I will Bring out bedbugs, cockroaches, husband!!! Play for 4 people

Николай Владимирович Лакутин
I will Bring out bedbugs, cockroaches, husband!!! Play for 4 people

He finds a scrap of paper somewhere near at hand, writes down the address.

SVETLANA: I Understand. Good. I'll be there in an hour, everything and discuss!

She hangs up, tidies herself, picks up her purse, and leaves the apartment with a businesslike air.

The stage lights go out.

2.      Cafe

When the light comes on, there is a table on the stage, we emit a meeting in a cafe.

At the table sits Nikita, a nice guy with a prepossessing appearance, drinking coffee.

Svetlana enters the stage.

The guy waves his hand at her.

Svetlana waves back, goes to the table.

SVETLANA: Is that you?

NIKITA: Hello, are you Svetlana?

SVETLANA: and you Nikita?

NIKITA: Yes, Hello, sit down, please.

Svetlana evaluates with disbelief looks at the guy. He looks very young, fresh.

Nikita notices this look and nods his head in understanding.

NIKITA: I Understand your dumb question. Well, I can answer that. I am twenty-eight years of age, young enough in most minds to deal with matters of this nature, but no complaints have yet been received. I can give contacts of my clients so that you hear real feedback about my work.

SVETLANA: Listen, I assume that cockroaches and someone else…

NIKITA: Klopov!

SVETLANA: Here! Bedbugs and cockroaches you are able to etch, any chemistry now is, it's not a problem, but how are you going to etch her husband? What kind of ad is this? Who invented this?

NIKITA: it is Not uncommon for husbands to cause much more trouble and even harm to the house, nerves, neighbors and, for that matter, society, than cockroaches and bedbugs. And judging by the fact that you're here, you know it as well as I do!

Svetlana thinks. Understands how the exact words the guy who appreciates a nodding of the head.

NIKITA: But in order to effectively, and most importantly – competently get rid of her husband, I need to have the facts about him. To study the weaknesses so that they can be used for the benefit of the common cause.

SVETLANA: Are you speaking for the benefit of the common cause? For me-perhaps for you-of course it is your bread, but what good will it do my husband? He'll be lost without me, won't he?" It was because I felt sorry for him that I couldn't get rid of him on my own. Live a long time as neighbors, wasting your time on him, and throw the hand does not rise.

Svetlana thinks, complements.

SVETLANA: And what kind of hand will rise, with his nailed to the couch weighing a good eighty-five kilograms.

NIKITA: Explain what the benefits from this arrangements will directly your husband?

SVETLANA: it would be Interesting to know.

NIKITA: No problem, I'll explain. The reasons why women no longer want to lead a life together with their once chosen one are quite trivial and typical. Cold feelings are not always the root of the problem. It's more of a consequence. And the reason, as a rule, is a lot of little things.

SVETLANA: Little things? When a husband sits on his wife's neck and parasites for pleasure, is it a trifle?

NIKITA: this is a consequence.

SVETLANA: the Consequence of what?

NIKITA: a Consequence of the fact that once you let him sit on your neck. Maybe from the first day of acquaintance, and maybe as a result of not quite successful overcoming of any crisis in family relations. Crises always exist, but they are not always successfully resolved.

SVETLANA: So what a plus will my husband be from the fact that I am… we… turnem, after all?

NIKITA: He will finally come out of the vicious circle into which he has driven himself. His comfort zone would collapse and he would face a different worldview. Partly with the one you see. He will look at his life from a different angle, draw certain conclusions… perhaps not true, but, nevertheless will make, and will begin to change. In my experience, about half of the couples we diligently separate come together after a while by mutual desire. I'll explain how it works. It's simple. The problem is revealed, there is full contact, as the inevitability of being resolved. And in a changed form, people are again ready to continue the joint path through life.

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