полная версияNew year\'s collection

New year's collection

Полная версия

Chapter 3 At the moment.

At the time of writing this book, I have achieved many successes and achievements in modeling. And suddenly I thought and decided to revive a long-standing dream to build a mock-up of an operating railway. I caught fire with this idea as a child, so the time has come.

Below are photos of the railway layout.

(tunnel) (car on rails (it is a spare one, there will be others in the composition))

(a substrate for the rails from the cork)

Quotes (children's poem)

Quotes were born in the meadow

They took each other's hands

Jumped into the freshest puddle

They started quoting the jump

One will say

"We flew fast"

Another will answer

"We fell into a puddle in a meadow"

And the third says

"Yes, they fell, they got dirty"

They ran on

Yes, everyone quoted

(I hope you liked this poem. Do not judge strictly this is one of my first poems. It is better to express all your suggestions in the comments.)
