Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The precursor cell of the primary malignant stem cell of solid tumors is a tissue mononuclear cell (Monocyte), which has genotypic and epigenetic changes.
2. The primary mutation of the nuclear DNA of the Monocyte genome occurs in the red bone marrow after the carcinogenic effects of the initiator (ionizing radiation, endo- and exocarcinogens).
3. From the red bone marrow, the monocyte enters the bloodstream, where it remains from 36 to 104 hours (1.5 – 4.5 days), and then leaves it according to a stochastic principle, migrating to the focus of chronic inflammation.
4. The primary mutation of the nuclear DNA of the Monocyte genome can be determined using sequencing, after isolating the Monocyte from the circulating blood of a person with a solid malignant tumor.
5. Knowing the primary mutation of the nuclear DNA of the Monocyte genome, as a precursor cell of a cancer cell, it is possible to create a therapeutic anti-cancer DNA vaccine “on demand”.
6. The basis for the “generation” of a malignant stem cell is the return of a tissue mononuclear cell, which has genotypic and epigenetic changes, to the embryonic state during mitosis, a differentiation block at the pluripotent or unipotent level and transformation.
7. The mechanism of “generation” of a malignant stem cell is a complex multi-stage process, when mutations in the nuclear DNA of a bone marrow mononuclear cell successively appear under carcinogenic influence and epigenetic changes in the same, but tissue mononuclear cell under the influence of “super conditions” of an isolated microcavity, and mitosis is the starting point for their implementation.
8. Initially, this will be an “on demand” vaccine, then it is possible to use a vaccine based on a set of primary mutations in the nuclear DNA of the genome of the progenitor cell of the cancer cell.
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