Sathya Sai Baba said that every person who comes to his ashram can come only because there is a divine will. Everyone who came to the ashram could come there only at the personal invitation of Sathya Sai Baba himself.
When I heard such words for the first time, I was extremely surprised. Millions of people came to the ashram; how could this be? I came to the ashram every year and it seemed this happened completely according to my desire. It seemed easy and simple. The thought never arose that in fact every time I came to the ashram was actually because it was part of the higher, subtle, divine plan.
What could be easier than buying a ticket to India, flying for a period of time, and staying at the ashram as my circumstances allowed. It seemed like it was my own choice.
There were many people who very much wanted to come to the ashram, but many obstacles prevented them from doing so. At the same time, there were people who could hardly imagine who Sathya Sai Baba was and ended up in the ashram, as if quite by accident.
One woman I know of was invited by a group of friends to go to India, to which she gladly agreed. On the plane she was informed that the group was going to see Sathya Sai Baba. The woman did not know who he was, and so her friends showed her a small photograph of Sathya Sai Baba and briefly explained where she was flying to. Sometimes, people got to the ashram in strange ways.
One of the most important paradoxes of human life is the interconnection of an omnipotent divine plan on the one hand and free human will on the other. The omnipotent Divine plan does not cancel the free will of a person, and as a result, the responsibility for decisions made and actions taken fall on the shoulders of each man.
Some of my acquaintances had the opportunity to go to India and see Sathya Sai Baba, but sometimes people thought there were more important things to do and so put off going to the ashram. As you know, what can be done today can only be done today, and then the next day comes and the opportunity is gone. It seemed to some they could easily go to Sathya Sai Baba in a couple of years, but life circumstances changed and the possibility of taking the trip disappeared.
In life, we are constantly met with the problem of choice and prioritization. Sometimes people put all their affairs and worries into the background in order to be close to Sathya Sai Baba, as soon as possible. Basically, it's a matter of priorities. If the most important thing in life is to see the Avatar, and if your priorities are spiritual development, then you are taking the right steps.
For the most part, people learned about Sathya Sai Baba from their acquaintances who had already been to India. Sometimes information came through books, and sometimes information about him literally burst into their lives in the most unusual and mystical way. Everyone reacted to their introduction to Sathya Sai Baba differently.
People who prioritized spiritual knowledge did everything possible, and sometimes, impossible to see Sathya Sai Baba as quickly as they could. For some, the immediate concerns of this life seemed more significant.
Sometimes people do not notice when a chance appears; as such, their unique opportunity is lost forever.
Several people told me stories about how they learned about Sathya Sai Baba through mystical dream experiences. There were cases when people saw him in a dream, not understanding who he was. Later, when they saw a photograph of Sathya Sai Baba, they realized this was the unusual Indian mystic who visited them in their dream.
At the ashram I met an elderly lady from Hamburg, Helga. She told me an amazing story about how she found out about Sathya Sai Baba and came to the ashram for the first time. Helga lived most of her life in northern Germany and was never interested in Vedic philosophy and meditation. She was a sincere Christian and performed daily prayers in accordance with Christian tradition.
One night, she had a mystical dream. In the dream, an unknown oriental man in a long orange dress came to her and invited her to come to visit him in India. Within the dream, the woman felt frightened, but at the same time, she understood she was sleeping and seeing him in a mystical dream. At that moment, Helga did not know who this strange oriental man was and where exactly he was inviting her to go. Right during the dreaming experience, Sathya Sai Baba took the frightened woman in his strong arms, and they flew away.
They flew high in the sky, flying fast enough to end up in southern India. Right in the dream, Helga visited the ashram. All the events of this dream were very real, and she felt everything as if quite physically.
Upon waking, the woman could not come to her senses for a long time. When she did, she tried to make inquiries about various contemporary spiritual teachers. The Oriental man who visited her in her dream was so unusual in appearance that Helga easily recognized him as Sathya Sai Baba, whose photo her friends showed her. There was not the slightest doubt that in the dream she had been traveling with Sathya Sai Baba.
A few months later, she was able to arrange a trip to India. Arriving at the ashram, she was shocked that she had already seen all the details of the ashram during the mystical dream. Thus, Helga was able to understand that mystical dreams, received with the blessing of Sathya Sai Baba, are not just fantasies, but absolutely real events taking place on a subtle plane.
When we consider such a case, there certainly is not the slightest doubt that the woman from Hamburg actually received a personal invitation from Sathya Sai Baba. However, it must be understood that not all people are invited through such supernatural events. For most people, invitations from Sathya Sai Baba come in the form of intuitive sensations and subtle inner spiritual insights.
A book falls into the hands of someone telling them about the life and philosophical teachings of Sathya Sai Baba; some, as if by chance, come to a lecture at which people who directly communicated with Sathya Sai Baba tell amazing stories about him. All these events may seem like a series of accidents. However, it is these events that cause a surprisingly subtle resonance in the heart.
Initially, it was necessary to have a blessing from Sathya Sai Baba in order to come and meet him, but the will and choice of the person himself played an important role. God gives you a chance. He provides opportunities and the doors of space open. Then, the choice is up to the individual.
Sometimes there are obstacles that need to be overcome in order to do something important in life. That is why it is very important to always prioritize correctly. You see a video or a photo for the first time, and suddenly there is a deep feeling that you are connected by subtle spiritual threads with a divine teacher and should immediately see him. Listen to your intuition and immediately start taking steps toward realizing your dream.
During lectures, Sathya Sai Baba often quoted from Vedic and Gospel texts. Sometimes he quoted texts verbatim, and sometimes he spoke about the teachings of sacred texts and gave free paraphrases, conveying the essence of the teachings. He easily moved on to the philosophical teachings of various world traditions, spoke about the teachings of Krishna and Jesus Christ, Zarathustra, and Buddha.
Once Sathya Sai Baba quoted words from the Gospel: “Addressing those present, Jesus Christ said that whoever wants to be his disciple must follow his teachings” (paraphrase of Mark 8:34). What simple and, at the same time, complex words.
After citing this wonderful saying of Jesus Christ, Sathya Sai Baba further noted that by practicing the teachings of Jesus Christ and acting in accordance with his instructions, we become true Christians. It was wonderful to hear these words from Sathya Sai Baba, who was not a Christian but was born into a Hindu family.
At all times, people easily and quickly create a cult of great spiritual teachers, but at the same time they are little interested in what is the essence of their teaching.
A huge number of people worship the images of Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus Christ. However, few people are interested in the depth of their teachings, and even fewer people try to embody these teachings in their daily lives.
What is the essence of the teaching of Jesus Christ? The only prayer that Jesus Christ gave to his disciples was a prayer to the Heavenly Father: "Our Father". This amazing prayer contains great philosophical meaning, in fact it is a formula for each person to engage in direct and personal communication with our Heavenly Father.
The teaching of Jesus Christ was that absolutely every person is a son or daughter of God. Initially, every person is a child of God, for everything in this universe came from God. But due to ignorance and conditioning, people forget their original spiritual connection with God the Father.
In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus Christ proclaims that every person has the right to call God their Father. By this, he emphasized that not only he, but every person can establish an equally close relationship with God.
The essence of the teachings of Jesus Christ is love for one's neighbor. In the famous words of Jesus Christ about the need to love your neighbor as yourself, there is an important detail, which consists in the fact you should first accept and love yourself. Only the person who can first love himself can show love for others.
In order to love yourself, you need to see God not somewhere far away in heaven, but in your spiritual heart. Hating yourself means hating the God that is within your heart. To hate your neighbor is to hate the God in his heart.
A person who hates himself cannot show love to others. That is why it is first necessary to reveal God in your own heart and love yourself; only then is it possible to take the path of service and truly show love to others.
The highest part of the teaching of Jesus Christ is the realization of unity. Jesus Christ said that not only was he able to gain unity with the Heavenly Father, but absolutely every person who follows the spiritual path can have this experience.
Only he who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ and who embodies the principle of direct communication between himself and God and who loves himself and shows love to others is a true Christian.
The highest manifestation of a true Christian is the realization of God in one's own heart. Jesus Christ told his disciples: “you will know that "I" am in my Heavenly Father, and you are in me, and "I" am in you” (paraphrase John 14:20). In these words, he once again confirmed that as a result of passing through the spiritual path, each person will discover the greatest treasure, which is unity with God.
Sathya Sai Baba said that only a few were able to realize the most important part of the spiritual message of Jesus Christ, which he preached to all mankind. The most important part of the teaching of Jesus Christ is that God is the original nature of the soul of every person – God is the True Self of every person.
Sathya Sai Baba also said that people should accept Jesus Christ as their spiritual guide, follow his example, and go through the same stages of the spiritual path that Jesus Christ went through.
Passive worship of the Savior, following the formalities of church tradition, or using outward symbolism is not enough to be a genuine Christian. Jesus Christ himself told his disciples that they should follow him.
Sathya Sai Baba explained that in the beginning Jesus Christ realized he was "the messenger of God." After that, he realized he was "the son of God." At the highest stage of his path, he realized his oneness with God. These three stages of the spiritual path are universal; every spiritual seeker passes through them.
Sathya Sai Baba advised people to stop perceiving Jesus Christ as the greatest object of worship and accept him as their spiritual guide and example on the spiritual path. It may seem that this is too strong a statement. We are accustomed to think that Jesus Christ is the greatest world teacher, the only son of God, originally perfect and divine.
How can we accept him as an example for our spiritual path? The philosophy that Sathya Sai Baba expounded may be difficult for some Christians to accept. Quite a lot of people tend to perceive Jesus Christ as the originally perfect Godman.
Sathya Sai Baba pointed out that Jesus Christ was a truly unique person, and that he was born with a special divine mission. However, Sathya Sai Baba showed that initially Jesus Christ did not have the fullness of self-realization; he gained it as a result of the path of meditation and prayer.
Having gained the highest spiritual realizations as a result of intense spiritual practice, Jesus Christ set a great example for everyone by showing with his life that in order to gain spiritual experience intensive spiritual practice of meditation and prayer is necessary.
In order to uncover the greatest treasure of the spiritual heart, it is important to practice, and not just philosophize on spiritual topics. Jesus Christ said that the Kingdom of God is taken by force. This famous phrase signifies the need for intense spiritual practice. He also proclaimed that the kingdom of God is in the hearts of people. This means that the vector of spiritual movement is directed exclusively to the inner world.
In our time, "Biblical Science," which studies the life of Jesus Christ and the first Christian communities from the point of view of historical science and archaeology is actively developing. This is a truly unique and interesting topic. Who was the real Jesus Christ and who were the first Christians?
In many ways, the image of Jesus Christ, and the information about him that we have now, was formed under the influence of the development of church tradition. The important question is: what were Jesus Christ and the early Christians of the early centuries really like?
It is very important for modern people to know about the real life of Jesus Christ, and to collect as much information as possible about his life and teachings, as well as about the spiritual life of early Christians. The ideas we have about Christianity today took shape several centuries after the life of the historical Jesus Christ. In a later era, churches began to form, which sometimes created their own concepts about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
What was the real Jesus Christ like? What was his life, spiritual path, and true philosophy?
In modern Christianity, there is no knowledge of reincarnation, while in the early centuries, Christians knew perfectly well about the process of reincarnation of the soul. Another important fact in the life of Jesus Christ was that he lived part of his life in India, where he studied philosophy and meditation, but later this invaluable information was hidden from people.
Now we know quite well about the male disciples of Jesus Christ, but among his disciples there were also women, in particular Mary Magdalene. What role did she play in the community of disciples? Was she a chief disciple, or perhaps even the wife of Jesus Christ?
What difference does it make for us as Christians to assume the family life of Jesus Christ? Is his mission diminished if it turns out he was married and perhaps even had children? Of course not. The great spiritual message of Jesus Christ about love and searching for God in one's own heart does not change in any way, even if we can find evidence about his family life.
Another big topic is the relatives and especially the brothers of Jesus Christ. Perhaps his main student was his older brother, James, whose life and work was later silenced. After all, it was Jacob, the brother of Jesus Christ, who led the Jerusalem church and the first community of disciples.
In his lectures, Sathya Sai Baba often spoke about the spiritual power of the practice of chanting the holy name of Jesus Christ. During one of the Christmas lectures, Sathya Sai Baba quoted wonderful words from the Apostolic Letters, which say that everyone who prays with the name of Jesus Christ will be heard and saved.
Sathya Sai Baba said there is a wonderful and simple way to practice the prayer of Jesus Christ, which is the constant repetition of his name: "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus."
Sathya Sai Baba said at the very beginning of the spiritual path, it is difficult for a person to repeat a short prayer, i.e., just the name of Jesus, because the mind requires something more complex. Therefore, you can practice a longer version of this prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me."
Sathya Sai Baba said if any other words of the Jesus Prayer appear in your heart, then trust your feeling, for God will guide you along the right path through intuition. The prayer that is more suitable for you can resound in your heart.
There are various assumptions about what the prayer to Jesus Christ looked like at the very beginning of the development of the Christian tradition. There is an assumption that the first generation of Christians prayed to Jesus Christ by saying his holy name: "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus," or "Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ."
This original form of prayer and meditation in the name of Jesus Christ is identical to that which Sathya Sai Baba spoke about. It is this simplest form of meditation that invokes presence and blessing in the strongest way. In this version of the prayer, you do not ask for anything, you simply chant the holy names.
In later times, a prayer arose that sounded like this: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me." Much later, the last words: "Have mercy on me a sinner," were added to this great prayer. This completely absurd phrase that speaks of "sinfulness" is contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ himself, who preached the divinity of every person.
Of course, on the path of life we all make mistakes, but fixing our attention on sin is extremely wrong. We make mistakes, which we learn from, and then we move on in our spiritual development. All possible mistakes made on the path of life are experiences from which lessons are learned with gratitude. If you fix your attention on the fact that you are allegedly sinful, then by doing so you direct your energy there and create an even greater opportunity for aggravating sin, thus forgetting about your original divinity.
One of the greatest spiritual teachers of India in the 19th century, Ramakrishna, said the greatest sin is to consider a person a sinner, because every person is divine.
Sathya Sai Baba also preached that every person is divine and can discover his nature as a son or daughter of God and even reach the same level of union with God as himself.
Some people ask, why in the Jesus Prayer do we say, "Lord Jesus Christ" and then add "son of God?" Some see this as a contradiction. But there is no contradiction here because this phrase points to the dual nature of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was a man, but at the same time he is God. He is a historical figure, but at the same time a symbol. That is why his name consists of two parts, Jesus and Christ. Jesus is a symbol of human nature, and Christ is divine nature.
It is important to understand these two natures: human and divine, are present not only in Jesus Christ, but absolutely in every person. Everyone carries in his mind the divine and human nature.
The practice of repeating the names of God is very ancient and is used in both the Vedic and Biblical traditions. All the power of God is contained in His Holy Names. That is why the Lord's Prayer says: "Hallowed be Thy Name."
In the science of Kabbalah, there is a practice of repeating seventy-two names of God, and in the Vedic tradition, the practice of repeating one hundred and eight, as well as one thousand and eight names of God. The name of Jesus Christ has great spiritual power, as do the names of the other greatest teachers of the world, such as Krishna and Buddha.
I pay great attention to the practice of lucid dreaming, as it is an important source of spiritual information and experiences. Sathya Sai Baba came to me many times in my dreams and gave me various spiritual instructions and blessings. These experiences are extremely vivid and they profoundly transform the spiritual state. I know many people get the opportunity to meet Sathya Sai Baba in dreams and receive blessings and answers to important questions from him.
During one of my mystical dreams, I heard a prayer to Jesus Christ, which was different from how this prayer is written in prayer books. This prayer began to resound in my dreams more and more often, so I began to practice it during the day: "Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, I am grateful to You for Your Grace.”
In this prayer we turn to Jesus Christ both as God and as the Son of God. It is important to realize that within each of us there is simultaneously a divine and human nature.
This wonderful prayer is in gratitude to Jesus Christ for the personal experience of receiving Divine Grace, which he bestows on every person. What you thank God for happens fast. This prayer is not a request for Divine Grace, but gratitude that we have already received the greatest gift of Divine Grace. We thank God for already blessing us.
This prayer is just my personal, mystical experience. Everything I say on the pages of my books about the spiritual path, all my stories and thoughts are my personal experiences and opinions. I share only my observations, experiences, and insights. If any of my discoveries and realizations seem useful to you, use them. If something seems doubtful and unnecessary, just leave it.
The practice of this prayer has transformed my spiritual state and changed my energy. By repeating this prayer, I feel the presence of the Christ Consciousness, both in the depths of my heart and in every person with whom I come into contact in life. The Christ Consciousness is impersonal and present in the hearts of all, shining in the eyes of every person.