полная версияThe Idol

Вадим Иванович Кучеренко
The Idol

Полная версия

Alla. Smart?

Anna. And noble. There are even poems devoted to pigs.

Alla. I would never think!

Anna. And not bad poems, I tell you. Nobody would write such poems about you, Oleg.

Tomov. You shot me dead, Anna!

Anna. Here you go!

Tomov. I promise you: when I get my own apartment I will buy a little piglet with a pinky snout.

Anna. Are you going to keep it at your balcony?

Tomov. No way! On the rug at the corridor.

Anna. Vasil, did you hear that? What fun!

Vasil. Don’t feel hurt, my girl! He is a good guy.

Anna. I am okay.

Vasil. Well, you said, fifteen hundreds square meters?

Anna. Yes, fifteen. Facing the mountains…

Victor Mancev is sitting on a bench in front of the camp building. Cyril Sumyatov comes out.

Sumyatov. Wouldn’t you mind?

Mancev. No, take a seat. Have you come out to smoke?

Sumyatov. To breath with fresh air.

Mancev. Anyway, help yourself. (Offers him a pack of cigarettes).

Sumyatov. I prefer pipe. (Shows his pipe).

Mancev. Amusing thingy!

Sumyatov. One craftsman carved it. You wouldn’t believe it: when you hold it, it warms you up like a stove. It is absolutely indispensable in the mountains. Especially at nights.

Mancev. You are right, it’s cold here at nights. Although, the stars are bigger and brighter. You just can’t take your eyes of them.

Sumyatov. Charming?

Mancev. I can’t get used to such beauty for many years already.

Sumyatov. One can get used to everything.

Mancev. Eternal mountains, eternal stars, eternal peace – and a human small and fussy. Such a big contrast. I feel it since my childhood.

Sumyatov. Where were you born?

Mancev. At one small town. If you look at the map you can see mountains around it. But in fact it’s located in a valley. There is no even a small hill around up to the horizon.

Sumyatov. It’s amazing!

Mancev. Life is even more amazing.

Sumyatov. So, you didn’t see mountains in your childhood?

Mancev. Sometimes, on a sunny calm day I saw their vague outlines.

Sumyatov. Maybe it was a miracle?

Mancev. The mountains seemed to be painted on a big canvas. But should a slight wind blow they disappeared immediately.

Sumyatov. Did anyone except you see them?

Mancev. Don’t take me for a dreamer or madman.

Sumyatov. Oh, no, I didn’t mean that!

Mancev. Everybody saw them. But most of people just didn’t notice. They were so common for them.

Sumyatov. I quite understand them. Our life is so short. A human doesn’t care about eternal mountains.

Mancev. You might be right. But at that time I thought that I am eternal too. Did you have such feeling in your childhood?

Sumyatov. I did. But it faded away quickly.

Mancev. When I learnt that in fact it is not like that I started crying at nights. I used to bury my head in the pillow and howl. I have never felt such despair since that time.

Sumyatov. Have you tried to run away to the mountains?

Mancev. Not once. My poor father! He used to give me good smacking in order to knock this bullshit out of my head – as he used to say.

Sumyatov. I think he wished you only good.

Mancev. My parents wished I were a banker. It was their great dream.

Sumyatov. They can be proud of you even more after conquering the Devil’s Fang.

Mancev. They haven’t lived to see it.

Sumyatov. I am sorry.

Mancev. They passed away with a sad feeling that their sun is loafer and loser.

Sumyatov. There is one more paradoxes of life.

Mancev. But you know what? Sometimes I am worried by a feeling that they were right.

Sumyatov. I’d rather have a smoke…

Mancev. Getting cold?

Sumyatov. I feel chilly.

Mancev. Then, smoke your stove quickly!

Sumyatov. Sorry, I have no tobacco.

Mancev. Then go back to the camp. It’s warm there.

Sumyatov. And you?

Mancev. Me too. I am not quite myself today.

At the camp canteen.

Alla. Oh, how tiresome! Oleg?

Tomov. What’s that?

Alla. Please do something! You are a man after all!

Tomov. As a man I would suggest to invite you at my place.

Alla. Where is it?

Tomov. It’s not far from here. Just climb upstairs to the second floor.

Alla. What is there?

Tomov. Wine, music, intimate talking…

Alla. It’s banal!

Tomov. Let’s play forfeits then.

Alla. How is it?

Tomov. You’ll see. My friends! Levan!

Levan. What, my dear?

Tomov. Who knows why there are no flies here?

Levan. It’s not a right season for them. They are sleeping.

Tomov. The answer is not correct!

Anna. They are gone to the south.

Tomov. You are not right!

Alla. They are dead of boredom.

Tomov. That’s right! I am afraid, my friends, that we are going to face the same sad end.

Levan. What can you suggest, dear?

Tomov. I suggest to play forfeits.

Anna. Any toy is okay that keeps a baby at play!

Vasil. What is it?

Tomov. The game is very simple. Let me explain you the rules. One person is waiting behind the door while the rest are changing something in their images. But, keep in mind, Anna you can change your hairstyle, for instance – not your husband.

Anna. Very witty!

Tomov. The most watchful and attentive will be a winner.

Alla. And a looser what is going to do?

Tomov. He has to sing or dance or at least tell a story if he is so mediocre.

Alla. Who is going to wait behind the door? Not me!

Tomov. А lot will tell us. Levan, a box of matches please!

Levan. One dollar!

Alla. Catch it! (Throwing him a box of matches).

Tomov. Okay… Now I am breaking one mach. Who pulls it out will wait behind the door. Let’s start, Allochka!

Alla. Why would I be the first?

Tomov. Because you are the most beautiful!

Alla. Well, if it is so… then (Pulling out a match). A long one!

Tomov. Levan, take your chance!

Levan. It’s going to be a long one, believe me! (pulling out). I told you, eh!

Tomov. Anna take your chance now.

Anna. I wonder, when will you grow up? (pulling out). A long one! You see, Vasil?

Vasil. I do. (pulling out).

Tomov. What do you have there?

Vasil. The same as Annushka.

Cyril Sumyatov enters.

Alla. Hey, you, a journalist – what’s your name – come and join us!

Tomov. Pull it out. Don’t get out!

Sumyatov. Well, whatever… (pulling out).

Tomov. A long one again! Well, it looks like I am to hang around behind the door.

Victor Mancev enters.

Tomov. Vitya, join the company!

Mancev. (Pulling out). A short one.

Tomov. It’s your fate Vityok! Go out of the door.

Mancev. For how long?

Tomov. I guess five minutes will be enough for everybody to make drastic changes.

Mancev. Okay, time is running! (gets out of the door).

Tomov. Guys, quicker, quicker! Allochka, you are just charming! Levan, what about you?!

Levan. Don’t worry, dear, Levan knows what he is doing.

Tomov. Anna, Vasil, what are you arguing about?

Anna. I want him to put on my skirt, but he wouldn’t agree.

Tomov. Lovely idea! But you have little time for changing, come up with something easier. And you, why are you standing as pillar of salt like Lot’s wife?

Sumyatov. I can seat down.

Tomov. Everybody has changed? Vityok, come in!

Victor Mancev enters.

Tomov. Vityok, be watchful!

Mancev. Levan, why have you put on a cap? Are you cold?

Levan. My friend, your eyes are as sharp as eagle’s!

Mancev. Vasil, give Anna her beads back. They don’t look good at you.

Vasil. That’s what I told her!

Anna. Oh, just look at this dandy!

Mancev. I see a flower bloomed in your hear.

Alla. Isn’t it charming?

Mancev. I think so. Oleg, get out a handkerchief out of your pocket. Since when do you wear a handkerchief?

Tomov. You, the sharp-eyed monster!

Mancev. What has changed to you, Cyril? I can’t remember.

Sumyatov. The same as to everybody.

Mancev. Did you have mustaches?

Sumyatov. Don’t you think that I have just shaved them away?

Mancev. You are a mysterious person to me. I give up.

Sumyatov. It’s a pity. You forgot that I was holding a pipe when you went out of the door.

Levan. Oh, buddy!

Alla. Take a forfeit, take a forfeit!

Tomov. How’s that, Vityok?

Alla. An immediate retribution! Don’t even think to sneak away.

Mancev. One should be able to lose with dignity. I am at your service.

Tomov. I announce a contest for the best forfeit for him!

Levan. Let him eat five cakes.

Tomov. Levan, don’t be so mercenary. It’s not good, is it, Allochka?

Levan. Hey, what special did I say?!

Аnna. Let’s forgive him for the first time.

Alla. No way! Playing means playing. I want him to tell us some story.

Mancev. I am a terrible story-teller, I worn you.

Alla. A scary story so that blood would freeze!

Tomov. Allochka, you are irresistible! Any other ideas? So, Vityok, you have to accept this.

Mancev. Well, if you insist.

Alla. Will you begin like an adventurous novel. It happened one dark night. It was lightning and the thunder was growling… Go on!

Mancev. Keep in mind that I was just an oblique participant of those events. I witnessed myself just a part of the things, a great deal I have to guess only…

Alla. Listen, the door has creaked. Who is there?!


Levan. It’s just wind, believe me. Let me close the door.

Mancev. Well, it happened by the end of winter. We were climbing a peak of eight thousand height using the Alpine style.

Alla. Uff, I am trembling with fear already!

Tomov. Just wait, there is worse to come, Allochka! Mountaineers are risky people.

Alla. But I didn’t understand what is the eight thousand height peak?

Tomov. A small tumor on the mother Earth which is located eight thousand meters above the sea level.

Sumyatov. According to statistics, each conquering of such tumors involves death accidents.

Alla. Wow, it’s so interesting! And what means this… how is it called?…

Tomov. Alpine style?

Alla. Exactly!

Tomov. Climbing up with all your provisions and outfit. In some cases the rucksack behind your shoulders is as heavy as you are.

Alla. Is it possible to climb some other way?

Tomov. In some cases there are special transit camps along all the route where you can pick up the necessary stuff placed there before. So, the climbers can enjoy walking with light baggage like fops in the downtown.

Sumyatov. It is really easier. Why to complicate things?

Аnna. By the way, why to take such risks climbing the mountains at all? You can get there by plan after all.

Sumyatov. Seriously, why to take such risks?

Аnna. Vasil, just listen!

Vasil. He thinks so, so what?

Levan. Hey, are we listening to the story or what?

Alla. Okay, I am silent. And all of you too! Go on, Victor!

Mancev. We were having devil’s own luck during the most part of the route. It was a sunny day, a little frosty. We had not a trifling injury.

Alla. And when does the most scaring begin?

Tomov. It’s coming soon, just wait.

Mancev. Several days were left before we reach the top of the mountain. Suddenly, the temperature got low, and a strong contrary wind started blowing. Our eyes got blind, it was difficult to breathe.

Alla. How terrible! Don’t say a word more!

Mancev. It was too risky to climb further. But the aim seemed to be so close… Two friends, the young obsessed guys were annoyed most of all. And then an expedition guide told them: «Go, check it out and get back» warning: «It is dangerous». But the friends just laughed: «While we are together, nothing is dangerous for us. We will follow each other through fire and water». «And to abyss», – one of them added. So, they were gone.

Alla. Tell me just one thing: did they die?

Mancev. The worst thing happened to them.

Alla. What can be worse than death? I can’t imagine!

Levan. To lose one’s dignity as we say at our mountain area.

Anna. Let him finish the story after all!

Alla. Tell us what happened! Don’t tire us out!

Mancev. Nothing special. Everybody who climb the mountains should be ready for this. One of the two friends fell down to the abyss.

Sumyatov. You are telling this so calmly!

Mancev. That guy was so much striving to the top as if he left something extremely important there. But he was hurrying too much. His foot slide down, he hardly had a second to scream or even realize what happened.

Sumyatov. But where was another one? He could see it and get help.

Mancev. Could he? I doubt it. They were climbing rope-tied. He fell down from a sharp jerk but was lucky to catch on a rock. While the one in front of him was hanging over the abyss.

Alla. I can imagine: a little man over big abyss. Scary picture! I saw this in some movie.

Mancev. It was exactly like this. One man is over the abyss, another one is gripping the rock like grim death. And there is only a thin rope between them. It was thin, but firm, a assure you.

Alla. I guess he immediately rushed to save his friend?

Mancev. Like I said it was sunny and warm day before the accident. But suddenly it got bitter cold.

Vasil. The surface got ice-crusted, got it?

Mancev. He was afraid to make an accidental movement and slide down to the abyss. And his friend… When falling he was about to cut his head open and was hanging without any life signs. Do you know what despair means? There were not cowards at all. But all they had is to wait without any hope for rescue…

Sumyatov. Early or later they were to be searched and rescued anyway.

Mancev. Or later… you are right. That was exactly what he must be thinking at the moment, holding his friend by the skin of his teeth and waiting for the moment when he gets exhausted and they fall down together.

Anna. Vitya, maybe that’s enough for today.

Alla. Are you going to stop at the most absorbing moment?!

Mancev. Well, my throat got dry.

Levan. Just a second, dear. Here you go, drink it! It’s free.

Mancev. Thank you… So, what I was talking about?

Sumyatov. About the tragic fate common for both.

Mancev. Yeah… But you know one of them could escape it if he cut off the rope.

Sumyatov. But who?

Mancev. What do you think?

Sumyatov. I have no idea. I have never been in such a scrape.

Mancev. The one who is above the abyss? Usually, there is a slight hope up to the last moment. However, when the self-preservation instinct dies it’s too late already.

Sumyatov. And the one who was holding him? Do you think he could?

Mancev. Why not? How many suiciders have you met in your life?

Sumyatov. Not a single one fortunately.

Mancev. So, he was also young and wanted to live.

Alla. Therefore he let his friend fall to the bottom of the abyss?

Levan. What are you talking about, eh? Switch on your brain!

Mancev. When they were found he was holding a knife in his hand. The rescuers could hardly unclench his frozen fingers. There was a slight knife cut on the rope.

Anna. Oh, that’s enough for me. I can’t listen further. Vasil, let’s go! I feel sick.

Vasil. As you say.

Anna. Good night to all. We are going to bed.

Alla. So early?

Anna. We’ve got accustomed to get asleep early. Am I right, Vasil?

Vasil. Sure, my dear.

Аnna and Vasil leave.

Alla. What’s the matter with them?

Tomov. The are just-married!

Alla. And with you?

Тоmov. What do you mean?

Alla. You have turned pale!

Tomov. Get along with you!

Alla. Оh!..

Sumyatov. So, I can’t understand why was he waiting? They were found not so soon, right? During this time he could cut the rope hundreds of times and save his own life.

Mancev. That’s what I can’t understand until now. What made his hand not to cut it?

Alla. To me all is clear. Most likely, the one who fell down was pleading him not to do it.

Mancev. I don’t think so. He was unconscious. He could not plead to cut the rope. Do you understand?

Levan. Sure we do, dear!

Аlla. As for me, not at all!

Sumyatov. Well, everything is so clear! Is He was left alone with his own conscience.

Mancev. I assure you they had a lot to talk about. At some moments the life preservation instinct was prevailing and then he took the knife. At others his conscience was overcoming and he dropped the knife.

Sumyatov. It was a life and death struggle. It could be a sensational headline!

Mancev. Fortunately, the snowstorm calmed down and other guys from the expedition got in time. You already know what they saw there.

Alla. So, nobody got injured?

Levan. Oh, you, lady!

Mancev. They got off with a scratch or two. Sorry if I have disappointed you.

Alla. You are kidding at me. Have I said something stupid?

Mancev. The rescuers called a helicopter by radio connection and brought everyone down to the camp. So, none of them got to the peak that day.

Sumyatov. I can’t understand one thing.

Mancev. Which one?

Sumyatov. Who were you of those two?

Mancev. It doesn’t matter… So, have I passed my forfeit?

Alla. I could listen for you till morning. It’s so absorbing!

Mancev. Levan, buddy, have you by any chance put some soporific into my glass? My eyes are getting heavy.

Levan. Are you kidding, my friend?!

Sumyatov. Wait, you can’t leave just like this!

Mancev. I can as you see.

Victor Mancev leaves. Cyril Sumyatov follows him.

Alla. Everybody has gone… Oleg, why are you silent?

Tomov. Thinking.

Alla. About what?

Tomov. I’d rather have another drink. Don’t you mind, Allochka?

Alla. Get along with you! Are we going to play further?

Tomov. I guess everybody is full with this game.

Alla. I want to go on!

Tomov. Do you have only this desire?

Alla. A lady is getting bored next to you. Shame on you!

Tomov. I feel guilty.

Alla. What are you thinking about?

Tomov. It doesn’t matter. Levan!

Levan. Hey, don’t shout so loudly! I am not deaf.

Tomov. Do you have a guitar?

Levan. Sure I do.

Tomov. Get it here!

Levan. Sing us, dear. And then we are closing. It’s night already.

Tomov. Don’t hurry up time, Levan. Our night is just starting. Am I right Allochka?

Alla. It’s amazing! I don’t feel sleepy at all.

Tomov. Good girl. This night will be all ours! (Sings a song about mountaineers).

Light turns off. When it turns on again it is already morning. Levan is making tables at the canteen. Mikhalych is sitting at one of the tables.

Levan. You know what day is it today?

Mikhalych. It’s been Sunday since morning.

Levan. Why aren’t you at home, eh?

Mikhalych. I feel comfortable among people. I am too lonely at the empty apartment.

Levan. I wish I had your problems!

Mikhalych. I wouldn’t wish them on my bitter enemy. A person needs other people to feel their breathing next to him. Otherwise everything doesn’t make sense.

Levan. Then why don’t you get married? A man should have a family – a wife and children – believe me.

Mikhalych. I used to have family. Should I settle down with a new one? No, I wouldn’t. And it’s too late.

Levan. Oh, don’t tell me! At the Caucasus a man might get married at one hundred years old and his wife delivers him a heir. Got it?

Mikhalych. You are good guy, Levan. Let me seat here for a while, okay? I wouldn’t disturb you.

Levan. Am I turning you out? Please, seat, dear.

Mikhalych. Thank you.

Levan. Oh, don’t mention it!

Anna and Vasil Korobko come in.

Аnna. Good morning all!

Mikhalych. You are right, today’s morning is really good. Look, how sunny it is!

Аnna. That’s why we got up so early. Levan, the guys haven’t come downstairs yet?

Levan. No.

Аnna. That’s what I told you, Vasil. They are going to sleep till the lunch time. I bet, yesterday they left after midnight. Am I right, Levan?

Levan. Yeah.

Аnna. So, we’ll be able to get back in time, don’t worry.

Vasil. I wish we could.

Аnna. Levan, how long does it take to get to the city and get back?

Levan. One way takes a couple of hours, the round way is the same… Plus one hour is for this and that. So, just count.

Аnna. And when are we starting?
