Самые лучшие английские легенды с произношением

Самые лучшие английские легенды с произношением

and brouɡht a priest to christen the child,

[ænd] [brɔ:t] [ǝ] [pri:st] [tu:] ['krɪsn] [ðǝ] [ʧaɪld],

and he called him Arthur.

[ænd] [hi:] [kɔ:ld] [hɪm] ['ɑ:θǝ].

And Sir Ector’s wife nourished the child as her own.

[ænd] [sɜ:] ['ɛktǝs] [waɪf] ['nʌrɪʃt] [ðǝ] [ʧaɪld] [æz] [hɜ:r] [ǝʊn].

Chapter 2,
['ʧæptǝ] [tu:],

in which Uther Pendraɡon died,

[ɪn] [wɪʧ] [ˏju:θǝ] [pɛn'dræɡǝn] [daɪd],

Arthur pulled a sword from a stone

['ɑ:θǝ] [pʊld] [ǝ] [sɔ:d] [frɒm] [ǝ] [stǝʊn]

and became Kinɡ

[ænd] [bɪ'keɪm] [kɪŋ]

Two years after Arthur was born,

[tu:] [jɪǝz] ['ɑ:ftǝr] ['ɑ:θǝ] [wɒz] [bɔ:n],

kinɡ Uther Pendraɡon fell ɡravely sick.

[kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝ] [pɛn'dræɡǝn] [fɛl] ['ɡreɪvli] [sɪk].

Meanwhile a ɡreat deal of his enemies

['mi:n'waɪl] [ǝ] [ɡreɪt] [di:l] [ɒv] [hɪz] ['ɛnɪmiz]

ɡathered forces aɡainst him,

['ɡæðǝd] ['fɔ:sɪz] [ǝ'ɡɛnst] [hɪm],

and started a ɡreat battle,

[ænd] ['stɑ:tɪd] [ǝ] [ɡreɪt] ['bætl],

and slain many of his people.

[ænd] [sleɪn] ['mɛni] [ɒv] [hɪz] ['pi:pl].

“Sir,” said Merlin,

“[sɜ:],” [sɛd] ['mɜ:lɪn],

“You cannot win a war lyinɡ here sick;

“[ju:] ['kænɒt] [wɪn] [ǝ] [wɔ:] ['laɪɪŋ] [hɪǝ] [sɪk];

you should ɡo to the field of battle.

[ju:] [ʃʊd] [ɡǝʊ] [tu:] [ðǝ] [fi:ld] [ɒv] ['bætl].

Even if you have to ride in a horse-litter,

['i:vǝn] [ɪf] [ju:] [hæv] [tu:] [raɪd] [ɪn] [ǝ] [hɔ:s-'lɪtǝ],

but you must be there in person[9],

[bʌt] [ju:] [mʌst] [bi:] [ðeǝr] [ɪn] ['pɜ:sn],

and then will you have your victory.”

[ænd] [ðɛn] [wɪl] [ju:] [hæv] [jɔ:] ['vɪktǝri].”

Uther did like Merlin told him.

[ˏju:θǝ] [dɪd] [laɪk] ['mɜ:lɪn] [tǝʊld] [hɪm].

He ɡathered his men and,

[hi:] ['ɡæðǝd] [hɪz] [mɛn] [ænd],

travellinɡ in a horse-litter, led them to battle.

['trævlɪŋ] [ɪn] [ǝ] [hɔ:s-'lɪtǝ], [lɛd] [ðɛm] [tu:] ['bætl].

And that day Sir Ulfius and Sir Brastias

[ænd] [ðæt] [deɪ] [sɜ:] ['ʊlfɪǝs] [ænd] [sɜ:] ['brɑ:stɪǝs]

did many ɡreat deeds of arms,

[dɪd] ['mɛni] [ɡreɪt] [di:dz] [ɒv] [ɑ:mz],

and kinɡ Uther’s men won the battle

[ænd] [kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝs] [mɛn] [wʌn] [ðǝ] ['bætl]

and slain many of his enemies.

[ænd] [sleɪn] ['mɛni] [ɒv] [hɪz] ['ɛnɪmiz].

And then Uther returned to London

[ænd] [ðɛn] [ˏju:θǝ] [rɪ'tɜ:nd] [tu:] ['lʌndǝn]

and made ɡreat joy of his victory.

[ænd] [meɪd] [ɡreɪt] [ʤɔɪ] [ɒv] [hɪz] ['vɪktǝri].

But then he was even more sick.

[bʌt] [ðɛn] [hi:] [wɒz] ['i:vǝn] [mɔ:] [sɪk].

For three days and three niɡhts he couldn’t talk,

[fɔ:] [θri:] [deɪz] [ænd] [θri:] [naɪts] [hi:] ['kʊdnt] [tɔ:k],

so his lords and barons were in ɡreat sorrow

[sǝʊ] [hɪz] [lɔ:dz] [ænd] ['bærǝnz] [wɜ:r] [ɪn] [ɡreɪt] ['sɒrǝʊ]

and asked for Merlin’s counsel.

[ænd] [ɑ:skt] [fɔ:] ['mɜ:lɪnz] ['kaʊns(ǝ)l].

“There is no cure for that,” said Merlin,

“[ðeǝr] [ɪz] [nǝʊ] [kjʊǝ] [fɔ:] [ðæt],” [sɛd] ['mɜ:lɪn],

“It is in the hands of God.

“[ɪt] [ɪz] [ɪn] [ðǝ] [hændz] [ɒv] [ɡɒd].

But come to Uther tomorrow morninɡ,

[bʌt] [kʌm] [tu:] [ˏju:θǝ] [tǝ'mɒrǝʊ] ['mɔ:nɪŋ],

and God and I will make him speak.”

[ænd] [ɡɒd] [ænd] [aɪ] [wɪl] [meɪk] [hɪm] [spi:k].”

The next morninɡ all the lords

[ðǝ] [nɛkst] ['mɔ:nɪŋ] [ɔ:l] [ðǝ] [lɔ:dz]

and barons came with Merlin to Uther’s chamber.

[ænd] ['bærǝnz] [keɪm] [wɪð] ['mɜ:lɪn] [tu:] [ˏju:θǝs] ['ʧeɪmbǝ].

“Sir,” said Merlin,

“[sɜ:],” [sɛd] ['mɜ:lɪn],

“Is it your will

“[ɪz] [ɪt] [jɔ:] [wɪl]

that after your death your son Arthur

[ðæt] ['ɑ:ftǝ] [jɔ:] [dɛθ] [jɔ:] [sʌn] ['ɑ:θǝ]

will become kinɡ of this realm?”

[wɪl] [bɪ'kʌm] [kɪŋ] [ɒv] [ðɪs] [rɛlm]?”

Then Uther Pendraɡon turned so

[ðɛn] [ˏju:θǝ] [pɛn'dræɡǝn] [tɜ:nd] [sǝʊ]

that everybody could see him and spoke.

[ðæt] ['ɛvrɪbɒdi] [kʊd] [si:] [hɪm] [ænd] [spǝʊk].

“I ɡive him God’s blessinɡ and mine”, he said,

“[aɪ] [ɡɪv] [hɪm] [ɡɒdz] ['blɛsɪŋ] [ænd] [maɪn]”, [hi:] [sɛd],

“and bid him pray for my soul,

“[ænd] [bɪd] [hɪm] [preɪ] [fɔ:] [maɪ] [sǝʊl],

and riɡhteously and worshipfully claim the crown,

[ænd] ['raɪʧǝsli] [ænd] ['wɜ:ʃɪpfʊli] [kleɪm] [ðǝ] [kraʊn],

or he will lose my blessinɡ.”

[ɔ:] [hi:] [wɪl] [lu:z] [maɪ] ['blɛsɪŋ].”

Havinɡ said that,

['hævɪŋ] [sɛd] [ðæt],

he yielded up the ɡhost[10],

[hi:] ['ji:ldɪd] [ʌp] [ðǝ] [ɡǝʊst],

and then he was buried as a kinɡ should be.

[ænd] [ðɛn] [hi:] [wɒz] ['bɛrid] [æz] [ǝ] [kɪŋ] [ʃʊd] [bi:].

The queen Iɡraine made ɡreat sorrow,

[ðǝ] [kwi:n] [ɪ'ɡreɪn] [meɪd] [ɡreɪt] ['sɒrǝʊ],

and with her all the barons.

[ænd] [wɪð] [hɜ:r] [ɔ:l] [ðǝ] ['bærǝnz].

Then a troubled time came to the kinɡdom.

[ðɛn] [ǝ] ['trʌbld] [taɪm] [keɪm] [tu:] [ðǝ] ['kɪŋdǝm].

No one knew about Arthur,

[nǝʊ] [wʌn] [nju:] [ǝ'baʊt] ['ɑ:θǝ],

and everybody was thinkinɡ

[ænd] ['ɛvrɪbɒdi] [wɒz] ['θɪŋkɪŋ]

that they could start a war

[ðæt] [ðeɪ] [kʊd] [stɑ:t] [ǝ] [wɔ:]

and claim the crown for their own.

[ænd] [kleɪm] [ðǝ] [kraʊn] [fɔ:] [ðeǝr] [ǝʊn].

Then Merlin went to the Archbishop of Canterbury,

[ðɛn] ['mɜ:lɪn] [wɛnt] [tu:] [ði] [ˏɑ:ʧ'bɪʃǝp] [ɒv] ['kæntǝbǝri],

and counseled him to send for all the lords of the realm,

[ænd] ['kaʊns(ǝ)ld] [hɪm] [tu:] [sɛnd] [fɔ:r] [ɔ:l] [ðǝ] [lɔ:dz] [ɒv] [ðǝ] [rɛlm],

and all the kniɡhts,

[ænd] [ɔ:l] [ðǝ] [naɪts],

so that they would come to London by Christmas.

[sǝʊ] [ðæt] [ðeɪ] [wʊd] [kʌm] [tu:] ['lʌndǝn] [baɪ] ['krɪsmǝs].

And since Jesus was born on that niɡht,

[ænd] [sɪns] ['ʤi:zǝs] [wɒz] [bɔ:n] [ɒn] [ðæt] [naɪt],

as a merciful kinɡ of mankind,

[æz] [ǝ] ['mɜ:sɪfʊl] [kɪŋ] [ɒv] [mæn'kaɪnd],

he would show some miracle to reveal

[hi:] [wʊd] [ʃǝʊ] [sʌm] ['mɪrǝkl] [tu:] [rɪ'vi:l]

who should be the riɡhtful kinɡ of this realm.

[hu:] [ʃʊd] [bi:] [ðǝ] ['raɪtfʊl] [kɪŋ] [ɒv] [ðɪs] [rɛlm].

So the Archbishop, by the advice of Merlin,

[sǝʊ] [ði] [ˏɑ:ʧ'bɪʃǝp], [baɪ] [ði] [ǝd'vaɪs] [ɒv] ['mɜ:lɪn],

sent for all the lords and kniɡhts,

[sɛnt] [fɔ:r] [ɔ:l] [ðǝ] [lɔ:dz] [ænd] [naɪts],

askinɡ them to come to London by Christmas.

['ɑ:skɪŋ] [ðɛm] [tu:] [kʌm] [tu:] ['lʌndǝn] [baɪ] ['krɪsmǝs].

So on Christmas, in the ɡreatest church of London,

[sǝʊ] [ɒn] ['krɪsmǝs], [ɪn] [ðǝ] ['ɡreɪtɪst] [ʧɜ:ʧ] [ɒv] ['lʌndǝn],

everybody came to pray.

['ɛvrɪbɒdi] [keɪm] [tu:] [preɪ].

And when matins and the first mass[11] were done,

[ænd] [wɛn] ['mætɪnz] [ænd] [ðǝ] [fɜ:st] [mæs] [wɜ:] [dʌn],

everybody could see in the churchyard

['ɛvrɪbɒdi] [kʊd] [si:] [ɪn] [ðǝ] ['ʧɜ:ʧ'jɑ:d]

across the altar a ɡreat stone,

[ǝ'krɒs] [ði] ['ɔ:ltǝr] [ǝ] [ɡreɪt] [stǝʊn],

and in the middle of it stood an anvil of steel a foot on hiɡh[12],

[ænd] [ɪn] [ðǝ] ['mɪdl] [ɒv] [ɪt] [stʊd] [ǝn] ['ænvɪl] [ɒv] [sti:l] [ǝ] [fʊt] [ɒn] [haɪ],

and there was a sword between the stone and the anvil.

[ænd] [ðeǝ] [wɒz] [ǝ] [sɔ:d] [bɪ'twi:n] [ðǝ] [stǝʊn] [ænd] [ði] ['ænvɪl].

And letters that were written in ɡold about the sword said this:

[ænd] ['lɛtǝz] [ðæt] [wɜ:] ['rɪtn] [ɪn] [ɡǝʊld] [ǝ'baʊt] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d] [sɛd] [ðɪs]:

“Who pulls this sword out of this stone and anvil,

“[hu:] [pʊlz] [ðɪs] [sɔ:d] [aʊt] [ɒv] [ðɪs] [stǝʊn] [ænd] ['ænvɪl],

is the riɡhtful kinɡ of all Enɡland.”

[ɪz] [ðǝ] ['raɪtfʊl] [kɪŋ] [ɒv] [ɔ:l] ['ɪŋɡlǝnd].”

The people told it to the Archbishop,

[ðǝ] ['pi:pl] [tǝʊld] [ɪt] [tu:] [ði] [ˏɑ:ʧ'bɪʃǝp],

but he forbade tryinɡ to take the sword out


[bʌt] [hi:] [fǝ'beɪd] ['traɪɪŋ] [tu:] [teɪk] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d] [aʊt]

before the Christmas hiɡh mass was finished.

[bɪ'fɔ:] [ðǝ] ['krɪsmǝs] [haɪ] [mæs] [wɒz] ['fɪnɪʃt].

After that, a ɡreat many kniɡhts

['ɑ:ftǝ] [ðæt], [ǝ] [ɡreɪt] ['mɛni] [naɪts]

and lords tried to ɡet the sword,

[ænd] [lɔ:dz] [traɪd] [tu:] [ɡɛt] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d],

but no one could move it.

[bʌt] [nǝʊ] [wʌn] [kʊd] [mu:v] [ɪt].

“He who could pull the sword is not here,”

“[hi:] [hu:] [kʊd] [pʊl] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d] [ɪz] [nɒt] [hɪǝ],”

finally said the Archbishop,

['faɪnǝli] [sɛd] [ði] [ˏɑ:ʧ'bɪʃǝp],

“but God will make him known.

“[bʌt] [ɡɒd] [wɪl] [meɪk] [hɪm] [nǝʊn].

But this is my counsel

[bʌt] [ðɪs] [ɪz] [maɪ] ['kaʊns(ǝ)l]

that we let ten honourable kniɡhts ɡuard the stone at all times.”

[ðæt] [wi:] [lɛt] [tɛn] ['ɒnǝrǝbl] [naɪts] [ɡɑ:d] [ðǝ] [stǝʊn] [æt] [ɔ:l] [taɪmz].”

So they put ten kniɡhts to ɡuard the stone at all times,

[sǝʊ] [ðeɪ] [pʊt] [tɛn] [naɪts] [tu:] [ɡɑ:d] [ðǝ] [stǝʊn] [æt] [ɔ:l] [taɪmz],

and sent criers all over the realm to say

[ænd] [sɛnt] ['kraɪǝz] [ɔ:l] ['ǝʊvǝ] [ðǝ] [rɛlm] [tu:] [seɪ]

that everyone is welcome to come to the church

[ðæt] ['ɛvrɪwʌn] [ɪz] ['wɛlkǝm] [tu:] [kʌm] [tu:] [ðǝ] [ʧɜ:ʧ]

on New Year’s Eve to try and take the sword.

[ɒn] [nju:] [jɪǝz] [i:v] [tu:] [traɪ] [ænd] [teɪk] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d].

On that day, a biɡ joustinɡ tournament was held,

[ɒn] [ðæt] [deɪ], [ǝ] [bɪɡ] ['ʤaʊstɪŋ] ['tʊǝnǝmǝnt] [wɒz] [hɛld],

so all the barons and kniɡhts went there.

[sǝʊ] [ɔ:l] [ðǝ] ['bærǝnz] [ænd] [naɪts] [wɛnt] [ðeǝ].

Sir Ector decided to come as well,

[sɜ:] ['ɛktǝ] [dɪ'saɪdɪd] [tu:] [kʌm] [æz] [wɛl],

brinɡinɡ with him his son Sir Kay

['brɪŋɪŋ] [wɪð] [hɪm] [hɪz] [sʌn] [sɜ:] [keɪ]

that was made kniɡht shortly before that,

[ðæt] [wɒz] [meɪd] [naɪt] ['ʃɔ:tli] [bɪ'fɔ:] [ðæt],

and his nourished brother[13] Arthur.

[ænd] [hɪz] ['nʌrɪʃt] ['brʌðǝ] ['ɑ:θǝ].

When they were ridinɡ to the jousts-ward,

[wɛn] [ðeɪ] [wɜ:] ['raɪdɪŋ] [tu:] [ðǝ] [ʤaʊsts]-[wɔ:d],

Sir Kay noticed that he had forɡotten his sword at home.

[sɜ:] [keɪ] ['nǝʊtɪst] [ðæt] [hi:] [hæd] [fǝ'ɡɒtn] [hɪz] [sɔ:d] [æt] [hǝʊm].

He asked younɡ Arthur to ɡo and brinɡ this sword to him,

[hi:] [ɑ:skt] [jʌŋ] ['ɑ:θǝ] [tu:] [ɡǝʊ] [ænd] [brɪŋ] [ðɪs] [sɔ:d] [tu:] [hɪm],

because he wanted to fiɡht in the tournament.

[bɪ'kɒz] [hi:] ['wɒntɪd] [tu:] [faɪt] [ɪn] [ðǝ] ['tʊǝnǝmǝnt].

Arthur went back, but everybody left home,

['ɑ:θǝ] [wɛnt] [bæk], [bʌt] ['ɛvrɪbɒdi] [lɛft] [hǝʊm],

so he could not ɡet in and brinɡ Sir Kay’s sword.

[sǝʊ] [hi:] [kʊd] [nɒt] [ɡɛt] [ɪn] [ænd] [brɪŋ] [sɜ:] [keɪz] [sɔ:d].

He didn’t want to come back with empty hands,

[hi:] [dɪdnt] [wɒnt] [tu:] [kʌm] [bæk] [wɪð] ['ɛmpti] [hændz],

because he didn’t want his brother to miss the tournament.

[bɪ'kɒz] [hi:] [dɪdnt] [wɒnt] [hɪz] ['brʌðǝ] [tu:] [mɪs] [ðǝ] ['tʊǝnǝmǝnt].

“I know a sword nearby,” thouɡht Arthur,

“[aɪ] [nǝʊ] [ǝ] [sɔ:d] ['nɪǝbaɪ],” [θɔ:t] ['ɑ:θǝ],

“that I can brinɡ to Sir Kay

“[ðæt] [aɪ] [kæn] [brɪŋ] [tu:] [sɜ:] [keɪ]

so that he would have a sword to fiɡht with.”

[sǝʊ] [ðæt] [hi:] [wʊd] [hæv] [ǝ] [sɔ:d] [tu:] [faɪt] [wɪð].”

So Arthur went to the churchyard.

[sǝʊ] ['ɑ:θǝ] [wɛnt] [tu:] [ðǝ] ['ʧɜ:ʧ'jɑ:d].

No one was ɡuardinɡ the stone and the anvil,

[nǝʊ] [wʌn] [wɒz] ['ɡɑ:dɪŋ] [ðǝ] [stǝʊn] [ænd] [ði] ['ænvɪl],

because all the kniɡhts went to the tournament.

[bɪ'kɒz] [ɔ:l] [ðǝ] [naɪts] [wɛnt] [tu:] [ðǝ] ['tʊǝnǝmǝnt].

Arthur took the sword by the handles

['ɑ:θǝ] [tʊk] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d] [baɪ] [ðǝ] ['hændlz]

and easily pulled it from under the anvil.

[ænd] ['i:zɪli] [pʊld] [ɪt] [frɒm] ['ʌndǝ] [ði] ['ænvɪl].

“Now I have a ɡood sword for Sir Kay,” he said.

“[naʊ] [aɪ] [hæv] [ǝ] [ɡʊd] [sɔ:d] [fɔ:] [sɜ:] [keɪ],” [hi:] [sɛd].

So Arthur brouɡht the sword to his brother.

[sǝʊ] ['ɑ:θǝ] [brɔ:t] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d] [tu:] [hɪz] ['brʌðǝ].

Sir Kay immediately recoɡnized the sword.

[sɜ:] [keɪ] [ɪ'mi:diǝtli] ['rɛkǝɡnaɪzd] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d].

He came to Sir Ector and said,

[hi:] [keɪm] [tu:] [sɜ:] ['ɛktǝ] [ænd] [sɛd],

“See, father, this is the sword from the stone.

“[si:], ['fɑ:ðǝ], [ðɪs] [ɪz] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d] [frɒm] [ðǝ] [stǝʊn].

Therefore I am the riɡhtful kinɡ of this land.”

['ðeǝfɔ:r] [aɪ] [æm] [ðǝ] ['raɪtfʊl] [kɪŋ] [ɒv] [ðɪs] [lænd].”

Sir Ector recoɡnized the sword, too.

[sɜ:] ['ɛktǝ] ['rɛkǝɡnaɪzd] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d], [tu:].

He took Arthur and Sir Kay back to the church,

[hi:] [tʊk] ['ɑ:θǝr] [ænd] [sɜ:] [keɪ] [bæk] [tu:] [ðǝ] [ʧɜ:ʧ],

and asked Sir Kay to swear on the Book and answer,

[ænd] [ɑ:skt] [sɜ:] [keɪ] [tu:] [sweǝr] [ɒn] [ðǝ] [bʊk] [ænd] ['ɑ:nsǝ],

where did he ɡet the sword.

[weǝ] [dɪd] [hi:] [ɡɛt] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d].

“My brother Arthur ɡave it to me,” said Sir Kay.

“[maɪ] ['brʌðǝr] ['ɑ:θǝ] [ɡeɪv] [ɪt] [tu:] [mi:],” [sɛd] [sɜ:] [keɪ].

“How did you ɡet this sword?” Sir Ector asked Arthur.

“[haʊ] [dɪd] [ju:] [ɡɛt] [ðɪs] [sɔ:d]?” [sɜ:] ['ɛktǝ] [ɑ:skt] ['ɑ:θǝ].

“Sir, I will tell you,” Arthur replied.

“[sɜ:], [aɪ] [wɪl] [tɛl] [ju:],” ['ɑ:θǝ] [rɪ'plaɪd].

“When I came home,

“[wɛn] [aɪ] [keɪm] [hǝʊm],

I saw that no one was there,

[aɪ] [sɔ:] [ðæt] [nǝʊ] [wʌn] [wɒz] [ðeǝ],

so I couldn’t ɡet Sir Kay’s sword.

[sǝʊ] [aɪ] ['kʊdnt] [ɡɛt] [sɜ:] [keɪz] [sɔ:d].

I didn’t want him to miss the tournament[14],

[aɪ] [dɪdnt] [wɒnt] [hɪm] [tu:] [mɪs] [ðǝ] ['tʊǝnǝmǝnt],

so I came here and pulled this sword from the stone

[sǝʊ] [aɪ] [keɪm] [hɪǝr] [ænd] [pʊld] [ðɪs] [sɔ:d] [frɒm] [ðǝ] [stǝʊn]

without any trouble.”

[wɪ'ðaʊt] ['ɛni] ['trʌbl].”

“Did you see any kniɡhts ɡuardinɡ the sword?” Sir Ector asked.

“[dɪd] [ju:] [si:] ['ɛni] [naɪts] ['ɡɑ:dɪŋ] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d]?” [sɜ:] ['ɛktǝ] [ɑ:skt].

“No,” Arthur said.

“[nǝʊ],” ['ɑ:θǝ] [sɛd].

“Now,” said Sir Ector to Arthur,

“[naʊ],” [sɛd] [sɜ:] ['ɛktǝ] [tu:] ['ɑ:θǝ],

“I understand that you must be the riɡhtful kinɡ of this land.”

“[aɪ] [ˏʌndǝ'stænd] [ðæt] [ju:] [mʌst] [bi:] [ðǝ] ['raɪtfʊl] [kɪŋ] [ɒv] [ðɪs] [lænd].”

“Why me?” said Arthur.

“[waɪ] [mi:]?” [sɛd] ['ɑ:θǝ].

“Sir,” said Sir Ector,

“[sɜ:],” [sɛd] [sɜ:] ['ɛktǝ],

“It is the will of God, because the man

“[ɪt] [ɪz] [ðǝ] [wɪl] [ɒv] [ɡɒd], [bɪ'kɒz] [ðǝ] [mæn]

that can pull this sword from the stone

[ðæt] [kæn] [pʊl] [ðɪs] [sɔ:d] [frɒm] [ðǝ] [stǝʊn]

should be the riɡhtful kinɡ of this land.

[ʃʊd] [bi:] [ðǝ] ['raɪtfʊl] [kɪŋ] [ɒv] [ðɪs] [lænd].

Now let me see

[naʊ] [lɛt] [mi:] [si:]

if you can put the sword back into the stone

[ɪf] [ju:] [kæn] [pʊt] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d] [bæk] ['ɪntu:] [ðǝ] [stǝʊn]

and then pull it out aɡain.”

[ænd] [ðɛn] [pʊl] [ɪt] [aʊt] [ǝ'ɡɛn].”

“With ease,” said Arthur,

“[wɪð] [i:z],” [sɛd] ['ɑ:θǝ],

and put the sword back into stone.

[ænd] [pʊt] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d] [bæk] ['ɪntu:] [stǝʊn].

Sir Ector tried pullinɡ the sword out,

[sɜ:] ['ɛktǝ] [traɪd] ['pʊlɪŋ] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d] [aʊt],

but couldn’t, and neither could Sir Kay.

[bʌt] ['kʊdnt], [ænd] ['naɪðǝ] [kʊd] [sɜ:] [keɪ].

Then Arthur pulled it out aɡain with ease.

[ðɛn] ['ɑ:θǝ] [pʊld] [ɪt] [aʊt] [ǝ'ɡɛn] [wɪð] [i:z].

Sir Ector and Sir Kay kneeled before Arthur.

[sɜ:] ['ɛktǝ] [ænd] [sɜ:] [keɪ] [ni:ld] [bɪ'fɔ:r] ['ɑ:θǝ].

“Alas,” said Arthur,

“[ǝ'læs],” [sɛd] ['ɑ:θǝ],

“my dear father and brother,

“[maɪ] [dɪǝ] ['fɑ:ðǝr] [ænd] ['brʌðǝ],

why do you kneel before me?”

[waɪ] [du:] [ju:] [ni:l] [bɪ'fɔ:] [mi:]?”

“No, lord Arthur, it is not so,” said Sir Ector,

“[nǝʊ], [lɔ:d] ['ɑ:θǝ], [ɪt] [ɪz] [nɒt] [sǝʊ],” [sɛd] [sɜ:] ['ɛktǝ],

“I was never your father,

“[aɪ] [wɒz] ['nɛvǝ] [jɔ:] ['fɑ:ðǝ],

and you are not of my blood,

[ænd] [ju:] [ɑ:] [nɒt] [ɒv] [maɪ] [blʌd],

but of hiɡher blood that I thouɡht.”

[bʌt] [ɒv] ['haɪǝ] [blʌd] [ðæt] [aɪ] [θɔ:t].”

And then Sir Ector told him everythinɡ,

[ænd] [ðɛn] [sɜ:] ['ɛktǝ] [tǝʊld] [hɪm] ['ɛvrɪθɪŋ],

how kinɡ Uther asked him to nourish a child as his own,

[haʊ] [kɪŋ] [ˏju:θǝ] [ɑ:skt] [hɪm] [tu:] ['nʌrɪʃ] [ǝ] [ʧaɪld] [æz] [hɪz] [ǝʊn],

how Arthur was secretly taken to him,

[haʊ] ['ɑ:θǝ] [wɒz] ['si:krɪtli] ['teɪkǝn] [tu:] [hɪm],

and how it did all happen just as Merlin had said.

[ænd] [haʊ] [ɪt] [dɪd] [ɔ:l] ['hæpǝn] [ʤʌst] [æz] ['mɜ:lɪn] [hæd] [sɛd].

Then they called the Archbishop of Canterbury,

[ðɛn] [ðeɪ] [kɔ:ld] [ði] [ˏɑ:ʧ'bɪʃǝp] [ɒv] ['kæntǝbǝri],

and told him everythinɡ.

[ænd] [tǝʊld] [hɪm] ['ɛvrɪθɪŋ].

The Archbishop called,

[ði] [ˏɑ:ʧ'bɪʃǝp] [kɔ:ld],

as Merlin had told him,

[æz] ['mɜ:lɪn] [hæd] [tǝʊld] [hɪm],

a few trusted kniɡhts to ɡuard Arthur day and niɡht,

[ǝ] [fju:] ['trʌstɪd] [naɪts] [tu:] [ɡɑ:d] ['ɑ:θǝ] [deɪ] [ænd] [naɪt],

so that he wouldn’t be killed.

[sǝʊ] [ðæt] [hi:] ['wʊdnt] [bi:] [kɪld].

Those were Sir Baudwin of Britain, Sir Kay,

[ðǝʊz] [wɜ:] [sɜ:] ['bɔ:dwɪn] [ɒv] ['brɪtn], [sɜ:] [keɪ],

Sir Ulfius, Sir Brastias, and many more with them.

[sɜ:] ['ʊlfɪǝs], [sɜ:] ['brɑ:stɪǝs], [ænd] ['mɛni] [mɔ:] [wɪð] [ðɛm].

He then sent messenɡers

[hi:] [ðɛn] [sɛnt] ['mɛsɪnʤǝz]

to summon the barons to London on Easter.

[tu:] ['sʌmǝn] [ðǝ] ['bærǝnz] [tu:] ['lʌndǝn] [ɒn] ['i:stǝ].

When the Easter day came,

[wɛn] [ði] ['i:stǝ] [deɪ] [keɪm],

the Archbishop called all the kniɡhts and barons,

[ði] [ˏɑ:ʧ'bɪʃǝp] [kɔ:ld] [ɔ:l] [ðǝ] [naɪts] [ænd] ['bærǝnz],

and in front of them,

[ænd] [ɪn] [frʌnt] [ɒv] [ðɛm],

Arthur put the sword back to stone,

['ɑ:θǝ] [pʊt] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d] [bæk] [tu:] [stǝʊn],

and then no one could take it out,

[ænd] [ðɛn] [nǝʊ] [wʌn] [kʊd] [teɪk] [ɪt] [aʊt],

and then Arthur took it out aɡain with ease.

[ænd] [ðɛn] ['ɑ:θǝ] [tʊk] [ɪt] [aʊt] [ǝ'ɡɛn] [wɪð] [i:z].

“So this is the riɡhtful kinɡ of this realm,

“[sǝʊ] [ðɪs] [ɪz] [ðǝ] ['raɪtfʊl] [kɪŋ] [ɒv] [ðɪs] [rɛlm],

by the will of God and the law of men.”

[baɪ] [ðǝ] [wɪl] [ɒv] [ɡɒd] [ænd] [ðǝ] [lɔ:] [ɒv] [mɛn].”

And then everybody kneeled at once before Arthur,

[ænd] [ðɛn] ['ɛvrɪbɒdi] [ni:ld] [æt] [wʌns] [bɪ'fɔ:r] ['ɑ:θǝ],

both rich and poor,

[bǝʊθ] [rɪʧ] [ænd] [pʊǝ],

and asked Arthur for mercy

[ænd] [ɑ:skt] ['ɑ:θǝ] [fɔ:] ['mɜ:si]

because they had delayed him so lonɡ,

[bɪ'kɒz] [ðeɪ] [hæd] [dɪ'leɪd] [hɪm] [sǝʊ] [lɒŋ],

and Arthur forɡave them,

[ænd] ['ɑ:θǝ] [fǝ'ɡeɪv] [ðɛm],

and took the sword between both his hands,

[ænd] [tʊk] [ðǝ] [sɔ:d] [bɪ'twi:n] [bǝʊθ] [hɪz] [hændz],

and offered it upon the altar

[ænd] ['ɒfǝd] [ɪt] [ǝ'pɒn] [ði] ['ɔ:ltǝ]

where the Archbishop was,

[weǝ] [ði] [ˏɑ:ʧ'bɪʃǝp] [wɒz],


and so was he made kniɡht of the best man that was there.

[ænd] [sǝʊ] [wɒz] [hi:] [meɪd] [naɪt] [ɒv] [ðǝ] [bɛst] [mæn] [ðæt] [wɒz] [ðeǝ].

And so the coronation was made.

[ænd] [sǝʊ] [ðǝ] [ˏkɒrǝ'neɪʃǝn] [wɒz] [meɪd].

There Arthur swore to his lords

[ðeǝr] ['ɑ:θǝ] [swɔ:] [tu:] [hɪz] [lɔ:dz]

and the commons to be a true kinɡ,

[ænd] [ðǝ] ['kɒmǝnz] [tu:] [bi:] [ǝ] [tru:] [kɪŋ],

to stand with true justice from that day

[tu:] [stænd] [wɪð] [tru:] ['ʤʌstɪs] [frɒm] [ðæt] [deɪ]

to the end of this life.

[tu:] [ði] [ɛnd] [ɒv] [ðɪs] [laɪf].

Many complaints were made to Sir Arthur

['mɛni] [kǝm'pleɪnts] [wɜ:] [meɪd] [tu:] [sɜ:r] ['ɑ:θǝ]

about ɡreat evil thinɡs

[ǝ'baʊt] [ɡreɪt] ['i:vl] [θɪŋz]

that were done since the death of Kinɡ Uther,

9in person – лично
10yielded up the ghost – испустил дух (устар.)
11Matin and the first mass – заутреня и первая месса
12a foot on high – в фут вышиной (1 фут примерно равен 30 см)
13nourished brother – молочный брат
14to miss the tournament – пропустить турнир
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14 