полная версияKnights of darkness killed by order. Volume 1

Knights of darkness killed by order. Volume 1

I just had one lying around. How much will you sell for? For seven thousand. We only have six thousand five hundred. Okay, that'll do. It's a deal… in the box again?oh no. This is necessary for your safety. Okay… now it remains only to fly away and repair the ship. Let's fly. So guys go fix the ship for now. Good… so well, there's not much work here, it's lucky that this ship is easy to assemble and disassemble. We'll fix it quickly!.. Well, that's all you can fly. The ship is ready!.. Let's run… What is a Wolf? Fils, Mize, Saifs, Rayner betrayed us by Middle. We're leaving urgently! Have you repaired the ship? Yes. Then we climb in. Mize cover. Understood. They're coming! I won't be able to hold them off for too long. There are too many of them. Is she not alone? There are a lot of soldiers here. Mize get in, let's fly away. I'm going to close the door and open the airlock. Let's fly away!.. Oh, no, warships have landed on our tail. I'll try to set up a hyperdrive. Mize and Sayfz get behind the turrets. Yes, Captain. Captain? But that's not my title. Now it will be yours. Okay… hooray! I managed to set it up. Jump into space! Phew, they barely broke away. Are you all right? Yes. Now we need to lay low. Everyone already knows us by sight and searches have been announced for us.
