полная версияAdventures of Michael the Cat and Oleksandra the Kitten. Friends

Валентина Басан
Adventures of Michael the Cat and Oleksandra the Kitten. Friends

Kitten Oleksandra did not expect such a trick from her own brother. She burst into bitter tears and covered her muzzle with her paws.

Cat Lev and Cat Mishuta did not expect that instead of the promised fun they would receive a bucket of girly tears and a quarrel between Cat Michael and Kitten Oleksandra.

– Mom! Mom! – Oleksandra the Kitten stood in front of the closed room of the Cat Michael and continued to cry.

Mama Cat heard her daughter's scream and rushed out of the kitchen, wiping her paws on her apron.

– Kitten, what happened? Why were you screaming?

– Mom! I don't want to be a girl!

– What?!

Mama Cat even forgot for a minute that she has a pie with apples baked in the oven. She knew that soon children would get hungry and want to eat something delicious. And apple pie was a favorite treat of four friends.
