Adequate temporarily. Play for 10 people

Николай Владимирович Лакутин
Adequate temporarily. Play for 10 people

VIKA: I don't know what's going on. That's just like training, so this ache attacks. Directly twists all (shows how twists), shivers, turns out. Throat itching, nose squelching in the ear shoots in the knee crunches, side aches.

JULIA: and the head?

VIKA: it Hurts!

JULIA: AND here here (shows), under the ankle?

VIKA: it Hurts!

JULIA: Left hand (raises left hand)?

VIKA: Hanging like a whip (shows)!

JULIA: Well, of course the priest hurts…

My daughter thinks…

VIKA: Popa? No, there's nothing wrong with the bottom, it doesn't hurt.

JULIA (in all seriousness): does it hurt? You sure?

VIKA: Absolutely!

JULIA: So, now it will hurt!

He begins to whip his daughter's purse on the soft spot.

They run around the stage, Vika tries to Dodge, screams, her mother catches up with her, completing her aiming at the target.

The door of the office opens, a stern doctor in a medical gown looks out.

The DOCTOR (in a rough indignant voice): can you be Quiet? People work here! I can't hear what's going on in a man's lungs because of you! I can't even hear your breath, so scream.

The doctor slams the door behind him.

Mama, take this opportunity while she was distracted a couple more times hitting her with a purse by the well-known place.

Jeanne's moralizing, authoritative voice is heard behind the stage.

JEANNE (instructively): Wooot! That's right! Children need to be educated!

Jeanne goes on stage, by the hand leads zatyukannogo boy.

JEANNE: in a tight grip their keep need to with the most childhood, and otherwise will dissolve, then already late will.

Jeanne goes to the study, opens the door, looks in.

Cabinet hear the roar of a doctor:

DOCTOR (furiously): close the Door, I'll call!

Jeanne's son shudders at such a fierce cry.

The lady closes the door, looks skeptically around the corridor, stops her gaze at the mother with the child.

JEANNE (busily): also in the fifth?

JULIA: Yes! I here is so, too, peeked, so me inadequate called!

JEANNE (matter-of-factly): not adequate?


JEANNE: it's still bearable. Follow me!

Jeanne passes in a masterly manner and sits down on the chair nearest to the office.

JULIA (indignantly): Why on earth? You come after me, and you go ahead?

Jeanne looks at Julia as if she is nothing.

Julia indignantly looks at the boorish visitor, turns to her child:

JULIA: Vikul, go while draw over there, you see the table, chairs, pencils there some paper. Do something while we wait. I'll call you when it's time to go.

Vika leaves the stage.

Jeanne looks to track the girl, turns to the son.

ZHANNA: Rudik, girl?????? see went far? March after her! Get busy, too, mom will call.

Rudick goes behind the Vic.

Julia takes an empty chair and moves it closer to the door, she sits on it.

JEANNE: What? The smartest? I'm on the record, it's my time! You said you'd follow me!

JULIA: I, incidentally,, too, on records on two fifteen! How long do you have?"

JEANNE: At two-thirty!

Jeanne shows Julia's wristwatch.

ZHANNA: you know how to determine Time? How many shows?

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