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тексты ImMortal

Fata morgana

Strange land, so high.

Don’t dread: let us fly!

Air space, icy tops

You’re gaze on pearl drops.

Trust in me and you’ll see

Wicked jeer of rough sea.

Waves will try as if swans

To rise till sky. But they returns

With nothing.

Wonderful magic castle

As if in full drawn in pencil

So diffuse, building out of clouds.

Don’t refuse from audible sounds,

Listen to pretty voice

May be you’ll make your choice.

Tell me what you’re feeling now

At the thought of your vow

For no one.

Don’t leave there your charmed soul,

Don’t you dare to do it all!

Open your eyes, break illusions,

Don’t discuss draw conclusions:

You’ll decide to stay at the sky

But you’ll find eternal lie.

Understand so easy gist:

Strange land – its just sea mist

Fata morgana


Don’t trust your sleeps- it’s just a fraud.

Destroy your dreams, discard this load.

Let’s does it now-you would be free.

You’re staying alone eternally.

What able to rose insensible heart?

In whirlpool of day’s you’re playing the part.

You don’t looking for another affair.

It is all the same to you. It’s a snare.

You’re feeling cold in casual kiss

in dies out look. He hasn’t missed.

He’s giving smiles for others men.

You’re envying them and ask again:

What able to rose insensible heart?

In whirlpool of day’s you’re playing the part.

You don’t looking for another affair.

It is all the same to him. It’s a snare

First flight

I want to take you at first flight.

You’re doing step: you’re leaving house.

Don’t think about unknown delight

and trifles what will be arise.

First flight first pain -

you’re feeling sleep.

The time will stop.

You’ll lose control.

My virgin dream about death,

So why first flight turned out last flight?

I understand: you love you rest

and trifle who is right

First flight first pain -

you’re feeling sleep.

The time will stop.

You’ll lose control.

Master of clouds

At the night you will hear

loud knock: evil sneer.

Lean to wall – you will weep

Now you can’t to sleep.

Crying rain waters to

sleeping town. So blue!
