Become an Extrasensory

Valeriy Zhiglov
Become an Extrasensory

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Exstrasensory called a person with a supersensitive perception, able to establish direct contact with the spiritual worlds, draw from them the necessary information, as well as have a certain impact on the surrounding reality.

Valeriy Zhiglov

© Valeriy Zhiglov, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4485-4967-0

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


In the previously published books cited in the literary sources, we considered the themes of how the human Energy Essence is constructed, capable of using certain esoteric techniques to carry out a certain restructuring of our consciousness.

In this book, we will discuss in more detail the practical use of these esoteric techniques. In most people, unconscious contact with the subconscious mind is mainly during sleep, while some of them sometimes even can see prophetic dreams that predict the course of the upcoming events.

In order to consciously activate your psychic abilities, including for the mastery of telepathy, you need to learn to sink into the border state between wakefulness and sleep.

To better assimilate the material in question, it is also recommended that you read the previously published books.

How can one learn entering the borderline state between being awakened and asleep?

Under specific conditions, one can learn activating the work of parasympathetic nerve system, while awakened, thus connecting to the Information Field willingly. To do so, one has to try to endeavor to partly disconnect the upper head, i.e. our mind, to learn entering the intuitive levels of the subconscious.

This exactly is what wielding the methodology of telepathic communication is associated with. In other words, the body should enter the borderline state between awakening and sleeping.

Modern medical science believes learning to control vegetative, or parasympathetic, system, responsible for maintaining the internal homeostasis, is impossible.

What does “maintaining the internal homeostasis” mean? For example, it includes keeping the human body temperature constant, controlling heart beating frequency, intestinal peristalsis, internal secretion hormone production, etc. All this takes place independent of our mind that is controlled by our central nerve system, whereas the parasympathetic nerve system, as mentioned above, is in charge for the internal homeostasis.

However, some specific Spiritual methodologies, disclosed in Buddhism, Yoga and Magic, allow penetrating behind this Curtain, or the barrier, which is erected between our mind, controlled by the central nerve system, and the subconscious that is controlled by the parasympathetic nerve system.

Worth mentioning, as good examples, are the documented facts, when yogis were capable of willingly reducing the temperature of their bodies for several degrees, slow their heart beating rate down to 2—4 pulses per minute, disable their breathing almost entirely, and enter the deep anabiosis state, which reminds lethargic sleep.

It is worth mentioning, though, that wielding deep meditation methodology does not mean wielding telepathic communication methods. One needs some additional specific knowledge for that.

Our extrasensory abilities are improved by opening up, additionally, two main Energy centers – Lelia and Lada, which are used in ancient Slavic Vedic Spiritual practices, whereas Buddhist and Yoga usually do not use it.

Here is an example. One of my students, who were tested and taught telepathy by me, was the Principal in a Foreign Language University, who had been practicing yoga for 20 years then. Yet, he did not wield telepathy.

He was interested in learning that methodology because telepathy allowed communicating even with people speaking in an unknown language. Telepathy is also called “The Language of Angels”, because those bodiless Spiritual Creatures communicate to each other, and sometime people, too, by means of telepathy. Apparently, the contacts between people and UFO representatives, which took place, were, too, by means of something similar, there are multiple witnesses in favor of that.

Together with the Principle, some lecturers of this university were successfully tested and taught basics of telepathy.

He was really surprised, when I opened up the two additional his Chakras – Lelia and Lada, where he felt burning. Buddhist and yogis are known to activate only seven their Chakras during meditations, the Chakras that are one above another as the Energy Column. Opening up the Spiritual Energy Cross, which consists of nine main Energy centers, came to us from the ancient Slavic Vedic knowledge.

After opening up the two additional Chakras in him, he was able to successfully tune his telepathic communication channels, and he managed to pass tests for telepathic abilities, and it did not take long for him to describe in details a nice picture with an old watermill in a forest by a large pond.

Therefore, one does not need to achieve the level of controlling the subconscious, which is in connection with one’s parasympathetic nerve system, and which would be as deep as yogis possess, to learn telepathy methods.

Instead, you need to learn how to activate your Energy centers, or Chakras, and learn some additional methodologies of telepathy communication.

Let me remind briefly, what are those Energy centers, as postulated by the ancient Vedic knowledge.

Let us start from the lower head, or the pelvis.

1. The lowest, or the first Chakra, located at the tailbone tip, is called Istok. The color that corresponds to it is black, and it becomes, as the Chakra is being activated, dark red, and then the bright red; the lowest sound associated with the Energy of Earth, is designated as the “C” note.

2. The next, or the second, Chakra is located by the womb in women. Men feel it in similar location by navel. This Chakra is called Rod, and it is in direct connection with human species reproduction. The color that corresponds to it is orange, and the sound that corresponds to it is designated as the “D” note.

3. The third Chakra is near navel, it is called Zhivot, being directly associated with life power. The ancient Slavic word Zhivot means life. Modern Russian word Zhivot means “stomach”, and it may take some effort for a non-Russian speaker to understand what is meant, when reading “lost their stomachs in fighting for their Fatherland”, unless the foreigner knows that ancient Slavic interpretation. Anyway, the corresponding color is yellow, and the corresponding sound is “E”.

Let now turn to the Chakras of the Middle Head, or the torso.

4. The fourth Chakra is in the chest, by the solar plexus, it is called Persi, what means “chest” in the ancient Slavic language. The corresponding color is green, and the corresponding sound is “F”.

5. The fifth Chakra is right beneath the left breast nipple and it is called Lelia. The corresponding color is light green, and the corresponding sound is “Fis”.

6. The sixth Chakra is right beneath the right breast nipple and it is called Lada. The corresponding color is again, light green, and the corresponding sound is “Fis”, too.

Now over to the upper head Chakras associated with the skull.

7. The seventh Chakra is called Ustie. It is located in the area of throat. The corresponding color is cyan, and the corresponding sound is “G”.
