. Whatever I tell them about you, they won’t open their heart and their world! And now for me too, Nik. We won’t come to them, neither I nor you.”

Nik smiled thoughtfully.

“I’m so beautiful that you think I charmed them all with my beauty at that ball? Tell me!”

Kors was embarrassedly silent.

“Fuck, they made fun of me! They beat me on the head with a stick, laughed and called me names. All as you just said. They didn’t see me as human because I didn’t look like them. They looked at the chastity belt and called me Prince Arel’s plaything.”

“I can’t fix it, but tell me, tell me, who hit you on the head? Who poked a spear shaft at you and laughed? I won’t leave it like this! I will find and punish everyone, everyone who hit you that night!”

“Humiliate and punish. Shepherds of sheep, why is this your favorite pastime?”

“Who of the sirs poked you with a shaft and hit you on the head?”

Nik didn’t answer him, and Kors raised his voice:

“Who hit you?! Answer me!”

“Do you think I know the black sirs by name? There were many!”

“Oh!” Kors shrank back, but Nik himself moved closer to him, turning his head slightly to the side and pressing his cheek against his chest. He nestled comfortably in his father’s arms.

“It’s all in the past, daddy sir, forget it. And if so, fuck all these puffy true blacks with their fucking world full of stupid rules. I have nothing to be offended by you. I felt good when you didn’t beat me up and tie me up for a long time. I felt good with you and from your care. Even when I was choking on that damn porridge. You called me affectionate words, it was very nice. You gave me a lot of attention. I believed that you love me. I liked being yours. I felt… you know… somehow protected. Under your protection, because I am yours. Your thing that you cherish and protect. And you take good care of your things. They are always good for you.”

“That’s it for things, but you’re not a thing!” Kors said bitterly, holding him tighter. “And I treated you like my own thing!”

“So what? I am nobody, I am a thing. I am not human.”

“You are better than anyone!”

Without letting go of Nik’s embrace, Kors leaned towards him, looking for his lips. Nik immediately threw back his face more and answered, slipping his tongue into his mouth.

When Arel returned in the evening and saw them lying in bed together, he understood everything.

“Congratulations,” the prince said, glancing arrogantly at Kors, “you are starting to succeed.”

“Yes, I’m not such a fossilized fool as you thought,” replied Kors, not without pride.

“I’ll join you now,” Arel said and quickly went to the bathroom, and Kors and Nik looked at each other and began kissing again.

Chapter 14

Kors woke up because of a bird whistling loudly outside the window. He didn’t sleep almost all night, making love with “his boys” who returned to him again, and this magical night was full of love and tenderness. But now he was terribly sleepy. And the bird was whistling loudly, as it seemed to him, right above his ear.

“Piu! Piu! Piu!”

In minimal pauses, the bird took in as much air as possible, and then again emitted a heart-rending whistle, like a children’s squeaker toy, which was sharply clenched in a fist.

“Piu! Piu! Piuuu!”

It was completely impossible to fall asleep again, and Kors opened his eyes in annoyance, involuntarily meeting his gaze with Prince Arel, who was lying next to him, not sleeping either. He looked at Kors with his bright brown eyes, as it seemed to him, a little provocatively, perfectly understanding what Kors had woken up from, and inwardly making fun of him and this funny situation.

“Prince Arel!” Kors was outraged. “It doesn’t fit in any frames! Order the tree to be cut down immediately!”

But Arel only smiled lazily and yawned:

“Why so?”

“Don’t you hear why?”

“We’re leaving soon,” Arel stretched sweetly, so that his joints crunched, “what’s the difference…”

“Well, you know! For me there is a difference! Especially if we’re leaving soon. I want to sleep well before the road!”

“Fuck off from my Whistle.”

“Whistle? Ahhh, that is, it even has a name…”

“Vitor, let’s go for a ride?” Arel said. “Will you go with me?”

Kors glanced at Nik, who was sleeping next to him. His affectionate boy was sleeping so soundly and sweetly, lying on his side, and the “singing” of the bird wasn’t bothering him. Kors admired his relaxed and serene face. Let him sleep, he thought.

“Yes, Arel, I will go with you.”

The morning coolness had not yet been replaced by the midday heat, and they galloped for a long time along country roads, from time to time going off them and simply crossing fields overgrown with silky grass. A light breeze swept it in one direction, then in the other, rolling it like the waves of the sea. Having galloped far away from home, Kors and Arel finally stopped in a small shady grove. Nearby, the skeletons of once solid huts burned to the ground, the remains of a small village, blackened. At one time, the Reds got here. They famously ran errands on the borders of the prince’s possessions.

Dismounting, Kors walked over to a small but deep stone trough for horses. It was installed near a spring under the canopy of trees, especially so that travelers heading to the desert lands could refresh themselves and water their horses before a long journey. He gladly dipped his palms into the cool water, transparent on the surface and mysteriously dark green in the depth, pierced by thin sunbeams breaking through the crowns of trees. Clasping his hands, he scooped up water, at the same time bending down and pouring it over his face flushed from the race. He did this again and again, unable to stop and closing his eyes with pleasure. He was in good spirits, he was glad that he agreed to this walk. Finally stopping, Kors with some boyish enthusiasm, smiling, turned his wet face to Arel. Arel stood and looked at him, looking somehow very strange, and there was not even a shadow of an answering smile on his face.


“Arel, are you all right?” Kors continued to smile by inertia, but the expression on Arel’s face already frightened him, and he didn’t like it.

“Yes,” Arel answered, and his voice was strange.

“What’s wrong with you?” Kors was seriously worried. Arel looked like he was about to have an epileptic fit.

“Arel? Arel!” Kors quickly approached him, slightly shook him by the shoulders, trying to pull him out of his bad state. Obeying an inner unconscious impulse, he suddenly hugged him tightly, trying to calm him down like a child and get him out of this strange stupor. Arel didn’t move away, he stood motionless, petrified in the arms of Kors, like a statue. And the horses, without waiting for the command of the owners, themselves approached the drinking bowl and began to quench their thirst, snorting loudly and spinning their ears.

Finally, feeling that Arel became softer in his hands, and seemed to relax a little, coming out of his stupor, Kors let him go:

“Maybe you will sit down?” he asked with concern. “Because of your damn makeup, I can’t see the color of your face, whether it is pale or red, and determine your condition in order to provide the right assistance. How do you feel? Tell me, I’ll try to diagnose according to your feelings.”

“It’s all right,” Arel said somehow forcedly, “let’s get out of here!”

He walked over to the drinking bowl and jerked Beauty’s reins sharply, pulling him towards himself, preventing him from drinking any more. He jumped into the saddle, turning to Kors for a moment.

“Vitor! Let’s go!”

“Well, well,” Kors shrugged, “as you say.”

He didn’t understand what happened to the prince, and wrote it off on his sore head, once again confirming for himself that Arel, unfortunately, inherited madness from his mother.

They turned towards the house, and Arel drove Beauty like crazy all the way back.

At this time, the stables were already bustling with activity. The unclean ones spoke loudly among themselves:

“What the time? Do you know? Noon, heh? Eh?”

“How do I know! What are you doing, are you hurrying somewhere? To your mommy? Aha-ha!”

Some of them were leaving through the gates, others came. All actions were accompanied by shouts and swearing:

“Thousand devils, get out of the way! Step aside!”

“Fat-faced, stop staring! Get out of here with your lousy nag!”

“Stop yelling, can’t you pass? Bitches!”

“Shove a dick in his pie hole!”

They yelled at each other, seeming to be having more fun and making a fuss than actually quarreling.

Inside it was a little quieter, but not considerably, and the grooms chattered non-stop among themselves:

“You see, I dozed off, imagine, in the hay, near this colt, and this fucking rat bit me here! Look here, see?!What the fuck!”

“Ha-ha-ha, your paw! You got drunk like a brute, and what the hell were you waiting for? It could bite your finger off!

“Death on four legs!”

“Thank your Gods that the ghoul didn’t drag you away, but only a rat bit you! They say that not long ago, it was flying around again, bled Kravshay.”

“The undead from Crimson Rock?!”

“It’s not from the Rock! It’s all because of the blacks! People dragged it with them from the city! I’m telling you, it’s all because of the people!”

Kors winced.

“Well, I’ve had enough of this shit!”

Handing Grrkh over to Adrian, he hurried out of the stable and quickly returned to the house, because he was already missing Nik.

Passing by outbuildings, near the well, he saw three women who were drawing water and also loudly clattering:

“This Estate is cursed! Damn! I wish to get out of here as soon as possible!” One said very emotionally.

“I don’t sleep at all,” the second one supported her, “the bear growls from night to morning, I get goose bumps from his growl, I feel fear!”

“Eh. The bear is nothing!” the third intervened. “The ghoul flies at night again! Huge, with black wings, like a bat!”


“I’m telling you, this is a cursed place!”

“It’s all because of the unclean ones! They dragged the ghoul with them out of their Limit! I tell you, everything is from the unclean ones!”

Kors tried to quicken his pace so that he no longer heard the chatter of the lower ones and exploded at their stupidity.

Entering the room, he saw that Nik was still lying in bed. He looked disheveled and sleepy, like he had just woken up, and lay back relaxed against the pillows. A fat black-and-white tomcat sat on his chest, and Nik petted him. Seeing Kors enter, Nik immediately got up and sat on the bed higher, smiled gently and a little embarrassedly:


At the same time, he continued to stroke and hug the cat, and he purred loudly to him.

Kors froze.


And some tension on Nik’s face immediately appeared.

“Nik! Are you out of your mind?! Why did you bring the cat to bed?”

“He came himself,” Nik justified himself somehow uncertainly.

“And you are glad to let a dirty animal into your bed! You are totally abnormal! Gods, what for do I have it?!”

“He’s not dirty…”

“He is full of fleas!”

“He has no fleas!”

But Kors confidently approached the bed, and, taking the cat by the scruff of the neck, removed it from Nik’s chest. The cat hung in his arms, not resisting. Kors went to the open window, and, swinging a little, threw the cat out the window.

“What are you doing?!” Nik jumped out of bed and rushed to the window. He leaned over the window sill, looking down. Luckily, a spreading tree cushioned the fall of the black-and-white tomcat. Clinging to the branches covered with dense foliage, he springed from them, falling down gradually, and as a result, deftly landed under the tree on all four paws. Shaking himself off, the cat imposingly and slowly, as if nothing had happened, headed towards the sheds, only slightly twitching his black tail with displeasure.

“Get away from the window,” Kors said.

Nik obeyed, looking confused.

And Kors brought a basin from the adjacent room, and, placing it on the table, poured some water into it. He brought soap as well.

“Come to me,” he called Nik.

Nik came over.

“Put your hands in the water.”

Nik obeyed. Kors took the soap and lathered his hands with soap himself. He rubbed his hands and washed his hands carefully, like Nik was a small child, and hesilently stood and let him do it.

“The last thing would be to catch some kind of lichen!” Kors rinsed his hands with water from a pitcher. He saw that the bandages that covered Nik’s arms from the wrist to the elbow were wet at the bottom, and began to unwrap them.

Kors wanted to see what was wrong with his veins. Nik didn’t stop him, and Kors unwound the strips of fabric. The backside of Nik’s wrists was covered in dents, years of drug use had left their marks, but in principle everything was in order. There were no rotting or bleeding wounds, everything looked healed, and Kors breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Nik, he straightened his hair, carefully peering into his face:

“Have you washed your face today? Have you brushed your teeth?”

“Not yet…”

Kors caressed his cheek with his fingers, still rejoicing at the absence of a scar, and let him go.

Nik returned to the bed and sat down. With his head of white hair, with a gentle, beautiful and distant face, he sat on the bed and did nothing, really like a doll, and Kors again felt the languor. He “heard” that Nick enjoyed being “his boy”. And in spite of everything, Kors also liked to look after him as if he were his own son. And even though they were Demons inside, it didn’t matter anymore. After all, Nik again accepted the care of his father. He treated the scar himself, and Kors was pleased, but Kors wanted to comb his hair, trim his bangs, dress him nicely so that Nik looked exactly the way he wanted. For now, Kors has come to terms with his pierced nose, hoping to decorate his face in his own way in the future. And all because he completely abandoned the idea of introducing Nik into the circle of true blacks, and wanted to change and decorate his appearance only for himself.

Kors unfastened his weapons and took off all the straps, took off his overcoat, richly decorated with plaques, a long leather jacket, remaining in a white shirt. He looked at Nik with a heavy look.


Nik immediately raised his head and looked at him. Kors very much doubted that Nik could look, rather, he simply raised his head to hail, because his regrown bangs, as usual, obscured his eyes, covering the entire upper part of his face. Kors saw only white fluffy hair, rings sticking out in the nostrils, the tip of the nose with a ring with a black bead hanging under it, and beautifully contoured, slightly plump and unbearably seductive lips.

“Shall we take a bath together?” Kors suggested breathlessly, already languishing.

“Okay,” Nik agreed.

“Then tell Verniy to bring more warm water.”

Waiting for Ver to heat the water, Kors sat down at the table and poured himself some wine.

“Finally, I will wash you,” he said, “how long have I wanted to do this!”

Nik said nothing, and brushing his hair out of his eyes, nervously rubbed his tattooed cheekbone. Kors perfectly noticed this gesture, and a slight, barely perceptible smile flickered across his face. He looked at Nik with paternal love in his eyes.

“Nik, understand, whatever it is, you are still very neglected. Your body is exhausted by the endless intake of all sorts of rubbish. And you still look younger than your actual age. You need my help. Nik, this human symbiosis is wrong. And my son is a man… he – he’s really not healthy in his mind, a little bit, but not healthy. Sorry. Maybe that’s how difficult childhood affected him…” saying all this in a slow, penetrating voice, Kors took out his golden cigarette case, which was now full of cigarettes, intending to light it up. At the same time, carried away by his explanations, he just senselessly twisted it in his hand, seemingly without realizing what he was doing.

“Nik, you don’t understand what shame is. You can walk around naked, without underwear, you can say without any hesitation that you want to relieve yourself. You can be dirty and not understand it. You can pour over, get dirty, and not understand, you will be fine. When wet and dirty, you don’t feel disgust at all that you or others stink. Natural manifestations don’t concern you. You don’t understand the procedure for taking care of yourself, I literally hammered into you that you need to wash your face, brush your teeth, comb your hair and put on your underwear. You forget to eat, you don’t realize whether you are cold or warm, whether you are hungry or full. You just feel a little thirsty. That’s all! This is possible to correct it. You need multiple repetitions, correct prohibitions to do some actions, and all this without explanation, you won’t understand them. But trust me, your human brain is underdeveloped. I can see. I have spent many days with you. This is a mild degree of violation – the lack of shame and misunderstanding of the signals of your body. I will help you to overcome these difficulties, and you will begin to feel your physical body as a human, you will own it. This will increase your power in our world.”

Nik was silent. He looked at how Kors, telling him all this, lazily twists his cigarette case in long beautiful fingers, decorated with rings. They were meaningless movements, empty in themselves, back and forth, but Nik watched with some admiration how smoothly polished gold gleamed. Kors saw his gaze, and his hand froze. Nik shook his shaggy head.

“I don’t go out naked,” he finally said.

“Yes! But only because they somehow managed to drum it into you before me. What is impossible. Butwhy so, you don’t understand. You just can’t understand. Otherwise, you would have gone out this way,” Kors finally took out a cigarette and lit it.

Nik replied:

“I understand when I’m wet.”

“And that is why I say you are not hopeless. A mild degree of mental retardation, severely neglected due to the almost complete lack of education…”

“Come to me!” Nik interrupted him. He opened his mouth and lifted his tongue, twisting it up a little, so that the ball screwed onto the bar from below became visible. Very quickly, Kors didn’t even understand how he did it, Nik pushed the ball forward, so that the bar stretched behind it and behind the bar threaded through his tongue. Covering his mouth, Nik flashed a ball in the corner of his lips, and deftly moved it to the middle of his lower lip. The ball clinked distinctly against the rings, and Nik moved it further to the other corner of his mouth. And then he did the same thing, but in reverse order. Seeing the look on Kors’ face, he sincerely laughed.


Kors suddenly felt like he was pulled from behind, and he understood:

“Hey! Let go of my tail!”

But Nik only pulled harder, forcing him to get up and move closer to the bed.

When Prince Arel finally returned from the stable, he heard Nik and Kors splashing in the bathroom. Without bothering them, he undressed and lay down to rest.

The day passed greatly. Kors was happy again and forgot all his fears and torments. Cheerful and even cheeky, he commanded his Nik a little, everything was almost the same as before. Kors washed him and combed his hair. He re-braided the bottom layer of his hair into neat braids and trimmed his bangs. Kors deliberately cut front hair a little shorter than necessary, so that Nik now, even if he wanted to, couldn’t shield his eyes with it. Nik understood this, but didn’t object.

“You don’t need those stupid bangs at all. If only it wasn’t for that damn order!” Kors said with regret, holding his bangs with one hand, and gently stroked Nik’s tattoo on his forehead with the other.

“You would wear hair and a tail beautifully removed from your forehead, like black ones, because you no longer need to cover half of your face with hair, hiding the scar,” Kors removed his hands, and his hair immediately covered the drawing.

Nik, as usual, remained silent.

In the evening, when the three of them had dinner, sitting in the room at the laid table. Kors, being in high spirits and remembering this morning, smiling, asked:

“Why did you pull my tail?”

“Eh, just for fun,” Nik said with a smile.

“I felt it, it was so strange!”

“Why strange? After all, this is your essence, you are developing, and every day you will feel it better.”

“If I’m a Demon, what’s my name?”

“You don’t need your name here.”

“I want to know it!”

“When they let me, I’ll tell you,” Nik promised and very quickly drank the entire contents of his glass.

“When will it be? Eh? I am ready to study further, complete tasks and go through initiation as a Demon.”

“How self-confident you are!”

“So what?”

“You are used to take orders from the king and follow them?” asked Prince Arel, smiling. He bit off a piece of a quail leg and began to chew, while not ceasing to smile impudently. Looking straight at Kors, he put down the quail, broke off a small piece of bread and threw it at Kors, laughing.

Kors didn’t dodge, simply because, as always, he didn’t expect anything like this. Arel’s primitive “jokes” always took him by surprise, because of his age he simply forgot all these boyish fun. And a piece of bread hit him right in the chest. Kors waved his hand belatedly and looked down at his snow-white shirt.

“Prince, if there is a stain on my shirt, I will make you wash it personally!”

Arel laughed as if Kors had said something unbearably funny to him. He sat across from Kors, smiling wickedly as he gnawed at the quail. His eyes shone with an unhealthy and dangerous gleam, and magnificent smooth hair the color of ripe chestnuts shimmered in the fire of candles, like the expensive skin of a rare furry animal. Involuntarily appealing for support, Kors turned his gaze to Nik. He also looked at him and smiled no less carnivorous smile than Arel. “Damn boys!” Kors tried to calm down their beginning fun, because he knew that it could result in bad consequences for him. Assuming a serious expression on his face, he continued:

“So what about initiation? And tasks? Will I be sent to perform it in the Demon World?”

Nik refilled his glass.


Prince Arel licked the fat off his fingers and poured himself some wine too.

“What’s the problem?” Kors tried to ignore theirmocking looks. “Aren’t the Demon Worlds similar to ours?”

“Well, in general, they are alike,” agreed Nik.

“That’s what I think: all the Demon worlds are made the same, according to a template. Are there men and women there? Are there slaves?”

“There are.”

“So what’s the difficulty then? What are the Demons doing in our world? Seduce, deceive, confuse, promote the chosen ones to carry out their missions. Give me a resident from another world, subject to the Demons, I will come to him, and he will do what is needed.”

“Do you want to ask for a task?” Nik poured himself another glass of wine, and Kors reached for the bottle, took it away from him and placed it beside him.

“Nik, I’m sure I’ll complete the task! What should be done? Should I take gavvah from a living being? Euphos? Shavva? What? Seduce a woman? A man?”

“Will you seduce someone with horns?” Nik and Arel burst out laughing.

“Yes! I will take the right form and deceive anyone. You are a good teacher, I learned from you how you exploit your cute appearance. I have understood the scheme. I will complete the task and receive the order.”

“Do you want to become the head of security among the Demons as well?” Nik seemed to be doing his best to keep a serious face, and Kors was infuriated:

“Yes, I want to! I want to have power not only here, but also in other controlled worlds. I love power!”

“Pride and self-confidence.”

“Isn’t that necessary? In the Demon world, these arethe virtues. I will suck this unfortunate man to the bottom, manipulating his passions. And I will give you as much food as you need.”

“I’m even scared to listen to you.” To Kors’s relief, Nik finally stopped smiling.

“Why didn’t you do that? You are stupid, because everything is so simple. Why did you bring everything to the point of punishment?”

“Maybe because there is still freedom?” becoming quite serious, said Nik. “Free will?”

“Freedom? It’s an empty sound! There is no freedom. This is a deception of God. His trump card with which he bluffs.”

“You don’t know how to play cards, what do you understand!”

“I can play chess, and they are fairer. There is truth. Strength is not in freedom, but in truth! Where is this vaunted freedom, which Prince Arel loves so much, irreconcilable and supposedly free? Fantasies of a crazy idiot!”

“It’s funny for me to listen to you and chat with you like a child, but while you are sitting here and not rocking the boat.”

“I want to know more about the Demon World and the worlds under their control.”


“Why?! It’s a strange question, but in your style. I am accustomed to learning, studying the environment and using knowledge. It is you who doesn’t like to study, and, in my opinion, you smoked your alphabet book in the forest.”

“What?” Nik laughed again.

“You tore its pages into pieces to roll the joint. I’veseen you do it. Books are not for you!”


“You use your power as you please, and where you can’t, you trade your pretty face and use your ass.”

“Vitor! Leave my ass alone,” Nik leaned over the table, and, holding out his hand, returned the bottle to himself, “do you want to beat me with words? They bled you, and my ass is fine! That’s it! You are silent!”

Kors swallowed, but quickly regained his composure.

“I was fucked up so badly just because I was not as familiar with it as you!”

“Aha! Get five! You’re an excellent student!” Nik drained his glass and set it down with a loud crack on the table.

“I want to study!” Kors shouted.

“You are studying!”

“Yes, I hear and see things that ordinary people, including true blacks, don’t see or hear, but this is not enough for me! Move me to the next class! There are those who are sitting in the same class, repeaters, like Arel, and there are those who take an external exam. I need more knowledge! I want to use it to get more features.”

“What a restless daddy!”

“What’s bad about it? I am the Demon, I am the chosen one! And in this world I was not humiliated, but elected from birth to the highest, because I was worthy of it. Now I want more! Teach me witchcraft! I’m tired of just listening to thoughts and seeing lives, I want to change them and influence destinies. I want to not just listen, but to be an accomplice, a creator and an architect!”
