Treasure of the tower

V. Speys
Treasure of the tower

– Sasha and I decided to sleep in one tent.

– And we, how? Sophia asked in surprise.

– You know, friend, you go to your sleeping bag, and Misha let him lie down in your own and in one tent you will be warm and safe together.

“All right, Lucien, I persuaded Misha and I will sleep in our tent too…”

From drunk after the vodka of champagne, Misha immediately became drunk, so much so, that in the morning, he awoke with a terrible headache. Having looked around with a not remembering glance around, he pondered for a long time where he was, until the rolled nausea to his throat forced him to jump out into the pre-dawn dawn. The fountain poured from it yesterday, soaking up the combustible mixture, it became much easier. Hearing comrade, Sasha poked his head out from the tent:

“Che, are you bad?” On, – holding out the bottle with the unfinished vodka at the bottom, – take it, straight from the throat. “Shaking the bottle,” his brother said. Misha looked at the vodka, and immediately the nasty fellow fled out of his throat, like a sparrow from a birdhouse.

“You, what do you want me to do?” – He mumbled in his heart.

– Here is a fool. I want to help you. Understand, you will immediately become a man. Drink a couple of sips, as a hand removes. You’ll see. “Sasha jumped out into the morning cold and slipped a bottle into Misha’s hand. Misha made an effort, typing the full lungs of air, took two sips, to the horror of the opposite drink now. A warm cat swept the esophagus into the stomach and spread out there, bringing all the terrible chaos of the burning body into calmness and, oh, a miracle, into a normal state. Misha, with red eyes, gave a grateful look to his brother, who with a smile was watching him from the tent already…

The whole company came to Misha after dinner. Happy merry and cheerful. After a couple of hours, Misha and Sasha conducted the girls Lusya and Sofia to the train. And the girls went to Yekaterinburg. The guys returned to Misha, discussing the night and the picnic impressions…

Chapter – 7.

The boys returned from the station to Misha. It was already 18 hours. Their mothers were not yet at home, and Misha called the mother on the Smartphone.

“Mom, where are you?”

– Hello, son, we are with Aunt Nastya, our classmate. We’ll be late. So rest, you guys are adults. Till. – And my mother disconnected from the connection.

– There they meet cheerfully with classmates, so that everything is OK. – said Misha.

“All right,” Sasha replied. “Let’s think over that we’ll take you to the ruins of an abandoned castle.” There must be something there, even if this object is deleted from the space map.

– It seems to me that with the name of Demigov’s places, where he had some business, there are many secrets and mysteries. – Said Misha cleverly.

“Yes, it’s okay for you, brother, to be so abstruse.” You’re not an academician of the Academy of Sciences. Until we see with our own eyes, nothing will be clear.

– I am alarmed by the fact that the Moscow expedition from the Academy of Sciences did not find this entrance to the dungeon. Are they all such fuckers that they could not see such a simple detail?

– Look, Misha, it seems to me that they noticed, but did not dare to continue the research, but simply froze this object, having deleted it from existence.

“So it’s of some value.” – Misha has cleverly expressed.

This concludes the conversation. The guys took out the products bought on the way from the station and Misha started frying potatoes, and Sasha opened a couple of cans and went to work

Cooking salad. Two bottles of beer appeared on the table. And the guys began to supper, discussing tomorrow’s sally into the abandoned ruins.

The collection of the necessary inventory for the study of the ruins took a fair amount of time. And having collected in backpacks all that could be needed there, the guys at exactly 23 hours went to bed, in advance they did not forget to make an alarm clock. Their spree mothers were not yet. Alarm clock thundered exactly at six zero-zero. Misha jumped first as the alarm clock stood on the bedside table next to his bed.

“Che, is it time?” Sasha asked sleepily.

– Yes, sleep again; I’m first in the bathroom, then you. – With these words, Misha went out into the corridor and saw on the hung clothes that their mothers were asleep at home.

After the bath, the guys quietly made their way to the kitchen brewed their coffee more tightly and after a light breakfast with sandwiches, quietly slipped out of the house.

“Praise God, we did not have to report to our parents about where we were going, and what we had there for such matters. – Wrote Misha.

– You, Misha, so worried, here is my stepfather, by the way, he from the first days, as he married his mother, forbade him to call him, there is a father or father, but only, to use his name as an equal to himself.

– Wow, as an equal? – Surprised Misha, – And, the fact that he is Russia’s champion in kick-side-sung, the famous Sergei Avramenko, is this how?

– He has been a businessman for a long time and does not appear. Now on business I went to Sochi to my winery. It is necessary to check how there is a vineyard, and how to farm, and so on. And in August we all go to Spain with our whole family, and we’ll come to the tenth, in short, I’ll start going to college on the eleventh of September.

– What do you do in your Consul on Saturday?

“It’s Sophie telling you how our college’s called, huh?” Well, from Monday, of course.

– And, what’s hard to guess? She still said that you are such a bore, and that does not understand how in such a turkey all the girls in your class are in love? Misha said with a laugh.

“Well, she’ll get me for a bore.” I’ll come, I’ll sort it out.

– The girls have to forgive, the atoms, which of us will grow, what any kind of all the same you are a man.

– Yes, Mishka. That’s for sure, let them weave on them and tongues without bones.

– One thing is good, about our secret affairs, state, we can say, secrets, we almost blurted it out. – With a smile, said Misha.

– That’s what it means to stop in time. – Sasha added approvingly.

So after the conversations the guys did not notice how the wasteland passed, nesting on the jeans of last year’s rapiers. Near the dubious bridge, they stopped. They ripped from their trouser legs and began to confer.

– Let’s carefully examine this bridge for a hundred years, an atom and more. Look, all the beams rotted, and one support, so above this moat with water already in a hanging position. – Sasha began to talk.

– Yes, I still remember, this support stood in the water on a thin barrel-like trunk. – Added Misha.

– Do you remember, the inscription, well, a sign with the inscription that it is dangerous to walk on the bridge.

– Yes, here she, lying around in the last year’s grass, fell off for a long time. – said Misha.

– Look, how everything is overgrown, soon behind these thickets and consider anything no one can. – Sasha said, examining the dilapidated wall through the young foliage growing almost to the trees of bushes on the opposite side of the moat.

– All the same it is necessary to pass. If I fail, consider it a communist, I’m going. – And Misha first bravely stepped onto the bridge. Shaky designs bent under the feet, but the guy cautiously and slowly moved forward. He ripped off his backpack in advance and held it in his hand just in case. Little by little, I crossed to the opposite side of the moat. His example was followed by Sasha. Moving, they, as if yesterday were here, confidently walked in the familiar direction to the watchtower, to what was left of it.

The boys were disappointed with the picture. The entrance to the dungeon was littered with the ruined dome-shaped ceiling of the watchtower, which from time to time collapsed and closed the entrance with a dense layer of debris from the ceiling, the burnt clay masonry…

Author’s note:

“Even in the distant 1979, the scientists of the Sverdlovsk Architectural Institute, according to the instructions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, modern geophysical methods investigated these ruins, but there was no dungeon with melting furnaces, but an underground passage was found that led to the basement of the Demidov Tower and the plant.”

Chapter – 8.

In 1697, on a hot August day, Peter I arrived in Amsterdam to study shipbuilding at the East India Shipyard. Its main goal was to learn how to build ships to create a navy fleet. At the same time, his goal was also to find craftsmen and masters for the smelting of metal ores for military purposes. But with the second task, the problem was not the desire, neither the Dutch nor the British to send their masters to raise the iron-ore industry of Russia and at the same time create this and the military power of Russia. And with the first problem, not everything was smooth, since the Dutch shipbuilders built their ships on a whim without drawings, which prevented Peter from building his fleet in Russia.

In the evenings sitting in his apartment in Amsterdam, he wrote in his heart: “It was very disgusting for him that he perceived such a long way for this, but did not reach the desired end.” He ordered an order to Moscow to subordinate the Dutch masters at the Voronezh shipyard to the Venetian and Danish masters. Further from Moscow came a letter from a merchant and breeder, of Dutch origin, Andrei Denisovich Vinius:

“… It is better than that ore to be not possible and in the whole world, there is so rich that out of a hundred pounds of ore comes forty pounds of cast iron.” Please, please, undermine the ambassadors to find iron masters of good, able to do steel … “Vinius also reported that a magnetic The ore in the Urals was discovered by blacksmiths master Nikita Demidovich Demidov.


Demidov Nikita became known to Peter I in that he repaired the German pistol to the vice chancellor of Petro’s associate Peter Baron Pyotr Pavlovich Shafirov’s, who was on the Tsar’s affairs at the arms factory in Tula. And not only repaired, but made an exact copy of such weapons of improved design. On the recommendation of Shafirov’s, Peter I made an order in 1696 to Demidov Nikita to make 200 rifles on a German model, which was completed in a month. Peter, before making this order, arrived in Tula and at a meeting with the master, said Nikita:

“You’ll make two hundred guns in a month’s time; I’ll allocate a subsidy from the treasury for the construction of an arms factory.” (Russian archive, 1878 – Book 2-No.5-P.119—124 // Traditions about Demidov and Demidov factories).

Demidov carried out the order and in a month gave the tsar instead of the ordered 200, 300 guns, and exact copies from the foreign model provided by Peter I. The tsar lent from the Treasury Nikita Demidov the construction of an arms factory, which was built on a site designated for this construction. Thus, Nikita Demidov became the main supplier of weapons for the tsarist army of Peter’s times.

Failures with the hiring of iron making masters abroad pushed Peter I to the necessity of training his Russian masters of metallurgy. And Shafirov’s gun, and a shotgun pattern on which Demidov made 300 rifles, were produced in the arms factories of Saxony. In 1698, Tsar Peter I. visited Saxony and also got acquainted with the organization of mining in Freiberg. Here the son of Demidov Nikita, Akinfiy Nikitich Demidov, was sent to Saxony with other children. Before leaving Akinfiya abroad, the son had a long conversation with his father:

“Write it all down, as I told you.” There, silver is melted from the ore, as it is done you must know. And remember that with the copper smelting enriched by smelting; the still not purified red copper comes out. There can be contained in a hundred pounds of red copper to five pounds of gold and silver. Remember that your main task is not to give out why you are recovering there. In addition, that you will learn copper smelting; learn in great detail, from red copper, how to get silver and gold. Saxons have poor copper ore and do not contain enough of these compounds. But the methods should be described in their textbooks. Try to buy these books, well, find out how it’s done, sort of for the general development. “I spoke instructively to my 19-year-old son Nikita.

– Yes, I understood, my father understood. I will be more attentive than ever. – The tone that Akinfiy answered, not really liked Nikita. My son studied with his father and, it seems, was what. His metallurgy was very interested. He himself aspired to what Demidov the Elder had told him, and if they say the same thing several times in a row, he did not like Akinfiy. But the trip abroad attracted an inquisitive young man and also the learning process. But Nikita hoped that his son, at least, would learn something about the process of extracting precious metals from the ores, as a side effect in the process of smelting the base metal. On this, they decided that Demidov the Younger would write down in detail the processes that contribute to the basic melting. Demidov the Younger answered his father:

– There, in the books, everything is described in detail. “Trying to distract my father from the conversation,” said Akinfius.

– In books, then in books, but everywhere there are secrets, which the masters are not in a hurry to share with anyone. And I myself know that what comes by skill and skill is not recorded, but is passed from father to son and stored under seven locks inside the family. Therefore, share a sincere acquaintance with the master, that owns the art of mining precious metal and take over the experience, remember everything, maybe without writing down, so that no one knows that we will be smelting here…

Peter I was still at the shipyards of Amsterdam, when Andrei Denisovich went to Germany with ten young men to train them from foreign craftsmen of the arts. Vinius wrote to Peter in detail about his request to send young men to study in Saxony, including the 19-year-old Akinfiya, the son of the weapons business of Master Nikita Demidov. In total, 50 children from families of boyars, wealthy merchants and industrialists were selected to study crafts abroad…

– Damn! – Sasha exclaimed in his heart. – Everything is lost. Probably overloaded, here and a brigade of loaders can not do. – Inspecting the dam, commented Sasha.

“Look, the whole ceiling with the dome crashed.” Wow! – Looking up, Misha said up.

“Ah, it’s fixed with him, what can not be, that will not pass.” – Sasha remarked philosophically. To which Misha replied:

– Yes it does not sound like that; which have not be avoided! That’s how it should be! They both laughed together.

“Come on, let’s have our beer with our ladies in the kitchen.” – Sasha ordered, referring to his mother and Mishin.

Guys sneaked home. When they arrived, it was already 10 am. Their mothers sat in the kitchen and talked about how to warn Sasha about it.

“My scabby left a note so they would not wait for them for dinner”. – Said Misha’s mother.

– All I’m calling my champion. “She answered her sister in unison.

– Mama! – Sasha shouted. – I’ve already come; I do not need to call. – He ran into the kitchen, without removing the sneakers, and traces of dirty shoes imprinted on the parquet floor of the corridor.

– Sergei Avramenko suddenly flew home and demands me to return. So decide, I can leave you here, and I can take Misha with me. – Said Aunt Natasha.

– No, I will not let him go anywhere. – Misha’s mother objected.

“Well, no, it’s not,” said Sasha’s mother.

– Ladies, but at least someone asked us? – Sasha got into conversation with adults.

Everyone fell silent, looking inquiringly at Sasha. He blushed, remained silent, and remained standing with his mouth open. The silence was broken by Aunt Natasha:

“In short, son, we’re going to the house by the evening train.” Our lord demands us.

The woman, silently, went into the bedroom and began to pack things in the suitcase. Misha from the refrigerator took out a jar of oil; Misha remembered how they collected mushrooms at the end of last summer and amicably preserved them with their mother.

“Take Natasha, this is our family dish.” We had a drink there; we almost ate all of them, the last jar, especially cared for you.

Sasha left with his mother on an evening train to Yekaterinburg home…

Chapter – 9.

In the morning Misha woke up at five in the morning from an incomprehensible anxiety. He began to recall Sophia and Lusya. I got a Smartphone from Sasha and opened the photos, where Sasha and his stepfather Sergei Avramenko are hovering in the bathhouse with the naked girls of Luce and Sophia. Both sat on a bench of steam room wrapped in sheets, and the girls in various frozen poses depicted a naked striptease. Of course, Sasha explained to Misha that the girls then hit the head of seducing men, seeing them in this institution. And they turned on their Smartphone, installing it on the stand to make this shot, which they managed, except for temptation. Sergei spanked both dancers in the ass and pushed them out of the steam room into the adjacent female department. Misha liked Sofia. He mentally began to recall their sortie with tents outside the city. Overnight, his hike in the bushes with Sofia, no, there was nothing like this, there was not in the tent, except passionate kisses and all. But the hike into the bushes, how many quivering minutes of waiting for something that a woman can give, and was not. There they parted in the bushes, and each one did his own business, making room for picnic sweets. Suddenly, a grassy gap in the ground arose in memory. Misha did not attach any importance to this, whether a little animal dug a hole for itself and abandoned its shelter. But for some reason Aunt Natasha said that when they were with his mom, an entire expedition of scientists visited the area and the ruins of the prison and said that they found only an underground passage that had been immured there, which led to the plant.

Or maybe this is the same underground passage? Misha thought, the hand slowly reached for the Smartphone, I wanted to share the conjecture with Sasha. No, it will not be serious. We need to examine the place to make sure that it is an underground passage, but only then, if it turns out so, then, and only then, it will be possible to tell Sasha. Gradually, Misha dozed off and fell asleep again.

In the morning he was awakened by his mother:

– They call me back to the factory in the office of the plant management. We must pack up and run.

“Mom,” Misha said in a sleepy voice, “I’m not a little one, I’ll manage it.” I know where the food is, I know what’s for dinner and where the clothes are. – He looked at his mother with a smile on the filly and good-naturedly.

“You, son, for me always and for the rest of your life will remain a small and not a smart kid.” So do not be bored. – She was already dressed in her strict suit, where she went to work. On the move she threw: – The director said that he would pay as for two working days. – Cotton closed the apartment door, confirmed that Mom was gone.

On his alarm clock, which was ticking on the bedside table next to the bed, the arrows showed exactly 9—00. He jumped out of bed and looked out the window. At the bottom of his mother came to the factory “Volga”. The driver stood near the cabin, smoking, and waiting for her. When the woman came closer, carefully opened the front seat door, giving the opportunity to get into the car. Misha watched as the car left the yard, and slowly went to the bathroom with a towel on his shoulder.

After bathing procedures and coffee in the kitchen, he finally completely woke up and realized that he was left to himself. What a whole day at his disposal and that the backpack with the inventory, which they collected with Sasha for sally into the basement of the ruins, has not yet been dismantled. There in the backpack Untouched cooked things, which he and Sasha considered, it was necessary to take with them.

“So what am I waiting for?” – Misha said aloud, asking himself a question, – Michael, forward to the unexplored expanses of the region!

He put on his jeans, on top, on a T-shirt, a green T-shirt and got into the sneakers, putting on his backpack, he left the apartment, carefully locking the door behind him. In these factory five-story houses there were no elevators, and Misha quickly ran down the stairs, downstairs found himself on the street. The wilderness through which they went with Sasha to the ruins was in front of their house, and the hilly terrain aside from the wasteland, it was necessary to walk five hundred meters along the highway and then turn right to the path leading to the hilly terrain. This area was not built up, as under a thin layer of earth rock was discovered, which prevented the laying of foundations for the construction of housing. The city did not move in this direction, and the terrain was untouched, until better times, the city authorities of Nevyansk decided.

He quickly discovered the place where they had a picnic. This place once again reminded Misha of Sofia, her burning kisses, as if his lips were being burned again, further memories plunged the guy into despondency. He wanted to see the girl again, and he reached for the Smartphone to dial her phone number. Then, having thought, decided not to stir up memories that were even stronger, he began to drive away the image of Sophia, trying to concentrate on the goal of his coming here.

So they went with her in this direction, Sasha and Lusya left the opposite. Misha remembered that the bushes, where they were moving with Sophia, those that were already in thick foliage, went to them. There is a failure in the earth. Here the ascent to the hill began. Misha’s heart beat faster. He saw that it was not a hole dug by a fox or a badger, but a failure. He knelt down, dug a hole in his hand, came upon the brickwork. He did not believe in his luck. The hand did not feel obstacles and penetrated farther and farther along the shoulder itself. He probed the edges of the dip and realized that the overgrown bush with roots had destroyed the masonry, and some of the bricks fell down. Misha realized that this is an underground passage, there was no doubt about it. The bush covered this gap with overgrown branchy vegetation and foliage, so this failure was not discovered by tourists, that they visited picnics here. Misha decided to illuminate the flashlight inside the underground passage, to see what’s inside. Taking out a flashlight from the backpack and a sapper blade, widened the passage and pulled out several bricks. The bricks were yellow and sturdy and only two of the interlacing of the roots of the bush fell out. Misha unearthed a little masonry, took a hammer from the backpack and knocked on the edges, struck, widening the passage more. Then he shined the inside of the stroke. In one and the second direction, the underground passage led to the side of the city and to the other side of one of the hills. Misha jumped to his feet and, sensing that he had discovered something important, walked away from the gap and looked around. It became clear to him that this place can be disguised as natural vegetation. He chose the grass thicker and cut off a piece of ground with grass with a demolition shovel to cover the entrance. I took this land with grass and put it to the entrance. It turned out a good layer of green grass, closing the entrance to the dungeon. Then he took it off the entrance, put it next to it and climbed into the break. The feet touched the bottom. He stood in the underground passage to his feet so that only his head was sticking out from the break. Misha turned on the flashlight, put it down and covered the ground with grass input. Then he cursed himself for his mistake, because he forgot to take his pack with him. Again it was necessary to push aside a layer of the ground with a grass, falling asleep lavishly for a collar of a T-shirt of earth crumbs. When this was all over, and the backpack landed on Misha’s shoulders, he felt that the dungeon was pretty cool. Again he took off his backpack, shone a flashlight, taking out his windbreaker. He put on his hood and pulled on his hood, feeling that now it would be more comfortable and warmer, having mounted the backpack on his back, decided to pass by an underground passage to the side, as it seemed to him, of a hilly terrain…


Lighting his way with a flashlight, he moved in a narrow underground passage forward. The walls of this turn were lined with yellow brick; the ceiling is made of a semicircular shape made of the same brick. The floor was earthy. Misha was surprised by the design of the move. Why so neat to lay out a brick, to mock the walls of the course leading to nowhere. After twenty meters, he suddenly found a void ahead. Going another ten meters, I got into a spacious room with shelves arranged along four walls of the room. Misha guessed that the room was hollowed out in the rock of one of the hills that he was observing at the top of the hilly terrain where the guys were having their picnic. Along the walls on the shelves lay a lot of neat rectangular tiles, exactly the ones of which were laid out the facade of the house.

– Nahren needed so many tiles, and even hides on shelves? He said excitedly to himself. To satisfy his pure curiosity, Misha came closer to the regiments and took a tile. Wow, yes it’s heavy. No, this is not a tile for the facade. After lighting closer, Misha rubbed his eyes in surprise.

– Can not be? – broke out from him. He again shone on the brick. Brushed off the dust, and gold gave the surface with the inscription: – “PROBA 999. ВЕСЪ = 1. l b”. Above the inscription is a round image of a snake devouring its tail? Misha suddenly became frightened of this embossing. Crowded bad thoughts about some kind of witchcraft, about treasures guarding snakes with deadly stings. From these thoughts with the “tile” of gold in his hands, he slowly sat on the floor. I waited. But nothing happened. He felt great, even more cheerful. And from this feeling, weight measures began to appear in memory. What does "" mean, Misha remembered that this pound is so designated and equal to close to 500 grams. Or, to be precise, the pound is approximately 453 grams. Misha carefully examined the shelves and what they were made of. Shelves were made of black metal with no signs of rust. Gold tiles are neatly folded. For the exact number of pieces on the shelf, the ability to correctly count the amount of gold stored here.

– “Exactly the metal shelves, like the mounts on the Demidov Tower”. – He thought. And embossing on an ingot” a snake devouring its tail, “what is it? Misha recalled a school excursion to the” slanting “tower where he learned that Demidov Akinfiy Nikitich had been studying abroad at the European Metallurgy Center, which then was Germany, Seems to be in Saxony, and there he learned how to extract silver from gold as well, and used the same method for gold mining and copper smelting from copper ore, which is exactly what his gold is hidden here. “Misha thought again. He began feverishly counting the neatly laid ingots on the shelves that had been installed to the very ceiling of the low, with his room’s growth. Counting five hundred, or six hundred pieces, lost count. Then he happily spat, counting that the number of ingots on each shelf is the same. And, counting the number of pieces on the shelf, you can easily estimate how many such gold bars are counted here, multiplying by the number of shelves. Which he did. Counting the number of shelves, there were 12 of them. Each shelf has 100 pieces of ingots, the total number of ingots was 1200 pieces, it turned out that there were 522 kilograms of gold hidden there.

– “What to do, what to do?!” – thoughts ran around Demigov’s treasure, trying to drive the boy crazy from suddenly fallen wealth, from the joyful feeling of being involved in the discovery of this amazing treasure. He decided to take himself in hand and introduced himself to the place of Akinfiy, who lived in the midst of the poorest sections of the population and yet managed to hide the treasure under his nose from all sorts of royal auditors and scammers. They also brilliantly calculated the place of shelter here in a useless area for construction work. And Misha decided to find out, but where the next move leads. And he did not hesitate for a long time, taking an ingot of gold with himself, moved back, penetrating the underground passage in the opposite direction. After passing an underground tunnel a hundred meters, he found that the course goes under a downward slope. And if we assume that there is a river, then it passes under it and evidently closes under the Nevyan Tower. After fifty more steps, he saw that the course goes under the water. Everything became clear, the second part of the course was flooded. Because of the long time under the water tightened with mud and hidden by algae for centuries. That’s why in this desert area nobody ever looked for Demigov’s treasures. With this, Misha returned to his hole and got out. After looking around, carefully disguised his hole with the grass growing on it, trampled on it, figured out that to detect to outsiders this The place is unlikely to wander into someone’s head, he went home with an easy heart. And only near the house I found out that his smartphone was showing time of 16—00. Mom was not at work yet. He quickly entered the bathroom, looked around. He looked like a miner mining coal in the face after the change. He quickly took off his clothes, climbed into the bathroom and took a shower. Already wiping himself with a towel, I heard that my mother had come.

– Misha! Misha, are you at home? – began to call his son. Misha came out of the bathroom and showed his mother. Mother said that she would be at home tomorrow and that she no longer needed to work, she could continue her vacation…

Oh, how Misha wanted to tell Mom that now she would not have to go to work, that now they are very rich and that with this gold he can afford much that was not available to him. He wants to buy a car, the latest brand, or a villa abroad. Wherever you are in Italy or the Bahamas. He can travel all his life, or study at a prestigious university abroad, forgetting that he can get the best education in his homeland. In general, his thoughts were carried away to the pink distance, where the milk rivers flow with the July banks and the evergreen gardens bloom, giving tasty and satisfying fruits. When he realized that reality is not as rosy as he would like, he came to himself and began to think about his find more comprehensively. The mind told him that it was impossible to talk about the treasure to anyone, and this at the very time when I wanted to share the find with whom and to discuss the appropriate actions to preserve the treasure. On the other hand, he read somewhere that the appropriation of treasures is considered to be an illegal act, and that all government institutions that accept or buy gold are required to report to the authorities on large offerings of gold by the owners. So Misha and his discovery had serious sales problems. So far, he had one way – to inform the competent authorities about the gold found, then he could receive 25% of the total value of the treasure, on a legal basis, without hiding the source of income from the tax services, and what now? Misha racked his brains, not knowing what to do and what to do in this case. Among other things, his friends, with whom he was on a picnic, could also claim part of the treasure. Since without a picnic, he would never have found Demigov’s gold.

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