полная версияTo breathe

Надя Грин
To breathe

– Oh! I’m sorry, I did not know there is someone here, – someone said from the dark.

Fish got scared, but did not show it.

– Yes, I`m also surprised to meet someone here! Where are you? I do not see you! – shivered Fish because of the unknown, but spoke calmly.

– I`m here! Only a few steps away from you, – said the voice already very near.

Fish stopped and realized where the sound came from.

– Who are you? Are you ok? Are you alone there? – said Fish to a blinking spot on the ground, but did not risk coming near to look inside it.

– Oh, thank you very much, I’m completely ok! Since recently I’ve been here all alone, and I prefer it like that. What are you doing here? – asked the blinking spot.

– I tried to sleep. But now I do not think it’s possible, – said Fish.

– There are really beautiful nights here. Usually, I go to sleep in the morning, in order to look longer at the stars, – said the spot, already calmer.

– True, the stars here are much brighter than in the city, – also calmer, said Fish.

– Have you been to the city? – said the spot lively.

– I live in the city. Correction – lived. That place is not for me. Now I want to change the condition and search for a new life, – said Fish uncertainty.

– Was there anything wrong with your old life? – curiously asked the spot.

Fish looked down, – It’s a long story. Something is wrong with either my life or with me.

– I have a lot of time. I have not had a conversation for a long time. And by your words it seems you need to speak with someone too, – answered spot.

– Here it is calm and quiet, in the city it's completely different. There I love myself. Mentally, not physically. Of course, I had friends, but still felt myself to be very unnecessary. Like I’m in the wrong place. Sometimes I feel I must be somewhere else. I want freedom, and the city is choking me.., – said Fish and fall silent. It seemed to her, she said too much, especially to an unknown person who she cannot even see.

– It is really sad. I understand why you decided to leave there. There is nothing more important than freedom and happiness! – quietly said the spot.
